Warning ⚠️To All Authors that Simply Copy N Paste ⚠️

In Hard-Fork 19 , If I find any post / comment that are Simply Copy N Paste , stupid comment that generate income , I will Flagged it. ***
The reason for buying upvotes from minnowsupport , randowhale without Reading.

Any Post as from Today

If you have any question, please feel to discuss below.
or see me at Steemit.Chat @bullionstackers

Please Support Manual Curation

Curator / Moderator / Commentator

#whalepower Tag is a Community Project

Medals of Merit from @steemit-board

First Year Medal

If you Like it, Love It

Follow and Visit my Page at @bullionstackers

Hi, I am @bullionstackers , The Founder / Owner for #whalepower # whale-power Tag For #whalepower ( preferred ) Tag.

There are too many of this Type of Posts / comment in #steemit


Here, an example
This type Content is Not Approved.
Simply Copying n Paste , without Review or what Ever.


I will take part in it. Supported.
Resteem so other can see it.

Thanks for your Support Paul

Here, Full of them


Thanks , checking now .

Hi @bullionstackers I've published an article about you, check it if you can, thanks.

29 Best Steemians Of The Day To Follow 29th July 2017


This is the reason I like Steemit! It is where origianl content is valued above copy and paste.
Imagine, original content from around the globe, without advertisement.
Isn't this why we all hold Steem in high regard?

Original Content will make Steemit a better place.
We will not torerate for this sort of material. Copy PastaThanks for your Support @susieisms

Take out the trash! 😆Keep up the fine work!

You have my support as always my friend

Blogging is about content creation and introducing communities to new, and creative ideas. If you want to use someome's image, give them credit. It takes longer to come up with original ideas, and don't forget that you can add a new spin to older topics too. More people need to see your post. Followed and resteemed

I too will join you. Steemit was a spam-less community when I joined. Now I see a rise of spamming here too. I don't want this site to be like "Bubblews" which shutted down due to spamming. Let's flag low quality posts together.

Not a tough choice for steemit - either be a place where original content is created and rewarded making value for the platform OR let it become a place for random uncredited images until investors abandon $steem.
Maybe we need an option to select why a post/comment is being flagged to encourage more usage of it, i think its a bit hidden or people are scared of retaliation if they use it since someone can flag back without reason given.
Thanks for your work around here @bullionstackers & #whalepower

@ rl90 ......check their comments.... Just simple or stupid post, then upvote's himself $3
No upvote to the post creator or anything. Just greedy.@bullionstackers @paul-gillbanks

By end of day , he won't have any rep left
@rl90 , got sort out already

Cool, hopefully people will learn not to be jerks!
Keep up the good work!@bullionstackers

Greetings Fellow Masters:

It is critical to find systems to eliminate...the enemy

Greed, Garbage and Gobbledegook could kill Steemit.

We must work together to keep this platform one of knowledge, quality content, shared experience, original opinions and visions, and ultimately Value.

I make it my homework to seek out and read/view/experience other quality superhero's works and to let them know they are strengthening us.

The Garbage must be emptied.

Working together as a Team is fulfilling the Dream

Each one reach one, teach one,
and if it's bullsh*t, Impeach one.


You sound very positive.
There are a lot of work in curating.
Yet, people take it for granted

I must admit that as a new steemer I occasionally add into my post a youtube video that provides excellent support of a point I want to make. Reading some peoples posts that are totally original isn't always the best either. Matter of fact, poor spelling and grammar and content that is impossible to understand is far worse. Hope you get my point!

Using third party material as support to an original post is not copy-paste as long as attribution is given to the creator of such content and no copyright is infringed.

Thanks for the lesson - I feel much better now. I do always make note of the creator and am careful about copyright. Take Care.

It would be nice for someone to actually put a stop to the spam bitters that are flooding the platform for profits.. Just grinding random meaningless posts with little to no value at all.
Cheers and

I've seen lots of this lately.

i have been flaggging a user who simple copy pasted comment. it is just annoying to see spammer.
keep it up. a flag from you, must hit really hard.

You are right, @bullionstackers. Long time

I assume I can post my own photos without any text but just with title what is it.


As long you stated 💯 % , Own Work
You may never know , I will upvote for it.

I thought all pictures are own pictures by default and I shouldn't mention this fact.

But I always should mention a source for not mine pictures

I don't put a source for my own photos, you own the copyright to it. I only source it if it's not mine...

and for how long i have to keep posting my original work to come into your notice ?? :D

New user?
I haven't seen you before.
Advice is to interact with the curators to get notice.
People are taking us for granted.
I see you are rich able to buy your upvotes
Checking, you never use #whalepower service.

sounds like extortion to me.

to downvote posts that basically copy pasta some link of a naked chick?

hi I saw you unfollowed me, I don't normally go on steemdb, anyways, I scrolled back and it turned out you were my first follower :D weird as it is I haven't payed much attention to you during the past few months, but then again I didn't pay much attention to anything, other than maybe 2,3 people here and my own life which had taken a back seat.

I presume you had a problem with my comment, I'd like to clarify why I have started flagging here and there, first of I don't mind copy pasted links, my first run in was when a random youtube video had made it to the trending page with 40$ way back when my posts that I spend around 3 hours on, were making a dollar up to five here and there, I meant no disrespect and I didn't care much, I joked around how if this post was worth 40$ then mine should be worth 200, how he's basically making money off somebody else and how he could have at least added some context or something personal on how he got t the video or something. I didn't flag then and I rarely do, I do flag however when I see the follow for follow making 2000 followers because he knocked on 15000 doors and made who knows how many spammy comments, when bots are spamming or people are claiming something that they don't own as their own is when I have a problem, I don't mind people sharing stories, I don't mind people sharing links, I don't mind people adding a sentence in a post with a picture, I don't mind the blatant spam some posts are I just don't pay attention to them, you're stories are nice, at least the five chapters I've read, the news you share, I don't care for so I don't open that, I've read enough and too much articles to know it doesn't matter much to me and it takes time away from more important things, like being on steemit for five hours :D or watching a crapload of videos on ted or some algorithmic playlist on some topic on YT.

Flagging is the only thing that could bring some conversation in some cases, in most it brings more spam, but in the case of payouts when some bot queue goes and upvotes or people blatantly abuse payouts well of course I will flag and of course when somebody welcomes me in steemit and wants a follow for follow with a copy pasted colorful five imagery comment.

Cheers, good luck with the writings :)

imageBig thank you for the help from @getpayed777 it will never happen again and for the whale power Community I was one of those dumb people who did that and was blacklisted by the Cheetah robot but thanks to @bullionstackers and his assistant I no longer copy or paste or have that cheetah robot show up on my posts thank you once again and steem on!

Yes indeed good sir @bullionstackers - we need to keep this community STEEMing ahead on a quality level. I support you and #whalepower and will upvote + resteem this as promised. Thank you for your efforts

I applaud you for doing this @bullionstackers. Copy/paste is not fair to the ones who spend countless hours on their original content posts. Steemit is appealing because of original, creative content. If copy/paste is allowed to continue, Steemit will lose it's appeal and will also lose it's great authors. Copy/Paste is fraud!

Keep up the good work. I am trying so hard to make valuable posts and yet i get nothing and posts like these earn by nothing.

Go get em!!! I agree we really need to crack down!!! It is dilluting or polluting this STEEMIT platform...
And that sucks!@bullionstackers

I've gone on a couple spam hunts, but didnt realize it was using up my upvote %...
That sux!
So I am doing less than before...but still will not pass by a really horrible platter of copypasta!!
I'll do my best to slap that dish right off the dinner table!

thanks for your work in this regard! It means a lot to us little minnows!!


Very helpful post

Use that flagging power.
I saw the same picture by 3 different authors all with the same comment today.

Exactly, That's why I only make original posts. No copy and pasting here!

As a new member I noticed this as well, and this is great idea. I think it's just not ok to those who have been here for a long time, making original stuff, and those new who are trying hard..to be eaten with this kind of posts.

Good on you, I have had auto commenting bots all over my stuff lately and it drives me crazy, I wish you guys could downflag those to. They usually have an @ and the persons name, and post within the same minute it's published.

This. And a rep score in the mid 30's

Yes! Take out the trash!

Thank you Bullionstackers and Paul, and thank you for upvoting in my previous post.
Here is my latest post, please see whether can get your upvote! Thank you ❤️

Don't forget to read this post!@nicolemoker

Thanks @bullionstackers, never used Whalepower, yet, but I will, and after a post supporting the removal of crap, I will wholly support Whalepower as much as I can.

the high court of googlyness approves this effort to combat unoriginal content!

It's about time to give "real" credit to steemians "in accordance to" their work. :)

Also, I agree with everything you wrote, but now I think there comes second problem and it's post value. There are now tons of garbage posts that no one reads and post of man who spend time, effort and creativity become lost in this bad posts.You re just got 100th upvote from @mightymicke :D I strongly support your project, although in last time I forget to put #whalepower tag on my quality posts.

Thanks for this

True, we have to keep steemit clean

Good, especially those abusing the minnowsupport voting bots.
upvoted and resteemed.

I support this message! I have found so much plagiarism it's ridiculous. Thank you !

I see a lot of this copying articles from online news papers and posting them like it's their own work. I'll think that it was a really good article, but when I copy a line to Google that exact article will come back up.
Is flagging all your supposta do?
The ones posting these consistently, and getting great rewards, have a lot higher rep than me.

finally! someone or better all of us has to stop annoying comments and vote-for-vote invasion as well as copy-paste. i think all of those can be put in one box. followed, upped and resteemed.

Copyscape is a place you can put an article and find out if it is anywhere else on the internet. It will tell you if there are even sentences that are similar. I always run my post through it just to make sure it is 100% . It costs just a few dollars for credits but I feel it is worth it. It takes me time to research articles I write that is why I just post 1-2 a week. Copy and paste brings zero value.

I'm receiving a lot of spam comments in my posts from fakes. What to do my friend?

Lovely, finally!

It's about time! Thanks for the initiative, much needed!

Nice initiative mate. I see many postings with no review or whatsoever.

Bye the way. You know what bothers me. This copy past memes. That is something to do on 9gag. Unless the picture is made by the creator and the line is original. How do you guys feel about it.

I leave meme alone, they don't get much rewards in it.
Members are trying to promote it.
Hardly anyone goes there.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention.@freakyfriday

@bullionstackers I read about whale power and what you and this community is trying to do. I love it. Could you register me as a member?

Great initiative. copy paste and stolen images MUST be fought in a daily base, but I just hope you can be a bit flexible there on your approach...
As a photographer, there's probably no one hating stolen content more than I do, but some times I just don't feel like writing at all.
Shooting and editing until you get a ready to post good picture might take days, depending on what you're aiming for with a particular shot.
My point is that it is also wrong to go to someone's post and write what you wrote here:


I would feel very disrespected if that was my post.
That photo is original, not stolen and posted on the right "photography" category/tag.

Photography is a form or artistic expression as any other, and for sure doesn't need any writing on it. On the contrair, if you write too much you are killing the possible interpretation from who ever looks at it for the first time.

Please don't get me wrong here, I think that what you're doing is very positive, just don't turn this into a witch hunt.

Ohh, now I saw it, you actually downvoted that original photo... Why?

That's what happen, when the poster just put up without Text Content.
Should have say something about how it been taken, 100% own work, where it have been taken.
Not simply Chuck in a post.
I didn't damaged the reputation, but cut the rewards back a bit.
If they didn't realize and show a bit more work they won't simply get more.

You still downvoted an original image, and someone who brings original content to the platform.
If I post on photography tag I don't have to write anything if I don't want to. That's why it's a photographic category, and not text, travel, poetry or whatever.
It's easy to check if it is an original image or not, there's ways to do that. The easiest is to right click on the picture and "Google search" the image.
Better than downvoting someone who's actually trying to bring original shots to Steemit, just because you don't like pictures without text.

This is not an original one, entered for my MonoMad competition. This one deserves a downvote, but you probably wouldn't do it, because it has text, the guy even says he was the one taking it...


Will check in a moment.
Let's see.
Waiting for him to verify.
If he can't, consider the account is gone.
If he can, he is a rich man.
That one post he can't get rich.

i dont get it, its not ok to share a photo you have taken yourself? you have to write a page of text also? i hope im missing something here.

minnowsupport doesn't sell votes. I think you mean minnowbooster.

Belong to your groups?
I find a lot of posters doesn't deserve that much.
Your bots upvotes, too much for their little works.
I am cutting back their Rewards when I find them.
So far haven't damaged their Reputation.
Rewards got to be earned not by simply send one cent.




Nice Post

Cough cough

You have my support

You won't last very long with your approach here.
Good Luck in what ever!

What can you give me? I already have