wow I touched you on wrong place if you are commenting this much and scanning my wall. Like I said, nothing personal. Btw Never mentioned your name here, you recongnize yourself :P :)
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wow I touched you on wrong place if you are commenting this much and scanning my wall. Like I said, nothing personal. Btw Never mentioned your name here, you recongnize yourself :P :)
If we have no auto-votes then you want humans to manually curate which isn't going to be cost efficient vs the humans who use bots. Also just because you don't read my posts it doesn't mean no one does. Even the news posts which are commentary on the latest events have value or they would not be receiving so many upvotes and comments.
If the upvotes did not display how much money was attached then you could not complain or be jealous. Because they do, you can look at a particular poster and think this person is earning too much or similar. It's not really up to either of us how much a post earns though, just as I don't control if a particular post gets $5 or $500, I don't control whether it's auto-voted or manually.
I can prior to the current situation people complained before and the curation algorithm was changed. The curation algorithm change was to help new posters make more money. I'm all for bringing attention and money to new posters. But do I know whether or not the curators who vote for me read my posts or which they read or even who they are?
I know for sure some of them do read my posts. They may not read every single post or like every single post, but they like some of them. Anyway if you go around slandering and accusing someone in public of course they'll respond to your posts. You did comment on my blog did you not?
In my opinion even if there were no auto-votes the people who have the most followers would still get the most votes because they are on the most feeds. Do you want to get rid of feeds too?