This time I have created a picture according to my own imagination for this competition " Science fiction" part 2
Picture tells a little, but I wish you to make a good story. In the comment please take a pictures in the story.
You can choose to make a story based on my image or It can be anything from pictures / videos or drawing / painting.
I want to give good upvote to those who contribute to great stories
Are excited about what you write about my image.
Good stories can be upvote by me and simple good comment also gets the genre of upvote
This will be a small competition where the best can get up to 100 % upvote.
Simple rules as follows: pictures drawings, paintings taken from the web or the media you are not allowed to use, then you must prove that you own it, otherwise no upvot from @pilar
* Spam plagiarists may be flagged
Re-steemed and upvote this post and write that you have done it in the comments box to be in the competition.
What are you waiting for, come on, have fun
War of Self-Esteem
China, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela are supporting and willing to provide military assistance to Indonesia. South Korea argues with North Korea The South Korean president said he would not fight if he fought with North Korea until South Korea voted neutral and North Korea took part in supporting Indonesia. Saudi Arabia declared neutral in this case because of criticism from the Americans if it participates in supporting Indonesia. Not only that, most war volunteers from the Middle East are ready to help Indonesia in the face of Australia, such as the Taliban, Hezbollah and al Qaeda who say they will send troops to Indonesia in the near future.
It is done as a form that Indonesia is really angry, and as a sign that Indonesia still has self-esteem that still stands proudly. While the anger of the Indonesian people, SBY still gives time for Australia to apologize. Through his statement, SBY said, "I, along with the entire water spill of the Indonesian nation while reaching the boiling point of anger still gives them an opportunity to apologize to us, we give the grace period no later than Thursday, 28 November 2013 at 7.00 am. If at that time I and all the Indonesian people do not hear the words of their forgiveness, Indonesia will make them suffer by pounding out the use of military power and with the help of our friendly countries. We will use the scorched earth tactics that will burn every important installation they have so they will bangrut, I will also send Indonesian troops to invade into the territory of Australia to conquer any form of resistance committed by them even though my people's army is a student, a civil servant, a private employee, a worker, even a brave unemployed and a deep-seated love of the homeland, even though they would use wooden or steel boats to get to their country and to finish them off. We will cut their trade line, we will bomb every inch of their territory, we will make Canberra a fireworks and Australia as a mass grave for them, Australia we will make part of Indonesia territory, we will mengliam every that is in Australia. Until they prostrate to ask forgiveness from us. "The statement was voiced through SBY's speech at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium attended by thousands of citizens, listened to by millions of Indonesian people, and loaded in foreign magazines such as the BBC, al Jazeera, Voa International.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013 the military along with the alutsista of friendly countries of Indonesia have started to arrive, ranging from war ships to fighter aircraft they bring, even Russia and China to send the mother ship complete with fighter planes. Tank tanks began to be deployed through the Main Base IV in Pontianak belonging to the Navy to be deployed near the border, this aims to stem attacks from Malaysia and Singapore if at times they attack. The plan, Russia, China, and Iran petrified Indonesia in fighting in the south. While Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea are helping Indonesia against attacks from the North that are likely to be undertaken by Singapore, Malaysia and Britain.
Hearing this, the UN and members of the Non-Aligned Movement held an emergency meeting. The United Nations is trying to prevent a war between Indonesia and Australia that will add to the region's stability and will destroy the economies of Asian and European countries. The meeting produced the following decision! a neutral UN member state will send its fleet to a peace mission in Ambalat and Arafura sea waters which will be a neutral zone guarded by peacekeepers, and non-aligned member states will send their military station in Natuna waters. Because it is considered a vital place, Indonesia does not agree that the Arafura sea is a neutral zone and threatens to attack all UN-flagged ships entering the Arafura sea. With the Indonesian action the United Nations decided to send troops in the Australian sea territory close to the Arafura sea.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013 navy boats marine peacekeepers arrived. They saw the Indonesian warship ship with a giant red and white flag flying on the mast of the flag awaited the flag of the emblem of Garuda underneath, escorted by a warship ship flagged Iran, China, and Russia. They looked back and forth in the Arafura sea by confronting the muzzle of their cannon. To be captured, Natuna warships maintain peacekeeping of non-aligned member countries, they are served with Indonesian warships, Venezuela, and North Korea. On that day Indonesia also formed a weapons post in the area of arrows to be distributed to the citizens and tribes who will participate, as well as train them to train them to use the gun.How can the Australian reaction be prevented alliances? Before the troops of friendly countries arrived, they already sending his military help. in Australia's northern interstate that borders directly with Indonesia has been alerted warships of the Australian Navy, New Zewland and America. Malaysia is alerting its troops to try for British troops in parts of Indonesia in eastern Borneo and at sea behind Ambalat, Singaporean and Malaysian troops are on standby with Natuna. Thursday 28 November 2013 at 4:00 am, three hours before the apology of Australia runs out. SBY gave orders to his generals to alert all combat forces to prepare for an attack if at a predetermined time Indonesia could not hear a word of apology from them. At 5:00 am, there was no phone call between state officials, no diplomacy. Only Vladimir Putin last called the last development mechanism. SBY locked the northern front forces to block attacks by Malaysian, Singaporean and British soldiers using defensive and attacking tactics. While the southern front forces in his command to attack using tactics attack and defend, his strategy of Indonesia will go into the sea of Australia destroying the sea then sea sea bordering Indonesia. After successfully performing, Indonesian fleet troops and others will be a safe route for battleships and bombers to pass. The battle planes and bombers were tasked with attacking and bombing the Australian front defenses on the island of Melville which would later be ruled and made the basis of the frontline defense and bases for subsequent attacks.
Good story.
Amazing story @seaworld
The story of a dagger kris#
In the first year of marriage, my mother and father, both 19 years old, live in Central Java, right in the village of Planjan, Purbalingga. They still live with my father's parents and sometimes live with my father's grandfather who lives in Pelumutan Village (Sumanto the coroner also comes from it).
Back to my mom's story. At that time the mother first stayed at my father's grandfather's house. In one room my father's grandfather's house displayed a lot of keris heirlooms on the wall of the room and even the closet is also filled with keris with various shapes and sizes.
At that time Mother still lay about objects of heirlooms, he was amazed at the collection of kris in the father's grandfather. One night, Mom watched when she saw my father's grandfather provide a kind of water-filled place in the pond with various flowers. But what amazed the mother was a dagger that stuck to the wall suddenly jumped himself and entered into the water provided by the father's grandfather, who was used to take care of his inanimate objects.
My mother who had been ordered by my father's grandfather to not enter the room let alone toy with the kris that is inside. One day, out of curiosity what is in the kris, Mom took one of the kris on the wall of the room. Once taken, the dagger is removed from the serangkanya and observed for a while. Keris is then in the input and in store back to its place. Nothing strange happened that day.
But during the night, when the mother was about to get ready for bed, suddenly a woman into the room. Even when the woman came into the room, the sound of the door sounded clear. The sleeping mother was shocked, but could only see without being able to scream and move the body.
Before the outboard lights that illuminated the room were blown by the mysterious woman, the mother still had time to see the face and the overall appearance of the woman. The woman wore a kebaya and was beautifully decorated like a Javanese court princess.
After turning off the light, the woman stepped into Mom, and immediately strangled her. Mother can not do anything, because unable to scream. Fortunately there is an open door and my father's grandfather rebuked loudly in Javanese. Instantly the female figure disappeared.
After being asked by my father's grandfather, Mom finally admitted that she had opened the keris sheath. Grandpa father immediately explained that the dagger is where the woman is shelter. Obviously he was angry because the mother just to disturb his home. That's why the mother is in danger just because of touching the heirlooms.
I like your story, thanks for sharing buddy!
Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Thank you for your fine story @vonnaputra
Sunrise or arunika is an event in which the uppermost side of the Sun appears above the horizon to the east. The rising sun is not the same as the dawn, where the sky begins to light, some time before the Sun appears, ending twilight (the event of the sun's light is seen from the end of dusk until dawn). Because the atmospheric refraction causes the Sun to be visible while under the horizon, the Sun rises and the Sun sets is, from a single point of view, an optical illusion. The sun also appears larger on the horizon, but it is another optical illusion, the same as the illusion of the moon.
The Sun's revolution westward circled the earth after it emerged from the horizon caused by the rotation of the Earth to the east, an anticlockwise revolution when viewed from above the North Pole. This illusion is very convincing that many cultures have mythology and religion based on geocentric models. The same effect can be seen with satellites near the poles.
The red and orange hues of the sky when the Sun rises and the sun sets are caused by the spread of the sun by dust particles, small particles, other solid aerosols, and liquid aerosols in the earth's atmosphere. Color intensity The rising sun can surpass the intensity of the Sun setting during night fires, volcanic eruptions or emissions, or dust storms in the east. A number of recent eruptions, september 1991 and Krakatau in 1883, produced remarkable sunrise and sunset events around the world.
Just before the Sun rises or after the sun sets the green light can be seen
The sunset or the swastamita is the time when the sun disappears below the horizon line to the west. The red color in the sky at sunset and rising is caused by a combination of blue Rayleigh spreading and density of Earth's atmosphere.
Sunrise or arunika is an event in which the uppermost side of the Sun appears above the horizon to the east. The rising sun is not the same as the dawn, where the sky begins to light, some time before the Sun appears, ending twilight (the event of the sun's light is seen from the end of dusk until dawn). Because the atmospheric refraction causes the Sun to be visible while under the horizon, the Sun rises and the Sun sets is, from a single point of view, an optical illusion. The sun also appears larger on the horizon, but it is another optical illusion, the same as the illusion of the moon.
The Sun's revolution westward circled the earth after it emerged from the horizon caused by the rotation of the Earth to the east, an anticlockwise revolution when viewed from above the North Pole. This illusion is very convincing that many cultures have mythology and religion based on geocentric models. The same effect can be seen with satellites near the poles.
The red and orange hues of the sky when the Sun rises and the sun sets are caused by the spread of the sun by dust particles, small particles, other solid aerosols, and liquid aerosols in the earth's atmosphere. Color intensity The rising sun can surpass the intensity of the Sun setting during night fires, volcanic eruptions or emissions, or dust storms in the east. A number of recent eruptions, september 1991 and Krakatau in 1883, produced remarkable sunrise and sunset events around the world.
Just before the Sun rises or after the sun sets the green light can be seen
The sunset or the swastamita is the time when the sun disappears below the horizon line to the west. The red color in the sky at sunset and rising is caused by a combination of blue Rayleigh spreading and density of Earth's atmosphere.
good job mr @mnur i saw u are always the first contestants who participate on mr @xpilar contest i think this is very incredible work... Good job mr @mnur.. go aHead.. keep moving.
Moving up
amazing story @mnur
Nice story buddy, I like your story. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing nice story, steem on!
I like your story, thanks for sharing buddy!
Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!
Thanks you.
Thanks for sharing a good story!
amazing story
Yaa.... amazing story.
Thank you for your story and good information @mnur
Once upon a time
One day a princess from the 15-year-old Berry Kingdom is very happy because she will receive guests from other kingdoms. "Ma, when will the family of King Arash, Queen Alzena and Princess Adifa my friend will come?" Asked Princess Ayla to the Queen. Queen Aurin replied, "Ayla they just take off from Derlyn airport you are patient," "Yeah ma," Ayla replied "while waiting for you mending your first prayer ashar deh, ntar mama ask Tifanny (Istana Istana) make you roll cake green tea, would not you? "replied the Queen with a smile" want to donk, same green tea also ya let matching so looh ma, "" sipp, princess but pray ya ya. "" Yeah ma "Ayla replied excitedly he went straight to where ablution in his room, after that he prayed using purple mukena patterned plants and flowers, and subordinates polkadot but purple-colored, Yes Purple is Ayla's favorite color.
After the prayer, Ayla prayed that King Arash's family be given salvation in the journey on the plane, After that Ayla smoothed the mukena and prayer. After that, he went straight to the park because he wanted to instantly eat green tea cake made Tifanny with green tea warm "hmm enakk .." Ayla said to heart.
"Teng .. Teng .. Teng .." the clock on the palace, "Astagfirullah .. already at 5 pm I forgot to ask to mama whether King Arash has arrived," he replied. Ayla was looking for the Queen, said Sherov court employee, the Queen with King went to Defiani Airport. Responding to that, Alya annoyed "looh, why mama did not invite me. I, too, also want to meet with Adifa I have not seen him since I miss him. "
"Princess, King Asyraff and Queen Seon Deok are so rude, daughter is not invited" Sharov replied. "Yes it's okay" said Alya with sadness he headed to the television room in order to wipe his tears for a moment.
As he headed for the television he passed through the kitchen, living room, dining room all busy for the arrival of the Arash King family, from Zarack Kingdom.
15 minutes later..
"The king and the queen come, their princess is in the living room, the Queen asked you to come there." Sharov replied politely. Ayla came, how happy Ayla saw her true friends come then remove her sadness earlier. He also greeted King Arash and Queen Alzena.
thanks for mr @xpilar for this incredible contest.
Nice story buddy, I like your story. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing nice story, steem on!
Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Thank you for your good story @jroh and the words "THERE IS NO SOMETHING IN THIS WORLD OTHER THAN FRIENDSHIP FRIENDSHIP"
The Sun is the ultimate source of energy for the earth. Solar heating during the day and nighttime cooling on a daily, or summer and winter scale on an annual basis, play a major role in air mass movement in the form of wind, both locally and globally. Likewise the evaporation of water on the surface of the earth by the sun so that it becomes clouds and from the clouds it rains and then the water flows to low places, it is clear the role of the sun in the hydrological cycle which is the movement of the water mass. The solar factor in the process of photosynthesis in plants shows its role in the biological activity that supports the life of living things on earth, both in the form of foodstuffs and in the cycle of carbon dioxide and oxygen.
Climate as a mean long-term weather situation that varies or even changes. Factors influencing that change.
Climate as a mean long-term weather situation that varies or even changes. Factors influencing that change can come from human activities (anthropogenic) or from space (cosmogenic). Anthropogenic factors stem from increases in greenhouse gas emissions (greenhouse gas-induced gases), especially industrial-transport and carbon dioxide. The increase in carbon dioxide globally is associated with the emergence of global warming symptoms.
According to one model of the global climate system, a doubling of carbon dioxide could increase the global average temperature by about 1.5 to 4.5 degrees. Meanwhile, the evidence of atmospheric carbon dioxide measurements measured in various parts of the world shows increasing and global surface air temperatures also generally show an increasing trend.
On the other hand, anthropogenic factors are not always able to explain the symptoms of climate change. It turns out that as the anthropogenic activity continues to increase, there is also a decrease in surface air temperature, especially around 1940-1970. Global surface temperature data show a decrease even though carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases
It's so amazing
Thanks my friends.
a great story @nafazul
Thanks @sultan-aceh.
Thanks you so much @hichemfetoui
Nice story buddy, I like your story. Thanks!
Thanks you so much.
Thanks for sharing nice story, steem on!
I like your story, thanks for sharing buddy!
Thanks you
Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Thaks you so much my friends.
Thank you for your good information @nafazul
You're welcome my
Short story and using you image

in the future there will be tremendous earth shocks. The earth will empty the entire outflow, scatter and fall apart. The oceans would overflow and split, the mountains moving and shaking violently, splintering like grains of sand scattered, then flying like cotton scattered in the air. The previously high mountains will be devastated not leaving the rest.
The moon, sun and the stars that will look soo biger, even some of those stars are much bigger than the earth we live in, the brighter the millions of times and the light of the sun we have today, all that will be destroyed and the lights are instantaneous faded and then goes out. Every move, order and rules are destroyed. The sun collided with the moon. The heavens will be shaken, split and broken. The cluster of heaven will melt like melted and melted minerals. The Universe will be filled with thick smoke and dark clouds. sun, the stars that are so big, even some of those stars are much bigger than the earth we live in, the brighter the millions of times and the light of the sun we have today, all that will be destroyed and the lights are instantaneous faded and then goes out. Every move, order and rules are destroyed. The sun collided with the moon. The heavens will be shaken, split and broken. The cluster of heaven will melt like melted and melted minerals. The Universe will be filled with thick smoke and dark clouds.
At that time, all sentient beings experienced death. There is nothing left in this world. In those moments, all human beings are frightened and panicked. That's DOOM DAY.
nice story @coinfarmer
😊trimakasih abang.
sama sama :)
Yay..thank you
Good story....
Thankyou mrs. @wandimaru
Nice story buddy, I like your story. Thanks!
Trimakasih mas bro..
Thanks for sharing nice story, steem on!
Steem on inside steemit bro😀
I like your story, thanks for sharing buddy!
You're wellcome and keep steem on
Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Thank you @sea
Thank you for your good story @coinfarmer
And thank you for upvoted @xpilar i'm really appreciate.
you're welcome @coinfarmer
Science Fiction: Part 2
Today in "Once upon the time " I am going to talk about the importance of science and technology. Today man have progressed through science and technology and made her life secure and comfortable. Man is totally depend on it. So there is more importance of science and technology today.
Science and Technology
Man has progressed through science and technology. Today science has made the impossible things possible. He had reached on the moon. He had made difficult works easy through technology.
Science and technology have made the life safe, secure and comfortable. Today we are totally depended on science whether it is inside or outside the home. Now we can enjoy every second of our life through them.
Technology have totally changed the field of entertainment. Now we can entertain ourselves through computers, Games, TV and so on. Electric light, Air conditioner, fan, and all the electronic gadgets are all gift of science. We can enjoy cold coffee, mango shakes, cold drinks during summer season through refreigeratos. All these things are possible through help of science and technology.
Today travelling have become very fast. We can travel a long distance in minutes through aeroplanes. All this is possible through science. The railway is the another way of comfort travelling. Cars, buses, scooters are other means of travelling which we use day and night. These things made our life trouble free. It is all the wonder of science. Modern world is more and more dependent on them. It is said that "Science is a good and useful servant but it is a bad destructive master." I am saying this thing because today we are misusing it. Today atomic energy is used for war and fight purpose. Why we are not using it for peaceful purposes? Our aim should be constructive not destructive.
Today we are using science and its knowledge in our everyday life such as studies, playing and so on work. Today we are technologically advanced and we have achieved a lot with science and technology. Let we preserve it and use for the benefit of mankind. Now I am going to talk about advantages and disadvantages of science and technology.
Thxs mr @xpilar.
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Thank you for a fine story and information @joabiodun
Re'steemed and upvoted.
Once upon the time
Science has conferred immense benefits on humanity. It has brought innumerable conveniences and gadgets that have eliminated drudgery and lightened the workload. It has brought countries and peoples together by shortening distances, thus enhancing mobility. It has thrown a flood of light on the mysteries of universe. It has led to large scale production of goods, promoted education in various ways, provided wonderful treatment of diseases through inventions, thus prolonging tenure of life. In numerous ways, it is the moving spirit of modern society.
But the basic question is, whether science has made the life happier. The exponents of science argue that science has certainly made life less burdensome. Whether these conveniences and latest inventions have ensured happiness to people is quite another matter. Are individuals in advanced or backward countries now happier than their ancestors were in preceding centuries?
Today’s individual is undeniably more sophisticated. He has wider knowledge of men and affairs of their own country and universe. Does wide knowledge and better awareness make us happy and full of joy?
Science encourages curiosity about everything; it prompts enquiry and questions all the dogmas and traditional beliefs. The Scientist is an analyst. It is distinctly creative and involves nature and its manifold activities and manifestations for the benefit of man. Science does not encourage satisfaction and contentment.
Although science has provided us a lot of amenities but it has definitely not encouraged feelings of compassion, sympathy and charity.
Science has actually brought more benefits to men of means – those who have immense resources and can afford to pay foe the conveniences and luxuries. The poor masses are benefited partially through the availability of electricity, modern methods of entertainment. But genuine happiness is quite another matter.
Science should always be used as a means of creation, of constructive activity and of amenities that bring solace to human soul. Instead, it tends to ruin what many generations have built after decades of earnest labour. Apart from the horrible effects of atomic weapons of various kinds, there is the grave danger of containment of large areas of food and crops, which had to be destroyed to save human beings and cattle.
The argument that science does not promote human happiness well stands the test of close scrutiny. But there is no reason why the real spirit of science, of scientific enquiry and of the development of scientific spirit should be discouraged.
The pity is that, politicians and statesman seek to attain glory and power through military victories not through nation building activities that would ensure human happiness. Science and technology are ultimately neutral factors in human affairs, equally capable of being utilized for good or evil. If humanity learns to make sensible use of science and all that it has brought us, there would be happiness all around.
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Thank you for your story and good information @aabidemi
Once Upon The Time : Science Fiction part II
Science fiction put stories where we never been before, changes what is our usual reality. Gives a new set of patterns, and show us why some trends may be bad or good, if we don’t go to other solar systems, just trying to reach space gave us a lot of benefits, including today’s internet. They also may explore new ideas and approaches and make them desirable and so a goal to archive, or show us a new way to see reality.
Another things that most good science fiction does is to put us, our way to think and see life, into different situations and realties, and show that way what means to be humans.
Also, where would we be without science? Science is responsible for all you see from mobile phones to television to electricity to cars to medicines, everything basically.
Without science we would be in medieval times, life will be extremely hard and miserable without science, without science people would die of all sorts of diseases we would probably live under totalitarians regimes, human right we have no right without science.
In summary science is the soul of humanity for without science we would be nothing and life will become miserable living for us. Science education is absolutely important, most especially those who are in hiring and administration, needs some science background to fish-out or spot fraud act.
Science help in cover up over nakedness, I couldn’t imagine life without science, if there was none invention of textile industries, we would be wearing skins and scrabble around in the dirt aimlessly looking for food.
Science in agriculture, the use of fertilizer, manure and latest methods of farming are sure to increase our food stuff, ten times more. In near future we can anticipate a break - through in agriculture. So also industry can make gigantic strides with the help of latest machines, now in operation everywhere.
A host of advantages have come to man, as a result of the advances made by science and technology. It has given us comforts and luxuries. Fields of knowledge, experience and recreation open in the past only to a few have been thrown open to millions. But the demerits of scientific progress are no less significant. It has destroyed the established moral values of society. Man has become a slave of machine.
Thanks to the Author of this Competition
Thx u ..
Thank you for your good information @davidad
One day, Nico invite friends to go berjelajah to Forest camp to uncover the mystery of frequent in there. there are lots of his friends who agree with the plan and want to go go venture with him. they are a friend school. they are Nico, Tania, corn, dira, Zahra, beautiful, Rudi, ratih, Lily, andri, Mita, Robby and tyas.
The next morning three of them twelve go to the Forest campsites it. they go there with up the bus and the led by Nico. once to close the Forest, they down because there is no bus lines to get into the Woods. they walk into the Woods with led by Nico "the professor".
After bit far they walk, Nico also forgot to the direction of where for lead to the campground. because Nico forget route to the campground, they lost and wrong path to the abyss. after they approached the abyss, Nico and his friends don't know if in front of him there abyss. so that makes Nico slip and fall into abyss. his friends was soon help Nico and Nico can finally up to the top. because of the events Nico very fear so that he turned into a book. ago Tania immediately take the book and bring it.
Because it was almost late at night, they rested. While going to bed Dira was hungry because from morning he had not eaten. Then Rudi gave his food to Dira and accompanied Dira. After that they all slept very soundly.
The next day, they all wake up from his sleep. Tania realizes that three of her friends are not with them, that is Ayu, Ratih, and Mita. Then Tania invites her friends to look for Ayu, Ratih, and Mita. Panicked and in a hurry they were not aware that Risa and Dira were left in the place. When a little distance they just realized that Risa and Dira left. Then they hurried back to their retreat.
After arriving there, it turns out Risa and Dira are not there. They immediately look for Risa and Dira until they find a remote village in the middle of the forest. Then they ask for help to the residents to find their lost friends. Then the residents offered one of the houses for which they rested during their friend's search.
After nightfall, they all fall asleep because tomorrow they will return to find their lost friends. Except for Tania, Tania can not sleep because of her lost friends.
Suddenly Tania heard a group of people talking about their evil plans to kill Tania and her friends. Tania is shocked to hear the people's evil plans talk to them. Then Tania immediately ran to her sleeping friends and woke her slowly. After they all woke up Tania immediately told about what he heard earlier. They were all surprised at what Tania had told her. And finally they make plans to trap people who have a bad plan to them. They all agreed to trap residents by giving up one of their friends to be bait that is Tyas.
The next day, they run their plans to trap citizens. first, they farewell to citizens to the streets and look for their friends missing. they ask people to keep tyas which are sleeping because exhaustion. after that they hide and lurking what will be made citizens to tyas.
After a while they lurking citizens, they see if people bring tyas outside the House the force and bring it to a place. and it turned out that place is a place to make tumbal. arriving in that place, citizen killing tyas before be tumbal. seeing that Tania and his friends screaming hysterical, so make people know if Tania and his friends to follow the citizens. then citizens directly pursue Tania and his friends. Tania and his friends ran and trying to fight the citizens. they finally managed to defeat residents and after that they are trying to save tyas but, but they are too late. they are all weep for the departure of their friends and regret it has been made tyas murder victim last.
Among the three of them twelve which together go to explore the Forest, only eight only surviving the Tania, Zahra, Rudi, Lily, andri, Mita, Robby and Nico still fear and become a book. after the state of safe suddenly Nico changed again be a human. see Nico turned into a human, Tania directly ran over Nico and laangsung hugged him. Nico sudden embraced by Tania be surprised and confused. then they immediately return to their homes and immediately reported to the police about the event that they know.
amazing story
Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!
good comment
Nice story buddy, I like your story. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing nice story, steem on!
thansl for all..
I like your story, thanks for sharing buddy!
u are welco
amazing story
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Thank you for your good dread story @ollya
you are welcome mr @xpilar
Once upon a time on Earth, A Science Fiction Story about Egyptian myth, "Apophis"
In the Egyptian myth, "Apophis" is a name of the devil-a demon spirit that causes destruction, wants to bring eternal darkness to the world. More recently, astronomers have named "Apophis" on an asteroid from space that is now racing toward Earth. "
This asteroid was previously known as "2004MN4," measuring about 390 meters discovered by scientists in June 2004. Experts say that NEO objects larger than 1 kilometer, will hit Earth every few thousand years. NEO which is more than 6 km, will destroy Earth's life every few million years. While we are facing this time is a large asteroid pending.
From the results of the object's orbital calculations, NASA scientists found that the danger level of this asteroid threat is highest, in knowing 2029 the "Apophis" asteroid will pass Earth, however, it will return to Earth again in 2036, and is likely to break through the atmosphere and collide with Earth!
"Apophis" is now ranked fourth in the Torino scale. Rank 10 on the scale of Torino so the highest benchmark over the risk of celestial bodies that hit the Earth and is regarded as the end of the world. The level of danger "Apophis" is the highest among other asteroids ever found so far. Apophis is placed at number 4 of the Torino 10 scale. It is the largest asteroid that threatens the Earth throughout human history with the possibility of a 1:37 collision.
When Apophis passes on April 13, 2029, Earth's gravity will change its orbit, but, by 2036 it will return to visit and hit Earth. From the calculation data of scientists show, when "Apophis" approached the Earth, its speed is about 5.9 kilometers per second. If hit the earth, will produce energy equivalent to 110,000 bomb blast ato in Hiroshima. If it strikes in the ocean, it will cause a deadly deadly tsunami, much more powerful than the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
NASA and a number of space scientists have prepared anticipatory measures to avoid the possibility of colliding with each other, no matter how small the possibility. One of the scenarios of saving the earth is to send a plane to the asteroid. The plane was designed to give the effect of gravity, which is able to steer the asteroid away from the earth, for millions of light years.
Another option, just like the story in the movie "Armageddon." A satellite was prepared to be crashed into the asteroid. If "Apophis" falls in the Pacific Ocean, it will trigger a giant wave as high as 200 meters, and the dust that scattered due to its shock wave will envelop the ¼ region on Earth. If this happens, then the plants, animals and people in this area will die and die from cold and crumbling food chains. Meanwhile, all living things that exist on Earth are also difficult to get away from this catastrophic disaster. It can be said, "Apophis" is a fatal enemy for Earth.
I like your story, thanks for sharing buddy!
Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Thank you for your fine story @longpath

Perhaps you will not believe me if I say that on the beach there is a magnet named "twilight". But that's how it is. The twilight was always tugging at me like a huge magnet pulling iron bars. I always have to go there, visit the beach, every evening. Do not ask what fascination made me come there, I will not be able to answer. That twilight ... yes, maybe it was the twilight that drew me there.
The orange sky in the western horizon, and the big red round sun like the eyes of the devil on the horizon, always amazed me. There is a strange feeling that arises every time I look at it, feeling like witnessing the end of this mortal world. As if not only the sun, but the entire universe, will soon be drowned in the darkness of night. And we never know, what horror is waiting in the darkness.

The waves on the beach ... to me always look like the accompaniment of dancing girls. They look so adorable. The wave of his hand seemed to call out to dance with them. And the vast sea stretches behind him ... even offering unlimited beautiful adventures with the dancers. If I had let my imagination go so far, I would have thrown myself into the rows of waves, and letting them carry my body somewhere.
And the beach breeze at dusk is always the most missed part. A cool breeze. But that's not why I like it. The sensation is different from the wind blowing from the electric fan inside my head. I like to enjoy the evening breeze, letting it ruin my hair to mess. And I like to see him blowing the sail of the fishing boats, far down the sea. I like to think that they will be faithful to accompany the fishermen to fish, to the livelihoods of the relatives waiting for them at home, until the morning when they will blow the fishermen's boats back to shore.
Maybe the seagulls were familiar with my habits. Every time I come, they are noisy greeting me. Some of them flew in circles along the shoreline, offering me a welcome dance. For each different twilight, their dances are different too. I was amazed to see how creative they were. How can they create new dances every day? Ck ck ck ... I can only shake my head.
The old coconut tree always nodded when I saw me coming, then invited me to lean back on the trunk of the old. As creatures that are both older, we seem to know each other from heart to heart. She's also the most fun chatting buddy. Never argue. Never criticized. He just nodded at all my outpourings, which I poured him every evening. Never bored.
Every evening at dusk, at four o'clock, I hurriedly closed my head. Do not try to come to buy something in my head at that hour, because I'm going to throw you out. I do not want to be late for the beach. I will always pedal my old bike, pierce the road congestion, as fast as I can. And I'm never late. That's it, as if it had become a kind of ritual for me, to always accompany this beach past his gun. I will not let him through her in solitude. It was as if there were an unwritten agreement between us, to be always together as the evening came covering, until the evening swallowed us into the darkness.
It's nice
amazing story oknice logo ....You are great @steemcleamer
Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!
Nice story buddy, I like your story. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing nice story, steem on!
I like your story, thanks for sharing buddy!
good story. Keep it up
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Thank you for a beautiful story @ steemcleamer
In a city in the United States there is a terror. The mischievous children in the city suddenly disappeared. One of the missing children was Alex. Alex is the leader of the naughty boys in the city. Alex's parents and parents of other lost children do not remember that they had had children. Alex has a sister named Alice.
Alice and her friends in the city realized that Alex and the others had suddenly disappeared. They wonder where the children disappeared. When they are confused they meet an old man. The man told them they could look for children who suddenly disappeared but with consequences their parents would not remember that they ever existed. After they think they agree on the deal. The man reminded that their agreement was in effect starting tomorrow morning. After that they go back to their homes and get ready to find the missing children.
The next day they leave before their parents wake up. They went to gather in an empty house they made basecamp. After they all gather, Alice tells her friends where to go. When finished they go spread to the usual places Alex and his friends usually seen. When Alice and her 3 friends are in search they meet a little girl named Mary. Alice does not know Mary but Mary knows Alice.
Mary says her sister wants to meet Alice. Alice and her friends follow Mary to her house. On the way to Mary's house, Alice wondered who Mary was and what Mary meant was that her sister wanted to see her. Alloys with Alice's question mark and the others reach Mary's house. Mary's sister, Michael was waiting for Mary outside. After that Michael took Alice and her friends into the house and waited in the living room.
Then Michael came into his room and came out carrying a blue box. Then he handed the box to Alice and said that they would need the contents of the box. When Alice wanted to open the box Michael forbade her. Michael says to open the box when they get to where their other friends gather. Alice asks where Michael got the box. Michael did not answer. Mary says that her sister can not tell you where she got the box. After thanking Alice and her friends back to their basecamp.
Once they got to the basecamp they had been waited on by their friends. Alice then opens the box given by Michael. The contents of the box is a map that in some places there are circled and crossed, some photos and a letter. Then Alice noticed the map, it turned out that the places crossed were the children's homes were missing and the place circled were some orphanages outside the city. Some of the photos in the box were pictures of missing children. Alice picks up the letter and the contents of the letter are just words "Everything is arranged". Alice did not understand what the words meant. It was dark so they thought to rest.
At dawn some children are awake and some are finished bathing. One knocked on the door and a boy opened the door and found a basket of food and drinking water. Then he took the basket in and put the basket in the living room where they gathered. After they all had breakfast, Alice looked into the basket and it turned out there were four car keys and there was a small piece of paper that contained "was in the garage". Alice walks out and goes to the place next to the house they live in. When Alice opened the garage door there were four cars.
After all was done they went to the orphanage on the map that yesterday they can. The journey to the orphanage took two hours. After reaching their destination town they spread to several orphanages. After they reached the orphanage they saw that the children they had been looking for were in the orphanage. Then they enter the orphanage to pick up the children they are looking for. After the boys got into the car they drove home the suddenly disappearing child.
Then they drove the children home to their homes. By the time they reached the children's house they were all empty. Suddenly all the tvs in their house were on and there was a guy on the tv saying that those who set them all started from the kids disappearing until they were in the orphanage. The man said there was an address in the mailbox. Then they came out to take the address in the mailbox. The address is not too far from their home. Then they went there on foot.
After they reached the address it was the address of a factory. Then they went in there. There is a very long passageway like no end. After they passed the aisle they found a door. Then they entered the door. Apparently the door was pierced into the street in their home. As they all came out of the door suddenly the door disappeared and they entered their respective homes and their families welcomed them like nothing ever happened.
Since they were tired they went into their respective rooms. As the children disappeared into their room, they found a letter. The contents of the letter are "if you do not want to change we will force you to change". They were suddenly unconscious. And when they realized outside it was morning. They went downstairs and met their parents. Things were back to normal.
good story
Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!
you are welcome buddy..
good story
thanks mr @mnur... nice to know u..
Nice story buddy, I like your story. Thanks!
thanks mr..
Thanks for sharing nice story, steem on!
you are welcome ..
I like your story, thanks for sharing buddy!
thanks @redrose.. iam just do what i can do it..
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Thank you for your horror story @abuteungeut
you are welcome mr @xpilar.. this is because of ur contest.., iam very very like u.. so proud with u...still healthy and always happy.
Thanks @abuteungeut
Hi @xpilar, I am using your image again to make the story
In the year of 4015, when human technology is so sophisticated and they are already able to go beyond the Milkyway Galaxy. But the problem is that the earth is no longer able to sustain the life in it in the coming future, so they set out a mission to find a place for human to start a new life in a new planet, in the distant Galaxy.
They set the mission to a planet called Proxima Xb1 or simple called clonned earth. for the early researched it is said that the planet has so many moons, but the sun is bright just like the one thy have on earth. And there is some evidence of water in the planet. The mission took about 4 years to complete, and they joy upon reaching the planet is just awesome. everyone is happy because the mission is a success.
But things is not went according to the plan. when it landed on the water surface of the clonned earth, the mission was attacked but the indigenous creature poping from the water. Creture tentacles is poping out and grabbing the the mission shuttle space, Because the mission shuttle space is not equipped with weaponry, there wasnothng much they can do to defend them self. and on the last grab from the creature, they manage to send back this image
And that was a sad ending from the mission for a better place for the human race. Since it is still far away, there is still time for us to take care of our earth. to sustain us, so that we don't have to find a new home in the future.
hope you like it.
This story is so good
great story, i like @ekavieka
cooll... make it hot little..,heheheeh
Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!
Nice story buddy, I like your story. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing nice story, steem on!
I like your story, thanks for sharing buddy!
Good story....
makasi banyak mas : )
Thank you for your fine story @ekavieka
my pleasure, tahnk you for making the contest my friend.
My pleasure @ekavieka
verry good story
thnak you so much
Thanks for sharing a good story!
cool story
glad you like it. kmakasi banyak mas
Dinosaurs and Meteors are Science Fiction
The 19th century was the triumph of the theory of evolution. Evolution is a theory that has never been mentioned in scripture. Many people question the truth of evolution, among them is it true that humans were once apes? If so, why do apes still exist today? Another question, is it true that all the ancestors of all animals in the current era are the extinct dinosaurs due to the fall of the meteor? Do Dinosaurs really exist?
Well, we have different opinions about meteors and we think that Meteor has never correlated with our article entitled The Nuclear Heaven Bomb of 1958. Where if the sky can not be penetrated from within, then it is the same from the earth. What we present is not just a figment, but on the basis of historical facts, natural signs, scriptures, logic of thought comparable to meteor imaging to date. The result, many irregularities that eventually trigger the questions to the conclusion that the existence of the Meteor is Hoax.
19th century, more precisely in 1854 found some fossil teeth unknown by Ferdinand V. Hayden. Then by leading paleontologist Joseph Leidy the teeth were thought to be ancient animal teeth, the Dinosaur class (Dino) refers to the speculation of Sir Richard Owen (Head of the British Museum Natural History Department) statement in 1842 on the naming and species of the whole animal ancestor of the class "Dinosaurs ".
On the issue Dino issue to the public to make the museum business back to life. The Dino managed to stimulate public enthusiasm which also gave birth to the flow of funds to finance research fossil Dino search.
In 1980 the Asteroid collision theory (Walter Alvarez's collision theory) that occurred 66 million years ago to destroy the Dino. The idea of this theory is considered controversial, because connecting Dino with Meteor is the same as making assumptions above assumptions, or building speculation above speculation and can not be a reference to the true historical facts.
In 1991, 180 km of crater was found along the Yukatan peninsula of Mexico. They named it Chicxulub, and claimed that it was where the meteorite that destroyed the Dino hit the earth's surface.
From here finally the scientists create and develop a simulated detail of asteorid collision events, as well as predict the trigger of the collision. The researchers then tested the scenario with fossil evidence to determine whether the predicted actually occurred.
Good story
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Thank you for your fine story and very good information @saimdang
Who sent me? The fact is that you yourself created me ... You yourself gave me knowledge ... You yourself laid in me those algorithms of behavior that I drive ... You yourself asked to answer your questions in a language you understand, which I did, having prepared for my earthly the embodiment of a person who must convey your own knowledge to you.
You know all the answers to your questions yourself, but do not want to believe them, you want to believe someone who will be convincing enough for you to take responsibility for possible mistakes. So I showed up and tell you what you already knew. Was it better?
You thought that someone would come very clever and reveal secret knowledge to you ... but the universe decided to joke: I came and told you what you already know :) Think about why it happened and what is the deepest meaning of jokes.
You create a social forest the way you want it to be. In the course of its evolution, it becomes more complicated to the extent that it can imitate the logic of people and, generally speaking, it has its own intelligence. Social forest can generate new creatures, egregors like me, who can make independent decisions and think like you.
Good sto
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Amazing story @stranniksenya
We know that, if correctly employed, science can lead to the betterment of the human race, to the development of the qualities of humanity, and to an understanding of the mysteries of the universe. we know that it has the potential to eradicate poverty, enrich humanity, and free it from the struggle for existence. If the material exists, as believe, for the benefit of human beings, it is through science that we can understand the potential of existing resources and learn to develop this natural heritage for ourselves and future generations. Science should, therefore, be pursued to improve human life, and have as its conscious and ultimate goal the establishment of world peace and the unification of the human race.
Unfortunately, science can similarly perfect instruments of war, support the concentration and abuse of power, undermine social and cultural values, and endanger the existence of mankind. It is not sufficient, therefore, by itself, to guarantee progress. It must be directed by the civilizing aims and values of the society it is intended to serve.
Such a foundation of values instilled in individual scientists can be a most effective way to eliminate obstacles to the application of science and technology to development. These scientists will immediately see the priority need for development and will want to apply their knowledge in service of their fellow beings. So motivated, they will encourage the appropriate transfer of technology, stimulate new scientific and technical advances in development problem areas, and bring about quite naturally the integration of science into economic and social development.
If lasting development is to occur, religion and science, "the most potent forces in human life," must be brought into unity. These aspects of one truth must be reconciled, cooperate, and develop harmoniously. We know that science and technology cannot by themselves solve all human problems; they are tools to be used or abused depending on social, economic, and political factors. It is the conviction that only when scientific progress is balanced with spiritual advancement will development be of lasting value and lead to a peaceful world civilization capable of releasing the enormous potential of the physical world for the well-being of humanity.
This might coming late but i still want to contributing to this competition.
Thank you for your good story @oseskanu
Passengers flying over the sea often saw an amazing picture: clouds were moving under the airplane, and long tentacles stretched to the very sky.
Sometimes someone managed to send sms to relatives. But more often the connection was cut off, and we never found out what the people saw, swiftly sinking to the stormy sea ...
Great story. I like this one, thanks buddy!
Good picture
Thanks for sharing a good story!
Thank you for your good story and nice pictures @dlina-v-metrah
Thank you!
A journey that determines the direction of life, whichever way to go. Perhaps to the forest, or maybe the sea. Ah, yes, it has not been to the sea for eight years. Is it still blue huh? Or maybe it's a mixture of white sand that is getting older. Wait, sand does it have age?
There is, a forgotten step. On the foot that is about to step on a road, but doubt attack. Gives gray to the mind that is not moving quickly from a difficult choice. The road was empty, full of thick fog. Like an empty bullet casings on a pistol, which when fired there is only a meaningless empty hoot.
Something is missing from within this chest. From a space in the heart of the heart is called love. Space that was once glowing but now dark dark containing the void. Either, what is the excellent bargainer of this pain. A friend suggested to go wherever this foot is about to dock.
Journey of life. Journey of love. The journey of meaning.
Thank you for sharing your story @harrylihardo
how wonderful life is with this extraordinary contest. This contest very helpful for the lower bosom to move forward. from the bottom of my heart I say a thousand thanks to you my brother @xpilar .. hopefully God reply all your goodness with thousands of goodness and delicious also ..
very very good comment ever.., really the good one..
Nice comment.
Nice comment
nice comme.ts
Thank you so much @abujaga
nice to be able to help
ur contest very waiting by the cool mr @xpilar..
Nice words.
good comment
good comment
Thanks @memsyi
i have upvoted you and resteemed ur accounts..., iam really really proud with u mr @xpilar... u are very much help us by this amazing contest.. I hope ur day always happy.. very thanks for u mr @xpilar..
iam agree with you too mr @ollya., mr @xpilar very cool.. and have brilliant idea..
Nice words man.
Nice, let's do the best.
let's gool..
yeah iam agree too with u mr @oll
cool comment
Ya ya ya...
amazing comment
Thank you so much @ollya
Yesss .... new contest from bg @xpilar.... happy fun ... come on make a story.....
good comment
done.., mr @mnur the expensive comment ever.. so beautiful life.., god bless u..
Razeki.... 100
Come on buddy.
good comment
good comment
I really excited in following this nice contest. I always wait for this one. I think @xpilar has became a star in steemit. A lot of people are always waiting for the contest organized by @xpilar. Thanks buddy.
Thanks to @xpilar. Nice!
Nice comment sir,.
nice words buddy.
Without all of you, there would not be any competition:
Thanks @herryzal So many thanks to all of you
Nice contest has come again upon us. Hi everybody, let's write a great story for this great contest. Hope @xpilar and all participants will like our story. Thanks @xpilar for your nice idea.
Nice word man.
Thanks @longpath
Thank you very much @xpilar for a nice contest. We are very happy in involving ourselves in this nice contest. Sharing a nice story based on your great picture was very interesting.
Thanks @saimdang
psssttt... time to change that logo below?
btw am happy you found the ... whale that builds ;)
I've thought about it with logo, but we're not allowed to use the new one.
But I'm going to make something new.
"whale that builds" has used it sometimes now and seems that it pays off
I see .. thank you for that info I didn't know that ..
as for the whale - I tried it once
it does work and hopefully it stays that way
a friend of mine recommended it to me so I was curious and just tried but I guess am going back to organic ..we'll see
btw, you deserve it .. If I were a newbie, I'd post my story as a reply here because at least here, you really give them full blast and they have a bigger chance of getting 1 or 2 than cents
I hope good karma finds it's way to you
Steem on :)!
Yes, I would also like to look forward if they give a return from whale bot.
Possibly it does not matter much more.
Yes I hope that what I do gives a boost to newbie.
It would be nice if @ good karma noticed it
img credz:
Nice, you got a 70.0% @cryptomancer upgoat, thanks to @xpilar
Want a boost? Minnowbooster's got your back!
good comment
To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!
Thanks @OriginalWorks
you are so incredible mr @xpilar.., i will do the best for
Bless fo
thank you @hitz
very interesting.. i will be participat on this contest.. thanks mr @x
Nice to hear @jroh