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RE: Silver Bush and Blue Rock Bindweed - two plants you can use in the Garden

in #convolvulus6 years ago

Gardening: Pretty blue bindweed excels

Blue bindweed is a very pretty small shrub-like plant that excels itself at this time of year. And yes, it is a bindweed, a name that many people associate with the annoying and troublesome weed of the same name. Mind you, even the weed, in flower, has its moments of prettiness, and gains perhaps a sneaking admiring glance.

The blue bindweed, or blue rock bindweed as it is also called, covers itself with blue flowers that have a touch of purple. The flowers are two or three centimetres across, shaped like a very shallow funnel. On the flowers, there is a series of radiating lines from edge to centre, each slightly offset and the pattern is reminiscent of the overlapping folds of a camera shutter. This distinctive shape is a family trait.


But the blue bindweed has none of the nasty habits of its relative. It is not a large plant and does not form the twisting stems of the weedy species that can reach three metres in a damp summer. The blue bindweed stems are light and run along the surface of the soil, and the plant is evergreen in countries of frost-free climate.

In a normal winter, it will die back part of the way and can be killed in a hard winter. This is not surprising, given that it comes from the region of the western Mediterranean, including North Africa. It has a woody base at ground level and can recover from there after some frost damage. This woody base does not send out spreading roots but stays in place.


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