Thanks for reminding us of the value of sharing ideas. I believe we all have ideas to share, however, many failed to share their thoughts because we are limited by certain boundaries like communication skills, language, and thought process. Unfortunately, what hinders sharing of ideas is that there are many who cannot accept criticism. If you encounter a person who seeks self enrichment, he is open to constructive criticism. If he thinks that there must be some loopholes on his ideas, he gladly recognises it. On the other hand, there is what you call projective criticisms, in which people who shares ideas get negative feelings or reactions towards people who might have criticised their thoughts.
It is really enriching to share ideas, like here on steemit. You get to meet like-minded people and it really helps a lot in one's betterment. After being hooked here, I rarely open my FB account as I get to meet sensible people here and really learned a lot from crypto, food, travel, etc. Things you cannot get in other social media accounts, which sadly often spread hate and fake news.
Don't worry I won't feel bad about if no one like or upvote this post. LOL!