Need all your help for this.
(Your Own posts do not apply this time, Remember that )
Now you will have the pleasure of helping others for upvotes!
There is only room for 5 posts. - 100% votes this time ..
I also want to give 25% upvote bonus in the comment to you who have picked / winners You will also get your username in the comment of the one I vote in in the post that you have chosen.
(This post got 100% upvote from @xpilar and becomes Re-steemed, thanks to @user name.
1 * To be an approved participant in this competition, please Re-steemed this post and write that you have made it in the comments field
2 * You must find a post that has upvote $ 0.00 - $ 2.50 max. Remember that.
3 * The posts you find must be at least 30 minutes old from the time they were posted and no older than 2 days.
4 * The post you find should deserve 100% upvote
5 * You add a link in the comments box and username and write briefly why I will give them my voice.
6 * You can promote / vote only on one post at a time for the same Steemit member.
(Your Own posts do not apply this time )
7 * Those who promote their own posts in this competition will not be answered by me and also does not get any kind of upvote
8 * Has anyone retrieved / posted the same post, it applies as the first one that was posted / link on time in the comments box.
9 * The last uploader must retrieve a new post.
You have only 60 minutes on you from now.
The clock is ticking, 60 minutes from I post the entry
Images used in this entry are credited to Pixabay
Remember Re-steemed this post and write that you have done it in the comments box to be in the competition.
Regards @xpilar
Hope we create some fun again
Just looking for the fish on the picture in my blog, when you see it again comes a new competition
t takes time to read through the posts, but it's very positive for me to see that you appreciate what others are writing. Many of the items that appear in my competitions are also nice for me to read and get acquainted with.
Thank you for following my competitions
Regards @xpilar
I am very much at your discretionthank very much @xpilar
Thanks to you too
... :)
like posring
help ....
Thank you xpilar
Thank you for reblogged my post :)
This post from @chetanpadliya is at less than $1. It has got a click of a rare sighting of mongoose mating which shouldn't be missed:
Thank you! 💓
you're welcome
I'm promoting a celebration post by my friend @steemking777.
He has a very unique way of working on steemit and is a loyal friend. I get a lot of support and interaction from him and I am not the only one. I would be so happy if he can get your upvote. Thank you so much for doing this. I resteemed your post and tweeted it :)
Thank you very much. This is a really nice thing you are doing to help us :)
I want to help others with this competition so it will be a bit of fun to cheer when they see what they get
Definitely! That's the best part :)
This post worth support..plz, it's a fire's burn kitchen can u support him.. plz
Hi @xpilar.. I am interested in this post, very useful .. and I think this post deserves support from you.. this post by @fataelrumy..
Thank you very much.. ☺
you're welcome
great post let me think about what's the best our old freind or today freind
Thank you for your participation in the competition
hello my friend dear @xpilar, good morning. I Like this contest, this is very great and very benefit for us. and today I see some post which interetest, one of that is this pots : please support. thanks very much
Thank you for your participation in the competition @ijoel
thanks @xplar
Hey how are you @ safwenrekik
He. Has good story, Thanks @xpilar
hahahaha ..... thank @djreyza ... @djreyza and @arkan18 thank very much ....
et, @xpilar decide it hahaha ... very unexpected ... #steemit #aceh, is here, contes u @xpilar.
today 2 user help me, hahaha laugh @xpilar .... hahaha
it's weird, contes you .. @ xpilar..hahaha
:) :::)
Thank you for your participation in the competition @djreyza
Thank you xpilar
you're welcome
:: :) ::: :))children of the village, already know #steemit @xpilar, @mursin one of them, post downtown lhokseumawe, in aceh. I have invited @mursin here #steemit, @xpilar contest and will get to know you @xpilar.
please upvote, to get more spirit in #steemit
this link ... :)
Thank you for your participation in the competition @sultan-aceh
I am very happy today ....
but, I have to sleep ..
because, i have not slept from yesterday ok ,,,,
do not worry @xpilar, ... thanks @xpilar
Same here slept well
hahahaha ok @spilar 1..2..3... @sultan-aceh
I never lost your contest @xpilar.
Upvoted and resteemed..
Cheers~~~~Great contest by @xpilar
Thank you
vote and resteem
ok :)thank contest @xpilar
Thank you for your participation in the competition @sultan-aceh
:)ok @xpilar ...
I think this post deserves support... love his art work... re-tweet
Thank you for your participation in the competition @joabiodun
Thx for support minnows..i will watch out for more..hope I won't late when fish open her mouth morrow..Thx for this amazing competition. @xpilar
Thank you so much, yes next time
Re-SteemedMy vote today goes to @russellbury he has come up with a great challenge to the #steemsilvergold group to choose a pocket piece of silver to carry around and watch how they wear and tone over time :)
Thank you for your participation in the competition @owenwat
vot & resteem
Thank you so much
This post its very good, thank you my friend..!
what are you doing @arkan18 .... thank very much ....@arkan18 ....
Thank you for your participation in the competition @arkan18
U are welcome😃😃
Thank you.My respect for you @xpilar, I am busy so I am late for your contest, but I really like your contest. I hope to get it tomorrow.
chance will come again :)
Great job my friend Up&Resteem
You are welcome my friend
upvoted and resteemed :)
Thank you so much
thank you very much, i love post @ xpilar.
Nice to follow me @ brittancassandra