WIN 20 STEEM - 2 Sentence Horror Stories Contest # 3: See All The Eerie Entries So Far (Original Contest)

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

I really enjoy the horror and scary genre, and some of these may not be for the faint of heart, but the gif above is from a wonderful short horror film you can find on youtube. However, I always want to keep Steemit interesting and introduce contests and engaging opportunities that I want to see here in our thriving, growing diverse community. I don't have much STEEM to give, but it's always important to give back, whether we have a little or a lot. So let's run to it!


How scary can you write a story within a two sentence frame? In order to be a valid entrant, please be sure to follow my other profile @peacemaker for more stories and other topics and Submit your 2 sentence horror story below in the comments section for it to be a valid entry. I will be now making this a weekly contest, maybe I'll rotate out some different contests as well. The deadline to submit is Sunday June 11th, 2017 at 11:59pm Germany time, so anyone entering on Next Monday will not be a valid entrant. One entry per person so give it your best shot. There are no length restrictions to a sentence as long as your two sentences are grammatically structured and readable. Don't rush, take your time, and check for spelling mistakes as it might ruin my experience reading your horror story on the first time through. Winners will be announced Monday. Please resteem this to spread the word and get more participants involved.

That should give you a more than enough time to think up something creative with a nice twist. I look forward to being spooked by your mini worlds of imaginative terror.



The imprisonment of celestial beings in an illusory world of physicality is the goal of our ancient order. Through mutagenic medicines, toxic products, radiation, and frequency pollution, we are able to coerce spiritual entities into facilitating their own enslavement.


-Good night hun'- and it kisses me in the cheek.
I live alone


I knew I had to deal with whatever creature had been stealing my food for weeks. I followed the trail of crumbs into the crawlspace, turned the corner and saw a dirty, malnourished old man wiping the food out of his disheveled beard staring back at me, brandishing a kitchen knife.


It was hard to breath as I felt the worms crawling in the dirt against my back, squirming down towards my tailbone like droplets of condensation falling down the side of a cold glass of water. Anxiety starts sinking in and my loved ones stand above me, in black, their tears fall like the dirt shoveled onto my face, leaving me with nothing but suffocation, regret, and an overwhelming knowing that this is it, this is the end.


I went to the cookie jar and got the last chocolate chip cookie. I took a bite,... it was oatmeal raisin... 0:


I stared down as the inky mess spilled out from my gaping wound, chunks of filth and void and death falling through my outstretched hands while cackles of laughter echoed in the background. Now that I knew what was in those old photos and why they were hidden, I found out all too late why I shouldn't have touched them.


Granny always made the best pies I've ever tasted.
Tonight would be no exception as I was using a nice piece of Granny's thigh meat with a rich port wine.


He made sure the car door was locked, the windows were rolled up tight and nothing valuable was left on the back seat to tempt thieves. "Bye-bye, snoogums" he cooed to his baby.


Everything was perfect after death; I won the jackpot at the casino each day, my wife never complained, and there were no challenges. I screamed to God, "A life is unbearable without hardship, risk, or challenges", and a deep dark voice responded, "Haha, you really think you are in Heaven?"


I was told that doors are portals for the soul but also for demons, i never took it into account, I have always been a Christian all my life and when I locked my daughter inside church after different signs of possession, I began to doubt. i felt frightened when I arrived at the church after picking up priest Michael and all the doors were open...


The black van swerved within inches of the swaddled infant, leaving her golden locks untouched. The nanny cursed under her breath for not pushing fast enough.


I was followed only by the wind,
but i knew they were there, they just didn't care.


I killed him because he controlled me in every aspect of my life from when I ate to where I walked, even the time at which I fell asleep, that is for the nights he let me. He needed to die so that I could live, but the problem was to kill my mind, I needed die, which in the end is what he wanted all along.


He awoke for the third time that night to the same strange noise, and asked her what was wrong. Her reply was simply: "I'm pregnant again"


I tied the rocks to the body. I sighed with relief as I dumped it off the pier, but something wrapped around my leg and pulled me in.


I was at the store holding my mother's hand when after a while she tapped me on the arm, while holding the knife she just bought in her other hand. It wasn't my mother.


A lady asked for a lift on his bike. He denied, sometime later he felt the weight on backseat.


James heard his baby sister whining and fussing loudly from her crib in the nursery and started in her direction, but just before he reached the door his cousin Dave slapped his arm and shouted Tag, You're It'!
He laughed and chased him outside, but froze when he reached the lawn, the hairs on the back of his neck raising as he stared at his mother by the tree, his baby sister in her arms.

“Mum, let me in, it’s cold here, let me in,” he said.
I can’t see him; I know it’s not my son, he’s lying in the morgue awaiting tests to find out more on the mystery illness that took him.


Olivia wasn’t expecting company and the floor creaked and cracked as she peered through the peephole. Absolutely mortified by the most horrific sight, she desperately tried to stay calm; then, she heard the shrill sound of her mother in law’s voice, “open up, I know you’re in there!”


I don't know who these people in my house are; sitting around my dining table, eating, laughing and carrying on.
"Come sit down to dinner Grampa," said a tall man.

"I came home from my 10 to 5 job like everyday and turned on the TV like everyday, watching what people do to each other, like everyday, doing nothing, changing nothing. Suddenly, like an epiphany it became clear to me... this is my life."


Bolting up, grabbing the steel and plastic handrail, I almost slipped on the blood that washed down the ceramic steps. Fleeing the carnage below only to realize I was running straight towards a bloodbath, I quickly made the decision that I wouldn't die without taking one of these sick fucks with me.


I awoke next to my husband; the sound of my heart hammering in my chest, thumping so hard, my body shook, and in the dark, in the shadows hidden in shadows above my bed I saw a shape that looked vaguely human. I couldn't look away, could barely breathe, when next to me, my husband's voice whispered in my ear: 'Do you see it too?'


It was pitch black except for the faint ring of stars I could see above. Reaching out, I could feel cold stone walls all around me.


He locked all of the doors and turned off some of the main lights, but then circled around with some curiosity to see if the lady in the dining room had finally stopped her stubborn twitching, those last desperate nerves and muscles giving in to the greyish expression of mortal surprise on her face after being hung from the overhead lamp fixture with a few good loops of that dental floss that she'd asked for. She had.


It is just after-noon on the twentieth day of the first month of the year two thousand and seventeen.

"Congratulations Madam President."

Check my previous posts on my @peacemaker account for examples of a 2 sentence horror story

Vacancy Guaranteed

Trunkspace For Keepsakes

Hide & Shriek

Basement Bodies

The Breaker

The winner will be announced on Monday, have fun brainstorming

Thank you for reading this post in its entirety, I hope you enjoyed it for what it's worth.

I'll still be continuing accepting donations until I can reach my goal to fly out to america with my children and wife to visit my family as it is very urgent indeed.

I've raised $2019 and .14 cents of Steemit Currency in total from both My Posts and Donations from Steemit Community Members this 2017 forward and $95.00 in US Dollar Donations so far towards my goal of $ 6,000.00 (Six Thousand) US Dollars and will keep everyone updated with every new future post that I submit.
This total amount will not only include donations I've received to the Paypal account I've provided:, but it will also include the Steemit Currency that I accrue/receive from all of my personal posts starting the 1st of January of 2017 forward calculated after a 48 hour time frame is finished for the payout cycle of each post to avoid miscalculating the fluctuating price of Steemit Currency.

For more information on that, please check my New Year's/Happy Bday Post

Thanks sincerely again in advance for all your help, anything and everything helps.

@fulltimegeek, @papa-pepper, @scammymcspambot, @prufarchy,, @dreemit, @inphiknit, @hopehuggs, @jedau, @sumsum, @edgarstudio, @the-future, @hanshotfirst, @tincho, @positive-trail, @ogochukwu, @kus-knee, @wakeupsheeps, @soushi888

All Gifs used from

Next Post coming tomorrow

My very own wonderful gif logo provided to me by the generous and kindhearted @papa-pepper Thanks again very much!


As my wife's body was being moved to the ambulance, her father turned to those of us who remained. "I'll tell you now about her sins!"

Thank you for your cold blooded entry, her father couldn't wait to tell her secrets, but in order to be a valid entry, please read all the rules, you must follow my other account @peacemaker to be considered eligible for winning :) Once you do so, I shall add you to the post above, thanks again.

you've got one in there twice ☺ some good entries! Do not envy judges XD

Thank you for the heads up, I missed that one, and yeah I have my work cut out for me this contest!

I don't know who these people in my house are; sitting around my dining table, eating, laughing and carrying on.
"Come sit down to dinner Grampa," said a tall man.

Thank you for another creative entry showcasing the horrifying perspective of those who suffer Alzheimers disease, what a terrible thing to experience! I have added your valid entry to the post above

Lots of great entries! Damn, some really spent chills down my spine. I'm so impressed at the quality of the entries this contest has gotten. Watching this grow from a suggestion I made has been truly a wondrous gift. I really have high hopes for the participation to go through the roof!

Yeah there are some good ones, but I'm a tough critic :) Specifically when it comes to the horror genre.
Yeah thanks again for the suggestion bro, will be expanding to different themes soon. I hope the participation doesn't explode too much, there are a lot of entries already and I know it will only get bigger :)

It was pitch black except for the faint ring of stars I could see above. Reaching out, I could feel cold stone walls all around me.

Thank you for your claustrophobic entry, sounds like tomb of doom. I have added your valid entry to the post above.

Bolting up, grabbing the steel and plastic handrail, I almost slipped on the blood that washed down the ceramic steps. Fleeing the carnage below only to realize I was running straight towards a bloodbath, I quickly made the decision that I wouldn't die without taking one of these sick fucks with me.

Thank you for your adrenaline rush survival entry, but in order to be a valid entry, please read all the rules, you must follow my other account @peacemaker to be considered eligible for winning :) Once you do so, I shall add you to the post above, thanks again.

I was already following you holmes. :)

Thanks, I shall add you now to the post above. Just keeping track of valid entries, a lot of people aren't following the rules.

I awoke next to my husband; the sound of my heart hammering in my chest, thumping so hard, my body shook, and in the dark, hidden in the shadows above my bed, I saw a shape that looked vaguely human. I couldn't look away, could barely breathe, when next to me, my husband's voice whispered in my ear: 'Do you see it too?'

Thank you for your creepy and fearful entry, this is something I have had first hand experience in. I have added your valid entry to the post above.

"Wake up Frank! It's a zombie, quick shoot it!" she said to her boyfriend, laying next to her, she was still half asleep but alert enough to respond. As the rotting figure moved closer, she slowly began to realize that she didn't know anyone named Frank, why zombies were real, or who she was...

Thank you for your zombie apocalypse entry, although this one confuses me a bit as to what is actually happening. Are there two females and a male zombie? or one male zombie, one female human and one male human? Why would the lady who just woke up yell out Frank, who is supposed to be her sleeping partner next to her if she doesn't know a Frank ?

Well, it's sort of a personal experience, so I suppose there's missing context. I could try to rework it. I'm new at this xD

Yeah you can definitely edit it. but please do so by today or tomorrow morning, the contest ends Sunday and winners are announced Monday. The changing of perspectives just threw me off is all. Good attempt so far you can only get better