Its a contest, it's a battle... My fun engagement project this week is
Everything is better with Ned's Hair!!!!
Your Mission is to Paste Ned's Perfect Hair on Absolutely EVERYTHING.
20 Steem Dollars will be awarded, make it fun! Make it hairy, the world should see Ned's perfect hair! No harm meant @ned, we just love your hair! Ned's pre-cropped hair by @elgeko
omg genius @thedegensloth haha I love this!!!! I don't want to enter anymore haha
Oh, this is going to be fun!
@ned your hair is great and it will take us to crypto heaven, dont listen to the non-believers
Does it kill aliens too?
no, but it's better for you than Marlboro Red and Shoulders. It's menthol.
Head and shoulders above the rest.
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hello my dear Steemian Friends, I like my crew they are awesome and I love 5 star dining
Buy at the dip folks, buy at the dip
LOL @battleaxe omg
Someone help me here - I don't know anything about the woman in this pic!
Is this a meme or something?

She's a steem user that used to trend every day, in part to Ned's vote. There is a lot of Steem History in that photo. :)
No WAY! lol
Thanks for that info, @whatsup!
Might have to take a peek at the blockchain from early on hehe
you have a great name,
Why, thank-you, @battleaxe!
used to... quietly goes off to sip Agave sweetened tea and tend to the garden a bit before starting to cook a super posh meal
This is so fucking meta.. I love it!
is she dead yet?
best hahaha
this is so wrong in so many levels, animal abuse.... me not knowing who I would prefer to fuck, etc
megafacepalm !!!!
ROLF ROLF as Original
This one kills me!
@elgeko you know this is wrong. so wrong haha!
YASSSSSS!!! Bwa hahaaaaa
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"Downvote for the Aggrandizement" For the WIN!
So Steemy
LOL This one is halarious
It is...
LOL @meesterboom you got it.. haha! You look great with Ned's hair.
I do!! I must buy some!!
As Original
Boom Boom Boom
Hehe, cheers mate!
Lol :)
Well done, well done!
Cheers, it made a train journey go all the quicker!
Great contest idea @whatsup , this was so much fun! I love all these pics!
Here is my entry:

They are really fun!
Nedalik Scuterin
it's not easy being green
Lol! haha
So great and so green!
edited:Our dear @oppong . @emmanueloppong
is this related to the ping command?
Nah, its Oppong from steemspeak if you remember lol
Nice hair placement!
This guy really suits the cut
I heard he has a bad temper.
oh boy
super lol
If that ain't a fivehead I don't know what is. hahaha.

very good
These are really great!
LOL, this went so much better than I had even hoped.
It's just that much funnier because you're asking us to use @ned's hair! lol
It’s epic
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NedDan - The "Hair-Raising" Reunion
Oh boy, let's hope Ned doesn't see this one.
It kind of suits him, in a "old school photo" kind of way.
These are great!
Yey! 👅
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Love the caption! LOLOLOLOLOL
is this an acronym for suck my t bone sucker?
@sircork I just can't handle this one .. I am really laughing out loud..omg this one is too good. I think it is the way you cover his right ear with hair. lol oh, my!
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#chickenfucker @chickenfucker
Oh man... hahaha
omg laughing so hard .. what the hey?
Hey hey hey! Am I late?
Wasu wasu wasu wasuuuuup! BitcoNEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!!
LOL OMG this is hilarious! I’m sure his wife will believe in him now
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Clever word play.
bahaha :D
Pretty bird! Pretty bird! (Shameless self-aggrandizement)
Awesome Matey!
Yep, it does look better! Amazing! 😂
Holy crap! This is hilarious!!!!!
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I will never look at the logo in the same way.. hey maybe I will use it on my posts .. lol
How could I not? I mean really. LOL
ducks and runs for her life
I'll stab a bitch, don't test me.
I shared it in PYPT, too. LOLOL!
i shared the pic in steemspeak and got told to eat more.
At least they care about you. :-)
Oh. My. GAWD.
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I want to change the bill's caption to the "U-Ned-ed States"
I just like's a spirit animal thing
Glory insisted that I enter Her Fatness in this contest.

@markangeltrueman I will see your Carl, and raise you a Carl in a sarong.
Meet @carlgnash, he is a naturalist currently living in the Northwest portions of the United States. He enjoys long photoshoots on the beach, all natural "herbs", and searching for exceptional content in his spare time.
is that a Ned in your pocket or are you pleased to see me.
It's true the, all trends really can be traced back to the egyptians!
LOVE it.
LOL Here's my entry -
My sides hurt!
Really great one! lol. Fun
uv myself because...............wanna know truth
crypto and fiat equal
As Ned is charming and nice like winnie pooh, here my entry.

We are all Ned
What I am thinking looking at some of the entries in here. xD
Nice contest though. I really like looking at all the creative ideas the people have :-)
hahaha that's true!! I'm thinking that too @flugschwein
HAHAA great one! I'm calling The @allseeingewe and @overkillcoin over to the party :D :D :D
Two Neds in one bra. =)
@enginewitty will love this one!
That cleavage though.
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You are so philosophical ! YES!
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Coming to theaters near you Ned hero 6
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!! I had so much fun!!