Source: Giphy

Another Haiku Contest!!!
Out of appreciation for Australian Rules Football, I dedicate this haiku contest to all who are enjoying the march to the Grand Final. Happy September!
@felixgarciap graciously donated 0.20 SBDs to this contest, which will go to the runner-up. Yep, TWO chances to pick up some easy SBDs. Life's good!
Read below for more about the contest instructions, theme, how to participate, awards, and how I'll select a winner.
Contest Instructions
Write a haiku about rain. Anything relating to rain.
This must be a one-stanza, traditional 5-7-5 haiku like the ones described here: . Here’s an example:
You may submit multiple haikus, but you need to make each haiku its own reply. Each one will be considered a separate entry.
you have any suggestions, post them on your blog, tag me, and reply below with the link to that post! Just might snag the idea for my next contest!This theme comes from @four20, who's getting .005 SBDs from me just for the idea. If
How to Participate
- Reply below with your haiku. Deadine: 11:59 pm UTC, September 15, 2018.
- Upvote this post. Deadline: 11:59 pm UTC, September 15, 2018.
That's it! But...
You should also resteem this post to increase the winner's prize and give yourself some free exposure! You can participate without resteeming -- I don't give preference -- but if you do resteem, it only helps you.
Also, post your entry on your own blog! Mention @vdux and I'll give you an upvote and resteem your post.
And, collect a bonus point for each person you tag in your contest entry. More players, more prizes, more fun!
Winner gets:
- 1.5 SBD
- Half of this post's author awards
- One free resteem from me for any of the winner's posts. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)
One runner-up gets:
- 0.2 SBD
- One free resteem from me for any of the winner's posts. (You choose the post. There's no time limit but I reserve the right to refuse to resteem any post I consider offensive or indecent -- I'll simply ask you for a different, non-offensive post.)
How I Will Select the Winner
Within 2 days after the deadline, I will read all entries and choose a winner and runner-up. While I'll take upvotes into consideration, my selection will reflect my personal preference based on the entries you submit.
Feel free to reuse a haiku from the past and write as many as you want!
Also, give congrats to all who've participated in my previous contests:
@tristancarax, @jenel, @giddyupngo, @chrislyr, @mineopoly, @puppetmaster1111, @calluna, @yidneth, @creatr, @acousticsteveo, @blackant, @rlt47, @viking-ventures, @steemotion, @foxfiction, @lologirl, @creyestxsa94, @yahialababidi, @jadams2k18, @doughtaker, @ladyrai, @impending.doom, @andysantics48, @felixgarciap, @godstimetim, @gamsam, @antorchajohnny, @aniketmore1925, @mameh, @tygertyger, @kaelci, @felicitas, @ayyeenn, @dmilliz, @eprolific, @jvanman, @kimberlylane, @phoenixwren, @liverussian, @herbertholmes, @dizzyjay, @emdesan, @markeverlasting, @shawnsporter, @operahoser, @eaglespirit, @tomset, @millennialnow, @preparedwombat, @apeximomen, @melissakellie, @freedomno1, @moneyinfant, @mermaidvampire, @millennialnow, @mysearchisover, @yahialababidi, @givonwayne, @pinkgeek, @boxcarblue, @ablaze, @hope-k, @rexdickson, @crescendoofpeace, @digitokash, @theunlimited, @theodora87, @mysecondself01, @pocketmouse, @jacksondavies, @ohkaaay, @lazarus-wist, @dbooster, @janesmy081316, @dc420la, @redheadpei, @whitelite, @olymar248, @nenad-ristic, @trudeehunter, @bananamemos, @iswaldsmoak, @josoft, @onefatindian, @pedroelec, @offgridlife, @daisyphotography, @chadrona, @hazem91, @celsius100, @emergehealthier, @ralk98, @fromage, @four20, @amayphin, @mother2chicks, @jackofcrows, @trumanity, @barge, @evlachsblog, @natepower, @elbrujo, @neenarose, @beatking13, @snowyknight, @alom8, @rentmoney, @sidequest, @oclinton, @sarez
zappl microstories.Special appreciation to: @mermaidvampire for goodvibes, @liverussian for her awesomeness, @firepower for keeping it real, @jayna for her great writing prompts, for the #zappfic
Quenching nature's thirst
Building a cities culture
This is Seattle
One moment...
::reaches into filing cabinet, rifles through a few folders, and pulls out a large glossy::
Ah, here we go:
That's her all right!!
I really dig this; succinct and we'll crafted.
Although it doesn't really rain does it?
Just mists a lot. Average rainfall is not very much.
I don't think that's a haiku.
No, just an observation
Does it really rain?
Average rainfall is not much
It just mists a lot
it is now! Good job
I'm from the north Oregon coast... second-cloudiest city in the country (after Quilliute.)
Then, I lived in south Wales... never saw the sun hardly during the year I lived there!
I think we all know something about rain... :p
Honorable mention!
Times are tough enough
When you’re hungry and homeless,
But wet and cold too?

So sad. Too common.
Tears fall like the rain
there is no hiding the pain
rainbows upside down
Drops form on petals
Skies open Thunder clashes
Earth is replenished
Terrestrial rejuvination!
Phew I made it!
Here we go
Drip splash tink blip drip
Rain falls down on my tin roof
No rest for wicked
The wicked have tin roofs and umbrellas.
Awesome, I love this. And I really love the rain. I hope that I win.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Such a funny one. Love it. 😎
dry, dead, cracked earth!
who can enliven the dead
but the living rain
Nice, nice. Really liked the personification. Great!
Rain falling softly
Thunder rolls in the distance
Good day for sleeping
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes! Agree!
Welcome back to the contest!!!
Thanks, I appreciate it!
I hope all is well with you! ;-)
As for me, I really am sleepy, and I think I'll crash soon. Take care!
Oh Beautiful rain. The sound you make on my roof. When I am inside.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Here's myme thinking about the holidays! take (@shawnsporter) from my years on the North Oregon Coast. Strangely, while snow starts most people thinking about Christmas, these fall rainstorms were what would start
Great, as always.
Honorable mention!
Thank you!
Flower in bloom is
Often seen as miracle.
Why not all life?
Here are the winner and runner-up:
Hi @vdux :-) Thanks for the contest and here's my entry:
Late August downpour -
in the garden a tear hides
between the dense drops
Nice imagery. Why is the garden sad?
In the garden, someone is crying but it's up to the reader to give an answer to your question 🙂 Thanks for your appreciation!
Oh, I see. Nicely done!
You're runner-up!
Yuppies! 😁 I sent you a little contribution for the next round
Here's my entry.
It's raining outside
But, we are all safe inside
Taxi, as it stride.
Posted using Partiko Android
Nice!!! Love the rhythm and rhymes.
Hi, again my dear friend @vdux! Long time no see...
I love the rain and its sound on the roof, especially in the company of a woman, cuddling each other
Here is my haiku...
you wake up nature widely
that once was asleep
Well hello there! Welcome back!!!
Cuddling is a pretty wonderful thing when it's raining. Haikus are good, too!
Thank you!
And you are right my friend
Here are the winner and runner-up:
Thanks for the heads up my dear friend!
My entry
My love fades!
by @felixgarciap
Dawn with a strong storm!
hits the rain to the window...
and my love fades.
So sad!
Is Rain avenging
By merciless droughts and storms,
Our rape of nature
Whoa. Never thought about it that way.
Rain rain and more rain. Will you ever stop raining. Now I need some sun.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Me too! Big storm coming to my part of the US, could be devastating. Millions already under evacuation orders. Ugh.
Me too... preparing for the biggest hurricane Chapel Hill has ever seen.
Yea, get them bananas to dry ground!
In all seriousness, be safe.
Thanks, you too!
The sound of raindrops
makes a beautiful soundtrack
melancholy mood.
by @amayphin
Yea. I know how that feels.
Was it a lucky
break, when my ankle aches, I
know It will rain soon!
Second job as a weather forecaster...?
Lol, I might do a better job than the forecasters that say 50% chance of rain.
Posted using Partiko Android
splat! right on my ear
puddle squelching on my boots
rainy day outside.
Which banana wrote that one?
It was me. I love writing poetry, and I love rain, and I love the squelching noise of boots in a mud puddle!
What a precocious little banana!
I'm not really sure what that word means, but my mom says I have a "good little noggin."
Lifting face skyward
Receiving reward packets
Sprinkled wet kisses.
I never thought about rain that way. Really nice.
I am tired of rain. Endless days of rain rain rain. Please, when will you stop.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Yes. See my other reply!
I love when it rains. When I am in the garden. And the plants need food.
Posted using Partiko iOS
You are a haiku machine, @offgridlife!
I love writing them. So much fun to think of them. There is always more.
Posted using Partiko iOS
😁 It's a wonder that haikubot isn't visiting more of your drops!
My 2nd entry:
Rain, rain, raindrops fall
Frogs jump and jump happily
Bath their body, whole!
Posted using Partiko Android
Something a little different :) ~
Cloudless skies torment
"Water!" screams the thirsting ground
Farmers; suffering
We have the same problems in the US. No rain where we need it. And then, we have too much where we don't!
Good to hear from you again. I see you're using steampeak? I'll have to check it out. What's the advantage over steemit?
Oh, yes! I am loving SteemPeak!
The main advantages I'm finding are drafts actually get saved properly, never to be lost again! and I can save my posts as templates. I can be lazy sometimes, so the ability to just save my image liner and footer thingee and have the post formatted how I usually format it at the ready for me to just fill in is wonderful. OH! And it is so much faster than steemit, or I use an old laptop with 4gb of RAM so things are slow anyway, but the improvement in site speeds is fantastic. No longer do I see "this website is slowing down your browser!" haha. :D
I started using SteemPeak after reading @themarkymark's ~ ~ explains things a lot better than I can! But I would recommend at least having a look at it. :)
OMG it lets me schedule my posts in advance!!!!
Brilliant. You rock!
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Glad you enjoyed it! Yep, I'm the same author. Toodles!
Clouds encloud
So they can later tell what
They saw on the way.
Esta es mi entrada para el haiku:
Oh hermosa lluvia
caes gota por gota
dejando tu rocio