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RE: SHOCKING Document Reveals Trudeau's REAL Plan!

in #corbett3 years ago

this makes me think of Entropy Vs. Matter
evolutionary theory states that Matter [or as I spell it; ma’ater]
is a chaotic force that out of necessity creates biological things.

you see, the universe was once pure energy, quarks had not even managed to be created.

but then at some point things became imbalanced and what was once orderly [full entropy] became chaotic [ma’at]
when it comes to ma’at, it is constantly trying to “evolve” hydrogen and uranium are drastically different, for example.
hydrogen is less ma’at than uranium, which is why it comes first in the line of atoms that were formed.

matter is always attempting to become more complex, to “exert more control” over its parts.

biological life are “ma’at-ers”
entropy is a state of perfect balance, total peace, and total anarchy. nothing controls anything else, all is complete, all is at rest. the universe will stop expanding when ma’at-ers stop seeking to control the currency of everything.

I only mention this ’cause someone has to.