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RE: Copyright? How about no.

in #copyright9 years ago

Just because some, in fact most judges allow this, does not make it lawful. Without a valid contract or recording of verbal or gestural consent to the terms of this agreement, under contract, equity and common law, such a claim is frivolous and vexatious.

We are precisely in the pickle we are in as a species because these principles of law are being violated every day by governments and their monopoly court systems. This will not end until people refuse to comply. Compliance is tacit agreement. Noncompliance is peaceful protest and does anyone, for example you, believe that our current system does anything other than favour the elites who think by dint of their birth they have the right to treat us like property?

You may comply out of fear, but eventually enough people will not just rebel, but they will find a way to be a long way away from the long arm of these monopolists and we'll be there poking faces at them in the safe knowledge that we only got away from them because we refused to be cowed.