This time I have created a picture according to my own imagination for this competition "What happened "
Picture tells a little, but I wish you to make a good story. In the comment please take a pictures in the story.
You can choose to make a story based on my image or It can be anything from pictures / videos or drawing / painting.
I want to give good upvote to those who contribute to great stories
Are excited about what you write about my image. Ilustrated image is made by @xpilar
Good stories can be upvote by me, but simple comments do not get upvote.
A good comment as content more a few words can be upvote.
This will be a small competition where the best can get up to 50 % upvote.
Simple rules as follows: pictures drawings, paintings taken from the web or the media you are not allowed to use, then you must prove that you own it, otherwise no upvot from @pilar
If you use images and information from the web, you need to indicate where it comes from example type "search image credit" or where info is taken from
* Spam plagiarists may be flagged
In the competition, only one post per participant is allowed
Ilustrated images in this post are credited to
Re-steemed and upvote this post and write that you have done it in the comments box to be in the competition.
Competition runs in. 2 days before it ends
What are you waiting for, come on, have fun
We live in a world where good news is often outshone by bad. Nevertheless, we at Bright Side do our best to make sure kind and heroic acts don’t go unnoticed. Every day, thousands of people try to make this world a better place, and our goal is to acquaint you with at least some of them.
Such things as courage and self-sacrifice, however, are inherent not only in people but also in our smaller, four-legged and furry friends. That’s why we’ve decided to pay tribute to some of the animal heroes out there with these seven short but incredible stories about some of their heart-warming acts. We think that everyone can learn something from these brave and noble animals. Let me share about When Dasher was a seven-month-old puppy, he earned the title of hero. The dog spent more than 14 hours in a forest during a storm protecting his owners’ child.
When two-year-old Dante Berry walked out of the family, Dasher was the only one who noticed. The child wandered all over the place, but luckily his faithful friend followed close behind him. Eventually, they lost their way in the forest about 1.8 miles (3 km) from home. It took a long time for Dante’s parents to notice that their child was missing. They called the police and started looking for Dante everywhere, but a terrible storm broke out that night. It paralyzed traffic on the roads, and the search was postponed until better weather.
But fortunately this dog rescued the lost child how? The dog moved near the child and uses his tooth to hold the tip of the lost child and drag him gentle until the dog get to narrow road nearby thst forest, this dog keep barking until one passenger noticed him and stop the driver, they took the along and after some few minutes later, when the bus which took help the dog and Child got to his owner house before the bus passing by the dog started barking serious and he barking toward one house the driver stop the bus, the owner has got out of the house when they heard of a barking dog that is how the dog rescue the lost child.
Thanks for reading
Incredibly Great stories @dabbey
thanks dabbey
How does culture live in an apartment? This question, I catapult by looking at the various attitudes, and the behavior of apartment dwellers, apartment management and also security apartments. This impressed my little research.
My experience from being born to being self-employed is always living in a house (landed house), where there are parks, neighboring neighborhoods that know each other, and can keep dogs. My first experience living in an apartment is not in Jakarta, but in New York City whose people have long known the concept of living in an apartment because of limited land. Initially it is quite difficult because the apartment is not free when staying at home alone, and need to have a tolerance attitude with other residents of the left and right neighbors and top and bottom. In the beginning, living in an apartment made me grow lonely, though I was finally able to overcome the loneliness in line with the time I lived in the country people through knowing many people and also familiar with neighbors. Incidentally the apartment where I live likes to organize an event in order to get closer to its residents through the Haloween party where the kids will knock on the door of the apartment for trick or treat as well as the annual party of residents with potluck system. For residents who will participate they register in the apartment management on a voluntary basis. Although New York, famous for its individualistic attitude but its New Yorkers are happy to have a get-together, it proves to be in great demand for the apartment's annual feast. The party is not only enjoyed by the residents but also the management of staff and security in the apartment blend in to enjoy the party. In addition, the doorman also has knowledge about residents, imagine the doorman can memorize the name of almost more than residents / families in 430 units in the apartment with 2 towers. Indeed, most of the residents are NY residents who have lived since the apartment was founded in 1969. Most residents already know each other, but for new people like me also not too difficult to mingle with them. When I just moved out, my neighbor passed by and greeted and introduced himself.
When I lived in Bangkok, by chance almost all of the residents in the apartment I was staying were expatriate. This apartment also has a habit of doing an annual party for the gathering of residents. And they also urge their residents to be able to give tips or donate unused items to staff in the apartment from the security to cleaning service, once a year. Giving this tip is quite transparent, because it is also known by the staff and residents and management. For the residents it is an expression of gratitude to the friendly staff and very helpful. For the indigenous people of Bangkok is actually not much different from the people of Jakarta who still love to live in a house that has a garden. Jakarta's stagnant situation is also faced by Bangkok residents living in the suburbs. But the difference with Jakarta, Bangkok has a better alternative of public transportation options and more regular motor vehicles and the number of motorcycles is not as much as in Jakarta.
There is my experience that may be said funny also when in Bangkok, I never face a neighbor who wants to borrow a pot, because it wants to make a party but do not have a big pot. At first I was quite surprised too, because the Caucasian and her Thai girlfriend, knocked on my apartment and introduced myself as a one-story resident below me. He explains needing a pot, my kitchen equipment is actually limited too, then I love to point the pot that I have, finally they borrow also the pot. And the pot, finally returned after 2 weeks of being in my neighbor. At first I was about to report to the apartment management about the pot, but before reporting it was a friend roomate the bule borrower pot who also the Caucasian restore my pot and apologize for only had time to return while his friend has returned to his country and the party held for farewell party I am acquainted with the neighbor. For over 4 years in Bangkok I lived in the same apartment and almost knew all the inhabitants and sometimes invited to lunch or dinner.
How to live in an apartment in Jakarta? Since I have not lived in the apartment I live in for only 4 months, it may not be valid to give judgment. But what I feel is that the people in the apartment I meet are not very friendly. My experience in the elevator, when I say hello good morning, not very well-welcomed, maybe I tend to be called a freak. But surely not everyone behaves like this.
nice story and with good informason @nellysteem
Thanks @xpilar,
"What happened"
Once upon a time.....
Mankind had become quite egotistical. Most humans thought they were better than everyone & everything. Nothing was good enough either. Materialism at an all time high. Waste at an all time high. It got to the point that trees, shrubs, plants were covered in water, mother earth's sweat & tears, from global warming.
One day a man looks out over the mess he and his fellow earth mates had made. Simple things like carving a halloween pumpkin seemed like a luxury now. Espevially since pumpkins Dont really grow well in a where useless. Becayse they were flooded with water. They may as well be floating in the sky. because most all homes were ruined by permanent water running through them. Pipes unable to handle all the ocean water from the earth's high temperatures. Previous Human dwellings rendered unihabitable from hazardous mold thriving in the damp stagnant homes.
This man looks out over this tragedy be helped create and mourns deeply.
The end!
fun idea
Also a cool image! @xpilar
Thanks, nice to hear @chelsea88
Like your story and how you describe it from the picture
Awesome, I'm glad you liked it. I really enjoyed thinking of the image like that. A good creative prompt
Thanks @chelsea88
Good idea.
Good picture.
nice @chelsea88
OK @chelsea88
Nice story and describe it from the picture so good idea
Regard from Aceh, Indonesia
Much appreciated =)
cool story
Once Upon a Time (what Happened?)
One afternoon on a week-long trip to visit my grandparent at their home on Long Island.
I was upstairs with my mum, she was making the bed and I was looking at framed photography on dresser and pictures tacked to a cork board on wall, I was probably about five 5 (five) years old. As I looked at each picture I would turn to my mom and asked who each person was. She rattled off the names of my great-grandmother, great-great grandmother. I looked on in interest at each face and studied each one for similarities in my own.
Finally, I came to a photo of a dashing, robust man with a charming smile tacked to the cork board. I started at it for a moment wondering, which great-grandfather of mine this was, pointed to it and again asked my mom, and who was this guy? She glanced at my grandpa’s handsome picture quickly and replied oh, that is a picture of your grandfather, my father when he was in his early twenties.
Now, my five year old brain simply could not wrap itself around the idea that this dashing young man with a muscular physique in the picture could possibly be the same man that I knew as my own gentle, white haired and somewhat more age grandpa. I looked at my mom with worried eyes and the candid innocence of a five-year old, exclaimed what happened?
Thx for reading.
Good story @davidad 5 years old is always wondering and asking questions
Yes Snr. Coz they really want to know many things..
And they learn
great story.
Thx have a blessed night.
Good story @davidad
good sto
nice story
Good post.
Hi dude :)
My son 3.5 years old, and the curiosity of course is very haunting children at an early age :D, Nice story
I like your take on this as well
thanks davidad
Once upon a time, there was a girl named Biana. She used to lived in her beautiful house with a beautiful garden in front. Many butterflies, dragonflies, ants, bees, beetles visited her garden. Biana’s garden was very beautiful and attractive with many flowers and fruits. Animals, birds, and worms, too, had made it their permanent home. Biana soon started to love each one of them. She used to take care of each one of them. But among all, the baby squirrel was Biana’s best friend.
One sad day, squirrel fell sick, and everyone became unhappy as she couldn’t walk, talk or eat. Biana, too, got very tense and could not think what to do. “Do not worry Biana, I will soon get well,” squirrel said in a soft voice. “Yes, baby squirrel, I am praying to God to offer you good health. My dear, please drink this herbal soup and take a nap,” replied Biana.
After few days passed by, the baby squirrel recovered. Now she could run, jump, talk, walk and hop. Biana and all the others were very happy after seeing the squirrel so happy! The baby squirrel came to Biana and said, “Thank you Biana, for taking good care of me.
You have a very kind heart. I love you.” Biana held baby squirrel, kissed her forehead, and said, “I love you too, dear!” All were very happy and they lived together joyfully.
The End 👓👓👓
Thx for reading.
Re-Steemed and upvoted rules observed.
nice story "the squirrel" @aabidemi
Dina the elephant was returning home one day in the forest, when a fierce storm started raging. It was almost evening.
Dina hurried, suddenly passing by a tree she heard a loud cawing. She stopped.
Looking at the tree Dina saw a nest. A young crow was crying for its mother.
The branch on which the nest had been built was swaying dangerously. Any moment it could fall. Dina felt pity for the young crow. She thought of her own baby Tina.
An idea struck her. Dina lifted her trunk and encircled the branch on which the nest was built. While the other branches of the tree swayed, this branch remained steady in the grip of her trunk.
Yo Yo the mother crow who had been out searching for food for her young, returned home to see Dina holding the branch of the tree on which her nest was built.
Until the storm subsided Dina went on holding the branch of the tree in one position. Yo Yo was overcome with gratitude, for Dina had cared for her chick when she was away. From that day onwards the two became best of friends.
They went to the lake for a dip in the water together. Very often Yo Yo perched on Dina’s back travelled the length and breadth of the jungle.
Yo Yo however was not happy. ‘Dina has done a great service by saving my baby but I have not been able to do anything for her’, she sighed. ‘How can I compare myself with Dina. I am only a crow and she is so strong and big’.
One day Tina the baby elephant fell sick. She complained of pain in the stomach. Alfred zebra the local doctor, prescribed pills prepared from the juices of herbs collected from the forest. One pill was to be taken every day for seven days.
Tina however refused to take the pill as it had a bitter taste. Tina’s health deteriorated and Dina became very worried.
Yo Yo also became depressed. Something ought to be done. Suddenly she thought of an idea.
“Why don’t we put the pill in an apple and give it to Tina to eat?” She asked Dina. “Tina is very fond of apples isn’t she?”
Dina readily agreed but how could they put the pill inside the apple? Yo Yo decided to use her beak. With its sharp and pointed edge she made a small hole in the apple. The pill was the put into it and the top sealed with honey which Yo Yo brought from the hive of Runa the bee. Since Yo Yo and Runa were friends the latte agreed to give Yo Yo the honey.
Tina happily munched the apples. Very soon the pain in her stomach subsided and Tina recovered.
Dina was grateful to Yo Yo and the latter was happy to have been able to repay her friend’s debt and the two remained inseparable for life.
I'm for the last time it was a network craps posted many times
Thank @xpilar
nice story @joabiodun
"network craps" yes. Experienced it myself when I was going to post
This is my story based of your photo.
"What Happened"
in the year of 4000 when human knowledge and technology is so advance they can make literary everything. But only one thing that they could not managed to handle,,Global warming, and also the rising sea level. They have tried everything possible to stop it, but it brings a little succes.
then the day come, when the rising water level is no longer evitable. they come to a rathee bizzare idea. Which is to make a device to magnify everything that they want. so they magnify their self, and take their house with them, try to get into the higher place. But as clumpsy as human be, things a scatered all over the place. Lucky they have made the car a float on the water. they also magnify the tree, see the one on the left? it is rather late, because the global warming is too severe and will take times to return to normal.
hope you like it.
Good story and words that fit with picture.
Thanks @adevieka
Story of the future, awesome @adevieka.
Thank you @saini88
Good story @adevieka.
nice story
good story
good story
Good job.
Very nice.
Tonight the atmosphere was very quiet and gripping, knowing I live in the countryside. Not far from my house, there is a house no longer inhabitants. The house has long been abandoned by the owner. And now the house is dormant and a haunted place. The house feels haunted when dusk starts to come and somehow this night feels so cold it pierces my skin.
One day when my friend and I passed by the empty house, the clock showed about 11 pm. Feeling the wind blowing hard through my ears, as if someone called me. And I heard the moan of the man who asked for help, out of nowhere where the voice came from. Day was getting night, the atmosphere grew tense and the wind that blew felt very cold.
The next day.
Night arrived, the sun began to break. With a very curious flavor. We want to see the atmosphere inside the empty house. And only with flashlight, with curiosity. We immediately set foot to enter the house, the atmosphere in the house was very dark and the sound of a creepy sound even made the house even more haunted. And I saw a broken photo album in the desk drawer. And there is also a notebook containing the problems that exist in the family.
Like someone was following me from behind, when I looked back there was no one. Then my friend wanted to take me out of the house. Suddenly there was a very creepy voice "What do you want to come to my house !!!". Instantly, we ran by screaming for help. No one listened to us, we were terrified.
Finally there was one person who helped us when we got stuck in that house. "Do not you go into that house .... The house is very dangerous. A lot of strange things happened inside the house. You better go home ". And finally we went home in a state of trembling fear.
Scary story, good @coinfarmer
Thank you @xpilar. Hope you like it
Nice bro
Yes thank you
you are amazing!
Thank you
Good story @coinfarmer
very good s
Good job.
thanks for sharing :)
hi @xpilar today I am going to use my own photos of: What happened
What happened when we die?
This is what will happen when we die according to the Balinese culture. We are believe in reincarnation, and this is the way we return the substances that make up our body back into the universe. The tall shape parade things are called "wadah", is the one that Balinese use to transport the corpse or the body of the dead into the cemetery. The wadah then will be burn, along with the corpse or the body of the dead. This is somewhat joyful part of the cremation ceremony, in which usually full of mourning.
There is a proverbs in Balinese, what ever you have during your life time, only wadah that will accompany you on the last journey into the other world. No jewelry, no fame, no wealth, so do good while you live, as that impression that will last forever.
Thank you for the contest again, I have seen there has been some changes in the rule. you are awesome my friend.
I will resteem and share with my friend about the contest. : )
good story with informason @ekavieka
woow nice @ekavieka
thank you bang.
ok @ekavieka
nice story brother! @ekavieka
Good jop bro
Bro @ekavieka anda secepat kilat responnya😁
Mantablah ceritanya bli
wooooow,, very nice.
amazing sto
good !!
Three Strengths to Become a Leader

Yoeandha in Life Skill section
Illustration. (inet) - Leadership is a big responsibility in one's life. A person who is given the responsibility to lead means carrying a burden of responsibility on his shoulders. Because a leader no longer thinks of himself. What is in his head is not his own problems. The destination is not good for him personally. A leader must also think about the progress of the group he leads, must be able to do something to develop the group he leads, must be able to give good to the group and the people he leads. A leader no longer speaks of "me" but has spoken and done for "us".
Because of the heavy burden that a leader carries. On the basis of such an important role a leader possesses. So a leader must be able to upgrade his abilities. Improve his quality and boost his potential. In order for a heavy load and a very important role it can be run very well. Ability, quality and potential it is a capital that must be owned by everyone who will become a leader. There are at least three forces a leader must possess. Namely, the power of Vision, the power of communication and exemplary power.
In his words, vision means the ability to see at the heart of the matter. Vision can also mean also a far-sighted view or insight. In the organizational context, vision can be intended as a basic goal or big dreams that become the main goals of the organization or group. This purpose is the main reason for the formation of such organizations or groups. And vision is also a great things to be achieved within a certain time range.
Leaders must have a strong vision of leadership. This means that he knows clearly in his leadership of the organization or group he leads will be taken to where. Because like a ship, the leader is the skipper of the vessel. Leaders who determine the direction or path that will be taken by the organization. A leader in his role in a leader's organization should be able to recognize the path to be pursued in order to achieve the stated goal. That's why leaders must have a strong vision in the lead.
The power of vision of a leader will keep the consistency of the organization or group it leads. The power of vision of a leader will keep and ensure the organization stays on "the track" to accomplish goals despite being buffeted by problems. Like the skipper who can still control his ship when the storm hit the ship.
And the power of this vision can be raised when a leader knows and understands well what the basic goals of the group or organization are. Furthermore, after understanding the objectives, a strong vision is built with the ability to translate or make steps and recognize the path in achieving that goal and also to know the problems that might hinder the process of achieving the ideals. This step and path will be the vision of a leader. The better at identifying the steps and paths to achieve the big goals of an organization, the stronger the vision will be.
Communication is a process of delivering the mind or information from one person to another in a certain way so that the other person understands very well what is meant by the transmitter of thoughts or information ". (Komaruddin, 1994; Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborn, 1994; Koontz & Weihrich, 1988). And communication can be effective if the message is accepted and understood as intended by the author
really liked what you are writing
Thanks @mnur
nice @mnur (
Good job.
I like it ;)
This is my story based of your photo.
"What Happened"
In the 23rd century humans realized that their mind and imagination had no limits, that if you dreamed it you could turn those dreams into reality.
So many people started to build and imagine how they wanted their lives to be. They built floating buildings, where with a remote control they could raise or lower the buildings as if it were an elevator.
People were happy the only limit they had was their ability to imagine the impossible and improbable.
Charles was a fantastic guy with a lot of imagination, so he thought, his ideal house where everything floated, the maths and where Charles could as in Gulliver's book be a giant or a micro man.
Charles could shrink or enlarge when he will need to enter his house and with the remote control go down or up into the heavens, according to the weather in his home. Charles showed that imagination has no limits when you want to live in the most efficient and best possible way.
Amazing story @neiraurdaneta
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it ;)
Amazing story and i like @neiraurdaneta
Thank you @sultan-aceh. ;)
ok @neiraurdaneta
Thank you @smeet. ;)
Thank you @mnur. :)
Good job.
Thank you @wandimaru. ;)
Thanks for share.
Thank you @papaeducation. ;)
Thank you @hichemfetoui. ;)
What happened?
this is a police helicopter junk, what happened to this helicopter?, did he just come home from the battlefield? does someone throw a grenade on it? or maybe the cops themselves are throwing bombs?
it was not!
but it happens by the power of God.
In 2004, exactly on the 26th of December at 8 am, Aceh province was hit by an earthquake and continued with the Tsunami, which had devastated the coastal area at that time and the city of Banda Aceh.
This is exactly what happened to the helicopter, this heliopter is one proof that the province of Aceh was hit by a major disaster in its historical record, even the disaster has also been included in the list of national disasters.
I took this helicopter photo when I visited the Tsunami Meseum in Banda Aceh.
Good story bro
Thanks sir!
Welcome bos.......
Nature has power and we become small now it starts
Thank you for sharing @saini88
you are welcome @xpilar!
Ruin from the aceh tsunami. Good story
Thanks sir!
Your welcome
nice @saini88
good story
Wow..... helycopter.
Re-Steemed and upvoted.
One day a rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run. He was laughing at the turtle for being so slow. Much to the rabbit’s surprise, the turtle challenged him to a race. The rabbit thought this was a good joke and accepted the challenge. The fox was to be the umpire of the race. As the race began, the rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought.
The rabbit got to the halfway point and could not see the turtle anywhere. He was hot and tired and decided to stop and take a short nap. Even if the turtle passed him, he would be able to race to the finish line ahead of him. All this time the turtle kept walking step by step by step. He never quit no matter how hot or tired he got. He just kept going.
However, the rabbit slept longer than he had thought and woke up. He could not see the turtle anywhere! He went at full speed to the finish line but found the turtle there waiting for him.
This story implies that wisdom is much more than power and ability.
" wisdom is much more than power and ability." Totally agree with you @ julyboy
Nothing special. The child in this house was first fed with hamburgers, and then with different genetically modified foods. In the end, he grew up a giant, about 50 meters high.
He did not fit in the house. Well, why would he have such a house? He decided to pick it up and take it to the mayor's office, let them give it to some dwarfs. And he will be given a normal house in return, where the height of the ceilings allows to at least enter the room!
I shared your post :)
good and funny story @dlina-v-metrah
A child with 50 meters high..woww.amazing. nice story.
wow like super hero
nice st
good story
Thanks for share.
wow great
Look around. Robots are already near us. They build our houses and cars, grow and harvest, preserve our life and health and help us discover new worlds.
And it seems that we are ready to let them into our lives and give them the opportunity to become for us something more than just cars. What if our old dreams become reality? What will this life be like with them? How will our society change? Will we be partners and friends or will the fantasy predictions come true and robots will still capture our world?
The idea of creating an artificial being accompanied humanity from its cradle, and the issue of its realization was only a matter of time. Social robots may be a big step on the road to a new reality. They are like a human and interact with us. Life without robots can not be imagined today.
Good story @stranniksenya
Thanks @xpilar
Good story @stranniksenya
good story
Yes.... good.
good job
what happens if I have the power ... maybe I can be a giant..maybe I can make all the heavy objects poking over the water ... ap maybe that's all happening..I think not ... because this is all just my imagination ..

I think it is not wrong if we imagine that beyond common sense .. as long as we do not be affected by the imagination ... remember our lives harder than we imagine ...
what will happen let it happen..we only accept our destiny ...
Well said @rizkiandrian
Thanks @xpilar
great job sir!
Thanks bro
good st
good story
thanks for sharing
Regards @xpilar.
if I look at your picture, I might think that it's a picture mixed with some photos inside.
I want to tell a little about the beautiful sea pictures with the trees inside, maybe that seikit illustrates that the beauty of the sea we must keep well, so always beautiful in our lives.
then what is the function of the tree in the sea, if seen from the existence of the function of the tree in the sea very much, one of them is anti abrasion, so the sea water is not easy to hit the human village, as well as the guardian of water purity.
this is my little story hopefully can be useful for the beautiful nature conservation.
Thank you, see you in the upcoming contest.
nice story @albuluhi
nice story @albuluhi
good st
good story
Good story.
Good story.
a dream I want a simple house and there is little decoration like a car and a little garden.
a life that many want that thing hopefully all this will come true.
I want to be a little grateful for the things I've been looking for and enjoying my own hard-earned results.
Well said @abdrahmanmj
creative bro!
God jop
Thats was very simple story, good job dude.
nice @abdrahmanmj
nice story
Thanks for share.
thanks for sharing
Beautiful story of a wise man :
At the entrance of a village, an old sage was resting near a well.
A pilgrim arrives who wants to settle in the village. He asks the old man:
"Tell me how are the people in your village. I would like to settle here. Where I was before, people are mean and slandering. That's why I left.
A second pilgrim arrives.
"How are the people in your village? he asks in turn to the old sage.
A young man from the village attended the conversations.
"I do not understand," he said to the sage, "to one you say that people are bad, to the other they are good."
And the wise man answers:
"People are as we see them!"
good p
good story
One day a rich man gave a basket filled with junk to a poor man. The poor man smiled at him and left with the basket. He emptied it and cleaned it and then filled it with magnificent flowers. He went back to the rich man and handed him the basket, the rich man wondered and said to him, "Why did you give me this basket full of beautiful flowers when I gave you garbage?" And the poor man said to him: Every person gives what he has in his heart.
Thanks for share.
Good share.
well played
Wow,, new contest,, I just see now..
Thank you @
good comment
Come on.... make happy....
Thanks for share.
Thank you @ashik785
you are most welcome
Come on like n reblog.
Like. Contest.
great blog thank you dear @xpilar
Re-Steemed and vote
Thanks @joabiodun
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @xpilar!
Salam kenal @xpilar... Izinkan saya mengikuti kontes anda
it is good @mailees
Can you write it in English @mailees
very good
Go on...
Upvote & Reblog.
Thanks @papaeducation
This post has received a 0.76 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @davidad. Send at least 1 SBD to @buildawhale with a post link in the memo field for a portion of the next vote.
Steem WitnessTo support our daily curation initiative, please vote on my owner, @themarkymark, as a
Thank you very much @davidad for having used @buildawhale to upvote my post
I don't have much VP to support u ..I feel I need to use external help to do that..
Thx u too @xpilar for making it possible for me to active here
Nice to hear @davidad
Today's challenges are remarkable in the contest images @xpilar
Vote and Resteem @xpilar
Thank you @sultan-aceh
ok @xpilar
very good
good comment
Ok sir.
lika a game
Thanks @omayer1728
ur most welcm
Amazing game.
nice post..
Thanks @khaledibnax
Very nice...
Ya nice ...
Thanks @abdrahmanmj
Very good.
Oh new competition on
And with some new rules
Thanks @davidad a protocol observer. ☺☺
good comment
Ok sir....
This looks fun i will participate later!
Thank you, nice that you like the competition @chelsea88
good comment
Come on.
That' was great. Another contest by @xpilar. I'ill prepare for that.😊
Remember to read through the rules, have made some small changesNice to hear @coinfarmer
Yes thank you for remind me @xpilar
good c
Amazing contest.
Very nice.
Ya I want too.
Ya I want too.