This recipe can be inspiration for not only you who like healthy lifestyle and sportsmen, but it can help celiacs to diversify their menu bcs this cake is glutenfree :)
500 g boiled and mixed red beans
6 tbsp of rapeseed oil
6 tbsp of cocoa
6 tbsp od honey
3 eggs
baking powder (if you are coeliac be careful about amounts of gluten)
gingerbread spices (if you are coeliac be careful about amounts of gluten)
curd + honey or maple syrup
Step 1 : Whisk eggs, honey and oil in a bowl.
Step 2 : Add the mixed beans, baking powder and gingerbread spices.
Step 3: Preheat your oven.
Step 4: Pour the mixture into cake molds and bake it for 45 min on 160 °C.
Step 5: Cut curd with honey or maple syrup.
Step 6: This mixture put it on the baked and cooled corpus.
Step 7: Serve with some fruits and enjoy!
Lots of love Ola :)
This looks soo tasty !