@foodfoorsoul omnomnom. you got me there ! pistachios is one of my top flavours. hve you still got some leftovers ? :D
i wonder what would you say for strawberry-rhubarb ice cream ? :)
Mojewypieki to moja ulubiona strona :)
oo, kolejna osoba ktora mnie zaskoczyla odpisujac po polsku :) moja tez! odkad ja znalazlam, po prostu nie zagladam na inne blogi, bo nie ma sobie rownych...a bynajmniej ja nie znalazlam ;)
Hi thank you for your comments. I did read your post and really enjoyed it. I’m still a bit scared of rhubarb but is willing to give it a try.
oh, why are you scare of rhubarb @foodforsoul? have you ever tried it? maybe it's not the best when raw, but absolutely different when cooked/baked, and especially carmelised! try it one day :)