The Deadpost Initiative - Week 26 - Finding payout and readers for expired posts (All fluid rewards go to participants)

in #contest7 years ago

Join us at The Steemit Zombies and Deadpost Initiative chat in the Steemit Community Catalyst discord channel

What is the Deadpost Intitiative?

The Deadpost Initiative is an attempt to give love to some posts that were overlooked during their short 7 day life span, a chance to bring your old posts back to life and maybe make some friends in the process. The goal is not only to share some love with SBD but also by engagement to generate discussion.

Last week

I’m hoping this week was our last low engagement week. We weren’t doing so great for so long and then recently we started slipping. I feel the introduction of the #steemitzombies had something to do with that. I don’t think it makes the Deadpost Initiative obsolete though. Many friendships were made here and there was much engagement and many rewards given. Nothing has changed except that there is yet another organized effort to monetize undervalued content. They are not mutually exclusive, there are so many dead posts to bring back from the grave.

I’ve got a little delegation handed to me for the week so the best submissions will get a decent upvote on their comments. Resteems needed, let’s bring this initiative to new heights.

Last Week's Winners

@norwegianbikeman- $ 1.2 Steem prize

I saw this post it’s first time around. @norwegianbikeman is relatively new to steemit so he’s just joining this initiative recently but his posts are much appreciated. Depression isn’t a topic we end up talking a lot about and the determination needed to overcome it is something we can share.

Random Ramble on a friday (roll cake Depression)


Week 26


Share your best Deadpost in the comments!
The best posts will be rewarded with the fluid payout from this post (split between winners) and will be featured in a future post.


•Please only submit 1 post.
•Posts must have a payout of less than $5.
•Posts must be at least one month old.
•I recommend you don't enter the same post twice in the same month if you didn't win the first time.
•Vote for 1-3 post by others. Please share WHY you liked their posts. If you don't vote for someone else's post by commenting you will not be eligible to win.
•Winners will be chosen based on how original, creative, informative and well written their posts are, as well as how well received they are in the comments. I will use the quality of comments as the main factor in judging who wins.
•There will be a slight bias towards smaller accounts but large accounts are welcome to join and compete or join just for fun and to share their old work.
•There may also be prizes for stellar comments and engagement.
•There will be 2 or more winners depending on how big the payout for this post is and depending on how many quality posts are entered into the contest.

Please upvote generously on your favorite post in the comments below, we'd like to generate a sense much support as possible for all participants and the prize pool is still growing.

Upvote and resteem to help us raise our reward pool! And remember to comment and upvote on comments in this post please to show support for deadposts! :-)
The prize pool will be the fluid rewards from the post plus any donation to the initiative.
I'm still looking for SP delegation to offer larger upvotes on all submissions. If you can help, please let me know :-)

This is not merely a contest, this is an opportunity to have your material read and an opportunity for us to really discuss each other's posts.

The Steemit Zombies and Deadpost Initiative discord channel

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Confessions of the Damaged - a collection of short stories


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by @skyleap


What a fantastic idea. This one is from a few months ago:) I didn't know very many people and so it didn't get too many eyes:)

What a sad whimsical poem @prydefoltz, but then she comes to her senses right at the end -

Time to wise up and just take his word for it - It’s over

So sad, hope she is ok now!

Thank you, Lizelle. She's me and she's fine:)

That is great!

Oh that melancholic ooze! So glad you resurrected this. It's so relatable.


Thank you, Anjkara:) Glad you like:)

Very amazing work I like how you accompany it with a YouTube video. I noticed you had not posted on YouTube for a while. You ever thought of giving that a go here using something like dlive or dtube? Both platforms have their pros and different use cases. I’ve noticed in the past someone using it in there poems or short stories to stand out above the rest.

Best of luck in the100 day poetry challenge! That one looks like something amazing for people who want to spread and share their creations while trying get some attention to what they are doing. Poetry on steemit is one of those things that it takes a while to find some amazing tags and places to share with. One of the more interesting tags I’ve seen people use is #onehumanbasket which does not seem to be very active anymore. I’m sure there are plenty of other hidden gem tags out there. Thank you for sharing such amazing work.

Cheers, Enjar. I may go back to posting spoken word. I can't imagine I would post with youtube again. They make if very difficult on smaller creators. For sure I would be looking dlive, dtube or dsound. But videos and sound recordings are a lot of work. I want to build up more of a following before I go down that rabbit hole again and the 100 days of poetry is challenge enough right now:) Cheers:)

Some of my leather art posts do really well. Some...meh. This one was kind of meh when it first aired. Maybe it will raise from the dead and LIVE!

Some great leather work on those, armadilloman:)

Thanks @prydefolz! I am trying to set up a kind of Steem based Leather Shop over on my blog.

That's a great idea:)I wish steem would get an kind of thing going.

Wow! Those are amazing eye patches! Hmm... I think it gave me some kind of inspiration for something... Hmmm...

Your cat looks cute!!! ♥

Thanks @artgirl! I am giving away a shark skin patch (among other things) this week on my blog page (if you are interested) . And Wanda is frequently in my posts since she has to be in my lap whenever I am on the computer.

Oh maybe something else not an eye patch. Haha. I think I like Wanda the most. 😂😂😂

I hope I never need one:)

Steampunk and the black quill back ostrich ones are quite amazing! So glad you were able to fill a market space that was lacking. I’ve never really understood the entire “hello kitty” on every product out there. When I think eyepatch that is the last thing in my mind. What you have created is amazing artwork!

In case you were not aware people do auction things off here on steemit using something like steembay. I’ve never used it myself but I have seen a couple of followers do. Sometimes they find a buyer other times it was just something cool to try out.

Thanks @enjar for the kind words. On your recomendation I did look into Steembay...for some reason I had not heard of it...I put up an auction for grins, just to see how it all works. Thanks again!

I am so pleased to see you working with the deadposts. I have also looked at this.

Your #nobidbot tag is about to get bigger. I would love to have you very involved in this project if you are interested.

Definitely another great initiative for steemit, the use of pay-for bots are making a mockery of the steemit platform and is very disillusioning when one sees bad posts doing extremely well! I will certainly be using the #nobidbot, wish you well!

Thank you! Yes, that is the perfect word. Mockery!

Looking forward to seeing your work in #nobidbot.

Let me add my almost 1 year old post about all-Ukrainian bicycler's day in my city. Maybe in bad English, but I put my whole heart into it. Then it got 11 votes and 1 comment.

p.s. I don't know the reason, but some photos disappeared in very old posts.

I find it always more heartbreaking not getting a large amount of comments on something you pour your heart and soul into. Even worse if it’s only bot and spammers showing up.

I don’t see a lot of cycling content at least in my feed. I know there a few things going on out there for running and marathons. Looks like you guys had an amazing time.

I know I always do not make the best tag choices and I think that is sometimes why at least for me certain things never get seen. Not sure how heavy the tags story, blog, and life where back then but those are really hard to stand very long in without massive upvotes these days.

Thanks for sharing this amazing post. Always great to see communities come out together and enjoy an active such as cycling.

It's not even about the number of votes. I was hoping to find like-minded people, people who also enjoy cycling and share their experience/photos by writing original posts.

After all, I'm sure there are a lot of them all over the world. And it's always interesting to read about people who make small bike trips and big bike tours in different countries, not for the sake of competitions or prizes, but for their own pleasure. Who they are, what routes they choose, what they see around and what adventures they meet on their way, how the government treats about their needs (I mean, special roads, parking, etc...)

This is what lack in other social networks and what I could not find on Steemit a year ago. And now I'm still looking for people with similar interests:-)

Sometimes you just got be the one that creates and promote it to find the people. #runforsteem has been picking up a fair amount of steam as of late. Someone created it and got the word out and people starting using it.

I'm sure there has to be a bunch of people who enjoy cycling perhaps they just need someone to make it easier for them to share experiences.

Nice post and photos of a community biking event. And you even did it with a kid onboard! :-)

Hey thanks, @sequentialvibe. I appreciate that you liked it!

True and I can think of some big failures in my life because I lacked confidences and some wins I had that I didn't really deserve I just acted like I did. If you are confident AND carry a clip board and walkie talkie (wether you need one or not...I saw this many times working on television productions) you can move mountains and make reality bend to your will.

The clipboard thing is brilliant. I think I am going to take one with me shopping!

So important to have faith in yourself and be on the look-out for this type of Steve.

It all starts within ourselves!

Oh this is interesting. Confident people do get more out of life I guess. We need to be more confident and make the world a better place unlike Steve! Hah! :D

I think we are all perfect in our own way.

Confidence is a key to success. When a man understand this, he can move the mountains

Back last year when we were facing a large number of natural disasters I noticed a large amount of scam like charities where popping up taking advantage of people wanting to help in some way. It in part address that, along with a few things, and I even included my own take on how I deal with certain things on steemit as well.

So, I put more hours then I’ll ever admit to into my longest blog post ever. After a few rewrites and doing my best to find the right tone I ended up with Be forewarned it is 4,800 words long and 8 months old so it is outdated in some aspects. It does include a table of context to help out.

I’m still happy I wrote it as I just needed to get it out of mind. It is also a reminder to myself to not write blogs that long. Even more so when they are not my normal kind of writing.

really cool post about charity that have only 9 votes. Yes, maybe it was too long but it deserves to be stored in the blockchain forever.

That was certainly an epic post full of great advice and useful tips. In hindsight you probably could have broken it down and got several good pieces from it, but at the same time it works well as a single body of work. Well done.

That was an interesting and helpful post, @artgirl. I use oils as moisturizers on my face, so why not use the hot washcloth method as well. Thanks.

Nice. Haha. 👍

Usually I use oils as moisturizer only after oil cleansing. 😁

I love the idea. Hope this satirical piece isn't too controversial to start with :D

It makes perfect sense, the solution you propose in your post. Why NOT line up 7+-billion people all along the same latitudinal line?
I wonder if we could all come to consensus on which latitude to live? ;-)

:D For lack of consensus, we have government :D

The joys of guesthouse hosting
A insider look at my post retirement job - running my own little bnb. Hope you enjoy it:)

Cute post about the adventures of having an extra space for people to land. :-)

Thank you for your comments @bananamemos :)

Nice work, Lizelle:)

What a great initiative.

Here's a piece I submitted as my maiden Steemit submission - of course it was hardly seen because I was brand spanking new

I built some while ago(3 months already.. Wow, time flies..) a heatmap of all steem transactions

Fun project:)

I didn't fully understand what I was looking at, but it was certainly an interesting representation of the growth of the Steem platform. Nice work.

This is so cool!

Here's my very first post, introducing my baby blog (about a Collective of bananas) to a world that either doesn't like bananas or doesn't understand what personalities they can have! I worked on this post for 3 days, learning how to use markdown and format the photos and tweak the writing and doublecheck the tags and... you get the point... only to have it go dead in the water after the first 10 minutes and 20 cents.
That experience is why I spend a little time, on most days, in the introduceyourself queue, looking for newbies to say hello to. :-)

haha I was going to post this yesterday, I can't believe how many comments there are here :) You've really made a step up and I gotta say, it's working and the results are showing

I have around 20-30 posts :D maybe I can share 10 of them that I enjoy quite a lot, here is the first one in the list, MarkyMark congratulated Haejin for his top rep :D so I will pat myself on the back :D I was there when it was starting and also I got some recognition in the form of a promotional comment, after that I checked his blog, it wasn't anything that amazing, other than his intro and a nice old Bitcoin video trashing fiat, he was still emerging back then and he wasn't the mega-whale he is now, well considering the timeframe I'd say he's a whale by now ...

Here is the post and I'm off to read at least 5 of yours :) people here :D

Respond, comment, upvote the comment :P check you later

This is a great initiative! I have tons of dead posts to share! Let's go with this one:

This is my offering for what it is worth, thank you...

I like this initiative; first time I've encountered it.

One of my "question marks" about Steemit has always been that there is a lot of excellent content created here, but after seven days it all just ends up in the Giant Filing Cabinet of the Blockchain never to be heard from again. In fact, I'd guess that after seven days, someone's more likely to see your content from a Google search than from inside the community...

Hopefully this sort of thing will help that.


Very cool! :D

I'll resteem this one out and send you a few SBD to add to the prize pool :D

Wow, thank you! :-D

Very cool initiative. Thanks for restreeming it.

Yeah I think it's a great Idea. You must have something you are proud of that didn't really get the visibility it should have?

I’ve created some rather long posts before. Now a day if I can keep them under 1k words I’m rather happy about it. After a certain length they seem to take forever to rewrite and structure things out.

It is just a fun idea as well to see what other people have created where they felt it was above their average type of post and it did not go anywhere. The ones you think are going be winners seem to flop. Then you wake up and some post you did not put much effort into got some got some attention. It is always quite strange!

Indeed :)

I do think the longer posts are too much effort for the majority of viewers. If the message is clear at the start and the end, with a bit of fluff in-between, then those are just as likely to do as well as the really monsters that took all day.

Brainnnns, dead post want brainnnnns.

I don't really have a deadpost worthy of submitting, but I wanted to upvote this and say how good of an idea this is. Maybe next month I might have a deadpost to submit if you're still running this great initiative. Keep up the good work @whatamidoing

Thank you :)
a do not have a article this week. but am here to support.
good luck to all :)

I don't have a post to submit, and not that my $0.01 vote makes much difference, but I did it anyway.

Oh, I would like to mention to @armodilloman and @prydefoltz that....

Vote for 1-3 post by others

Means somebody elses post, Not you're own. Doesn't it?

Come on guys... Play by the rules!

I did not vote for myself ... check again.

And neither did armodilloman.

I did however vote for aramdilloman and sequentialvibe ... you are NOT my favorite person, right now.

My appologies @prydefoltz and @armodilloman it seems that I misinterpreted the rules! Now that I have re-read the entire post, I was wrong - SORRY!

Note to self: don't comment on rules when half asleep!

I appreciate the apology. Thank you:)

My interpretation of the rules is that we can post a link to one of our own under appreciated articles, but we also have to comment and support 1-3 articles posted here by other people.

Thanks for that. I re-read this post and agree with your interpretation. It seems I may not of paid quite enough attention the first time round... My bad, won't let that happen again!

Easy enough mistake to make. There are so many "contests" on Steemit, each with slight variations on rules.

Great artical

I love this idea. Don't have anything to hand right now but this is definitely one for my feed. Thanks @whatamidoing :D



I would like to do this because up until lately all my posts were dead in the water. Where do I sign up?

You just need to follow the rules section.

sign up by commenting with your post and reading 3 others, share and collaborate here

•Posts must have a payout of less than $5.
•Posts must be at least one month old.
•There may also be prizes for stellar comments and engagement.

The rules aren't that much, so in short discuss the linked posts here and that's it :)

I don't understand; discuss what linked posts, and where is here? I don't see any here to discuss...

there are comments under the post, people have left their posts, their are considered deadposts because nobody will probably read them any time soon, the idea is to remedy that,

read other posts and upvote the comments, discuss the topics you like, that's it.

It's a weekly curation challenge or however you want to frame it, every week people add comments with posts, the cycle repeats, people get some exposure on their posts and effort, there is a conversation sparked here, that's the idea.

Ok this is the coolest! I love this because sometimes you spend a LOT of time on a post and just reaaaaalllly wish that a few more people saw it!

Thanks! You are welcome to join or just enjoy :-)