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RE: Core development report #14: RC DELEGATIONS ARE DONE

in #core3 years ago

once you can delegate RC, we will have RC Cola delegation market on @dlease or whatever, and then people will just buy RCs to create the free accounts earning the account creation tokens, maybe it will be cheaper than 3 hive.

Now we have to figure out how to scale hive main net to 100M and then first billion accounts without having to make 1000 different regional forks all linked up.

Hive cannot even make more than X amount of accounts right now, can we? Theres not enough Rcs or Hive is there? so whats the plan to actually scale hive. thats why its not very valuable as a token yet, the world knows we cant scale yet or we would be using tip bots to start airdropping hive engine tokens to every twitter account at the same time with a signup link to get them to signup, but theres not enough RCs for this or hive. whose gonna pay?

am i wrong in noticing the bottleneck dolphin ?