New Contest from @Xpilar 18/11-2017 "get free upvote"

in #contest7 years ago

   This time I have created a picture according to my own imagination for this competition "Nature 2" 

 Picture tells a little, but I wish you to make a good story. In the comment please take a pictures in the story.    

 You can choose to make a story based on my image or It can be anything from pictures / videos or drawing / painting.   

  I want to give good upvote to those who contribute to great stories   

  Are excited about what you write about my image.   

  Good stories can be upvote by me and simple good comment also gets the genre of upvote     

  This will be a small competition where the best can get up to 100 % upvote.   

   Simple rules as follows: pictures drawings, paintings taken from the web or the media you are not allowed to use, then you must prove that you own it, otherwise no upvot from @pilar   

   * Spam plagiarists may be flagged  

  Re-steemed and upvote this post and write that you have done it in the comments box to be in the competition.    

 What are you waiting for, come on, have fun      

There are 2 pages

Assalamualaikum. Each of us may have a favorite pet, which can be a friend or an inspiration. But sometimes the animals come out of the path that we have always considered normal, turned into a smoke haze from a mystery that is difficult to solve. It has long been assumed that only humans have true souls. We sometimes like to think that we are in the highest perch over the rest of the myriad of life that fill the earth. But what about the beloved pets that live with us? The beloved pet that has become a beloved family member, forming an emotional bond with us, living with us, and forging a deep bond with us. Could it be that after they die, then they can find a way to be with us in this world as a ghost, something like this is believed by some people. Continue does the animal have the soul to penetrate the boundary wall between life and death? There have long been cases and records that seem to indicate that possibility, and show that, if life after death does exist, we are not unique in our ability to participate in such matters. Because here we will see cases from dogs, cats, and others who refuse to die to remain here, in this world as ghosts.

Ghost Dogs
Given the popularity of dogs as pets, it may not be surprising that most of the many sighting reports are taking the form of dogs. For example in the Preston case, there was a boxer who died as he ran into the street to rescue a young boy who was playing in the Belmont Hillsboro neighborhood in Nashville. According to the story, a 13-year-old girl and her brother play on a Halloween night, a boy trying to pick up candy on the street. As he leaned over to pick it up, a car came busting and was about to crash into him, now a dog in Preston's neighborhood, suddenly came speeding toward a road that had been eager to save the child, then the dog was hit by the car, the dog was killed instantly . Since then, people in the neighborhood have claimed that every Halloween night a bodyless bark can be heard in the area, And many claim that an invisible dog will touch them or nudge them while they are on the road. While the girl in the story above has now become an old woman, and she often leaves dog biscuits every year for the ghost dog. Spooky fiction or reality?

Also happening in the United States is a ghost dog story of Atlantic City, New Jersey, known as "Night Life." Once owned by a local bartender in his life, the dog is said to love walking home with customers who have had at least too much to drink. With a water-drunk customer, the dog will guide them to cross the traffic lights to avoid being hit by a passing vehicle, and then return to the bar when the work is done. It is said that taxi cab drivers will even pick up the dog and drop it off for free if his work turns out to be too far away, the dog is well known among taxi drivers here. With all the reports available, the dog is loved by every member of the local community.

When Night Life died, she was buried at a local pet cemetery after being funded by bar patrons and other people in the area, but from some reports it seems she never really went there. The Night Life ghost has been reported to be constantly waiting near a traffic light and approaching the drunks who are walking home, like se mr @xpilar



good jop

Nice one good story. Love it

good story

amazing stories


good storry

Thanks for share.

Incredibly Great stories @smeet

thank for al


My name is Via. This year my family decided to go out of town to vacation. My father searched for a holiday destination and he found a very amazing tourist destination, a small island rarely visited by humans in the Hindia Ocean. All the family members agreed with my dad's choice and three days later we left. After traveling for 2 days we arrived into the island. I was struck by the view of the island. Not too long all member family dicide go to the beach. But I was so lazy to play on the beach I finally decided to take a walk in the surrounding area.
It turns out to walk around the beach is nice also enjoy the cool breeze, birds chirping with cheerful really delicious. Until finally the atmosphere ended when I saw a large door covering a cave. The door was nailed to three logs and the door read, "No entry!" The words made my heart curious until I finally opened the door.
When I came in I found the bones of large animals like dinosaur bones I also found a huge tiger bone with a big fang in my mind I said, "Gosh bone is like a saber tooth bone tiger!" Finally the cave ended with a red button, I curious and finally came out a portal that sucked me in to get in, I scared hysterically and finally I went into the portal while yelling and I fell and fainted.
When I woke up with a sore head! My eyes shaded shadow when I want to see the area around it I fell in a large area, it turns out I see a very large dinosaur, fortunately it dinousauarus herbivore but I think this is a dream. Many times I pinched myself but this is original! I am so amazed to be the first person to see live dinosaurs, while walking the way I find one man but he is different. He was wearing a shirt like a stone-age man I was curious I finally greeted him.
"Hi my name is Via I am 11 years old may I ask?"
The man said. "Hi my name is Lambo I'm 19 years old, what do you want to ask?"
I asked, "where am I now and what date is it now?"
"Oh, you're in Steemland and now in 2500 BC"
"Wow, how amazing I am from 2016 AD."
"Oh you must come from the portal, will you let me go home? Recognizing animals and dinosaurs this year! "
"Of course!"
"Okay" while walking we found a very large paralititan dinosaur drinking water.
"This dinosaur long dinosaur dinosaur is 28 meters and weighs 1 ton more dinosaur is dubbed the long neck because his neck is very long!"
"Wow, that's great."
"Very well let's continue our adventure,"
"Come on."
"Wait!!! Like I heard something "Lambo suddenly stopped me". That's of rugops is running !! Run or we're sacked !!! "we ran out of breath, but the crowd was too crowded so Lambo sank to the thrown into the swift river.
I screaming "Lamboooo." I ran and jumped into the river to save Lambo, luckily I could swim. "Lambo! Lambo are you all right? "
Lambo said, "Yes I'm fine, thanks for saving me."
Next we continue the journey. Until finally we found the cave. Inside the cave there is a red button for me to go home. Lambo said, "It's your way to go home Via .."
"Thank you Lambo has led me to come home and recognize me about dinosaurs and animals, I will always remember you, goodbye Lambo."
Lambo said, "Thanks too I will always remember you. Bye..byee"
The end. Via has coming home to her family and safe. Thank you for reading and thank you to @xpilar for the contest. Bless to all steemian here.


Thank you.


wow,,long story,,I like it.

Great. Thankyou

good story

Thank you sultan



Thanks for share

Yes. Your welcome

Your welcome brother


Aww..thank you

good storry

Thanks sist

Thanks for share.....

Your welcome

Great story @coinfarmer

Thank you @xpilar. It just fairy tale for my daughter😊


Sea horses are the weirdest fish.
At least that's what all the marine dwellers say about it. This sea horse is a wandering sea horse that has neither children nor wife. He was thrown off the ocean currents and stopped at the sea that had never seen a sea horse before. There was a furor because they thought the seahorse was a strange fish.
Actually there are many strange sea animals in the oceans. However, this unfortunate horse is not like a fish. He is strange and unlike most fish. His face and muzzle are like horses. He has a pouch in his stomach like a kangaroo. And the job of incubating the eggs is the males instead of females. In addition, take a look at how to swim upright. Small body is also equipped with a tail that can wrap itself into algae or grass in the ocean. The combination of various animals, the horse, kangaroo, and the tail of a snake in one creature is what makes him famous in this ocean.
Actually sea horses are humble and shy creatures. His good attitude made him quickly accepted at sea. However, the seahorse had trouble finding new friends. Despite the fact he is also very eager to have friends, but other sea creatures still behave slightly awkward and cold. They had little trouble accepting seawall with such a strange physique. Nevertheless, the seahorse resigned and chose to settle in the territory of the sea because the sea dwellers do not bother him, frankly ignore it. Likewise the sea horse, he also never interfere with the tranquility of the sea area. Therefore, to avoid the eyes of other sea-dwellers who looked at him strangely, he became a self-sustaining sea horse. He felt that by isolating himself he would be able to live peacefully in the sea. However, just a few weeks, he experienced an unpleasant incident.
In the sea, there is a small but very arrogant shell. Well, actually he was arrogant because he had something to boast about. Pearl. No creature can produce something beautiful like that. Any fish knows that. These shells not only have one pearl but some very beautiful sparkling white pearls. However, only one pearl he loved the most, the black pearl he always brought anywhere in his mouth. The black pearl is indeed a dark black like a dark night. But the beautiful sparkle and the rare color it adds to the beauty of these pearls. No wonder, if the shells become arrogant.
One day, he meets a sea horse that is resting and wraps itself with its tail among the seaweed. The first shell encountered with a sea horse immediately looked at it with trivial.
"Oh, so are you, the newcomer creatures that make this ocean scene?" The shell asked proudly.
Sea horses are silent. He felt no need to reply to this shell.
"Why are you quiet? What other than you are weird, you are also dumb or deaf? "Together these scallops make other sea dwellers who witnessed laughing out loud. Even the anemones laughed and waved.
"Sorry, I just do not want to fight," said the seahorse politely. He tried to restrain his emotions. He knew that the reply would never end, and as a new resident in this part of the sea, he did not want to act rashly. This ocean region is a comfortable area because of its calm currents and protected areas. So human activity for fishing or exploring the sea is not allowed. He does not want to be kicked out of this comfortable and safe sea.
"It turns out our little and strange sea horses are timid!" Says the shell again. "Let's see, he's silent again. Turns out he's really coward! Until he was insulted he did not dare to reply! Hahahaha! "Shells and other sea creatures laugh. They are actually



You've long good story wel done

thank you

good story

thank you

nice st

Thanks for share.

you are wellcome

A good story with informason @steemcleamer

thank you @xpilar


Venezuela has never been a hotspot for dinosaur remains. Yet on Wednesday, paleontologists reported the discovery of a new species there, which apparently lived in a wet, volcano-filled equatorial rift valley surrounded to the north and south by extensive deserts.

In a nod to history, paleontologists are calling the new dinosaur Tachiraptor admirabilis. The first of those names is a mash-up of Táchira, the Venezuelan state where they unearthed the fossil, and raptor, which means “thief” in Latin, whereas the second name refers to independence leader Simón Bolívar’s “Admirable Campaign.” Back in 1813, the area surrounding the dig site, located in the Andes, played an important strategic role for Bolívar as he rid the country of Spanish rule.

Thus far, Tachiraptor admirabilis is known from only two bones—a nearly complete tibia, or shinbone, fractured in several places, and a partial hip bone, according to a paper published online Wednesday in the journal Royal Society Open Science. Nonetheless, paleontologists were able to estimate the length of the creature as slightly over 1.5 meters from nose to tail, about the same as a modern-day wild boar or gray wolf. By comparison, Tyrannosaurus rex grew to around 12 meters long.

Using radiometric dating of tiny crystals within rocks, paleontologists were also able to estimate the age of the fossil at around 200 million years old. That places it in the early Jurassic period, right after a mass extinction had ended the Triassic period and around the time dinosaurs were beginning to dominate the planet. One of the groups that particularly thrived were bipedal, largely meat-eating dinosaurs known as theropods. “These survivors of the Triassic-Jurassic mass extinction were the ‘ground zero’ for later theropod evolution,” Thomas Holtz Jr., a vertebrate paleontologist at the University of Maryland, who was not involved in the study, told Science magazine.

Based on certain features of the tibia, the study’s authors speculated that Tachiraptor admirabilis, though a theropod, did not directly evolve into Allosaurus, Tyrannosaurus rex or other similar behemoths, belonging instead to a sister group. Even so, the fossil will be useful to scientists trying to flesh out the theropod family tree, which contains many gaps, according to Holtz. “Important discoveries,” he told Science magazine, “don’t have to be of the biggest or the scariest [dinosaurs].”

Partly because so few paleontologists look there, virtually no dinosaur remains had ever been found in northern South America until this August, when a team announced the discovery of Laquintasaura venezuelae, a bipedal omnivore about the size of a fox. Because it lived at exactly the same time and place as Tachiraptor admirabilis, the lead author of Wednesday’s study, Max C. Langer, speculated that it served as a food source for the larger dinosaur. “Tachiraptor was probably a generalist predator that ate anything it could get, such as small dinosaurs and other vertebrates, such as lizards,” Langer, a paleontologist at the Universidade de São Paulo in Brazil, told LiveScience.

He further explained that Tachiraptor admirabilis lived around the time the supercontinent of Pangaea was breaking up. “There was a lot of volcanic activity around, and in the valley, [there was] a meandering river, along which were patches of forest.” He and his team reportedly plan on returning soon to the Venezuelan Andes to look for more dinosaur bones.



nice story and informason @mawardi

Thank you @xpilar



Hay xpilar! How are you? hai your friends how are you? it's been a long time since we met, and I've missed some contests here.
Today I want to share stories and about nature. telling about the theme of nature, then this is a very broad theme, and lots of unique things that happen and we meet in our daily life.

my story today is about an insect that settled in the garden garden in front of my sister's house some time ago. that morning when I was going to go to the traditional market to buy some food for breakfast, I accidentally found a yellow auction that landed on the leaves of the flower, this grasshopper is very beautiful and has a very interesting and unique color combination.


I also did not want to miss the opportunity, with smartphone capitalize, I immediately took some pictures, how lucky I was that morning, it was not wild like grasshoppers are usually sensitive to human movement.

I catch it and put it on my finger, even my nose, this locust still does not fly elsewhere even we had time we took some photos "selfi"

Hi, it was nice to hear from you again.
Incredible pictures and nice story @saini88

Thank you very much! and now I want I'm moving into your new contest


There were centuries, and many things changed in nature, including animals. They just did not change their craving for beauty. More "young", but still ancient animals, had bizarre shapes, different shades.

In our time, what only animals do not know how to do - run, swim, fly, jump, crawl - and their diversity amaze and please us.

Looking at animals, we thank nature for the fact that it created such a miracle. We observe and are touched by animals, we study their habits, peep at their secrets, guard them, learn from them all progressive.

Beauty has many facets and shades, secrets and secrets. Beautiful - it means harmonious, attracting attention. What kind of animals are not found on our planet! Some are staggering with their dimensions, some are amazed by the habits and way of life, there are also those who are surprised by the fantastic coloring. Sea urchins, jellyfish, starfish have the form of a star or a ball. The elephant's trunk is the object of his special pride. Kangaroos have a bag, and in it - not a mirror and lipstick, but a cub. Nightingale himself is unsightly, but he knows how to sing beautiful songs.

The beauty of the animal world is special. It must be seen, heard. Natural beauty is the most correct.

Still I would love to make a story based on your picture, Thank you so much for the contest my friend.

Dinosaur Era, when greed has no place

Once upon at time, in a world called Earth live a gigantic creature that rule the world. Their size are enourmous. Some really big, even their footprint printed really well on the dirt below. While some are living on the ground, some other are flying up above in the air, no feather tough, just a strong wings made of strong bone and skin. Most of them are hebivore eating on the treess and grass. They spread all over the world, a relatively young world for a big ruler. But there are also some "bad guy" who killing the herbivore for their feed. They are hunger for flesh and blood. The hunt down the weak, and kill them when they are able or they are hungry. But still they done it only we they are hungry, not for the sake of feeding its greed desire. But those simple world are vanished, killed by a big stone coming from up above. What replace the world of harmony?

Smaller creature with biggee greed and never satified hunger. The are Called Human. If one could compare, the human is just only the size of a single foot of the dinosaur. But they have a bigger desire to control, to conquer. By it small size, they manage to wipe out some other living spesies, which now could only be heard through story. And what next? They are destrying the world the are living, the earth. Will the world manage to return to its rather peaceful life? the Dinosaur era, when greed has no place? Only time will tell.

At last lets thank @xpilar for his lovely contest! Love from the other side of the World, Bali, Indonesia.

Great story @ekavieka

thank you so much for the contest my friend.
I am sorry just miss click the downvote button, it has been removed. 😂😂

Bro @ekavieka you first post story. Awesome😊

thank you my friend. : )

Your welcome brother😊


great story..

good story

very good

Thanks for share.....

nice storry

Beauty story....

once upon a time "dinosaurus"
Several studies to prove Dinosaurs had done by some circles. Encyclopedia of Indonesia had noted that in 65 million years ago a giant comet hit the earth and flew so much dust that the sky became dark for months.Conon reportedly this gigantic comet then destroyed Dinosaur.

Neil Tyson, Director of the Hayden Planetarium. In the Discovery Channel show entitled "Inside The Space Station", he claimed the asteroid blast destroyed 70% of all species on earth.
While Prof. Michael Rampino on the Discovery Channel show titled "Catasthropic Past" mentions that the extinction of Dinosaurs was triggered by an invasion from space (meteor). Elements of iridium (acid rain) which is a rare element of meteor was found in the area of ​​the former meteor crater, which is about 10 thousand times more than the skin of another earth. According to him this became a hint of the relationship between the meteor with the extinction of the big beast.
Likewise with the results of research from the winner of physics nobel, Luis Alvarez.Pada 1980, he had led the expedition with his son Walter and found that the cloud covering the entire surface of the earth has blocked the sunlight for years, causing long winter / long winter and participate in destroying many species.
From the findings also explained that this incident also causes the formation of acid rain that cause further environmental damage. The hypothesis that connects the existence of the iridium element found in the meteor crater with the extinction of this dinosaur is called Alvarez Hypothesis.
However this is still a hypothesis, Alvarez was still open opportunities other findings. Therefore, he also called the results of his research with the title "Alvarez Hypothesis".

What we need to know is that there has never been a complete dinosaur fossil from all of its bones and formed a complete body frame. That then some media have a look about Dinosaurs this is more due to special effects and imaginary results of a director. Because so far the study of Dinosaurs only found bones that are very intact and even have become fossils.
To this day no one has seen the dinosaurs alive and well. Except in the Hollywood Movie Jurrasick Park, of course with imaginative instinct a la Stephen Spileberg. Even the whole skeleton bones had never been seen before. There is only a small piece of fossilized bone. No more.
This incident is precisely the imagination of Brontosaurus created by one of the world's most famous fossils and the first American Professor in the field of Vetebrate Paleontology named Othniel Charles Marsh (1831-1899). This later invited a lot of criticism, because the results of Marsh speculation bear fruit fatal.
Scientists have found that they have put fossil heads wrong on fossil bodies wrong. Two researchers from the Carnegie Institute have proven that the bones of Brontosaurus in 5 major museums of the world, including the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in the US (One of the greatest museums about Dinosaurs), have put the wrong head. Even in 1979, two Scientists had announced in print that the description given by Marsh based on the long-necked bones of the dinosaur's head was wrong.
In an article entitled, "Scientist Claim Brontosaurus Given Wrong Head" (Pittsburgh: Associated Press, October 10, 1979), one scientist explains that Marsh actually uses a bone head that is found 3 or 4 miles away from the bone of the body of Brontosaurus. But no one knows it.

Marsh himself did not mention this in his article. No one knows what the reason Marsh covered it all. There is no strong evidence that this head bone has anything to do with Brontosaurus. This is then confirmed in a report entitled Marsh's Dinosaur written by John H. Ostrom and John S. McIntosh (New Have, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1966).
As a result we also should be wary of what the scientists developed about Dinosaurs, because scientists like Marsh are still wrong. This we have not yet calculated with discussion (which has not yet ended) to answer the question that whether the fossils are purely dinosaurs or not .
As a result whether this is a conspiracy or not? Wallahua'lam. I just want to say that it's good to learn from the Piltdown man-made story developed by Evolutionists.
When evolutionists can not find a single fossil that can support their theory, they are forced to lie.


good story

A good story with informason @munawar1

A number of researchers are trying to determine the oldest animal on the planet. The result, they claim a simple sea sponge is the first animal to be present on Earth.

Quoted from The Independent on Wednesday (29/2/2106), researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) say that a marine sponge existed long before the Cambrian 'explosion', an evolutionary period that began about 540 million years ago.

At that moment, suddenly appeared so many new types of ancient animals.

The MIT team revealed it after analyzing molecular fossils, from molecules found in ancient rocks and surviving today.

In particular there is a rare molecule called 24-Isopropylcholesterol (abbreviated to 24-IPC) found on rocks aged 640 million years. Apparently, the same molecule is also produced by today's marine sponges.

As a follow-up to these findings, David Gold's team tries to find the genes responsible for generating 24-IPC, as well as the search for the organism that carries the gene, and when its development becomes its carrier organism.

From gene analysis in 30 different organisms, the team conical to a single gene, sterol methyltransferase (SMT), which can cause an organism to produce 24-IPC if the organism has the correct number of copies of the gene.

The researchers found that marine sponge and algae species had the correct number of SMT copies to be able to produce 24-IPC.

Through the analysis of these genes and making evolutionary tree charts based on fossil records, they found that the marine sponge produced the molecule in question long before the algae produced it as well.

According to the researchers, sea sponges reached this important point about 640 million years ago - similar to the formation of rocks containing 24-IPC.

This study provides strong evidence that sea sponges appeared on Earth much earlier than any other animal. Nevertheless, David Gold argues that this discovery raises new questions.

"What is the shape of this organism - what kind of environment 640 million years ago? And why is there a long time lag in the fossil record?" beber Gold.

"This shows that there is still much we do not know about the early life in animals, how many more findings are left, and how useful these molecular fossils are to fill in the pauses when they are done correctly."

nice story with informason @abuteungeut



The story of Animal Occupants, another of Fadila Hanum and Aw Wibowo's first duets that are now present in the midst of our children. This time, the author invites the little one to explore the story of the animal inhabitants of the sea is full of entertainment, knowledge, wisdom, and valuable lessons for everyday life. Yes, it turns out so much knowledge about the animals that live in the sea and the knowledge of the world of the oceans. Of course, our children need to know that.

Moreover, knowledge of marine animals is wrapped with a story that is light enough, interesting, and easily understood by the baby. Children who in fact are less like dictated by the concept or theory, it would be more comfortable if presented with a story in it still contains elements of science and life messages are real for him. Yes, as it is in the Book of Tales in the Sea; The Story of Animals in the Oceans. There are 7 fairy tales of the inhabitants of the oceans told by the author in this book.

First, there is the story of Blobi the fish blob who learned to have a handsome heart from the goodness of Uncle Tal. Second, the story of Oler the Angler fish who likes to be alone and can help other sea inhabitants with light coming out of his body. Thirdly, there is a story from Gaga the Dragon fish who experienced a shocking event while choosing while living on the beautiful sea level. Fourth, there is the story of Binto the blue sea star who is willing to help despite having to sacrifice his hands.

Fifth, the story of Keri the pearl shell suspicious of fellow inhabitants of the sea. Sixth, there is the story of Guriri the big octopus who wants to be himself without having to be equated with his brother Gugi. The last one in the seventh story, there is Obin the Goby fish who is very friendly and adaptable to the sea dwellers, but he is less alert with the personality of the newly known marine animals.

Well, from the 7 stories of sea animals, our children will be equipped with messages of life. From the first story, teach the child to see something from what is done, not from the face or physical appearance alone. From the second story, teach children to be more open to play with friends, do not just be alone. Then, in the third story, teaches the child to be more grateful with the environment and the place where he lives. The messages of the next life, can be revealed when the little one reads the Book of Tales in the Sea; The Story of Animals in the Oceans.

All the interesting stories in this book, of course also presented with full color illustrations that will add to the excitement of children when reading the story. Similar to the book of Tales in Space; The story of Animals Winged by the Author, this book is also filled with exciting and fun content bonuses for your child. There is a corner of wisdom containing life lessons and hadiths or verses of the Qur'an, facts about animals inhabitants of the oceans


You' good story buddy. Good job

good story

amazing storry


A good story with informason @mnur

In a lost place where there is tropical backwoods, over the main mountain in the locale, caught inside an old volcanic cavity framework, experienced the last ever gathering of huge, fierce dinosaurs.

For a huge number of years they had survived every one of the progressions on Earth, and now, drove by the immense @papa-pepper, they were wanting to leave stowing away and to command the world again.

@papa-pepper was a magnificent Tyrannosaurus Rex who had chosen they had invested excessively energy disengaged from whatever is left of the world. In this way, finished a couple of years, the dinosaurs cooperated, wrecking the dividers of the immense hole. At the point when the work was done, every one of the dinosaurs deliberately honed their paws and teeth, in status to threaten the world by and by.

On leaving their home of thousands of years, everything was unfamiliar to them, altogether different to what they had been utilized to inside the pit. Be that as it may, for quite a long time, the dinosaurs proceeded on, unfaltering.

At last, from the highest point of a few mountains, they saw a residential area. Its homes and townsfolk appeared like modest specks. Never having seen individuals, the dinosaurs jumped down the mountainside, prepared to decimate anything that remained in their direction...

In any case, as they moved toward that little town, the houses were getting greater and greater... also, when the dinosaurs at long last arrived, it worked out that the houses were significantly greater than the dinosaurs themselves. A kid who was going by stated: "Daddy! Daddy! I've discovered some small dinosaurs! Would i be able to keep them?"

What's more, that is the way things are. The unnerving @papa-pepper and his companions wound up as pets for the town youngsters. Perceiving how a huge number of years of advancement had transformed their species into dwarf dinosaurs, they discovered that nothing kept going forever, and that you should dependably be prepared to adjust.

good story


Once upon a time there was a little dinosaur living in an enchanted forest ...
He was soon going to celebrate his birthday. His mother said to him: "Attention my little dino, do not eat too much candy on your birthday!"
But the little dinosaur had not listened to anything and on his birthday, he had eaten tons and tons of sweets! And not just any: the reds, his favorites!
The next day, when our little green dinosaur went to the bathroom: woe! Looking at himself in the mirror, he noticed that he had become red!
Her mom was not really happy and at school everyone made fun of him. A dinosaur is green, not red!
To help him, his mother dressed him with a green sweater, green pants, green shoes and a green hat, but nothing to do, it was clear that he was all red ...
A few days later, when he was very sad, a little fairy appeared and asked him:
-Why are you crying little dino?

  • Because I made a big mistake. I did not listen to my mom and now I'm all red, while everyone knows that dinosaurs are green! said little dino sobbing.
  • I can help you if you apologize to your mom and drink a bowl of green vegetable soup. "
    That's what he did, and a few days later surprise, the little dinosaur was green again and red candies were not his favorite!


Nice story, @redouanemez nice drawing

Thank you very much @xpilar

looking at this picture, I remember a childhood while watching the movie Jurasic park. I had time to imagine in my mind that, is there really an animal like that in this world? if there were, would it be a threat to humans? when the experts in the film do research to re-birth biantang, I also still think. lol ... but maybe it's just a fantasy. but, when researchers find fossils all over the world, this is a real animal. i like you @xpilar.


Thank you for your story @boyasyie


sumurup is a village located in bawen region which has a very beautiful nature tourism. this tour is very popular in Indonesian society. people used to call it a rawa pening tour. here most people looking for beauty
while being sunrise or sunsite.

Rawa Pening is a lake located in the lowest basin merbabu mountain, ungaran mountain and telomoyo mountain.

The lake is almost half of it covered by water hyacinth plant, therefore from this village, this initiative took the initiative to remove this hyacinth plant by making kerajian. so after this plant is taken, the next step is dried in the sun to dry and after the newly made work done.


nice story with beautiful pictures @doyanphotography

thank you very much @xpilar


What does a giraffe dream about?


Giraffes at night recalls that once, in ancient times, their ancestors were completely different. In a dream, they see elongated necks, elastic, thick bodies, and considerable weight, thanks to which all the animals ran away from them.

And above them flew huge strange birds, not at all like the current crows or pigeons. Those birds were as scary as they were.

Giraffes wake up with eyes wet with tears. Their distant ancestors were lost somewhere in the depths of centuries. Like birds with teeth in their beaks. Giraffes do not even remember exactly what they looked like in ancient times, and they will never see the evidence of their former greatness.


Good picture n story.....

Good story, nice picture @ dlina-v-metrah

Thank you!


Beautiful sunrise full of vitality, the beauty of the sun as it rises in the eastern horizon, the beautiful morning dew that enveloped the meadow, the beauty of the endless spaceless sky, the beautiful blue sky mixed gentle breeze, the beautiful sunny sky as rain passed, the beauty of clouds with a million form , the beauty of the beautiful rainbow circle, the beautiful luster of twilight, the beauty of the soft moonlight silver touch the earth, the sparkling beauty of the stars like pearls ...
Let us testify how beautiful the earth is with the endless ocean, the long and wide rivers of the river, the calm and silent marble lake, the merry chirping of the tributaries, the green mountains that lined the length, grown lush, verdant meadows, colorful flowers blooming blooming ....
Why is the universe and laksa beautiful creatures beautiful charming? The answer is very easy! Since the heavens are not selfish, the creatures are not attached to the ego. The heavens and the endless creatures make endless sacrifices and trap for humanity, selfless and without the recognition of others. By the blankets of the Prophets and our Saints to emulate the unselfish heavens and the earth, to imitate the heavens that are not attached to the ego, to imitate the ceaseless ceilings of human benefit, to imitate the heavens which never compete for power, position, , wealth, and others. Because it is free from any professions, the heavens become longevity. What a glorious private heaven! What a heavenly service to man! Like humans, as long as we exude the natural beauty that exists within us, then our individual beings with the heavens, combined with the beauty of the universe.......

The end..

Hi friends @ sultan-aceh @davidad @hachemfetoi And also the special one @xpilar how do you do? Hopefully you are in good health and do activity as well as good.

In this contest I do not have any reference to the natural world of Dinosaurs. My reference only to the real of dinosaur life is "Jurassic Park" the movie :D

I also can only imagine if we live in the real of this ancient animal, Surely we all like the circumstances in the film, An amusement park rides with a number of dinosaur-cloning beings turned into terrible terror when the storm swept through the park area and all the dinosaurs started loose from the cage.

How would we all if it happened like in the movie, Ha ha ha ha ha

Thank for @xpillar about the contest, Hoppefully in the next there is some topic about the culinary of cross country in the world, So we can know some culinary from our friend in our community, It's just an idea not intervence :D


nice story @dilimunanzar

Thank you sir, :)


A beautiful story ... to read when you do not have the morale !

There was one day a king who had planted all kinds of trees and plants near his castle; his garden was of great beauty. Every day he was walking there: it was for him a joy and a relaxation.
One day he had to go on a trip. When he returned, he hurried to walk in the garden. He was surprised to find that the plants and trees were drying out.
He spoke to the pine, once majestic and full of life, and asked him what had happened. The pine answered him: "I looked at the apple tree and I told myself that I will never produce the good fruits that it carries, I became discouraged and began to dry."

The king went to find the apple tree: he too was drying up ... He questioned him he said: "Looking at the rose and feeling its scent, I thought that I would never be so beautiful and pleasant and I started to dry. "
As the rose itself was withering, he went to talk to her and she said: "How sad it is that I am not old enough to have the maple tree there and that my leaves In these conditions, what's the point of living and making flowers? "So I began to dry out."
Continuing his exploration, the king saw a beautiful little flower. She was blooming. He asked her how it was that she was so alive. She answered him: "I almost dried myself up, because at first I was in pain, I would never have the majesty of the pine, which keeps its greenery all year round, nor the refinement and the perfume of the rose. I started to die but I thought and said to myself, "If the king, who is rich, powerful and wise, and who organized this garden, wanted something else in my place, he would have planted. If so, he planted me because he wanted me, as I am. "And from that moment, I decided to be as beautiful as possible!"

nice story with beautiful pictures @redouanemez

But be sure to show where the images are taken from if they are not yours

Re-Steemed ..
Good morning, afternoon, and evening to everyone participating in this competition.

I will join soonest as well.


verry good

Yess sir....

verry good comme

Thx u



very good contest.. iam very interesting because of this incredible contest.. you help us for this... this very vering incredible one... i wish u happy in your life..

wow,,good contest @xpilar , i will join.

I have a long time not been in this fun contest

yes very good


Good..make some good story @albuluhi

welcome :)


verry good

Yess .... I am joined....

Ya good contest



Yess!!! You have new contest and i'll prepare for its. Thank you @xpilar.

good comment


Happy fun.....

Ye. Exactly

Come on.....

nice comment

Nice to hear @ mynterfarer

The contest come again..... cone on




Ok.... I now join.

Yay @wandimaru. Come in, make some good and great story here.

amazing comment mr @wandimaru


excellent work dear friend @xpilar, congratulations for this wonderful initiative, many success
I wish you a beautiful Sunday

good story


Good contest

Didn't see it on time?😔


Re-Steemed and voted.



RETWEET and upvoted

@joabiodun you can go in to delete so that there's only a story left from you. in my contest. See you've got them in too many times. Fine if you do, then I'll give you an upvote on the one left Regards Xpilar



Very good.

Very good ....

There are 2 pages