This time I have created a picture according to my own imagination for this competition " Science fiction" part 3
Picture tells a little, but I wish you to make a good story. In the comment please take a pictures in the story.
You can choose to make a story based on my image or It can be anything from pictures / videos or drawing / painting.
I want to give good upvote to those who contribute to great stories
Are excited about what you write about my image.
Good stories can be upvote by me and simple good comment also gets the genre of upvote
This will be a small competition where the best can get up to 100 % upvote.
Simple rules as follows: pictures drawings, paintings taken from the web or the media you are not allowed to use, then you must prove that you own it, otherwise no upvot from @pilar
* Spam plagiarists may be flagged
Re-steemed and upvote this post and write that you have done it in the comments box to be in the competition.
What are you waiting for, come on, have fun
As technologies become more sophisticated, their links to science become stronger. In some fields, such as solid-state physics (which involves transistors and superconductors), thue ability to make something and the ability to study it are so interdependent that science and engineering can scarcely be separated. New technology often requires new understanding; new investigations often require new technology.
Engineering Combines Scientific Inquiry and Practical Values
The component of technology most closely allied to scientific inquiry and to mathematical modeling is engineering. In its broadest sense, engineering consists of construing a problem and designing a solution for it. The basic method is to first devise a general approach and then work out the technical details of the construction of requisite objects (such as an automobile engine, a computer chip, or a mechanical toy) or processes (such as irrigation, opinion polling, or product testing).
Much of what has been said about the nature of science applies to engineering as well, particularly the use of mathematics, the interplay of creativity and logic, the eagerness to be original, the variety of people involved, the professional specialties, public responsibility, and so on. Indeed, there are more people called engineers than people called scientists, and many scientists are doing work that could be described as engineering as well as science. Similarly, many engineers are engaged in science.
Scientists see patterns in phenomena as making the world understandable; engineers also see them as making the world manipulable. Scientists seek to show that theories fit the data; mathematicians seek to show logical proof of abstract connections; engineers seek to demonstrate that designs work. Scientists cannot provide answers to all questions; mathematicians cannot prove all possible connections; engineers cannot design solutions for all problems.
But engineering affects the social system and culture more directly than scientific research, with immediate implications for the success or failure of human enterprises and for personal benefit and harm. Engineering decisions, whether in designing an airplane bolt or an irrigation system, inevitably involve social and personal values as well.
But there is no perfect design. Accommodating one constraint well can often lead to conflict with others. For example, the lightest material may not be the strongest, or the most efficient shape may not be the safest or the most aesthetically pleasing.
Thank you for your good story of information @kabirat1
Thank u @xpilar
Nice contest :). liked reading through some of the responses quite a bit
Nice that you like it @rymlen
The know-how handed down today is not only the craft of single practitioners but also a vast literature of words, numbers, and pictures that describe and give directions. But just as important as accumulated practical knowledge is the contribution to technology that comes from understanding the principles that underlie how things behave—that is, from scientific understanding.
From the picture used by author in this competition without the science we can't capure that neither see the beautiful of this pictures but science made it possible for everyone to see around the globe what an excellent science that brought ideal of www if not i won't have opportunity to know or meet the person called @xpilar .
Now engineering, the systematic application of scientific knowledge in developing and applying technology, has grown from a craft to become a science in itself. Scientific knowledge provides a means of estimating what the behavior of things will be even before we make them or observe them. Moreover, science often suggests new kinds of behavior that had not even been imagined before, and so leads to new technologies.
Engineers use knowledge of science and technology, together with strategies of design, to solve practical problems.
Technology provides the eyes and ears of science—and some of the muscle, too. The electronic computer, for example, has led to substantial progress in the study of weather systems, demographic patterns, gene structure, and other complex systems that would not have been possible otherwise.
Technology is essential to science for purposes of measurement i.e data collection, treatment of samples, computation, transportation to research sites, sample collection, protection from hazardous materials, and communication.
New instruments and techniques are being developed through technology that make it possible to advance various lines of scientific research.
Technology does not just provide tools for science, however; it also may provide motivation and direction for theory and research.
Thank for this competition @xpilar
I thank everyone that read as well.
Re-Steemed and vote
Thank you for your good story of information @willy1
I see liquid crystals will land in my hands. A few seconds it just wet my hands, until my whole body. In an instant, my body has dried again. I was shocked, remembering since when did I forget this technology. I like living in the past, without knowing how happy I am with the rain. but now, I can not feel it again. the second I realized, I could not go back to the past. The inexplicable period of how happy life is simple and natural. I never seemed to be grateful for my life now or the past. In fact, what I want is almost 99.9% fulfilled. It's just a time that I can never go back to the past.
Technology is truly the ruler of sentient beings. Communication is faster with a count of seconds. No mobile phone cord has been loaded by itself through a network. Flying and diving cars are nothing strange anymore. This is really the world I want. However, sometimes what we want does not fully result in happiness.
The world is getting rougher ..
Now the world is no longer friendly with humans ..
Will I go on with life?
Or end of life.
I'm tired of this.
People lying on the sidewalk.
People begging with arms and legs that have gone awry.
With such a government.
I'm tired of all this, God ...
I want my life to change.
I want to go back to the past.
Cool air.
Tree shade.
Fresh water.
I want to feel it all.
I immediately fell asleep. As I enter the world of dreams. I do not know what I dreamed of. It's like a life. Yes the life of the past.
"Is this the real life?" "Is this the kind of life my grandpa has ever told me about?" "I mumble" in MY DREAM.
Thank you for your good story @coinfarmer
Your welcome @xpilar
# underwater country
To my knowledge, there is rarely a book made by Indonesian authors whose theme is about mental health awareness issue. In the meantime, I was amazed when translated children's books made by western and Asian authors brought the issue of divorce, elective mutism, autism, hard-to-learn children, and so on. In my opinion, themes such as those brought by Underwater Affairs should be introduced early on, so that children can be educated more sensitive to the suffering of peers. In order not easy to brand and stay away from friends who may "slightly different" with them.
At first when I saw the cover I thought this was a children's adventure into the fantasy world that is under the sea. Then think this is a story about the adventures of children involved in saving coral reefs. Apparently this story combines between the realm of fantasy and real. Interestingly, as I said above, there is a fairly serious and deep issue of mental health awareness issues here, with the traumatic case of a character named Meutia. Elements of psychological problems also exist in other figures, although lighter, all can be woven into a neat unity and touch the heart. The power of the imaginary story mixed with the real world in this story reminds me of the Bridge of Terabithia.
their holiday increased strange well as exciting as rambe accidentally acquainted with meutia on page Villa formerly occupied Dr. Grace and his wife. girls admitted his daughter of the country underwater and said that the gravel-gravel small page his home is her sisters are subject to the curse of the witch evil named rangaswazir. meutia was telling the chronology of the story of a long on how to parents were killed by a conspiracy rangaswazir previously served as Prime Minister. rambe can only terbengong heard stories truly Magic. especially when meutia begged him to help save "sister twin" meutia already Bewitched so gravel. way meutia tell the tragedy actually sounds convince although elements such as the country underwater, human can breathe and running in the sea, it is clear fantasy. realized rambe that meutia as can't distinguish which imagination and where real. as his sister young and old four years. in fact, meutia that is in front of him seem contemporaries rambe that at that time new rise to the class 6. is interesting to read the rambe analyze and guess motive behind fantasy land underwater meutia. he had thought the child is one of tsunami Aceh 2004. but what is right ??? clear rambe feel fantasy meutia unusual and it is published a sense of pity.
However, the conversation was interrupted by the emergence of Ratna, cousin meutia direct angry when know that girl tell "fantasy ngawurnya" on rambe. meutia hysterical when Ratna interesting hands with rough while threatening-threatened. meutia said that "ladies Ratna been exposed to evil forces rangaswazir so be evil to him, as many people he know from over the country underwater. rambe went, but he returned by bringing Ridwan and Chang. third child it was" juggle "themselves to be the Prince Ridwan Harris, Duke of Lim Kuo changdan commander rambe Muhammad ritonga for help meutia face the fear of rangaswazir.
nice @nafazul
Nice post.
very nice ;) best wishes
Oppa another great story
Nice story.
Thanks my friend.
verry good story
amazing storry
Thank you for your good story @ nafazul
Scientific are working on various applications of spectroscopy in low resource settings. So, what that means is using optical technology to really understand the chemical makeup of different materials,” my once upon the time will be talk about earth soil and benenit from it, what do i mean by that? I simply mean agricultute.
One material farmer looks at is soil -- soil that farmers need to grow crops, to feed families, and sell at markets. Soil composition is important for producing bumper crops year after year.
“The idea here is when people understand what’s in their soil -- so, they know, you know, nitrogen, phosphorous, carbon, and all of those good things -- then they can get dramatic improvements in their crop yields by using the right kind of fertilizer that’s matched exactly to their soil,”
It turns out that fertilizers don't always work the way they should to help improve crops.
“For example, one of the fertilizers that has been recommended by governments over the years, without knowing what the soil is like, actually has been making certain soils very acidic to the point where, you know, additional fertilizer doesn’t help because the soil is too acidic.
So, the idea here is by bringing the testing to farmers with much lower cost devices, then the productivity by small farmers can be boosted and they can improve their incomes and therefore their livelihoods.
When farmers in places like sub-Saharan Africa cannot grow enough food, many resort to deforestation or using land not suited for crops. The result has been problems with soil erosion and poor nutrients within soil. Keller wants to help them farm more sustainably and reliably.
“We can basically input the spectral data, which can tell you, you know, how much of the soil is acidic in order to pre-determine what type of fertilizer will be good for farm land.
Thanks to science and technology, alot of agriculture products was been damaged by insects, and animals, but few years back farm has been recorded a tremendous achievement from their farm land by making use of insecticides to kill those insect ought to destroy their harvest and also pesticides was been use to control pest in the farm field in order for farmer to make huge profit.
Storage facilities is one of the major problems farmers are facing in sub-sharan Africa, but with help from science finding the situation has been dramatic change, lots of agriculture products always wasted and loss due to poor storage facilities, now farmers can stored agriculture products under minimal period to be used when the season of such agriculture products passsed.
Re-Steemed and upvoted.
nice @julyboy
Thank you for sharing the information with us @julyboy
Wlcm. Mr.
Since the concepts of the immortal soul, rebirth and the other world, inhabited by the spirits of ancestors began to disappear from everyday life, life has become more difficult.
Even the most materialistic materialist with strong nerves prefers not to speak too often about the fact that life is one, that before you you were not and after surely will not be. As such arguments inevitably devalue this very unique life.
To do something, do something, if you are only the result of chance between two infinities. Infinity before you, infinity after. Moreover, even the very consciousness, your priceless and ardently beloved "I", terrible, cruel materialists reduce to organic chemistry in an unreasonable mechanistic flask-universe, controlled by a pair of three physical laws. But the materialists are also people and the human that remains in them (a joke), riots and demands to strain the brains and urgently sweeten the pill.
Thus, various mental constructions of the type appear: "He will remain forever in our hearts (thoughts)," "He will live in his own affairs." Many are anxious to: "leave something after themselves." Or is this the conclusion: "life is one - enjoy, take everything from life." That formally is also wrong; what difference does it make how you lived your only life - there is no more of you! All this together seems extremely clumsy and helpless fictions and from the endless repetition has long been lost and the meager proportion of the meaning that was in them.
But how good it was before - if even all my life I tried and tried as hard as I could, in the next I would be born a fur seal, which is insulting of course, but you can live ...
nice @stranniksenya
Thank you for your good story @stranniksenya
underwater mystery story
hi steemian friends, before discussing the mystery under the sea, who here who has a hobby to play in the water? Swimming, canoeing, surfing or anything else that might be done on the water. Main water emang could be a hobby almost everyone, because emang water is the most element in our earth is sob. And you need to know friends, the fact is that 80 percent of the water on Earth has not been explored yet.
That means what is far in the sea, belon there is maanusia recorded or research that nyatet what the contents of the depth of the sea as a whole. Well, maybe aja tuh, Megalodon vs. rich Octopus which in pelm-pelm real. Kagak no one ever thought too, right or not
underwater mystery
it would not be perfect if I discussed the first underwater mystery instead of the Bermuda Triangle. The mysterious location that supposedly contains this magnetic field has been a conversation since hundreds of years ago gengs. The Bermuda Triangle is among the imaginary lines drawn from the islands of Bermuda, Florida; United States of America, and San Juan; Puerto Rico.
This place is a no-fly and sail zone because there are so many mysterious accidents, both airplanes and ships that sink there. Many stories have evolved, from the story of the lost kingdom of Atlantis, the UFO base, the zone where the demons reside, and so on.
But the most popular nih gengs is the theory that the place contains a strong magnetic field. There has never been any clear research or research on the mystery contained in this place. Maybe you want to try nyempung there?
underwater mystery
The story of the giant squid is scattered all over the world. Even since the voyage around the world by Colombus. Giant squid is considered real existence. For the giant squid squid, he has the Latin name Colossal Squid. And emang really really big.
Colossal Squid has a length of about 15 meters if pulled from the tip of the head until the tip tentacles. But even though Colossal Squid looks scary, she's actually a fine dining for whales. Maybe for them, looking at the rich squid dropped into the cooking of the paddock, continue to sate the eggs of the squid.
Great !!
Thanks for sharing @harrylihardo
Hi' Ultimately, technology can offer families a wide array of tools that can prevent blunders like the infamous birthday party snafu.
I want to write about way that parents use technology beneficial and positively.
Here are ways parents can use technology positively:
● Online calendars help coordinate everyone’s schedules and can be accessed by a variety of devices. Google Calendar is a great one to try.
● Cell phones allow families to text updates on activities, practices, and even grocery lists. Do you remember how hard it was to organize schedules without cell phones?
● Teachers are able to use class websites or apps like Class Dojo to keep parents updated about school.
● Busy parents are able to pay bills and bank online. You can conveniently pay the electric bill at 11:30 while watching Jimmy Fallon.
● Doctors are now accepting Skype or using messaging services to chat with parents and patients. This can save a trip to the waiting room full of contagious germs.
● It is easy to check the weather and stay updated on severe or threatening situations. Keeping your family safe has never been easier.
● Monitor a child’s Internet activity with an app. Keep worries at bay and be involved in what your child is viewing, texting, or messaging online.
● Get homework help or locate answers to difficult questions like “what happens to atoms when you cut paper or cloth?” by Googling or seeking educational websites.
● Clean out the family entertainment center and go digital. Use movie or television services that don’t require bulky boxes, movie cases, or tons of cords.
● Forget making scrapbooks with paper and craft scissors. Use online photo sites to store, print, and create photo books.
Thx for reading.
Thank you for your good story of information @lawbecca
Our personal life is highly dependent on the technology that people have developed. Technology has advanced with years and it has changed the way we purchase products , the way we live , the way we communicate , the way we travel , the way we learn and so many changes have been brought about by these continuous technological advancements. As people’s demands and life style change, the demand for advancing the type of technology we use is high.
Almost every thing we use has been innovated to better standards, a good example is the ”Mobile Phone ”, the type of mobile phones we had in 1995 are no longer on demand in this century, the demands of mobile phone users have changed greatly, and this has resulted in the advancement of mobile phone technologies.
Users of mobile phones demand simplicity and more functionality, which has forced mobile phone manufactures to develop computer minded smart phones, which are so easy to use, but also they come with more functionality compared to the type of mobile phones we used to have in the past.
Furthermore, technological advancements have helped businesses and organizations save time and cost of production, which has been an advantage to all business, they manage these advancements to gain competitive advantage. A good a example is the 3G / 4G broadband, small businesses have taken advantage of this super fast internet to reach target markets with less costs of operation.
In the past, only big successful companies would dominate the market because they could afford the expensive adverting Medias, like Television, to reach any target market. Small businesses typically don’t have fat budgets and find it hard to compete in any given profitable market. Now with advanced internet technologies, a small business can use most advanced internet marketing tools with a small budget which can range from $30 to $ 100 depending on area and service provider to reach their target customers.
The effects of technological advancement are both positive and negative. Positively, technology advancement has simplified the way we do things, it saves time, it increases on production, it simplifies communication, it has improved health care and it has also improved our educational environment. Negatively , technology advancement has made humans so lazy , technology users are so dependent on new advance tech tools , this laziness has resulted into less innovation , it has increased on health risks because technology users exercise less , it has affected the environment because of the increase pollution which has affected the Ozone layers which has resulted into global warming. When it comes to education, students are more dependent on Calculators and computers to solve simple equations; in this case they can not train their brains to solve a simple task which makes them lame in class.
thanks for reading.
follow you, this is my first time to write anything here on steemit, i'm new here. upvote the competition
Welcome to Steemit @moseskanu and fun that you found my way to my competition.
Thank you for your good story of information
A grandfather stands on a lightning hill while watching the sun rise. The grandfather was named Gabel, he was often called Mr. Gabel. He dressed in a witch, and watched the rising sun shaped like a ball but more like a ball and shaped 3 dimensional. Gabel knows that if the sun rises in such shape, then a sign of a hero will be born. He stood on the hill Lightning because he was waiting for someone who asked for his help.
Then came a man named Woody, to ask for help to Gabel. "Mr. Gabel. I ask for help to you, my wife is pregnant! ", Then Gabel replied," All right. I'm going to help you. "Gabel went to the man's house in Flower by climbing a Lan (a big, fanged and strong but tame and running cat, just in the fiction world).
Upon reaching Flower, at Woody's house, Gabel goes down and uses his magic. Then a bright and blinding light appeared. When the light began to fade, only a fairy woman with a baby boy appeared. Woody is glad her baby has been born. Gabel knows that the baby is a hero, Gabel conceal it unnoticed by someone. Then Woody named his baby Nilbo Woods.
One day, Minaro troops gathered, their numbers thousands, they would pound the whole place. The troops were Baltorn's army, the king of evil and greedy. They are human beings, but do not like creatures other than humans like Elves and Dwarves live side by side with them. But some people are good and love to live side by side with Elves and Dwarves.
The sound of a trumpet sounds and Baltorn begins to attack all over the place and also kills humans who live side by side with Elves and Dwarves. Gabel, who is a wizard from the human race, he brought and hid Nilbo Woods, because Mother and Father had died from the attack.
Gabel lived on the Hill of Lightning, which remained firm and never destroyed at all, where Gabel stood with Nilbo with his young wife. Gabel will take care of Nilbo until he grows up, so he can become a hero someday.
One day, when Nilbo was an adult, he never left home and was less sociable. Gabel always scolded her but she still loved him. Then Gabel took Nilbo to a place far from others. Gabel teaches Nilbo to fight with the sword. At first Nilbo was still afraid of swords, and in the end he was good at using swords.
Gabel orders Nilbo to go to the Minaro Kingdom. But Nilbo refused, because he was alone and felt ashamed of his lack of association. Gabel also gave a dwarf friend named Laton who would accompany Nilbo and protect him from harm, but Nilbo still refused. Then Gabel gave two friends of Elves and Humans. The fairy named Lart and the man named Kurt. And Nilbo went with his friends to the Minaro Kingdom.
When they reached the Minaro Bridge, they were besieged by the orcs, the people who were pounding all over the place and finally cursed into Orcs. Because Nilbo and his friends were forced, they fell into the river Alfer to escape. But the orcs were still chasing them overland. Then there was a group of fairy warriors who saved them.
They were taken to the fairy area. There they are treated with food and drink. Among them, only Nilbo alone will not eat. Nilbo just sat and said nothing, then Laton called him, "Nilbo. Let's eat. Later you will be hungry ", replied Nilbo," Oh. Yes yes. I'll eat later. "
When Nilbo goes to eat, Nilbo accidentally bumps into a beautiful Elven woman who brings a lot of fruit, the fruit becomes messy. Nilbo then picked up all the fruit and apologized to the fairy woman. But the fairy woman was even stunned to see Nilbo. "Hey. Miss. Are you okay?". The Elves answered, "I'm fine." They smiled at each other.
When night came, the sound of trumpets of Orcs would attack the Elves. Nilbo gets up and wakes up all his friends. Mort, the commander of the Elves, began to attack, and the arrows began to fly. The war began to fuss and attack each other. Nilbo and his friends bring a fairy society to hide. And finally in the battle the Orc Minaro won.
nice @ummi
Thank you for your good story @ummi
Atlantis, Fact or Ho#
The island near ancient Greece known as Santorini was once known as Thera Island. The people who live there are very skilled traders, who take advantage of their geographical position close to three continents.
Many wild theories circulate about Atlantis. That makes sense to the unacceptable reason.
Those who believe are convinced, Atlantis is in the Bermuda Triangle - although in its dialogue 'Timaeus and Critias' Plato did not mention the location.
There is also a believer, Atlantis until now still sustainable, protected the dome in water.
Historian, Bettany Hughes investigates the ancient myth of Atlantis. He argues, Plato might get an idea from somewhere.
No wonder, they are very rich and prosperous. Unfortunately, Theran residents do not know they live just above the volcano.
The mountain erupted in 1620 BC, the explosion was large enough that its impact was felt almost all over the world. Plato was almost certain to know about it.
The beautiful Thera was devastated. The debris and its contents are preserved by ash, much like what happened to Pompeii. The story of his destruction may have been Plato's inspiration.
Throughout human history, it is difficult to ascertain how many civilizations or big cities perished overnight by natural disasters.
wow intresting...
Great love it 👏
Thank you for sharing the story @vonnaputra
One day a princess from the 15-year-old Berry Kingdom is very happy because she will receive guests from other kingdoms. "Ma, when will the family of King Arash, Queen Alzena and Princess Adifa my friend will come?" Asked Princess Ayla to the Queen. Queen Aurin replied, "Ayla they just take off from Derlyn airport you are patient," "Yeah ma," Ayla replied "while waiting for you mending your first prayer ashar deh, ntar mama ask Tifanny (Istana Istana) make you roll cake green tea, would not you? "replied the Queen with a smile" want to donk, same green tea also ya let matching so looh ma, "" sipp, princess but pray ya ya. "" Yeah ma "Ayla replied excitedly he went straight to where ablution in his room, after that he prayed using purple mukena patterned plants and flowers, and subordinates polkadot but purple-colored, Yes Purple is Ayla's favorite color.
After the prayer, Ayla prayed that King Arash's family be given salvation in the journey on the plane, After that Ayla smoothed the mukena and prayer. After that, he went straight to the park because he wanted to instantly eat green tea cake made Tifanny with green tea warm "hmm enakk .." Ayla said to heart.
"Teng .. Teng .. Teng .." the clock on the palace, "Astagfirullah .. already at 5 pm I forgot to ask to mama whether King Arash has arrived," he replied. Ayla was looking for the Queen, said Sherov court employee, the Queen with King went to Defiani Airport. Responding to that, Alya annoyed "looh, why mama did not invite me. I, too, also want to meet with Adifa I have not seen him since I miss him. "
"Princess, King Asyraff and Queen Seon Deok are so rude, daughter is not invited" Sharov replied. "Yes it's okay" said Alya with sadness he headed to the television room in order to wipe his tears for a moment.
As he headed for the television he passed through the kitchen, living room, dining room all busy for the arrival of the Arash King family, from Zarack Kingdom.
15 minutes later..
"The king and the queen come, their princess is in the living room, the Queen asked you to come there." Sharov replied politely. Ayla came, how happy Ayla saw her true friends come then remove her sadness earlier. He also greeted King Arash and Queen Alzena.
Thank you for your good story @hitz
Atlantis, A Country Under the Sea
Atlantis, Atalantis, or Atlantica (Greek: Ἀτλαντὶς νῆσος, "Atlas island") is the legendary island first mentioned by Plato in the book Timaeus and Critias.
In his notes, Plato wrote that Atlantis lay "on the other side of the pillars of Hercules," and had a navy conquering Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before Solon's time, or about 9500 BC. After failing to attack Greece, Atlantis sank into the ocean "in just one day and one night".
Atlantis is generally regarded as a myth made by Plato to illustrate political theory. Although the function of the Atlantis story is evident by most scholars, they debate whether and how much of Plato's record is inspired by older traditions. Some scholars say that Plato describes past events, such as the Thera eruption or the Trojan war, while others claim that he was inspired from contemporary events such as the destruction of Helike in 373 BC or the failure of the invasion of Athens to Sicily in 415-413 BC.
Communities often speak of the existence of Atlantis during the Classical Era, but generally do not believe it and sometimes make it a joke. The story of Atlantis was less known in the Middle Ages, but, in the modern era, the story of Atlantis was rediscovered. Plato's description inspired works by Renaissance writers, such as Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis." Atlantis also influenced the modern literature, from science fiction to comic books and films. Its name has become a pamphlet for all advanced prehistory (and lost) civilizations.
Note Plato
The two dialogues of Plato, Timaeus and Critias, written in 360 BC, contain the first reference of Atlantis. Plato never completed Critias for an unknown reason; however, an expert named Benjamin Jowett, and several other scholars, argues that Plato originally planned to make a third record entitled Hermocrates. John V. Luce assumes that Plato - after describing the origin of the world and man in Timaeus, as well as the perfect community of ancient Athens and its success in defending against Atlantis attacks in Critias - will discuss the strategy of the Helenic civilization during their conflict with the barbarians as the subject of discussion in Hermocrates.
The four figures appearing in both accounts are the politicians Critias and Hermocrates as well as the philosophers of Socrates and Timaeus, though only Critias speak of Atlantis. Although all of these figures are historic figures (only the first three are brought), they may be Plato's fictional works. In his written work, Plato uses Socrates's dialogue to discuss opposing positions in forecast relationships.
Timaeus begins with an opening, followed by records of the making and structure of the universe and ancient civilizations. In the opening section, Socrates reflects on the perfect community, described in the Republic of Plato's work, and thinks if he and his guest can remember a story that exemplifies such a civilization.
In Timaeus's book, Plato recounts:
In front of the Haigelisi Mainstay Strait, there is a very large island, from there you can go to another island, in front of the islands is the whole land surrounded by the ocean ocean, it is the kingdom of Atlantis. At that time Atlantis was about to launch a major war with Athens, but unexpectedly, Atlantis suddenly experienced earthquakes and floods, less than a day ago, drowned entirely on the seafloor, a great country that transcended high civilization, disappeared overnight.
Critias calls the alleged historical story that will give a perfect example, and is followed by the description of Atlantis. In his notes, ancient Athens represents the "perfect community" and Atlantis
Thank you my brather @xpilar
amazing story bro

nice storry
Thank you for sharing the information with us @smeet
n ancient times in a village lived brother and sister, brother named fitri, while his sister named siva. His brother's character is arrogant, angry and evil. Every day siva is always angry with fitri.
Then came the fairy mother who would help Siva. Siva was taken by the fairy mother to the palace. The palace is very grand, there are three pumpkins. Pumpkin is small, medium and large. Fairy Mother Ask siva, "Which pumpkins do you want to choose?". Siva chooses a pumpkin that is, "you can take it home with the pumpkin".
Finally the pumpkin was brought home, got home no one, and the pumpkin was split and its jewelry. Appearing the elder brother with surprise, brother asks his sister, "where did you come from this time just come home and where did you get that much jewelry?", The younger sister just crying.
The next day fairy mother came to see siva, and fitri came to order siva, told to work hard, while fitri just relaxed reading the story book, siva told to work sweep, mop, wash, and others. Finally the fairy mother knows that siva every day is told to order like a maid.
One day siva hot body, but still ordered told by her brother, siva body feels hot, headache, finally the next day siva affected by stroke. Fitri feels binggun because nobody wants to help.
The next day the fairy mother came to visit siva, fairy mother did not know if siva was sick. Mother fairy just sad because her friend ill fairy mother can not help her.
A few days later siva could not talk, he just slept how many hours later siva died. The fitri disappointed because nobody helped, fairy mother is also sad because his friend is gone.
After siva there is no fairy mother never get fitri because the child is arrogant, grumpy. Now fitri so good, likes to help people, fairy mother never to fitri walaupn fitri so good. Mother elf just pray to God Almighty, so that siva there can live happy and accepted by Allah..
Thank you for sharing the story @ollya
➡ " The Sciences Fiction Part 3"
As long as there have been people, there has been technology. Indeed, the techniques of shaping tools are taken as the chief evidence of the beginning of human culture. On the whole, technology has been a powerful force in the development of civilization, all the more so as its link with science has been forged.
Technology—like language, ritual, values, commerce, and the arts—is an intrinsic part of a cultural system and it both shapes and reflects the system's values. In today's world, technology is a complex social enterprise that includes not only research, design, and crafts but also finance, manufacturing, management, labor, marketing, and maintenance.
In the broadest sense, technology extends our abilities to change the world: to cut, shape, or put together materials; to move things from one place to another; to reach farther with our hands, voices, and senses. We use technology to try to change the world to suit us better. The changes may relate to survival needs such as food, shelter, or defense, or they may relate to human aspirations such as knowledge, art, or control. But the results of changing the world are often complicated and unpredictable.
They can include unexpected benefits, unexpected costs, and unexpected risks—any of which may fall on different social groups at different times. Anticipating the effects of technology is therefore as important as advancing its capabilities.
After reading this what knowledge about the nature of technology you think it's required for scientific literacy and emphasizes ways of thinking about technology that can contribute to be using it wisely?
No doubt Technology has really help a lot and reduce humanity problems.
Thank for this competition @xpilar
Thank you @hichemfetoui ..plz when you get here don't forgot to vote me plz.. mr @xpilar has done that and i really appreciated it.. plz support me too.
Sorry i'm to much occupeid now i will see if i can later
Thx u.. @hichemfetoui
Thank you for sharing your story @dabbey
Thank you too mr @xpilar and thanks for vote me up you such a nice man thank u
Once upon a time
Future Humans Predicted to Build Colonies in the Deep Sea
Climate change makes anyone unlikely to turn their backs on the ocean. Instead of avoiding some scientists say we should stay on the ocean floor alone.
That's the kind of imaginary human who lives under the sea, aka "piscine humanoid" as called kryptozoologi enthusiasts. Such stories are very rich in fiction and folk legend. The storyteller has long told the story of humans hiding deep in the forest or among the stars, as well as the secret civilizations that settled under the waves of rivers, seas, oceans, to lakes.
In "ABYSSAL", a science fiction story written by Lorraine Scheine, piscine humanoid is the result of a re-imagination of the Anthropicene era. As climate change around the globe, ice blocks in the north poles melt, sea levels rise, floods and typhoons become more intense, and a community will sink in the near future.
Schein views these trends in an extreme way, exploring future possibilities. The main character of this story is named Katexa, one of "the few remaining human beings to fight the rising sea level," with his family. These latter survivors value life on land with high integrity, and promise not to ignore their declining patches, terra firma. "We can continue to be human, as long as we stay on land," her mother told Katexa.
Not all humans who live in the underwater world ala Schein make the same commitment to care for terrestrial life. Rumors are circulating when there is "a human continent from the ground trying to build a colony under the sea." By evolving dramatically into underwater humans, human possibilities survive when the sea level continues to rise.
Katexa against tradition, decided to join these creatures. He refused to obey his family's determination to stay on land until it was swallowed by the ocean waves.
This kind of scenario is not only in fiction. Many scientists have speculated that humans would one day colonize other areas of Planet Earth either to survive or voluntarily. For example, the term Homo spaciens describes human speculation in the future that is adapted to extraterrestrial or other planets. While the concept of explorers with the ability to bertepepati explore whether an individual's consciousness can be maintained in the body of the robot.
Referring to the evolutionary human background, we can now only send tetrapod from under the ocean. It is not impossible to imagine our descendants in the future living in different forms, perhaps even within a body frame that can adapt under the sea. After all, we have many distant cousins of mammals-like dolphins, sea lions, and whales-which he says are back under the sea after hundreds of years on the land.
"ABYSSAL" pours our admiration with merpeople to dramatize the environmental challenges that humanity will face over the next few centuries. Coupled with horrible portraits of underwater life, this story forces us to remember how our bodies are so important to humanity's continuation.
Thanks bang@sultan-aceh
Good story.
Thanks to @xpilar too....!!!!@wandimaru about this contest.
What woow @hichemfetoui...??
very good story, i will just say woow !

Thanks and u welcome @redouanemez...!!!
Thank you for sharing your story @munawar1
Very much thanks for u @xpilar, waiting for next contest from u
Good content and very interesting...i like this content...
mystery story under the sea: ghost boat and mermaid
Lots of stories about ghost boats scattered around the world. Generally, stories are circulating about the story of a ship being detected by radar and sending a rescue signal. But when the nearest ship was trying to help by coming to it, it was just a wreck of a ship that was floating unmanned at all.
This story is similar and takes place around the Indonesian seas. When it was in 1947, there was an incoming message to the Dutch cargo ship. Morse code received is a danger code and immediately they go to the ship sender named Ourang Medan.
But when the crew climbed onto the deck of the ship, they did not find any sign of life at all gengs. Even this search must stop because Ourang Medan suddenly exploded and forced the helper crew back to the cargo ship before joining the drowning.
The existence of a mermaid as a mystery underwater mystery that has been global emang gangs undoubtedly. Either the mermaids who follow the sheep, or the real creature named Dugong who emang equated with mermaids. Columbus even wrote it in his travel journal when he traveled the world.
The mermaid legends existed even 30,000 years ago. Well, if we wished, the time may be human since the first clay mulu and nganggep this one real creature. However, although there is still doubt about its existence, until now there has never been any real proof either photo or fossil.
Thanks for sharing @nonasweety
the whole world is thrown by horrendous events. In the ocean appears a giant unique creatures that often appear suddenly at sea level. The creature is black, long as the length of the whale-some people think the length of the creature is longer, the smell is strange, the skin can reflect sunlight, even he can emit light from his body.
Even more astoundingly, the creature's speed is above average. One day at this sea the next day at sea that is only hundreds of miles away.
Is the creature benign? Unfortunately no. He attacked ships. Reportedly hundreds of ships have become prey. At least that's how the news spread. But is it true?
Furious by the creature, the United States decided to take to the field and pursue Narwhal, the so-called magical and shocking creature, by sending out the fastest and most sophisticated frigate ship of the time.
The ship was named Abraham Lincoln. And his captain, the captain of Farragut, invited a Canadian named Ned Land who was able to capture large marine animals or whales and professors of French nationality who taught the ocean, professors Aronnax and Conseil, the professor's ministry.
But unlucky, Abraham Lincoln was no match for the creature. Professor Aronnax fell off the ship, Conseil, the faithful servant, who will not leave his master in any way his condition plunge into the water. So did Ned Land. The Canadian was also plunged into a dark sea (at night) in his attempt to snare the creature.
Did they die drowning? Do they die cold? No and no. They survived. But only temporarily. Because the three of them ... were swallowed by the creature!
What exactly is the creature ?!
Flavors 60000 miles beneath the Sea
I think we can all guess what the creature is. From the cover only (which honestly less interesting-try the image cover made vector or animation definitely cooler and "evocative", imho yes) we can know the creature is a submarine named Nautilus.
Captain Nautilus was named captain of Nemo. He is one of the main characters who most often appeared in the novel by Jules Verne's father of science fiction, in addition to Monsieur Aronnax, of course.
Honestly yes, I know the novel 60000 miles under the sea (and interested to read and buy) from his blog mbak Fanda. And honestly (again), I'm motivated to buy it because I want to feel the adventure under the sea. And this novel did not disappoint. I seemed to be really inside the Nautilus, in the sitting room, staring from the panel, watching the depths of the sea, the fish milling about, the pile of coral reefs, the beautiful volcanoes.
This book is also the first book I kulabeli as science fiction books the most science! Each chapter is always inserted new information. And the information is always accompanied by a logical / logical explanation. No wonder Vernian (a name for Jules Verne fans) considers Jules Verne really experiencing what he wrote. But for friends who do not like the info "light" I still would not be surprised if my friends to get too far overslept: mrgreen: because I myself have overslept: oops:
Usually it happens fitting part one, but when it comes to part two ... The excitement begins! From a trip in the Indian Ocean, then down the Red Sea (why is it called the Red Sea?), In the sea of Greek islands where there is an undersea volcano (!), Not to mention a trip through the Sargasso sea, surely friends know dong where the sea Sargasso ? Yep, in the Bermuda triangle! And of course, the terrible part of Monsieur Aronnax's adventures with Nemo's captain is when trapped under the south pole. The icy road that opened as the Nautilus driveway was immediately covered once it was passed at a speed that beat the Nautilus speed of movement. Nautilus is trapped in ice, the air inside is high
thank you @xpilar
verry good story
nice story
Thank you for sharing @mnur
Every evening a strange blue boat sails through the channel in the canal without passengers and a captain. It appears as if from a splash of a fountain, sweeps past, pulling ducks, and disappears behind a turn.
Once, some daredevil on the boat decided to catch up with the blue boat. He swam up to him, climbed aboard ... and a few days later his empty boat floated down the canal until the police picked her up.
And the blue ship still appears in the evenings on the canal. But no one bothers him anymore.
Boat, which is best not to catch up
Thank you for your good story @dlina-v-metrah
Thank you!
I did abide with the competition rule: by
Re-Steemed and upvoted
Thanks @aabidemi
wooow ....
the spectacular contest coming again
Vote and Resteem Nice Contest @xpilar
good comment
yes :D
thank @hichemfetoui
amazing comment
yeah.. cool.., every one waiting for this incr
Thanks @sultan-aceh
ok @xpilar
wow.....that's a beautiful photo of nature and wonderful place and a beautiful river....
Good photo.
Thanks @mintu13
welcome sir...
good information
Thanks @hassanbenali
when the new contest will begin again bg @xpilar?
I wait your contest coming soon.... please visit my blog @wandimaru
Thanks for your kindness
Re-Steemed and upvot
Thanks @kabirat1
You welcome @
Great contens
Thanks @putra-rahmat
Thanks @tisko
I forget to stated this.
good job mr @xpilar go a
Thanks @memsyi
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @xpilar!
Thanks @arcange
Always upload nice post
Thanks @labri
Some nice stories got to read from the comment section and thanks to that for you !
Thanks @rehan12
thanks for your contest mr
you're welcome @abujaga