New Contest from @Xpilar 2/11-2017 "get free upvote"

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

 This time I have created a picture according to my own imagination for this competition " Science fiction"

Picture tells a little, but I wish you to make a good story. In the comment please take a pictures in the story. 

You can choose to make a story based on my image or It can be anything from pictures / videos or drawing / painting. 

I want to give good upvote to those who contribute to great stories  

Are excited about what you write about my image.  

Good stories can be upvote by me and simple good comment also gets the genre of upvote  

This will be a small competition where the best can get 100 % upvote of me 

Simple rules as follows: pictures drawings, paintings taken from the web or the media you are not allowed to use, then you must prove that you own it, otherwise no upvot from @pilar

 * Spam plagiarists may be flagged  

 Re-steemed and upvote this post and write that you have done it in the comments box to be in the competition.  

What are you waiting for, come on, have fun   


There are 2 pages


Once upon a time, In ancient times, the story of a princess in West Java named Dayang Sumbi. He has a son named Sangkuriang. The boy is very fond of hunting.

He hunts accompanied by Tumang, the pet's favorite dog. Sangkuriang did not know that the dog was a god and her father.

On one day Tumang refused to follow his orders to pursue game. So the dog was thrown into the forest.

When returning to the palace, Sangkuriang told the incident to his mother. Dayang Sumbi is not furious when he heard the story. He accidentally hit Sangkuriang's head with a spoon of rice he held. Sangkuriang was injured. He was very disappointed and went wandering.

After that incident, Dayang Sumbi deeply regretted her. He always prayed and was very diligent ascetic. Once upon a time, the gods gave him a gift. He will be forever young and has eternal beauty.

After years of wandering, Sangkuriang finally intends to return to his homeland. Once there, the kingdom has changed completely. There he encountered a beautiful girl, who is none other than Dayang Sumbi. Fascinated by the beauty of the woman then, Sangkuriang proposed to her. Because the young man was very handsome, Dayang Sumbi was very fascinated by him.

One day Sangkuriang asked to say goodbye to hunt. She asks Dayang Sumbi for the tidying of her headband. What a surprise Dayang Sumbi to see the scar on the head of her future husband. The wound was exactly like the wound of his son who had gone abroad. After a long time he noticed, the young man's face was very similar to his son's face. He became very frightened.

So then he sought the effort to thwart the process of the proposal. He proposed two conditions. First, he asked the young man to stem the Citarum river. And second, he asked Sangkuriang to make a big boat to cross the river. Both conditions must be met before dawn.

That night Sangkuriang did tapa. With his magic he mobilized supernatural beings to help complete the work. Dayang Sumbi also secretly peek at the work. As soon as the work is nearing completion, Dayang Sumbi commands his troops to roll out red silk fabrics east of the city.

When witnessing the color of red in the east of the city, Sangkuriang thought it was early morning. He stopped his work. He is very angry because it means he can not meet the requirements that Dayang Sumbi requested.

With his strength he breaks down the dam he makes. A great flood swept through the city. He then kicked the big boat he made. The canoe floated and fell into a mountain called "Tangkuban Perahu."

good story

Thank you for your good story @zizoo

Instead of extraterrestrial life, perhaps it is better to look for extraterrestrial technology?

Those who are familiar with the space strategy of Stellaris probably know that one of the key moments before meeting with some ancient intelligent life is to determine the traces of the technology of this civilization. Although the game itself is a continuous science fiction, the concept described earlier in the proposal does not seem so far-fetched. At least for the same researchers from the Institute for the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (SETI). For example, in the opinion of astronomer Jason Wright, the search for traces of developed technologies, that is, the so-called technosignatures that could have been abandoned by ancient extraterrestrial civilizations, is no less important than the search for biosignatures.

His hypothesis he described and published on the site We hasten to immediately inform you that Wright's work does not contain statements about the existence of evidence pointing to the possible existence in the Solar System of other civilizations before us. However, the likelihood of this is considered, however, as his opinion about whether we are really looking for what is needed. Is it really at the right angle that we are looking for extraterrestrial civilizations.

"There is no evidence of the existence of any very highly technologically advanced civilizations that lived before us. In my work, the question is first of all whether we really have exhausted all possible search options or whether there is some kind of evidence that we could simply miss. And if we have actually missed something and can find it in the future, then what is the probability that the traces left by the ancient highly developed civilizations that lived before us on Earth will have nothing in common with interstellar civilizations, if such, of course, also exist or exist? "

In the current form, the search is more aimed at finding even the most insignificant signs of a possible life or environments capable of supporting life (the main indicator, as a rule, is water). All this, of course, is good, but Wright suggests to start looking for technosignature, which could leave the ancient civilizations of aliens.

"Techno-signatures are proof of technologies that could have left alien civilizations long ago," the researcher said.

"Why not, for example, consider the option in which settlements and other objects of structures of extraterrestrial civilizations could be erected beneath the surface of rocky satellites or large asteroids?"

So what should you look for?
Opening a new planet, or even better - an entire system in the neighborhood or even let in more remote galaxies - this is always good news for aliens. Just recently, we were given some hope for the existence of extraterrestrial life from the TRAPPIST system. Although this hope, it must be admitted, is very fragile because of the extremely temperamental nature of her native star, which with its powerful flares could make the system completely "sterile." Another candidate looks even more attractive - super-Earth LHS 1140b. Even inside our solar system there are planetary satellites - in particular the same Europe and Enceladus - tormenting our imagination and hopes. Why? Because there is water. And where there is water, there is a higher chance of having a life.

And yet, despite the diversity of planets that we have already found, we have not been able to find any examples of extraterrestrial life. The Fermi Paradox? Or maybe we just did not look at all there and not at all what we need? And maybe they did not look at all as carefully as they should?

Against this background, Wright, who wants to simply use all possible options, it is quite possible to understand.

"Even though all the geological indications of the existence of the once highly developed technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilization could indeed be lost over a long period of time, if these civilizations mastered space flights, then in one form or another they could leave technological artifacts that can be detected even inside our solar system. "

wow nice story


Thanks for sharing nice story!

Thank you for your good story and information @kobusu


Video: Stories about extraterrestrials and unidentified objects in the sky

This unidentified object can not be called earthly
The huge speed with which the UFO swept across the sky over Novorossiysk is not just impressive, but also proves that it is most likely an alien ship. His operator took it off quite by accident - during the wedding ceremony. Since flying vehicles of extraterrestrial origin fly not only quickly, but also soundlessly, this UFO has not been noticed by anyone, including the author himself.
And only later, when looking through the film at a slow pace, the operator discovered a "strange defect", very much like a span of a dish of aliens. Pay attention, this really does not fix the eye, so even if the UFOs will plow our sky with hundreds in this mode, we will not see them. Or maybe it really is? ..

In Dominica, this UFO was filmed by several amateur operators, because the object, strange in its shape and essence, hung completely in the sky and without any sound, and for a relatively long time. To him, apparently, the air currents were not working, however, and the "voice of the engine" was not audible. If we draw a parallel with Canadian kites, this "earthly joke" somehow did not fit into a logical explanation, and therefore still remains a mystery not only for the Domenica islanders themselves, but also the ufologists of the World Wide Web, where this video material got.

By the way, those who are very skeptical about such videos and news are encouraged to look at a new documentary about old, well-proven facts and events proving that UFOs and aliens are far from the fiction of dreamers and ufologists, and the fait accompli for our planet, obviously, much earlier than one can imagine.

F***ing UFOs


verry good story

Thank you for your good story and information @mariachan


plans developed for hyper submarine involve what is called "supercavitation". READ ALSOVIDEO: Development of Electrical Powered Aircraft It's New Russia Accessing Tanks from Missile Attacks. In general, this is a technology that creates an airbag around the submarine.

This technology eliminates the usual friction experienced by the ship because of the water around it. Thus, bsia is like a submarine that "flies" beneath the surface of the water. Although the term supercavitation is rarely heard, the Washington Post reports that this is nothing new. At the time of the Cold War, "Russia ... has developed torpedoes that glide above 307 km / h using that approach." Actually supercavitation is already in the wild, of course. Mantis Prawns use supercavitation when crashing their prey or enemies at high speed. The consequence of the California Institute of Technology says that a supercavitating ship may one day reach the speed of sound while driving underwater. According to Time reports, "This means crossing 9,600 kilometers from San Francisco to Shanghai takes only two hours." Currently, the San Francisco flight to Shanghai takes about 11 hours. If the submarine can be realized, scientists can solve problems that existed in the past. Terrorism during the Cold War has two disadvantages that can be troublesome if experienced by a passenger submarine: one, its launch at high speed. Two, there is no way to overcome it. The Chinese side is rumored to have overcome two problems with special membrane fluid. According to the South China Morning Post, man-made liquids will "reduce water resistance on ships at low speed" and "help while driving because, with careful control, various levels of friction can be made on different parts of the ship." Nevertheless, according to the daily it remains an important issue. Machines used by torpedoes during the Cold War are only meant to be used for 11 to 15 km. If researchers see this as another form of civilian transportation, it is certainly not worth it. The author for Sploid says, do not forget that this is military project. "This technology can be very useful for mass transportation modes, but also for the development of underwater weapons."

Thank you for your very nice story and information @munawar1

Once upon a time in that era, the Four Eyes and the Bitter Tongue are two champions who are respected by his opponents. Because of each other's curiosity with each other, the Bitter Tongue and the Four Eyes decided to test the magic of seeking the most powerful

Not by way of fighting to fight, but by sleeping face down under the clump of palm flowers. who is able to avoid the interest of the palm flowers then he will be the winner. the Four Eyes became the first to take the test. He sleeps face down under the clump of palm flowers, and the bitter tongue in charge of cutting the palm flowers. The flower of the palm is falling down, but all can be avoided by the Four Eyes.

The Four Eyes easily avoided the heavy and heavy palm flowers that kept falling down. This is because the Four Eyes have two extra eyes on the back of his head. so it's not a hard thing for him to avoid the palm flowers.

It was the bitter tongue's turn to lie face down under a cluster of palm flowers, and alternate the Four Eyes that climbed trees and cut the palm flowers. The heavy cluster of flowers grabbed the bitter tongue. He was also killed.

Now the victory is in the hands of the Four Eyes. He became the most powerful champion. But he was still curiosity. dibenaknya continue to think "really the bitter tongue is so called because the tongue is bitter?". Over the curiosity, the Four Eyes touched his finger to the mouth of the bitter tongue so that the saliva of the bitter tongue. After that the Four Eyes sucked his finger.

Apparently his curiosity had brought him to death. Yes, because it turns out the bitter tongue's saliva contains toxins. Duo this champion died in almost the same time.

great story :==)

Ya thanks

Nice story buddy! I like this one. Thanks for sharing.

Nice one, thanks for sharing.

Nice story you have shared, thank you!

Are you wellcome

Good story I think, thanks for sharing!

Are you wellcome

nice story

Thank you for a good story @ hitz

thanks for all, and especially for mr @xpilar.

Re-Steemed and upvoted.

Once upon a time " Sciences/ Friction"

The process of science is a way of building knowledge about the universe, constructing new ideas that illuminate the world around us. Those ideas are inherently tentative, but as they cycle through the process of science again and again and are tested and retested in different ways, we become increasingly confident in them. Furthermore, through this same iterative process, ideas are modified, expanded, and combined into more powerful explanations. Science built the broad understanding of genetics offered by science today. So although the process of science is iterative, ideas do not churn through it repetitively. Instead, the cycle actively serves to construct and integrate scientific knowledge.

Benefits and Outcomes of scientific to man:

Knowledge is very useful for all sorts of things: from designing or construct fine and strong bridges, to slowing climate change, to prompting frequent hand washing during flu season. Scientific knowledge allows us to develop new technologies, solve practical problems, and make informed decisions, both individually and collectively. Because its products are so useful, the process of science is intertwined with those applications:

New scientific knowledge may lead to way of solving one problem for instance, the discovery of the structure of DNA was a fundamental breakthrough in biology. It formed the underpinnings of research that would ultimately lead to a wide variety of practical applications, including DNA fingerprinting, genetically engineered crops, and tests for genetic diseases. 

I have my reason to write about this New scientific knowledge called DNA, It has really help sorts lot of families problems, from my perceptive as scientifically fiction is concern, sciences benefit human in a diverse way, but i chose to discuss about DNA cause it help us resolved an issued few fews back.

Nice competition from @xpilar

Thx. image

Thank you for your story and information @julyboy



Once upon a time. Somewhere around the forest that is also close to the city, live two squirrels that have long been friendly. His name is Caca, a good squirrel and also a beautiful squirrel coming from a rich and friendly family with Cici, a smart and diligent squirrel. But not from a rich family like Caca.

Today, it is their first day to go to school. They used to go together and go together. Because of their closeness that is almost no longer like friends, many animals are amazed and even jealous of them both. Especially, Moko the Frog. Moko is very unhappy with the friendship and closeness of Caca and Cici.

"Any way, I should be able to make Caca and Cici's friendship destroyed. Yes. I must be able to. Any way, "Moko muttered during the lesson. Apparently, Moko really wants to separate Caca and Cici. In fact, he had prepared everything.

The signing bell rang. Caca and Cici immediately packed. Caca looked moody and confused. "You why Ca? why so confused? ", Ask Cici to Caca. "You understand my scarf right? Scarves of my father's relics? Who has KEEP US CLOSE TO YOU? "," Yes, I understand why? ", Answered Cici. "The scarf is not in my bag", said Caca, crying. "Loh how come? Maybe you forget you put it at home or where. Maybe you do not carry it, "Cici replied soothingly. "Not. The scarf I always take it where ", said Caca.

"I know where your scarf and who stole your scarf is Ca", said Moko the frog suddenly. Caca and Cici were surprised. "The culprit is none other than your own friend. I saw Cici take the scarf from your bag and put it in her bag. Now try to search Cici's bag, "said Moko the frog. With a heavy heart, Caca searched the Cici bag to prove Moko's talk. "This is my shawl. Thank God ", say Caca. "So you stole this scarf? if you want, you just tell me. I will surely give you that. But you really like me? You know how important this scarf is? this is my father's relics scarf. You evil Ci ", said Caca with angry tone. "But, not me Ca, it's really not me", Cici tried to tear. Moko who from this view was smiling satisfied, and Cici was only able to bowed down.

Since the incident, they rarely came home and went to school together. In fact, even during break time they are not together anymore. "Ca, I want to explain to you what really happened", said Kupu kupu while approaching Caca who sat in the park. "Actually, the one who stole your scarf is not Cici, but Moko. Moko jealous with your closeness both so he was desperate to do that to separate you ", butterflies explain butterflies. Hastily Caca ran to meet Cici. Later, Caca apologized to Cici. Moko immediately approached Caca and Cici to apologize and explain what really happened. Caca and Cici also forgave Moko. Moko promised not to do such a thing again. Good to Caca, Cici or other friends.

Finally, Caca and Cici return as before. They went back and went back together again. And Moko, now Moko became a close friend of Caca and Cici. They are no longer hostile as before. There is not even a sense of jealousy among them.

very interesting story..


very interesting story.., i like it.

Good.... thanks

nice one, I like this one. Two tumb to you.

Nice story, I like it buddy!

Nice one, hopefully @xpilar and the contest participants like it.

great one!!

Nice story buddy! I like this one. Thanks for sharing.

Nice story you have shared, thank you!

Are you wellcome...


Thank you for your good story @ollya

Once Upon a Time, Alien Attack on Science Fiction Story

While traveling with A70 with his friend Colin Wright, at exactly 22:00 WIB on August 17, 1992, Garry Wood saw a dark object in the distance. While upgrading his friends, the two men saw the object approach before the dazzling white light and form a wall in front of the vehicle. Wood kept driving ahead.

The next thing the two men knew, the car stopped completely, facing the opposite direction. Strangely, they themselves do not want to turn the vehicle or what happens to the white light and the thing they see.

Wood looked at his archive, saw his watch showing 11:00 noon. The two men were very shaken and realized something was wrong. They are hypnotized to try to recover lost time.

The result is quite surprising. Both of them talked about feeling great pain as the car drove into the light as if they felt a strong electric shock. Three extraterrestrials came into the vehicle and drove both to their spaceship, which landed on the road. Their clothes are stripped and they are both placed on the table for inspection.

The trip should take half an hour, taking home the family as much as 21:45 local time. They arrived as usual, leaving the car and sending the children to bed. When they do, John realizes that when the time is 1 o'clock in the morning, it means that their journey takes more than 3 hours.

In the next few days, all family members begin to experience a terrifying nightmare. John and his wife Susan also have feelings of anxiety and perpetual confusion.

John, at the suggestion of a local UFO reporting group, contacted Leonard Wilder, a hypnotist who knew such cases with lost time. Under hypnosis, John talks about a vehicle into a strange light fog that suddenly falls from the sky.

Bright light began to descend to the nearest field, which then darted toward the car. The entire vehicle was lifted to another object, which John described as a spaceship. Even under hypnosis, John's memory faded.

He remembered a metal arm that swung his body and also felt as though he was pierced by a sharp instrument. In addition, he also recalled that the spacecraft had furniture set up on the wall with no apparent stitches. His next memory was to take his family to his driveway.

amazing story

Nice story you have shared, thank you!

Very creative friend

Nice story, Nice try Buddy, I like your science fiction story.

Nice one, hopefully, @xpilar and the contest participants like it.


Nice story buddy! I like this one. Thanks for sharing.

thebest of story

Thank you for your great story @seaworld


Noticed Something like Ships on your picture, so I've come up with a story, characters inspired from Star Wars.

Hopefull you guys may like it this time too.

The Egypt War 😛(Fictional Story)

Once upon a time in the world, the ancient Egypt used to be most famous Galactic Republic. It was famous because it was the of most sacred Jedi Temple and most of the powerful Jedi in universe lived there and trained there. This was like kingdom of Jedi’s.
It was very difficult time in universe and the Force was too much unbalanced due to the rise of Sith lord-Darth Sidious, aimed to destroy Jedi and their orders and Establishing his own Empire.
And just like that the Big war on the Galaxy started. Sith Lord came to Earth with his powerful emperor army, with all those sophisticated fighting starship, Star Tanks and Droid armies.He attacked the Egypt kingdom with full of his drone force as well as other powerful Jedi’s seduced by his dark force.
It was the biggest War in history, which had happened for more than a year continuously. Both sides lost millions of their army. But slowly and slowly the size of Jedi army was decreasing than that of the Sith’s army.
And then after some months only few Jedi were remaining on the battle field. Most of them died their fighting while some of them succeeded to run away from there for their life.
Finally, the whole Galactic Republic was down, they could do nothing with that’s monster’s dark power.
Then sith lord captured all the Jedies there with his dark power, put them inside the Jedi Temple Pyramids alive and cursed with his dark power so that they could never come out from their again.
Then he exiled the whole planet Earth from the map of Universe and ruled the whole universe as his Galactic Empire. Ever since those ancient Jedi Temples in Egypt are there as the name of Pyramids of Egypt. And usually people has different stories about it.

Good job

veryy goo

Thanks for sharing such a nice story buddy!

thanks for dropping by to my story friend

Are you wellcome

Nice story I think, thanks for sharing!

Are you wellcome

Thank you for your good story @katteasis

And thanks for your upvote @xpilar.

you're welcome @ katteasis



Once upon a time there was a dog who had a habit of approaching the heels of people.

Not infrequently also the dog biting the heel of the person he met. Because

his employer's habit of putting a bell necklace around his neck as a marker

if the dog is approaching.The dog assumes that the bell is his trademark. The dog very proud and deliberately rang it in every corner of the market. He always runs to every corner and show the bell to everyone who is through.

A puppy asks, "Why do you always run around here and there

with your bell? "" Yes, I'm proud of the bell on my neck. Not every dog ​​has a bell like me. "

At one time the old dog said to the dog, "Why do you always show off with your bell?" "Yes, because not every dog ​​has a bell like me". "Actually you should be ashamed of your bell. The bell is not worthy of you. In fact, it's a disgrace. Actually your master gives the bell so that people are careful with your presence. The bell is a notice to everyone to be careful and watchful of your coming because you're a dog who knows the rules and often biting people's heels, "said the old dog.

Upon hearing that, the dog bells no longer want to run. Despite wearing a bell, he dared not show off his bell because many other dogs knew his disgrace.



Thanks for sharing a great story.

Nice story you have shared, thank you!

Nice Story, @xpilar and the contest participants hopefully like it.

thanks my friends.., this story can be born because of this extraordinary contest.. thanks for @xpilar

Nice, you are welcome my friend.


Nice story buddy! I like this one. Thanks for sharing.

nice stories

Thank you for sharing the story @abuteungeut

Probably many noticed that it's worth thinking about something and this something is coming true, and it's not just about events, but about people ...

Literally the day before yesterday with me happened another accident, doing ordinary everyday affairs, I suddenly remembered my childhood friend, who had not seen the year 4 ... I did not think about the person at all, I knew that he went to Russia with the beginning of the war, seemingly forever, and this suddenly remembered not from the wrong, not from this ... I remembered how I walked in my childhood, had fun, well, somehow did not attach any importance to this, I continued my studies further ...

Yesterday, when I took my daughter to school, I pass by the bus stop and I hear someone shouted at me ... I looked back from far away and did not see who it was, there were a lot of friends in the village, so I waved greetings and went on myself ...

Literally in 10 minutes I go back, a guy comes to me, I look, and this is he Yuri, my school friend ... What I was surprised about - it's poorly spoken, I say how you, where, for how long? He speaks forever, just arrived two days ago, talked a bit and I went further, and I myself go and think, it's the same ..

I do not really believe in miracles, but rather in the possibility of our brain ... Maybe I've seen it in a short while before when I was walking, or maybe when I listened to the radio, something reminded me, but the fact remains that chance is not accidental.

good story

Thanks you.

good stories

Thanks you.

Thank you for a very good story @stranniksenya
What you experience here is an opinion behind, thoughts are being linked

You are welcome)

BETA-UFO is a community in cyberspace that conducts discussion and exchange of information. The establishment of BETA-UFO is not related to SUFOI, but its founders appreciate the services of Jacob Salatun as a pioneering researcher of UFO phenomenon in Indonesia.

"In addition to discussions in web discussions, we held research-related meetings and workshops, we also reviewed the location directly at the scene of the UFO phenomenon, for example, the Crop Circle phenomenon in Yogyakarta in 2011," said Nur Agustinus, co-founder of BETA-UFO to Historia. "BETA-UFO conducted a field assessment and the results of his research were presented at the National Seminar at Diponegoro University Semarang on March 12, 2011."

From a number of searches, BETA-UFO saw that the pattern of UFO sightings in Indonesia is no different from other countries. "The phenomenon of UFOs in Indonesia has been long and in the years 1960 to 1970-a, the frequency of appearance is very high," he added.

Not Forever Out of Reason

In the book Flying Saucers, a Modern Myth of Things Seen in The Skies, renowned psychologist Dr. Carl Gustav Jung points out that the UFO phenomenon is a psychological projection of human worries today. It is considered a form of human insecurity due to the lack of peace in the world after the political tensions arising from the Cold War.

However, UFO phenomena still need to be studied to understand how human life responds to modernity and technological progress. "I am sure that we should study UFOs seriously for the sake of sociology, technology and security, and studying UFOs may produce a revolutionary concept in the field of space technology in general, which we can use today," Salatun said, quoted from Need to Know : UFOs, the Military and Intelligence.

"Studying UFOs is needed for the sake of world security when we have to prepare for the worst possibility in this space age, whether we will be Columbus or Indians."

Though still a popular topic, UFO-related matters seem to be very difficult to explain with reason and science. But no doubt understanding the phenomenon of UFOs is a temporary attempt by humans to answer the question that continues to mumble for centuries: is it true that we live alone in the universe?

verry good story

verry good

Thank you for your very nice story and information @nellysteem




A remote island in a remote country, a remote island of his own country where his ancestors were Indonesian. This is a piece of travel while in Phuket, Thailand, I tell you first because this interesting piece of backpacker results to islands in the Andaman Sea. Andaman Sea geographically connects Langkawi Island-Malaysia, then Aceh-Indonesia, and Phuket-Thailand, this unification is known as a Sunda plate. This time I speak about the life of Muslims in a small island in the Andaman Sea, Phuket. Talk about Phuket is synonymous with the beach but on this trip I have more stopover to the beautiful islands in the sea of ​​Phuket, including the island that I will tell this.
The big ship we boarded left Ko Ping-Gan and Ko Tapu or better known as James Bond Island, now we are diverted by small boats to Koh Panyee (Panyee Island). View this island on Google. This time while the road we can touch the water because it uses a small boat and of course we must switch the place to the left or right to balance. A cluster of islands in the Andaman Sea

Understandably on this trip I am with tourists of the burly and fat European countries while our ship is small and wavy though not big. Indeed, the nakoda and the manager of this tour already knows when to travel to places of tourism so that the water does not plug or when there are big waves coming.

Ship to Koh Panyee
About 20 minutes this little ship pulled up on the pier, the most concern to me was the tsunami warning. If indeed a tsunami of course, one island is exhausted its citizens.

Koh Panyee pier
The island although it has a towering plateau but its inhabitants all live in the lowlands, on the shoreline.
His ancestors came from Indonesian seafarers
It is said that there is a Javanese male fisherman, Indonesia, named Toh Baboo who since 200 years ago came to this island and two other families left our country, Indonesia, to find a new place for their lives. Of course getting land in mainland Thailand is not easy. So Toh Baboo and his family searched for an island that would be inhabited.
The three families also swear in their internal:
If one of them finds a place where there are many fish and where everyone can live, then those who find the place should tell by raising the flag on a mountain as high as possible, so that others can see and join them.
Finally Toh Baboo finds the island where the fish abounds and he remembers his promise. Then he raised the flag on a towering cliff. And this finally became the name of the island, Koh Panyee (Flag Island).
The island has a population of about 1,500 people from about 315 families, they actually have close lineages. Of course it would be interesting if one day I trace how their marriage whether there is a relationship of blood or not.
The Flag Is On The Tall Cliff
Yes, the story was indeed seen right. This island has a very high cliff on the right side of the dock, in the picture below the cliff was visible on the left side of the truncated because I can not take up the hill top.

High cliffs and fish cages
Just below the cliff stands the mosque. Almost all the islands around Koh Panyee are high and towering and chalky.

Good to see you again

good comment @steemcleamer

hope @xpilar likes your story.

so wonderfull.. go ahead

nice try, keep it up!

Nice story, Nice try Buddy!

Nice one, hopefully, @xpilar and the contest participants like it.


Nice story buddy! I like this one. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for a good story @steemcleamer


During a survey in the Bermuda Triangle seabed area, the Atlantic Ocean, a number of American scientists, French and other nations surprisingly found a pyramid standing firmly on the seafloor never before known.

The pyramid is under a thunderous wave. The base-side length of this pyramid reaches 300 meters, 200 meters high, and the pyramid's tip distance is from the sea level of about 100 meters. In terms of size, this pyramid is much larger than the ancient Egyptian pyramids on land. The pyramid is also even much older than the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

On top of the pyramid are two very large holes, the sea water flowing at high speed through these two holes, then rolling the waves that surge, and form a gigantic vortex that makes the surrounding waters churned.

These findings make people confused, "How can people survive and build a pyramid on the undulating seabed?"

According to some Western scholars, the pyramids on the seafloor may have originally been made on land, later in the aftermath of an earthquake, altering the landscape completely, thus making the "pyramid" sink underwater.

Meanwhile, some scientists argue that the pyramid was probably built by the people of Atlantis who live on the seabed. Several hundred years ago the waters of the Bermuda Triangle region might have been one of the most important activities in Atlantis society, and the Pyramids on the seabed were probably a storehouse of supplies for them.

Some suspect the pyramid may be a holy shrine protected by Atlantis society, containing an energy field that possesses supernatural powers and properties, can attract and collect cosmic rays. While the internal structure may be a microwave resonant cavity, which has the effect of collecting certain energy and radiation.

Is it true that this sea-bottom pyramid has such a magical effect? And is this pyramid actually built by ancient Atlantean society? Until now everything is still alleged, no one can give the answer for sure.

Awesome story friend

good comment @smeet

hope @xpilar likes your story.

Nice one, I like this one. Two thumbs to you.

Nice story, Nice effort Buddy!

Nice one, hopefully, @xpilar and the contest participants like it.


Good story!

ooooooo......verry good story

Thank you for a good story @smeet


Previously I am very grateful to xpilar who has made a very social contest and always pay attention to the small fish in steemit.

Today I want to tell you about the making of a motor boat in my town lhokseumawe.

The motor boat that catches this fish has become an impressive business for the people of Aceh, especially for the fishermen. Many of the aceh people who are living this business have invested their money to make the effort.
The price of making this motor boat berpariasi. According to the size and desire of people who invest. Many obstacles in making motor boats. In terms of experts who lack the raw materials for construction that is very difficult to get. Like quality wood. This has become a problem for fishermen in developing their business.
In 2013 I once did uasaha to sell wood to people who want to make a motor boat. The advantage of doing it is very good but it does not last long. Because the wood factor is very difficult to find in the forest aceh.

Maybe this is the first story I can tell. Hopefully my friends enjoy it.

Thank you for reading my story and my experience. Respeck to @xpilar.

Photo original located in lhokseumawe city by vivo kamera.

Amazing pictures..

Thanks so much my friend

good sto

Thanks so much my friend

Thank you for your good story and information @boyasyie

Thanks so much...I am very hot if you are happy


During a survey in the Bermuda Triangle seabed area, the Atlantic Ocean, a number of American scientists, French and other nations surprisingly found a pyramid standing firmly on the seafloor never before known.

The pyramid is under a thunderous wave. The base-side length of this pyramid reaches 300 meters, 200 meters high, and the pyramid's tip distance is from the sea level of about 100 meters. In terms of size, this pyramid is much larger than the ancient Egyptian pyramids on land. The pyramid is also even much older than the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

On top of the pyramid are two very large holes, the sea water flowing at high speed through these two holes, then rolling the waves that surge, and form a gigantic vortex that makes the surrounding waters churned.

These findings make people confused, "How can people survive and build a pyramid on the undulating seabed?"

According to some Western scholars, the pyramids on the seafloor may have originally been made on land, later in the aftermath of an earthquake, altering the landscape completely, thus making the "pyramid" sink underwater.

Meanwhile, some scientists argue that the pyramid was probably built by the people of Atlantis who live on the seabed. Several hundred years ago the waters of the Bermuda Triangle region might have been one of the most important activities in Atlantis society, and the Pyramids on the seabed were probably a storehouse of supplies for them.

Some suspect the pyramid may be a holy shrine protected by Atlantis society, containing an energy field that possesses supernatural powers and properties, can attract and collect cosmic rays. While the internal structure may be a microwave resonant cavity, which has the effect of collecting certain energy and radiation.

Is it true that this sea-bottom pyramid has such a magical effect? And is this pyramid actually built by ancient Atlantean society? Until now everything is still alleged, no one can give the answer for sure.

good comment @smeet

hope @xpilar likes your story.

Nice one, I like this one. Two thumbs to you.

Nice story, Nice try Buddy!

Nice one, hopefully, @xpilar and the contest participants like it.


Nice story buddy! I like this one. Thanks for sharing.

verry good story

Thank you for a very good story @smeet



A remote island in a remote country, a remote island of his own country where his ancestors were Indonesian. This is a piece of travel while in Phuket, Thailand, I tell you first because this interesting piece of backpacker results to islands in the Andaman Sea. Andaman Sea geographically connects Langkawi Island-Malaysia, then Aceh-Indonesia, and Phuket-Thailand, this unification is known as a Sunda plate. This time I speak about the life of Muslims in a small island in the Andaman Sea, Phuket. Talk about Phuket is synonymous with the beach but on this trip I have more stopover to the beautiful islands in the sea of ​​Phuket, including the island that I will tell this.
The big ship we boarded left Ko Ping-Gan and Ko Tapu or better known as James Bond Island, now we are diverted by small boats to Koh Panyee (Panyee Island). View this island on Google. This time while the road we can touch the water because it uses a small boat and of course we must switch the place to the left or right to balance. A cluster of islands in the Andaman Sea

Understandably on this trip I am with tourists of the burly and fat European countries while our ship is small and wavy though not big. Indeed, the nakoda and the manager of this tour already knows when to travel to places of tourism so that the water does not plug or when there are big waves coming.

Ship to Koh Panyee
About 20 minutes this little ship pulled up on the pier, the most concern to me was the tsunami warning. If indeed a tsunami of course, one island is exhausted its citizens.

Koh Panyee pier
The island although it has a towering plateau but its inhabitants all live in the lowlands, on the shoreline.
His ancestors came from Indonesian seafarers
It is said that there is a Javanese male fisherman, Indonesia, named Toh Baboo who since 200 years ago came to this island and two other families left our country, Indonesia, to find a new place for their lives. Of course getting land in mainland Thailand is not easy. So Toh Baboo and his family searched for an island that would be inhabited.
The three families also swear in their internal:
If one of them finds a place where there are many fish and where everyone can live, then those who find the place should tell by raising the flag on a mountain as high as possible, so that others can see and join them.
Finally Toh Baboo finds the island where the fish abounds and he remembers his promise. Then he raised the flag on a towering cliff. And this finally became the name of the island, Koh Panyee (Flag Island).
The island has a population of about 1,500 people from about 315 families, they actually have close lineages. Of course it would be interesting if one day I trace how their marriage whether there is a relationship of blood or not.
The Flag Is On The Tall Cliff
Yes, the story was indeed seen right. This island has a very high cliff on the right side of the dock, in the picture below the cliff was visible on the left side of the truncated because I can not take up the hill top.

High cliffs and fish cages
Just below the cliff stands the mosque. Almost all the islands around Koh Panyee are high and towering and chalky.

So good to read

amazing story

hope @xpilar likes your story.

Nice Story, I like this one. Two tumb to you.

Nice story, Nice effort Buddy!

Nice one, hopefully, @xpilar and the contest participants like it.


Nice story buddy! I like this one. Thanks for sharing.

very very amazing story

verry amazing

Thank you for your very nice story and information @steemcleamer

Once upon a time There is White rabbit named chiko, chiko live alone, no mother and also no brother.Chiko crave a friend who can listen to grief kesahnya. without in deliberate at meet with a big snake tail ready to eat it, the snake was hungry until his eyes are very eager to be able to and quickly eat chiko, in his mind the snake named Brian was already imagining the pleasure of chiko meat ..

Chiko was frightened then he ran and hid behind a tree trunk that had collapsed because of eating age and mossy. Brian continued searching but never found Chiko.

Apparently chiko hiding behind the large body of Bimo who happened to be sitting relaxed on the fallen tree. Bimo is a good child elephant hati.Brian was failing to prey Chiko.Merekapun meet Bimo very pity to see chiko that selau so prey padded the predators. And they are friends.

Then chiko is introduced to Bimo's parents, since then Chiko always follow where Ben went and they live happily.


Nice story buddy! I like this one. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing nice story!

Thanks for sharing such a nice story buddy!

Nice story I think, thanks for sharing!

nice story 🤔

****Bear Who Wants Bees Honey****

A bear looks for fruits, then finds a fallen tree, on which there is a hive for bees to store honey. The bear starts kissing carefully around the fallen tree to find out if the bees are in the nest. Just then, a small band of bees flew home with lots of honey. The bee knew the meaning of Bear and began to fly near the Bear, stinging it sharply and hiding in a tree trunk.

The bear gets very angry and right then, jumps up the falling trunk and destroys the honeycomb with his claws. This just made all the bees out of the nest and attacked the Bear. Bears run fast and dive into the river water.

****The moral message of this story is:**** Sometimes it is prudent to keep silence from one wound than to increase a lot of wounds from raging.

Nice story you have shared, thank you!

Are you wellcome

Very short and sweet, I like it.

Thanks you.

Nice try Buddy!

Thanks you

Nice one, hopefully, @xpilar and the contest participants like it.

Thanks you

nice :==)

Nice story buddy! I like this one. Thanks for sharing.

Are you wellcome


nice story

Thank you for your great story and good words in your closing @vonnaputra

Super Human Cloning as a Science Fiction Story

Doubling superhuman will no longer exist only in science fiction stories. While research in this field continues, there are pros and cons of coloring. Human cloning will allow duplication of individuals with great talent, genius, personality, or other exemplary qualities.

The reasons for human cloning considered above refer to specific individuals, usually parents, in the context of producing superior offspring. Another reason refers to the advantage for the wider community to be able to replicate the special individual - a Mozart, Einstein, Gandhi, or Schweitzer.

Genetic Determinism Many objects to this reason, as in the context of supporting or rejecting human cloning, or those who insist on the concept of genetic determinism, namely that the human genes that fully determine who they will become or who, and also determine what they will achieve. What makes Mozart, Einstein, Gandhi, and Schweitzer great individuals is due to the combination of their particular genetic influences, to the environment in which they live, as well as to the historical context in which they govern them.

Cloning them will produce individuals with the same genetic inheritance. Even core transfers can not produce genes that are 100% identical, although to examine moral issues, it can be assumed that they are identical. But not by cloning, or by any other means, will be able to replicate their living environment or the historical context in which they live, and their greatness flourishes.

Whether in general or with a particular individual, the degree to which their greatness depends, or what factors are most decisive still require further study. But we know that in all cases it depends on the interaction of genetic, environmental, and socio-historical factors. Therefore, human cloning will not be able to replicate the remarkable achievements we admire from individuals such as Mozart, Einstein, Gandhi, and Schweitzer.

If we make a firm separation between the extraordinary abilities of Mozart and an Einstein, and how they use their abilities in certain environments and the socio-historical context in which they live, it is a mistake to assume that human cloning will at least replicate their remarkable abilities, if not their achievement. Their ability, too, is the product of their genes and environments, not just genes, it is a mistake to think that cloning them will produce individuals of the same ability, even though they can show their abilities at different ways and times. In the case of Gandhi and Schweitzer, where their extraordinary greatness is in moral integrity and social commitment, we do not really understand how their moral character and greatness are produced by genes. Worrying None of the above conditions deny that the musical and intellectual abilities of Mozart and Einstein, or Gandhi and Schweitzer's moral integrity, are generated by their unique genetic inheritance.

Cloning them will produce individuals with special abilities, but we do not know how close their clones are to the capacity and attainment of the cloned great individuals. However, the hope of acquiring the special qualities of a great individual is a powerful reason for doing so. Examples of the above individuals are used because their greatness is widely appreciated and does not reap a great deal of controversy, but if we move from the above case we will encounter problems where the standard of excellence is used to select individuals cloned for the benefit of society or humanity.

This issue must be related to the important issues that will control the access and use of human cloning technology since those who control it will be in a position to impose the great individual standards to be cloned. This issue is worrying if a particular group, or if the government, controls the technology, and misuses it for their own sake.


Thanks buddy.


Thanks for sharing nice story!

Thanks for sharing such a nice story buddy!

Are you wellcome....

Nice story I think, thanks for sharing!

Are yoi wellcome

Thanks for sharing nice story!

Thank you for a good story of information @ saimdang

good job nice story

Very good


very very good idea mr @



Well! one upon a time there were no human on this planet . That was a time when our earth are in its initial phase, that was the time of big , very big creature live on this planet. So there were no such intelligent creature like us over that time . And becouse of rapid continue change happening here . Alians decided to choose this place for study, to understand how this nature works. Well they continue visit here again and again, thus after a lot of research they find place good for life. Thus they decided to choose some of there children to stay here for rest of there life and thus as a result we evolved and became human. This is the story of us . And how we came in existence.

I may think it's may suit your pictures. And my friend I try to connect my story with you pictures . Well may you like it.

Nice story you have shared, thank you!

Thank you my friend

You are welcome.

Well done nice story look like real.

Thanks friend

good comment @funatoz

Thanks my friend

ok heheh

Nice one, I like it.

Thank for your response friend.

You are welcome.

nice one, I like this one. Two tumb to you.

Thank my friend

Nice story, Nice effort!

I thank that u like it.

YOu are welcome.

Nice one, hopefully, @xpilar and the contest participants like it.

Thank you my friend

You are welcome.


Thank you my friend


Nice story buddy! I like this one. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks friend

good story

Thanks friend .


good storues

Well thanks friend

Thank you for sharing the story @funatoz

Have you ever being benefited from this great man @xpilar? If your answer is
Yes- please kindly visit @stsl post to support my nominee in person of a great and kind man @xpilar to win 30days free upvoted on his comments or alternative check my comments I upvote the comment please the author @stsl will be awarded the highest number of votes and amount.. please support it.

I will submit to this contest later but now please go upvote the comment which I nominated @xpilar

Have a nice day.

Nice effort sir.

steem on buddy, good luck!

To me most of us here just keep keep commenting to get reward of upvote from xpilar but we failed to support a comment which stated that xpilar chance to win 30days vote..let all go to @stil contest and upvoted this comment afterall not his post he asked us to vote it's someone we benefited from as well. If I offended anyone here am sorry.

Thx u.. i will appreciate you check my nominate comment on @stsl post and upvote my comments for my nominee @xpilar to win 30days free upvote.

I'll try to check it, good luck buddy.

Thx u.. i will appreciate you check my nominate comment on @stsl post and upvote my comments for my nominee @xpilar to win 30days free upvote.

he alaways support us ... Let help him win 30days vote as well.

You are welcome.

Nice try buddy, good luck.


Check it soon. Nice.



Thank you so much @ davidad

Ya.....come on

Have Re-Steemed both post and upvoted"

Scientific and technological developments have been debated as to whether they affect people's life styles and cause hassle. On the contrary, science and technology has improved our way of life for the better of mankind. Medical advancements, computers and simple inventions such as the light bulb are all examples of how science and technology is beneficial. In each of these cases, there are no undesirable changes to people's life styles. If it were not for many, if not all, of these changes in our history, we as an economy and nation would have fallen apart. Looking into the past, we can see all of the beneficial advancements we have made and how far we have come. Scientific and technological developments such as medical research to find a cure for AIDS, modern health care and computers are beneficial in the role of improving people's lives and do not come at the cost of undesirable changes to them.

Today with new technology, medical research is being done everyday to help find cures or vaccines for devastating diseases such as Cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's and Leukemia. Being diagnosed with one of these diseases is hard, but growing up with them is even harder. "AIDS was first identified in the USA in 1981. The epidemic has now spread to every part of the USA and to all sectors of society" (Noble). Growing up, I had two siblings who were diagnosed with AIDS. My older sister Katie was unfortunately taken by the disease at the age of 5. At the time there was not any technology or medicine strong enough to save her. My youngest brother though was very fortunate. After being diagnosed with AIDS in late 1993, there was enough technology to help slow the process of the disease. Going into the 21st century he is now like any other 13 year old boy with the exception just that he takes a lot of medicine that helps keep him alive. AIDS was not caused by science or technology, but we are using science and technology to fight it. Due to the benefits of science and technology concerning AIDS, my brothers' life was saved.

After the invention of the computer in 1936, computers are commonly used nearly everyday for numerous reasons. At first, when the computer was first introduced, people were cautious as it was new. Slowly over the years, people started to accept it and it has had remarkable outcomes for the user. Computers were originally designed for the use of financial things and to keep files in order in a folder on the computer rather than in file cabinets. Gradually over time society has accepted this remarkable invention and its many uses; writing reports, researching, accounting, numerous web pages, email, and last but not least entertainment reasons.

Once upon the time.

Thanks for reading. image

Thank you for your good information @willy1


When the airships seemed aliens from another world. Jules Verne foresaw their appearance, but did not expect that so soon they would go to the past, giving way to airplanes.

But the airships are still alive! Here one flies in the gray sky, among the clouds. But alas, he just advertises something ...


Thanks for sharing such a nice story buddy!

Nice story I think, thanks for sharing!

Thank you for sharing @dlina-v-metrah

Once upon the time

Science fiction in our daily activities: If i were to discuss the benefits of science to humanity is countless. Let take a look at this our activities: we used hunan efforts in carried out or doing the following in the past era but scientists inventions humanity stressed has reduce.

Fermentation – a traditional process that is still famous and widely used to make wine and liquors. This is also done with baking and some food production.
Alcohol production – the making of alcoholic beverages
Composting – some technology is used for organic farming.
Human organ transplant – operations and transplant through the help of modern technologies involving different body organs ended more successful than before.
Gene therapy – enables scientist to replace defective or undesirable genes with healthy and much favorable ones.

In some countries like Philippines, there are some of the native and traditional processes such as:

Bucolysis - the process of the introducing fresh coconut juice internally into patient was proven to have the ability to dissolve kidney stones.

Many problems have been solved through the aid of new technologies. But at the same time it leads to some disadvantages and concerns. Some of the few concerns are:

Laser and curare are useful in treating diseases, however when used in weapons and poisons in may lead to vicious results.

I can't mention all, but i believes we knows common advantages of science to us; that computer, mobile phones, tablets and internet you using are scientific aid, we made use of cable to watch Arsenal vs together with Chelsea vs Man utd all these possible with scientific i cant image without cable signal we wont have access to watched the live game.

Thanks all. image

Thank you for your good information @kabirat1

Thx you but i didn't get your vote here.

Yes you have got upvote, but see it was somewhat low.
Gives you a little more here @kabirat1

Thank u so much for that

this is the universe, the beauty that can not be carved by hand, so also the life, the nature can be compared in life, but twtap is compatible, why we humans can sometimes make a commotion just because of the difference, and because of the difference we can be destroyed, we can see the examples of nature around us, the creator has given us an example beside us for our life, but why until now we masi ricuh only because difference,

Thank you for sharing your wise words @contractor

Thanks a lot @xpilar. You got a nice idea for the contest and you try to present it for all steemians. A lot of people knew about your contest now. Good luck for you


Nice words buddy.

Nice comments sir.

Nice comment sir.

Thank you so much @saimdang

very good contest mr @xpilar... i hope u always happy in ur live... go aHead.. iam so proud

yups, you are right.

Me too, nice contest for all of us.

Nice words buddy!


You are welcome bro.


Nice words buddy.

good comment

Thank you

@ ollya

Awesome @xpilar
fiction stories can make our imagination high..
Upvote n resteem :)

yups, let start with a good story!

let's go buddy!

Let's tell our fiction story here.

NIce words Buddy!


So much fun here.

Congratulations @xpilar!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 1 with 425 comments


good job mr @xpilar..


Re-Steemed and upvoted..

THANKS YOU BG @XPILAR for this contest.

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