This is the moment that was successfully immortalized while visiting the 12th Unsyiah Fair at Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh. This event was attended by many participants and generally are students.
This activity was held on Monday, November 6, 2017, located in an open space Dayan Dawood AAC Complex. The participants exchanged shows his ability in the field of cooking.
Not only women, Magueng Competition was also followed by the males. They also look deft in the processing, cooking, and presented the dish is a mainstay. Any type of cuisine is diverse, as desired. Most are traditional cuisine.
Many spectators watched the show and they looked entertained. A number of attractive prizes Committee has prepared in this competition. Interesting![]
The competition arena
Prepare dishes
Participants enthusiastically
I must say that your writing is great. I appreciate your work and here I realize that I have to learn a lot to adjust your level. bravo @rawohnanggroe
Thank you for the compliment. Let's keep writing bro @fajri