We have to make the "Police-Gang" accountable..

in #cops7 years ago

These police are accountable to No one! They dont even have "To protect and Serve" written on the side of their patrol cars anymore! Instead, the patrol cars are painted in such a way, to not be seen until you are right up on them side by side! You would think, if the Pig Police are actually doin their jobs, why are they tryin to hide!? Its called POLICING FOR PROFIT! There are many kinds of police, ranging from elite national political police like the FBI to local auxiliaries who direct traffic and write parking tickets. But at the heart of the police in the u.s. are its bands of street cop thugs. These are the people who physically maintain “order,” dealing out street justice and funneling civilians into the PRIVATE prison system. There are two tiers of justice available in the United States: one for citizens, and another for police officers. We now live in an age, where you are Guilty until proven innocent! pigcop.jpg When you look at the Good Ole boy’s club culture in police departments, when you read reports of “good cops” looking away when their less ethical colleagues plant evidence and engage in corruption, the similarities between police and gang culture becomes more and more evident! People are punished for being poor, as if being poor isn’t enough. You end up thinking, ‘What’s the point of playing by their rules? The gap is growing between rich and poor, just like the gap between race and religion! If they can keep us all fighting each other, we wont have enough time to look at the bigger picture! The systematic use of stop and search and the creation of “no go areas” for young people has fuelled the hatred of the cops. Their own goal in carrying out repression has nothing to do with safety or security for civilians. police-corruption-.jpg
This systematic violence has nothing to do with “rogue cops” or “poor training.” It’s the predictable result of a carefully-camouflaged fact: cops are gangsters. Cops are literally criminals. That’s not an epithet or an insult; it’s a plain description. Cops have the parasitic vocation and the lumpen outlook of gangsters, violently preying on civilians to build themselves up. That’s their social and psychological character. It’s their class. We know that some of the biggest capitalist fortunes in the u.s. were accumulated through organized crime. The “robber barons” like Rockefeller, Vanderbilt and Morgan became rich through the systematic use of thug mercenaries, corruption and fraud. U.S. police are institutionalized. This reflects the fact that they are meant to act for the whole ruling class, rather than just a single capitalist group. Cops are sponsored and endorsed by the state; employed to keep the population under long-term control and to combat other gangsters who get too independent, and powerful.

Instead of being paid as contractors, or through bounties, modern police get a regular government paycheck. But this doesn’t in any way indicate that street cops are mere government "Tools", carrying out a list of instructions passed down through the political bureaucracy. While police may be paid as employees, they actually function as a confederation of loosely controlled gangs, with a broad mandate to terrorize, and Extort civilians. Cops are given a free hand in enforcing “order.” They are also encouraged to create insular, thuggish, semi-militarized cliques that breed a lumpen culture with its own hunger for power. Like other organized crime groupings, they have their own strict internal codes of ethics and conduct that override and exist outside the law.
Cop influence extends outward into broader social layers, generating networks of Snitches, informants, wannabes, and private donors. Cop-lovers attend rowdy cop parties, sign up as eager auxiliaries (like George Zimmerman), sponsor foundations to benefit cops, bring them donuts and plaster pro-cop stickers on their cars. These networks of civilian loyalty exist independent of the state, and are in fact generally contradictory to official state control. They have nothing to do with cops being civil servants. Rather, these support networks are drawn to cops’ independent street power. They are similar to the civilian networks that gather around other criminal confederations like the the Cosa Nostra and the Yakuza. This has proven to be an effective formula that permits the ruling class to maintain a layer of separation and denial between themselves and the gangster violence they unleash.

Like other gangster forces, cops recruit heavily from the ranks of high school bullies, sadists and losers. Military drop-outs and children of cops also gravitate towards policing. All these people have a good idea of what they’re getting into. They want to become cops precisely because they get paid and rewarded for intimidating, Extorting, assaulting, and shooting people. Cops are determined to dominate every situation they encounter. They insist on immediate obedience, whether warranted or not; legal or not. Attempts by civilians to protest their treatment or assert their rights are routinely answered with intimidation and violence. They walk around with feelings of entitlement and superiority even when they’re not on duty. They demand special privileges and civilian submission at all times.

Increasingly, u.s. police are encouraged to grab property, cars, electronics and jewelry from the civilians caught up in their investigations—even those who are completely innocent. Cops hold seminars to learn which items are easiest to resell, and how to “legally” get away with ripping off “little goodies,” as one enthusiastic DA calls them. This year alone, I have seen many cases, of the police selling off bitcoin they stole from citizens, reaching into the millions! Much of the loot from this “for-profit policing” goes right back into police department coffers to spend on anything they want. Some of it is handed directly to individual cops as bonuses, while the rest is put into weaponizing their department to use against us! It’s completely routine for cops to plant evidence, frame innocent people using false testimony, coerce confessions through torture and doctor their reports. The other gangster cops cover for them unconditionally under a strict code of silence. If civilians happen to inconveniently catch a cop in a lie, nothing serious happens to them anyway, no matter how dire the consequences for innocent people.

Cops are predators. They intimidate, bludgeon, shoot and terrorize their way into a position of power, material comfort, prestige and privilege. Their “job” is actually a hustle; a disguised protection racket, through which public money is used to oppress the public; we get to pay our own oppressors. On top of that, police use their gangster power to generate opportunities for endless corruption and sadistic gratification. pigs.jpg

But what’s most important to us about police is their actions, not their image. And contrary to the usual media propaganda, police “work” is fundamentally incompatible with idealism or community service. How friendly a gangster acts doesn’t change their basic criminality when push comes to shove. Its our job as parents to teach the young people of today, about the Emerging police threat of Tomorrow!