The competition name: "Moon"It can be anything from pictures / videos or drawing / painting. I've made the rules easy for you now and expect a lot of participants to compete.
Everyone will get at least 5% upvote or more from @xpilar for upload pictures / videos or drawing / painting.
Those who get up to 100% must also have written a good story around the picture or that picture is very special.
And it can pay off when others will also give you an upvote for your comment.So, where do not give your voice what you like in this contest.
When you comment on others here I will also reward you with upvote
1% - 3% Depending on what you are writing
Remember you get well paid back also on comments you vote for.
So remember, give others the upvote and you'll see that others are giving you too
Some of the rules must be there otherwise there is no competition:
Simple rules as follows: pictures drawings, paintings taken from the web or the media you are not allowed to use, then you must prove that you own it, otherwise no upvot from @pilar
* Spam plagiarists may be flagged
Adds one of my own images as an example for competition
The picture is taken right behind my house now in the night of 7 / 10-2017
Type in the comment field:
re-steemed my and your post to make others happy too.
Remember to upload image in your comment Max 2 images per participant in the same comment
My Voting Weight may vary during the competition and be different, but everyone gets upvote from me. The course on steem can also affect it in value. But the course goes up to steem, so also the value that I gave you upvote
This time I give you better time due to the task "Moon"
You will receive 48 hours before the competition closes
Time is out, soon there will be a new competition
Some Images used in this entry are credited to PixabayRemember
Re-steemed this post and write that you have done it in the comments box to be in the competition.
Have fun!
Remember that it's free to vote for each other and not touched by the steem you have before. So vote for it, al be glad
¨Moon¨ Re-Steemed!
Here is my entry .
I named it Moon&Neptune i hope you guys like it

Nice, you get a good upvote @smartphoto
"Moon" Re-Steemed!

Here's my entry to the contest! :) This photo is made by me (Sony D-H300) and edited by me (Photoshop CS6 ) :)
And Few photos to prove
I hope you like it!
Thanks everyone for your entries!
Woow, you get a good 100% upvote @nikita.onopko being re-steemed
Wow... Thanks so much for you attention and support! That's the real motivation for me!
Looking forward for next contest!
Thanks @nikita.onopko
Taken through the telescope with my cell phone on December 21st 2010

Woow, you get a good 100% upvote @davedickeyyall being re-steemed
Put it on your page and the link here as I can Re-stemed
"Moon" post resteemed.
my entry is a photo manipulation
post link--
the manipulated photo with moon
the real photo taken from pixabay
the full story is in the post
very good post, congratulation 100% vote from @xiplar :)
i loved the 100% vote
Wooow, you get a good 100% upvote being re-steemed @masummim50
i loved it, thank you
Good job!
thank you
wow an it's amazing buddy, i like it and voted
thank you
You're welcome buddy
heeey... where is moon on second image? ;)
it's a photo manipulation.... i created the moon.... if you read the whole post you will see how
Nice work
you are so creative, keep it up
thank you @saini88
Great choice
thanks @hichemfetoui
u are welcome :)
Nice post,,, :)
mm lookin great!
"moon" upvoted and resteemed.
now you will see the night sky fish.
fish danced on the moon. :D
and city parallel of moon. :D
your imagination with artdesign. :D
Mega cool!
Thanks U Buddy @norwegiansteem
upvoted good job!!
Put it on your page and the link here as I can re-steemedNice, you get a good upvote @podanrj
Bak long na rukok meubalot Jeut?
Haha. Pat man pat man @rooneey
Hana meuho tunong baroeh enteuk.....Han mutemei maen steemit le enteuk
Fish moon,, good,,, good :))
nice style man
Thank U Dude..
This artwork is really interesting !
I love the creative people!
Good Work , Brother! :)
Moonshine over the sea
I want to participate just to join the good concept 😄
(Sorry for the low quality, I only have my phone to take photos with.)
I was out on a evening walk with my dog, when the moon shone through and lit up the clouds. It was very beautiful.
Location: Molde, Norway
Medium: Samsung Galaxy s7
Link to my post:
Nice, you get a good upvote @norwegiansteem
Thank you so much for appriciating my photo 😄
good shot ! upvoted :)
Thanks mate! Appriciate it :)
u are welcome :)
Low quality? Nah, that's a good picture if you ask me :D
Thank you so much 😊
good shot! realy laik it
Thanks 😊
best on my opinion
like @norwegiansteem
Thank you :)
ok @norwegiansteem
This is also very nice photo!
It has an atmosphere, thats why I like it!
Thank you :)
My Beautiful Moon
whether I'm late, hopefully the time has not been exhausted.
I just saw it, after waking up from sleepHay Hello Sir, Iam Join Now Okay @xpilar
Already upvote and resteem sir @xpilar, thankyou
i'm happythank you very much @xpilar :)
Nice, you get a good upvote @asyi
Awesome contest my friend Up&Resteem Moon Drawing
nice picture :)
Many thanks
Upvote for image comes laterThanks @amirphotography
Ok my friend
Do you use telescope, good close-up you have there
Hehe, now you see that you have written a drawing
This is old drawing photo not a real moon photo
getting an actual picture like that would so much harder
Ask who he does @amirphotography
Nice, you get a good upvote @ saini88
thank you too much @xpilar!
Big moon. :)
Many thanks
agree with this cool designer!
This is amazing.
good to be artist... cool drawing
Many thanks
Nice draw
Many thanks
@amirphotography , nice , i like this. image .
Many thanks
oc @amirphotography :)
asome drawing!
Many thanks
Good job like it nice drawing ☺
Many thanks
u are welcome :)
nice drawing @amirphotography upvoted and followed
Many thanks
Thankyou and regards @albuluhi :).
Hi @xpilar, it's a original photo with my camera phoen for me to your contest today.
Nice, you get a good upvote @albuluhi
Thankyou very much :):).
nice post .... woooow ....
there is a hand drawing inside your moon ....hi @albuluhi.... @xpilar .... there is a hand drawing inside moon ..@albuluhi....hahaha
Ha ha ha ha,, if we have a good camera,, mybe is very good.
I like the scary vibes this photo gives me :)
yes, it is terrible.
Look nice
I upvote and resteem oke.
moon in black and white version
Great entry man support you
u are welcome :)
that's awesome. i see this kind of things with my eyes, (only the moon isn't always white) but if i try to take a snapshot with my 5mp phone camera it takes something really weird
Yes,, thankyou.
Upvoted and Resteemed
This is my entry i tooked it last night hope folks you like it and enjoy it i think it's a perfect shot for the short period of time allowed hope you support me 😀
Nice, you get a good upvote @hichemfetoui
link to my post:
Coll shot though!!👍👍
thank you :)
hahahahah .....
the moon is very good @hichemfetoui
i'm so glad because you love it :)
hahahaha ..... where are you .@hichemfetoui... strange
in the end of every week i travel to continue my study i have only my mobile phone ;)
i go home ok thank....
mystical light, nice!
thank you :)
nice shot man!
thanks :)
Nice combination of moon & clouds in you objective! Keep shooting!:)
" Moon"
Re-Steemed this competition..
I took this moon shots few hour ago when I woke up and I see brighter of the moon outside.. i went inside took my phone had some snapshots .
For organized this competitionThank @xpilar
Nice, you get a good upvote @davidad
Thx @xpilar...for this.
cosmic object detected :)
How u mean ?
just kidding... mean your photo looks like science astronomy illustration
Thx ☺☺☺
nice moon @davidad
Thx @sultan-aceh
Great picture the first don't work
Oh u like second one ? Thx
Yellow monn,, good.
Thx @albuluhi
Hallo @xpilar, how are you..?
This is my photo of the moon, which I took with the camera phone.
I have been looking at the moon for two nights, the scenery is very beautiful, the sky is also very bright. I like this atmosphere.
Thank you for this contest..!
and thank for you @xpilar, I hope you like this photo.
Nice, you get a good upvote @arkan18
Great man good picture
Thank you @hichemfetoui
u are welcome :)
that almost look like a street light, i have never seen a moon shining like that in a photo
Good moon @arkan18,like a l
woow nice moon @arkan18 @arkan18 welcome to and @albuluhi from aceh
nice photo @arkan18
Nice picture, brother! I like it ! :)
Hello! Upvote & Resteem :) my enter "Moon" :

Nice, you get a good upvote @kobusu
Great entry man city in dark 😀
good luck =)
nice moon @kobusu
excellent shot
cool shot dude
This is also good street shot ! Nice entry!
"Moon" I washed myself in a sauna next to a lake. I swam in the cold refreshing water while gazing above the dark blue back of the lake to opposite shore where I saw few lights. But above between the clouds the full moon, brighter than any bulb, provided a shining so that the night wasn't completely taken away by the darkness.
Nice, you get a good upvote @celestal
Thank you @xpilar! 😊
Amazing shot
Thanks @hichemfetoui :D
u are welcome :)
nice moon .... @celestal
cool shot
Thanks mate
Hello happy weekend @ xpilar :)
Good Contest Theme, my theme is
Where, Last Night I photographed the moon
Like there's a whisper that you're going to make a contest about the moon
hope i get the best from you @xpilar :)
vote & resteem your post contest @xpilar (superstar) :D
Joining Contest @xpilar Theme ~ Moon : Photography Full Moon In Aceh Area, Lhokseumawe City
I have completed it in a post from me for your contest @xpilar
it looks like i did not get anything this time, but no what i keep happy @xpilar :D
Nice, you get a good upvote @sallsteem
wow thanks you @xpilar you superstar senior steemit :) :D
Cool 😉
thanks brother :D
Moon :)good night @xpilar, allow me to participate in your contest
Moon of the night is very good and perfect, it's just a less good picture.
I'm so proud of you, and want to be like you someday :)it's a moon photo that I can give.thanks for you @xpilar :) Nice to meet you @xpilar.
Nice to hear @mahrizal
cool moon ㅇㅅㅇ
welcome to the contest :)
Nice, you get a good upvote @mahrizal
Upvoted and resteemed

A drawing i did using black and silver sharpie, on tombstone pizza cardboard cut out.
Nice, you get a good upvote @ace84
nice art
good idea @ace84
Woww amazing idea recycling card
You got skills man! Nicely done :)
very cute job man
Wow,this is creative!
"moon" upvoted and resteemed.

in the night when the sky become darker than black ther's only one thing to illuminate us from the darkness. the moon is our salvation in darkness of the night!
Nice, you get a good upvote @tarakki
Good post
Birds flying during moonlight??
Really great capture!
Woow,,,,,, is very cool,,. Thankyou.
Super nice :)
Cool shot
nice image taraki :)
Nice @tarakki
my opinion bether one atm...
nixe moon @tarakki
Good job pote :)
Like your color :)
wow magnificent!
beauty colors
nice momen to view the moon photogrhap, thank you for sharing!
nice post..
Amazing view...
my photography of the "Moon"
Great shot man i enjoy it 😎
Thanks man, i glade!
u are welcome :)
Nice, you get a good upvote @stmeme
Thank you
resteemed & upvoted, thanks for asome chalange @xpilar
original one)
nice moon @stmeme
Thanks @sultan-aceh
Thank you again @stmeme
Moon play yes:)
Ha ha ha ha,, are you
hehe nice try
TY ;)
Cool)))) Excellent contest))) Here is my contribution)) Painted the moon))

good drawing :)
Many thanks)
Nice, you get a good upvote @sokoloffa
You are very kind))))) I wish you a great day))))
Thanks @sokoloffa
ascetic but cute drawing
Many thanks)
I'm following the moon contest.

May like the lamp, but its a real moon. Capture with my phone xiaomi 3s.
This contest I know from @sultan-aceh, when i'm goes to coffee shop I look the beautiful moon, but i'm just have a smart phone. I keep capture the moon n following this contest.
good picture :)
Thanks @hichemfetoui
u are welcome :)
Nice, you get a good upvote @coretan
Its so amazing...
Thank u so muchThanks a lot @xpilar
And here's my entry for the day.Hello @xpilar I'm very thankful for this another photo contest.
Link to the post:
3 moon :^p
Nice, you get a good upvote @katteasis
I do Upvote and resteem. There is my photography of the "MOON"

nice one ;)
Nice, you get a good upvote @naturelife
We have a full moon. Houses and trees look like a fairy tale in the light of the moon. It seems that a werewolf is about to appear from the pipe ...
great moon :)
Nice, you get a good upvote @dlina-v-metrah
Thank you!
Here is my entry for "moon"
All the above pictures were clicked by me,a couple of weeks ago.
I hope you can spot the moon 🌙🌙
Nice, you get a good upvote @iamhaque
Great and cool shot
I like it! You can see the moon ;)
I love how the moon is so high above the horizon all alone.
wooow nice @iamhaque
Very small.. But is cool.
beautiful photos
magnificent photo!!!
Moon During The Day
Hello @xpilar and all steemian, here is my entry
please visit this link and resteem it!
Nice, you get a good upvote @saini88
Good pick :) not always the moon is clear
Very nice.. i like
thank you so much @masummim50, I glad to hear you like it
thank you @fataelrumy
a photo of a moon in the daylight is always awesome
nice and smooth photo's
thanks @naturelife
welcome @saini88 :)
simple but cool
thank you @mariachan, I followed you :)
nice moon @saini88 :)
Nice shot, evening?
cool shot!
thank you @stmeme, followed you
Thanks @saini88 followed you to!
very nice photographys
thank you very much @kobusu, have a great day!
Hi @xpilar, it's the second photo from me for your contest ,, hope you like it. Thankyou.
good pic :)
**Beauty of my city. **
Where is the moon ??
Oopss wrong pic. Its my mistake.
LOL no problem :)
Sorry but Can't say is it moonlight or sunlight during sunset.
amazing capture anyway.
Thank you 😊
hehe funny
bethet luck next time :p
This post contains the picture of my school. Hope you like it and consider it.
Check the rules
I personally loved this one.
P.s: found on my friends facebook wall and I don't own this photo.
a very nice photo mate... specially for those who love football like myself
I liked it because I'm also a huge fan of football. Thank you!!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @xpilar!
Nice to hear :)
Hi buddy @xpilar, How are you ?! I hope you in good healthy always, I voted and resteemed the contest, but in the contest I can not include it, I don't have anything from "moon" category. so I will see the next in the contest.
Warm Regard from Aceh-Sumatra
Hi @ dilimunanzar
Nice to follow and there are more competitions.
Thank you for your comment
Time left before the competition expires, click here to see Countdown
There are probably many who wonder if I have upvote their picture in the competition and often check in and see that others have gotten upvote.en themselves.
Everybody gets upvote and even on the commentary.
And that I'm through all the comments you see on my upvote on comment.
Unfortunately, I do not have time to write to everyone in the comers all the time.
With such a great response to the competition, you see that I still follow their comments.
That not everybody gets upvote all the time is that I have to take care of my Voting Power so I can give you the best possible upvote on images you have in the competition after my assessmentHi all
Hi! I am a robot. I just upvoted you! Readers might be interested in similar content by the same author:
Re-Steemed and upvoted
I will submit soon too..
Thx for this competition
Waiting for your entry
good competition and develop everyone's creative and talent
Thank you for your feedback @yudiana
Nice to see your post @xpilar...
Thanks @heriafriadiaka
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Thankyou xpilar,, good contest, I like moon.
I following your contest.
Thanks @albuluhi
Hello, I've just took Picture of Moon.
Ahaha, this is creepy :)))
Interestimg post. :)
I am late... my be next time...
Hi @jackjoe my be next time
You have 22 hours left in this contest
i follow u and also,i think u also same with me...i invite u to come my blog and give me ur important upvote 👏
This is a competition and you are welcome to participate in itHi @hasanuzzaman
This post has received a 18.95 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @xpilar. Send at least 0.50 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.
Steem WitnessTo support our curation initiative, please vote on my owner, @themarkymark, as a
Cool. Designs Mode On.
Hehehe. Wait for
you cool designer dude :)

Thank you @xpilar.
resteemed and upvoted
Thanks @saini88
you are welcome!
hopefully you are healthy there tonight okNice Contest @xpilar ....
I am in the moon contest
the moon
Image "1" Contests
Image "1"
thank very much @xpilar
its ok :)
thank @naturelife
Nice one
thank @dabbey :)
U have a nice shot for the contest
thank @davidad :) me, let it be here ....@davidad :)
u smile @xpilar ..... hahaha
Yes, nice to give you a smile
love it hahahahahahahaahhhgreat picture @sultan-aceh :)
Small moon, but beauty again. :)
if your comment is so, silence is better.hi ....@podanrj
menan jet. jet lah @sultan-aceh
suppose you mind my contest, I will delete my post soon ,,,, live you answer it ...
this is someone else's blog, i am aceh people, shy to fight here.
if you answer it, i will delete my contest post ....
Link Contest and Story Click here :
Nice, you get a good upvote @sultan-
are you working?
haha ...thank @xpilar, You woke up already
Me vote and resteem u post .... :)
Thanks @sultan-aceh
you need a smile, because soon,
must sleep.ok @xpilar, relax,@xpilar
That's right @ sultan-aceh
Thank you @ sultan-aceh
Have worked all day and got time now to post a new competition.
Just okay when Steemit has had a downtime
Nice, you get a good upvote @sultan-
Mate i don't know what is going wrong.. those OF your competitions which I shared were all fade off plus all my comments and your reply to Me everything was no longer there ....what is going wrong
it's back I see
hahaha ....What is wrong @davidad
Everything is okay now @ sultan-aceh
thank @davidad
sleep right away
hahaaI see you do it @xpilar
ha ha ha
I was yesterday, could not open it.
last night too,,
experiencing disturbance in aceh
yes @xpilar thank @xpilar
@ Sultan-Aceh
I have spent a lot of extra hours just to be able to upvote everyone in the previous competition due to problems in Steemit / Server
Good job man, thanks again.
thank @kobusu
be patient @xpilar ... be patient @xpilar ... now the era of Digital Technology all there must be improvements and changes in #Steemit / Server, @xpilar
Hehe, I'm patient just too much to do @sultan-aceh
if it's too much work, give it to me a bit, the job
hahah :)
Hm intresting idea i go think how to be a part...
Resteemit shore ^ε^
Thank for supporting our xpilar
Thanks @mariachan
ok there only one I have *) you know it's not so easy to shot moon for amateur...
Nice, you get a good upvote @mariachan
thanks for good upvote and fun contest @xpilar
you're welcome @mariachan
and thanks
great moon !!
Nice moon
grats vith good upvote =)
scary one %)
dont a fraid its just a pic)
nice image @mariachan
thanks @sultan-aceh
Nice shot and colour!