Tired of licking boots?

in #copwatch5 years ago

Well, learn to defend yourself, slave!

It is time for you to learn how to defend yourself in a court of law, dear reader.

Just as important as storable food, guns, and gardens, the ability to know the magic words to free yourself from the tyrant morons some call cops has to be prepared before the day you need it.

I was watching Amagansett Press and came across this video.


This guy stuck to his 'no identifying without a crime' guns, and won.

Which led to this video.

This young man found the same random nobody on the internet that helped me, paid for his package, followed his advice, and won.

I used this same method twice in court.
The first time I had not prepared in advance, and despite dragging out the procedure for over two years, I had to take a misdemeanor because I was behind the ball.

Had I known what I knew at the end, I could've sued them much like M4.

As it was, my paperwork got my case dismissed the second time I used it.
I still had to show up to court.

I had to listen to the judge tell me my motions were crap, but he dismissed the case, sooo,...

Now this part is important.
When you are the lawyer, it pays to do good legal work.
This guy did an A #1 job on his court documents and exhibits.

If you knew how easy lawyering can be, you'd need to hide your car keys from yourself to avoid stalking crosswalks near courthouses, imo.

But, lucky you, dear reader, you have me to help you.
The video covers it explicitly, but a helpful person is a bonus.
When you are ready to push back in court, I can guide you over many of the hurdles that tripped me up.

I missed a Court of Criminal Appeals ruling, and binding statewide precedence, in the first case by not knowing the rules well enough.
They ruled according to the rules, despite my having done the right things.
One simple sentence, omitted, cost me a conviction, and potential settlement in my favor.

I could have persisted by filing a post conviction relief, but instead I signed the piece of paper and walked out with no fines, no time, and no 25 years like the d**khead prosecutor, that got removed from the case, tried to frame me with.

Be sure to watch part three to conclude the story.
Give the guy some likes, if you have an account.
He has done more for your freedom than any three people you know.

Part 3 has crooked cops and collusive prosecutors, who would've thought?

Be safe out there and learn to defend your rights because you don't have any rights if you don't.

The legal system is not here to help you.

It is only here to separate you from your money, and/or, your life.

How do you like crapitalism, now?


and no 25 years like the d**khead prosecutor, that got removed from the case, tried to frame me with.

Hard to believe they have gotten away with this evil shit for so long. Harder to believe so many are unaware they do this shit.

I blame the boomers.
Until Gen-X decided to be slackers, cops busted heads with impunity.
No way Gen-Z is gonna go back in the bottle, either.

Freedom is much more at hand than when I first found anarchy half a lifetime ago.
Hopefully we are reaching the point of no return.