Yip , yep, yup. Mucho fun. Will add more as these new headlines keep popping up by the day. Note foreign language headlines will be easy enough to figure out because of a certain key word and a certain specific number.
March 8:
March 9:
CORONAVIRUS: 33 Casi In Abruzzo, Stop A Prestazioni Sanitarie Non Urgenti (Italy)
33 cases of coronavirus are confirmed on the island of Ireland
3 More Coronavirus Patients Die, 33 New Cases in King County (WA State)
33-year-old man from West Bengal who died in isolation ward tested negative for coronavirus (India)
33 Days In Coronavirus COVID-19 Quarantine (CA State)
Only 33% of Hong Kong employees feel supported during COVID-19 outbreak
March 10:
DOH confirms 9 more coronavirus cases; total rises to 33 (The Philippines)
33 test negative for coronavirus in Georgia, number of infected still stands at 15 (Georgia "country")
Coronavirus : 33 morts en France, 1 784 cas confirmés, le stade 2 toujours en vigueur
March 11:
Coronavirus: 33 nurses, 5 doctors in self-isolation (Cyprus)
The coronavirus penalizes fairs: traffic at Première Classe drops by 33% [Paris]
Stop and Shop's Online Orders Surge 33% Amid Coronavirus Anxiety (US Northeast)
March 12:
MARKETS: Sensex slumps 2,919 pts, Nifty at 33-mth low in biggest 1-day fall (India)
33 personnes atteintes par le Coronavirus en Essonne (France)
March 13:
Coronavirus, 33 i casi accertati nel Veneto orientale (Italy)
Louisiana now has 33 coronavirus cases, mainly in Orleans Parish, governor says Friday
Coronavirus school closings: 33 states, Los Angeles' LAUSD, New York City shut all K-12 schools
Coronavirus : 33 cas confirmés désormais détectés en région Centre-Val de Loire (France)
Misure per il coronavirus: 33 denunce a Trieste, tre ragazzi pizzicati in auto con la droga (Italy)
March 14:
Covid-19: A big thank you — Patient #33 (Malaysia)
March 15:
MRT3 allows only 30-33 passengers per coach as part of measures vs. COVID-19 (The Philippines)
33 of 39 local coronavirus patients are county residents, officials say (San Diego)
Georgia reports 33 new cases of coronavirus (GA State)
Coronavirus: Cases in Maharashtra reach 33, state expands healthcare facilities (India)
Coronavirus : 525 cas et 33 décès dans les Hauts-de-France (France)
Coronavirus, 33 ricoverati a Catania: salgono a 91 i contagiati (Italy)
March 16:
5 new coronavirus cases in South Carolina confirmed, 33 total
Yoann, 33 ans, malade et confiné à Toulouse : "Le coronavirus, c'est bien plus hard qu'une grippe" (France)
Venezuela's to implement nationwide quarantine as coronavirus cases rise to 33
Health officials: 33 new coronavirus cases in Mass., total rises to 197
Sacramento County reports 2nd death due to coronavirus; now 33 cases in county, officials say
Huntsville Hospital says 33 patients being tested for COVID-19 (AL State)
March 17:
Cambodia reports 21 new cases of coronavirus bringing total to 33
Boston halts all construction activities as coronavirus cases elevate to 33
Coronavirus, "33 contagi e 2 morti in casa di riposo: un incubo" (Italy)
March 18:
11 Weston residents test presumptive positive for coronavirus, 33 others being monitored (MA State)
RI now has 33 cases of coronavirus; schools will be closed 2 more weeks
UK coronavirus death toll passes 100 after another 33 people die
Arkansas has reported 33 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of Wednesday
Russia confirms 33 new coronavirus cases, bringing total number of known infections to 147
RMV to reopen seven branches, 33 remain closed due to coronavirus (MA State)
March 19:
Swiss cases of coronavirus rise to 3,880, with 33 deaths: government
Coronavirus: 33 neue Infektionen in MV - 133 insgesamt (Germany)
Hay 33 casos sospechosos de coronavirus en Santa Fe (Argentina)

So our sorry stupid ass will just keep this 33 headline show going. It doesn't stop. It makes no sense on many levels, except for the specific message being sent out there for those in the know.
March 19 (cont'd):
Coronavirus cases in Burkina Faso rise to 33
Almost 33% of Canadian households rent their homes. Who is going to help them in the coronavirus crisis?
Alabama’s Master Of Disaster Scores $33 Million In Government Coronavirus Contracts In Just 30 Days
March 20:
A few folks that have scanned this list counter that it's just another number ... random, bound to come up, means nothing.. Then, one puts forth the meaning and significance of 33 as a master number, prevalent in religion, divinity, and the occult. For those not yet hip, here's a short intro on the occult angle. (7m 56s)
Pay attention at and from the 5m 24s mark for what applies here as regards our coronavirus crisis and what is being telegraphed to all.