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RE: Silver Bush and Blue Rock Bindweed - two plants you can use in the Garden

in #convolvulus6 years ago

Convolvulus cneorum (Silverbush or Bush of Morning Glory) is a very charming small spreading evergreen shrub noted for its attractive silvery-green, silky foliage and large morning glory glowers from late stpring through summer.

One of the finest, truly silver leaved shrub, this Convovulus grows in a dense, flattened mound of narrowly obling evergreen leaves, covered with extremely fine hairs, and remain attractive throughout the growing season. They are spangled by abundant pink flower buds that open to trumped shaped white flowers, with yellow hearts over a long bloom period


Convolosus sabatius (Bindweed or Ground Morning glory) is a luscious, trailing, woody-based perennial noted for its endless prduction of widely funnel- shaped, lavender - blue flowers1-2 in. across, throughout the year in mild winter areas, from early summer to early fall elsewhere
Huggin the ground, this charming groundcover enjiys small, oval soft gray0green leaves which are evergreen where hardy. Although the top growth may be killed by fros, Ground Morning Glory will re-sprout from tis base the following year. It's tumbing hait makes it ideal for raised beds, hanging baskets or contatiners.

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