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RE: The flu renamed every two years is still the flu

in #coronavirus5 years ago


No, I kid.

It really is cringy to watch the scientic experts backpedal away from presenting substantial truth (is the evidence really so heavily guarded by copyrights and respect for higher elites?), by merely showing charts and trends that support the hundred year old theories of what these diseases are.

I am still not certain many/all of these diseases are not the same thing. The body causes all kinds of awful symptoms in an attempt to cleanse itself.

We live in an age where the same science also believes all mental illnesses are best treated with harmful drugs.

Great post. I found it fascinating to learn more about the history of outdated modern medical scientific theory.

Needles scare me, because I know whatever synthetic chemical is inside will be unrecognizable to my vital organs and certain key unreplaceble vulnerable cells.


I am still not certain many/all of these diseases are not the same thing.

i'm convinced it is STRESS.

and like a chain.. we break somewhere.

interesting to note.. some have ideas that pain in certain places represents something mentally that can be understood. I have seen this to be true.

lower back pain means you are worried about money ( a problem i had not so long ago)

well that is the one I know.. and saw it come and go with my concern..

and keep in mind.. this is the hard part of understanding things.. we often are in denial about it or think we are ok.. that is partly why the spiritual map of pain helps to say.. well you say that.. but.. and you can explore the idea and (usually) see it in yourself.

only with God have I been able to change anything.
