Can You Verify Jesse Moskel’s Claim? If So, I’ll Be Happy!
Yesterday another newsletter from Eleanor At Kreativ Copywriting landed in my inbox. Usually her newsletters include some sort of advice or at least some writing-related humor, so in my subconscious I connect a positive feeling with receiving Eleanor’s emails.
Meet Eleanor
This is Eleanor. And yesterday, at first, it seemed especially positive (quoting an excerpt from Eleanor’s newsletter):
“Because let’s face it – unless you have a constant flow of paying clients – you simply don’t have a business.
One person who didn’t throw in the towel, and by applying a proven system, quickly went from just $33 in the bank to making ‘an easy $10K to $15K a month’ is my friend Jesse Moskel.
Now, I don’t normally endorse people.
But I kid you not when I tell you that Jesse has a unique story to tell.
Forget the rags to riches stuff every internet marketer tells you - Jesse is the real deal.
But I will leave that for him to explain...
The good news is; Jesse has some free training here that will show you the system he uses so you too can get a constant stream of eager high paying clients.”
Sounds nice, isn’t it? Maybe too good to be true? I asked Eleanor for a comment, too and will update this post, once I have an answer. Well, I thought:
“Jesse’s a Stranger, So Let’s Risk 50 Minutes of a Potential Time Waste”
I clicked the link and seemed to be one of the ‘lucky ones’ who got to watch the 50-minutes crash course by Jesse Moskel. The course was OK, it wasn’t particularly mind-blowing, but not extremely bad neither - so I kept watching. Towards the end though, the whole ‘course’ turned into a sales pitch, and after several boring repetitions you as the viewer and listener were supposed to feel happy as you would be one of the lucky few who got the chance to be mentored by Jesse Moskel in person (virtually) - and that for just around $ 1 000, while the original value of the same training would be more than $ 4 000.
Here is an excerpt slide from his course:
Quick Notes: What I Learned in The 50 Minutes - Jesse Moskel's Crash Course Content
- He did a successful $ 7 500 dollar pitch once.
- For success we need to refine our business attitude.
- Attitude determines altitude.
- He said he taught a course at AWAI.
- For writing that sells, he needs to teach you how to fish for jobs first
- 'There is no money on job boards' is a lie. His student landed a job with Larry King on Upwork.
- If you don't know how to market yourself, you don't know how to market your client's products effectively.
- Don't work for free. You are a business owner. That means lack of confidence.
- Alternatively you can offer a low-cost job upfront. If he wants 10 texts, you can do 1 and you see if you like each other, build trust at low level, communicate, gain experience with this prospect and probably land the full job.
- 'Simply being an original, creative writer is enough.' is wrong.
- Results, not originality is what earns you money. Replication, proven techniques, read other writer’s work. Get a swipe file, and the right mindset.
- Needed for landing jobs: A Great Profile: not a resume, show that you understand what clients need and that you can deliver, be client-focused, empathetic, they want results, humor, compliments, if you can’t get someone to hire you, you will not sell their product.
- You need 'A System for Searching Out Good Jobs': use search bar to find specific types of jobs, search by 1 niche or industry etc.… (examples: travel industry blogs, real estate newsletter writing, email series-weight loss)
- Watch out for different types of people who are hiring - a chance to get to know each other.
- 'A Great Intro Letter': don’t be boring, be unique, use maybe a little humor, think of a short story that sums up what your effort will produce for them, briefly state why you are a great choice for the job
- in one email he compares writing to a ski lift, consistent 1000 dollars in first 30 days, Rich Dad Poor Dad book, put money not into liabilities (lose value in time), but into to assets (asset gains money in time)
All that sounds sensible, but the sales pitch that followed took more than 10 minutes and really was not done in a sophisticated style. That's why I lost trust.
Now Let Me Set The Goal: Let’s Find Out the Truth
If it can be proven, that the guy is legit, this will be advertising for him and support for any upcoming writers.
If it is proven, that the guy is not trustworthy, it will be protecting other writers from falling for a scam.
Here’s Your Mission, 007. And Your Gadgets.
Here we go to the landing page: The course program is called ‘Copykickstart’ and promises to make you win your first paying clients within just 10 days, if you followed his strategy (that you would only learn in his so extremely discounted course). As a writer myself, of course I needed to get suspicious, suddenly I saw huge amounts of money besides a baby photo - I mean reason enough to not trust that source. Then I also discovered a typo in the email confirmation by Jesse Moskel, so I really got suspicious. Now when I looked for reviews of his program, I couldn’t find anything negative about him. When I asked a friend, he said this type of videos is a whole industry on its own - and those who take the program end up selling whatever service is sold the same way the original instructor did.
Other Sources From the Web
- I also found a book on Amazon by him and presumably one of the guys from the video testimonials on his website.
Well, I can just trust my gut feeling, and that is not convinced. I am looking for your independent opinions. So I’m reaching out to you guys, all my fellow writers out there!
Of course, I also asked Eleanor directly by email, and here is what she said ( I still like Eleanor's writing - that remains unchanged):
Hi Martina,
Thank you for your kind words, I am so pleased you find my newsletters helpful.
I can understand how Jesse's style is not the right fit for everyone, and I think you are right to go with your instincts.
The training is not copywriting training per se, but he teaches you a system for getting copywriting clients on Upwork - he is also throwing in a few other free bonuses.
Anyhow, thank you for taking the time to respond and sharing your thoughts with me - I really appreciate it,
Have a lovely weekend.
Kind regards,
22 Wenlock Road
London London N1 7TA
After that I definitely decided not to go for the course - to me it just doesn't sound proper.
If anybody has more information, I'd be happy to look at it from another point of view!
1. Do you know Jesse Moskel?
2. Have you had the pleasure to be in his training?
3. What was your opinion?
4. How did your newly acquired knowledge affect your business success?
5. Have you come across similar offers leaving you unconvinced? What do you think of such sales strategies?