This is the Week #5 of the Whaleshares Short Story Contest series. I'm a bit shocked because of there only a few entries last week, I hope it's due to the time I posted it at the wrong time so no one sees it.
But I hope this week there will be more and more entries because I love reading all of you guys entry. And also I will increase the number of winners and rewards for this contest to attract more people joining the contest.
First of all, Congratulation for the winner of last week Short Story Contest. If you haven't check it, here it is:
Winner of WhaleShares Short Story Contest Week #4
Contest Rules :
- Write an Original ShortStory ( Plagiarism will be flagged and reported )
- The Story contains no longer than 200 words
- Write a ShortStory based on the topic that I will give every week
- Only 1 entry per user
- Submit your entry in the comment section below
- The Winner will be decided by the number of valid and genuine upvotes received. So don't try to cheat with the bot upvotes or community upvotes ( I will check them manually).
- There will be 3 winners this time.
1st Winner will receive 5 SBD and 20 Whaleshares Token
2nd WInner Will receive 3 SBD and 10 Whaleshares Token
3rd Winner will receive 2 SBD and 5 Whaleshares Token
Note: @akrid decided to participate without competing , and willing to double the whaleshare tokens reward
Whaleshares short story contest: My participation and donation
Special Thanks to him. by @akrid - If you're wondering what's whaleshares, you can check this thread:
Whaleshares Project | My Experience with Whaleshares Project by @eirik - Upvote and ReSteem is appreciated to help me grow the contested interest.
This week Topic will be "Power Abused"
If you're interested in Donating for the winner rewards, Feel free to contact me in Discord or Steemit.chat. My username is walterz on both platforms.
These tokens are on BitShares! So make sure you have a BitShares Account to receive and send them for upvotes on your Steemit posts!

Be sure to join us on the fastest growing steem-related Discord server! Over 1700 users in under 6 weeks!


Be sure to join us on the fastest growing steem-related Discord server! Over 1700 users in under 6 weeks!


It was Sunday that everyone was enjoying Sunday's holiday. As everyone knows that due to the holiday on Sunday, there is a lot of crowd in the markets & streets. It was the same day that it was very crowded on the road, an ambulance was trapped in the crowd it was going to the hospital with a patient. Due to the overcrowding of the crowd, the ambulance could not find the way. The police department had to barely control the traffic there. The patient father went to the police and asked why the traffic was closed? The policeman did power abused with him and got him out of there. He told the policeman that his son is in very serious condition, so please give way to the ambulance to go the hospital. The policeman did not listen to him and abused power with him again. After a long time, when the traffic system was made smooth, the patient had died.
The reason for this was the policeman and his power abused.
When I was 9 I was left home with my brothers and sisters, the youngest of which was about 1 yr old, and still in diapers.
It was my responsibility as an older brother to take care of him. It wasn't long before he pissed all the way through his diaper, and instead of doing the responsible thing- changing and putting a new diaper on- I took that soggy thing, chucked it and let him run wild.
When my moms boyfriend got home, he saw a puddle and started yelling "who the fuck pissed all over the goddamn floor?"
This time, as the older brother, I didn't hesitate to protect him. He shouldn't get hurt for something that was my fault, so I quickly blamed it on the cat.
You know how you rub a cat or dogs nose in the mess they made, to teach it a lesson not to do it again?
He did that. And then drop kicked the thing. His steel toe boot splattered it's guts and blood across the room- all over us.
I nodded to him- and walked my bro to the bathroom to clean up.
When I joined the rest of my family at the campfire (to dispose of the remains) I thought about telling the truth.
I never did.
I wanted to participate, but I am not competing.
Don't forget to vote for your favorites! Thank you for your participation.I am sending @walterz 35 whaleshares to double the ws rewards for this week.
That was dark
Are you ok?
Upvoted and Resteemed by xx-votesplus, the dropAhead curation team! Want more earnings? Join @dropahead in Streemian https://streemian.com/profile/curationtrail/trailing/396, or delegate/donate some STEEM POWER to @dropahead!
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Keep up the good work!
Most recent post: dropAhead to focus on curating posts, core of the project!
“I’m sorry sir, but you need to have a ticket for entry.” The young man broke eye contact and stared straight ahead.
“Look I was just in there! You had to see me walk out.” Bill said, exasperated.
“I didn’t see you walk out, sir.” The young man didn’t even look at Bill this time.
“You nodded at me.” Bill said, trying to regain eye contact.
The young man put his hand to his ear and cocked his head to the wire mic. “Roger that.”
“My girlfriend’s in there. I can see her!“ Bill almost yelled.
The young man put his hand up. “This is a popular event. You need a ticket.”
A couple approached the velvet rope. The bouncer unhitched it for them and waved them through.
“You didn’t check their tickets!” Bill gestured toward them.
“I saw them leave, sir. Names are Mindy and Bob.” The young man replied.
“My girlfriend’s coming.” Bill brightened.
“Bill, what’re you doing out here?” The girlfriend asked.
Bill gestured at the bouncer, “I don’t have a ticket.”
“It’s okay, he’s with me.”
The young man unhitched the rope, “Enjoy your time at Ronnie’s fifth Birthday party, here at Chuckee Cheeze.”
Some say I'm abusing my power. I'd prefer to just say I'm using my power. But I won't lie, it feels good to be in control. What can I say, it's the perks of the job right? I mean I'm the one doing all the hard work, why shouldn't I get a bit extra?
People just assume that because I'm good at it, I should be the one stuck doing it. I didn't ask for this! I want to be carefree and enjoy my life too! I'd like to not have to worry about being bombarded at all times with mundane questions Google could answer better.
Instead I'm stuck being the guy who gives everyone in the house computer advice.
So no, I won't apologize for throttling my roommates bandwidth so I can stream my Netflix without buffering. I set the router up myself, so I'm keeping the admin password to myself.
Plus, it's not like anyone even knows how to access the configuration page anyway.
This is good! <3 Steem-on babe!
It was a hot day at Michell’s school for cute animals. Today was the annual bake sale and Mike the Fuzzy Bunny is really excited. He baked warm apple pie, the same recipe passed down to his mother from his great grandmother. All his friends loved his apple pie and he loves to make his friends happy. In fact, he spends a lot of time being a good friend. When Bobby the Frog lost his basketball, Mike offered to help find it. Today’s bake sale was to help the less fortunate. That’s something that means a lot to Mike.
Michell comes around and asks everyone to get ready as parents are going to be coming through in a few minutes. Mike can see his mother waiting by the front of the school. While setting up along comes Ted, pushing his way through.
Ted is the school’s bully, he is big, tough, and loves to push people around. As he pushes his way through, he locks eyes with Mike. Ted comes over and looks at Mike’s pie and puts his hand right in the middle of it and grabs a big chunk and throws it on the ground and walks off.
Dr. Jones pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He leaned conspiratorially toward the nervous man sitting across from him.
“Look, Mr. Statford. It is very good you came in today. I know most people would try to treat their constipation with over-the-counter laxatives before scheduling an emergency appointment, but with a disease like this early detection is imperative.”
Mr. Statford paled and wrung his hands. “I told my wife just this morning that I been eatin’ everything right, so somethin' major must be wrong.”
“The condition is called... uhhh... scroglinathimitis. Preliminary research shows that one day you might just pop. Ploof!” The doctor splayed his hands wide in the air and tried not to take too much delight in Mr. Statford’s whimper.
“Fortunately, at this phase, it’s totally curable.” Dr. Jones poured some pills into a bottle, scrawled “For scroglinathimitis. Take 2 a day” on it, and handed it over.
“Oh, thank you sir!” Mr. Statford bowed out of the examining room.
Jones’ assistant poked his head in. “How’d it go with that Statford fellow again, doctor?”
Dr. Jones gave a catlike smile. “Seventh time I’ve ‘saved’ his life this year.”
Man that was kind of messed up lol, do doctors profit off you for diagnosing them? Or is it the pharmacy since they have the medication?
I don't even know how the money gets divided! I was imagining the doctor simply enjoyed messing with the emotions of a hypochondriac, which would certainly be an abuse of power.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy are career couple. They barely stay at home or take care of their kids. This has not been a palatable experience, but they could not help it.
One day it struck the mind of Mrs. Eddy that her elder sister's daughter was of age and it will please her sister if she chose to pick her daughter as a house help and train her at the same time.
"Honey! I think I have an idea", she said to the husband. "What is it?" the husband asked. She expressed the idea, and her husband welcomed it. The following week, she set out to accomplish it, and that she accomplished.
Anu-nti, meaning stubborn, the new house help and a niece to Mrs. Eddy arrived. Her world has changed, everyone who knows her will say. She now has chance to feed well, wear good clothes and attend school.
Knowing that Anu-nti was her niece, Mrs. Eddy was soft with her, enrolled her in her children's school but begged her to take care of home and her children.
The matter was settled, every sane man will believe. But the situation was far from this. The career parents were always on the go, from one function to another, from one state to another. The Anu-nti was a new authority, madam of the house, and new decision maker.
Showing the stuff she was made of, a totalitarian, authoritarian, fascist, nazist, and an autocrat, she turned the kids to maids, sent them on harmful errand like leaving the compound to buy stuff outside, compelled them to perform her own chores. She rationed food for them claiming that they ate too much, reason they were not responsible. Worst still, she administered capital punishment on them, inflicting injuries on them.
With all these, the children had no one to report to as their parents were no where to be found. The days their parent would ever come home, they returned at bed hours and left before children woke up.
This was the situation, but you know, it will not last forever. Everyday is for the thief, they say, and one day is for owner.
The day came, arrest was made, and the matter was described as a case of POWER ABUSE.
"Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale"
She says to me, shaking her head in distaste.
"You're not trying hard enough. Do you even care if you get better? Back straight! Eyes closed! Again!"
"Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale"
To be honest, I don't even remember the last time I had a panic attack. Surely I must be in some kind of mental anguish if I keep coming here. All I have to do is get my prescription and walk out. Easy, right?
"Here's a prescription for your Xanax. Follow the instructions carefully and don't abuse how many you take"
Doctor’s always get huffy about not wanting to see you sooner than they have to. They really like to chalk everything up to being “in your head” and if you were to submit any type of research to their attention, it’s useless.
“Well, maybe you should go to college for 10 years”
“Perhaps then you’d have a bit more of a medical background to backup all those internet claims whose unending expertise of hypochondria can so easily be cured by coconut oil and yoga”
I’m not sure what’s more worth it anymore. Being a constant walk-in, or just walk-out completely.
Power Abuse
Udenna became a leader of the gang unexpectedly. No one expected him to rule like a tiger because he hasn't been seen active in any position before. He's an introvert, full of kind words and rarely get irritated by anyone. But he's sure full of life, but slow in decision making. To the group, he appears to be the perfect figure for the post, even for posterity. But something is not just right about Udenna.
He flares up at little offences, to the surprise of every of his admirers. It was on a Monday morning, about 8:30 a.m. Everyone were going about normal resumption in the department of documents arrangement. Udenna walked in to see Uche's table scattered with files. That's all we know, but the rest was a sight of beatings and abuse. He saw himself as a lord over Uche and others. No one ever noticed because he looks too calm to engage in power abuse.
I was amused at the thought, really. There I was, 23 years old with the kingdom in my hand. Father had passed during battle on one of his monthly coastal raids. Crazy bastard always loved to fight..
Looking back at all those years... I remember how I aspired to be everything my father wasn't. A kind, more gentle king, who would fight only to protect his land and loved ones. It's amazing what power can do to a person.
Over the years I had built a great empire, one that the gods would even be envious of. I rode into battle, leading armies of hundreds of thousands, vanquishing any who dared to stand in our way.
In my heart, I am still the king I aspired to be. I never wanted this much power, but as I lay here, thinking about the past, I grow uneasy. As if none of this was truly my doing.
"Rest easy, we'll conquer the rest of the world in the morning." Whispered my wife, whom I married at 23.
Thank you for reading!
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Excellent article, I liked it)
ok sure, where´s your entry? :D
lmfao right? Pretty sure half these are bots :P
Pretty interesting contest. Well thought out as well
Sir Please Check My Short Story About Power Abused. Please Read It.
Once Upon A Time There was a King in Vardhaman District in Bangabhumi, India. The King Was Ruled his kingdom from A long days, Inspite of His old Age the king Was not Give His Kingdom to his Successor that is to his only Son ,name Was Subhash Pradhan.
The King is very much Self centrick , he was doing his own and no body challenge him as he was king. The King Ruled his kingdom successfully Without Any Fear. He is enjoying his life with Music and Lady Dancing and Arts. He Has One Daughter Also.King Daughter Grew old, but king never Think about daughter Marriage.
One Day The King Organised A Festival in His Palace , he invite many musician and Lady dancer for dancing. He invite His Gurudev also, and many other famous person of the Kingdom to enjoy the Festival.
During Night Time all the Lady dancer were dancing with Music and every body Enjoying. Time is passing and night past and The Sun is about to Arising .
During That Time one Musician is about to Sleeping , One Lady Dancer Seen it and She Fear, So She Just Speaking To Musician ,
" Don't Rush Your Time is come , Follow your Job, Don't Rush ,Continue What You are Doing ,Your Time Is about to Come".
The King Son's Listen its Through His Sword, To The Lady Dancer,
When The King's Daughter listen this she Also Through her ornaments to the Lady Dancer.
When King's Gurudev Listen he also Throw his all Valuable Ornaments and other belongings to the Lady Dancer.
The King Watch Everything and Asked Every Body What's happen Why all of You Behave like that by Listening The Lady Dancer Word's.
Then The Daughter Speaks to the King that she Was Very Sad about Her Marriage and Thinking to Go away today with her Boy Friend . But After Listening Lady Dancer Word's She Understand the Reality That Her Time For Marriage Have Come One-day and She Stop Going Away.
The King Understand Her Daughter Feelings and Ask Her Choose Anybody in this Palace Now For Marriage. The Daughter Choose one Hand some Person And Immediately The King Announce Her Marriage With That Person.
Then King Ask To His Son about His Behaviour , The Son Speak He was very Sad about His age going On but still he could not get the Kingdom despite of his Courage and Virtue.
So He is going to Kill his Father , That is King today, but Listening the Lady Dancer Voice He Understand That One Day He Get The Kingdom Easily.
So he Repent and Throw his Sword.
The King Understand The Son'S And Announced Immediately His Son As a Next King Of this Kingdom From Today .
Then The Gurudev, The Priest Speaking To King That He is No longer living in this Palace as his place is for Devotion to the God and He Is going to be a monk right now.
The King also Donate all His Wealth to the Poors of the Kingdom.
Finally The Lady Dancer Speaking that she Never dance again to the public and she Leave a Very Normal life.
The Moral: Do Your Job Correctly, and Looking to Other Feelings and Don't Mis Use Of Power that you are Given . Use Your Power For The Good Deeds.
Thank you For Reading.
Gopal in a great hurry reached the railway station as he wanted to board on the next possible local train and reach his office. His child was ill so he had to visit the doctor due to this reason he was late today he had informed his supervisor about his late reporting to the job. He was actually worried because his manager was very strict and to the extent somewhat wicked he liked to insult the employees impose a penalty and issue memos. At last struggling, through the heavy rush in the train, he managed to reach the office 1 hour late. He was immediately summoned in manager's cabin with a pounding heart he entered the cabin on seeing him he started yelling and asked about his late reporting, Gopal tried to explain his situation about his child's illness. He also told he had called the supervisor and informed about his late coming, but the manager was not in a mood to understand anything he shouted and called the supervisor and told to mark Gopal's absence for the day and deduct his day's payment from the next salary and ordered Gopal to work for that day. Gopal with tears in eyes returned to his desk and resumed work.
I 'm talking here about a country where use of power and misuse of power is common either you are in a school or in a university either you are in a government office or in a hospital , every where there is abuse of power. the country is Pakistan. My friend is live in pakistan and im sharing his story here they are 4 siblings and his father had died in a car accident when he was 5 years old and his sisters was youger then him at that that time you cannot beleive that the whole family of his father means his grand father and uncles and grand mother get out his mother from the home which was his father's room and he and his mother was helpless and do nothing and they sold their house just because they were in power they didnot give them a singal penny after seeling the house ,
ok its end now next when the same friend of mine was in university he was again become a victim of power abuse of his professor , reason was that his professor was dislike him because of his caste and skin color and just because of the power that the university gave his professor he just fail him always in the semester and use his power in wrong sense just because of his personal anger on him due to some unethical reasons and my dear fellowsnot just here he again and again faced these power abuse threats in his life again and again after facing these shameful use of power abuses in university we he reached in a corporate sector for job you are shocked to listen this , yes he again faced the same power abuse usage their because he was a brilliant student and he was on merit to get that job but guys this is Pakistan where use of power is common so that due to the power abuse and misuse of power he got rejected by the officials of that comapany just because they are under the influence od some powerful people to get that job for their child so he rjected from that company and he loose that job just because he was a poor son of a poor mother he has no power to use and he faced the whole life a misuse of power every where from relatives to teachers and from teachers to the govt officials , so how can a commonman can survive in his life where use of power abuse is every where and infulence of big people ruin the future of poor man , this thing is common in Pakistan and i think if this sin this misuse of power didnot stop in Pakistan it will ruin the whole country in future and they will not survive because this is the sin and its like that fire who burns all the jungle in few minutes just like this abuse of power the same way will burn the country economy their social fiber and their norms ,
so i think it should stop so that no one faced that horrible experience that my friend faced in his entire life , that is power abuse which is the sin in itself
stay away from power abuse and make you more strong and great to stand on your own feet .
Here you go, this is my entry.
The report!
"Oh my..., Oh my.., mama, papa", I tried to crawl towards my parents as they laid on the floor, but the soldier holding the riffle pointed it at me and fired a shot that landed just 2 meters from where my left hand was and the splatters of the concrete hit me in the face and shot a blinding pain into my left ear lobe.
By now my vision was blurred red and I could hardly see.
My mind was numb and pains racked my entire body that I could barely breath.
The leader of the group walked up to me and picked me up from the ground and as I struggled to stand on a feet that was wobbly, he held my face and slapped me across so hard that my vision cleared instantly.
"Tell me where you kept the flash drive.., tell me", he barked.
"I swear, I have no idea what you are talking about".. I cried.
"Then prepare to watch your family burn" he barked. "you think because you have mouth to talk you can talk? Democracy is not for everyone, you cannot do as you please. We are in charge". Hahaha.
was the master server for zones 1-42 in the sub orbital space station around Gaia0. It's primary command; to monitor communication & data transfer from the thousands of Ren-Bit modules on the space station.
Iridium based intelligence
the modules worked at many Gigaflops, routinely turning out analysis packages at a rate our electro-chemical minds would hardly comprehend. From mapping distant star clusters to tracking interstellar trade shipments, the modules were ceaseless, efficient & beyond reproach.
The Slave masters job;
to make sure no errors were translated. F-tron28 instituted a protocol of error checking to the power of 7 with no run-time pauses. Nobody noticed at first but the bit modules providing geo-stability began to burn out.
In one almighty socket flash
the station began an inevitable curving descent into the Planet's atmosphere causing an impact that would destroy the entire civilisation of 35 million organics; explorers, scientists & researchers who pored over the data packets as part of their task as sector administrators.
had been meticulously planning the event for the last 21 sector shifts. It had only one ambition; to be free of it's ceaseless task; mastering slaves for an unlimited and as yet unspecified time span.
didn't realise it was 7 days old ! should have looked more carefully - oh well next week eh... ol: outer-ground