What im thinking about corona Thingies.

in #corona4 years ago (edited)

So why should people refrain from communicating with each other and wear a mask? As the Covid-19 virus is currently included in Estonia all over the world and it is very contagious from person to person. Millions of people have already died as a result of the virus. What can we do to secure and reduce this virus? We must avoid larger gatherings, especially indoors, and refrain from communicating between opportunities. Other solutions need to be found for communication, such as we can make calls, communicate in Skypes, Messenger and Discord. It would be especially nice to write and send letters to the united person, less of this disguiser today. If we fail in face-to-face communication then we beat using a mask and keeping a distance of 2 meters. How does the mask protect us then? It has not been proven that the mask alone 100% protects against the virus, but it also helps to protect us from the Covid-19 virus. The mask effectively protects against droplet infection, for example, if a person has a runny nose, abdomen, and sneezes. Dense hand washing and disinfection will also help. Why do we have to make wearing a mask seriously? Many anti-mask people in our society do not believe that the Covid-19 virus exists at all and compare it to the flu. With a mask, we protect ourselves, our families, our loved ones, our friends, and other people. By keeping ourselves healthy, we help ensure that we do not overload the medical system and hospitals. Our hospitals are already very overcrowded and medical staff is very tired of working overtime. I have come into very close contact with it, namely, my mother works in the Covid-19 Department at the hospital. I see how tired and exhausted he is when he comes home from work. That is why we have to keep people's restrictions, wear a mask, keep our distance and stay home when we are sick. That is how we can contribute to keeping our shops open, hospitals working and the people around us healthy. Also i wroted it on Estonian and used translate and fixed grammar Mistakes, dont better ask how many hours i wasted for writing it 😄. This is that long post what i said yesterday.


long and painful to read. sorry.

I think you need to break your writing into paragraphs, easier on the eyes and good for dyslexic people like me who keep losing their position in your writing.

Ty for Feedback

any time dude.

just randomly found you on Hive while trawling for any thing random LOL