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RE: New Contest from @Xpilar 23/11-2017 "get free upvote"

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Pandan Cape.
The history of Tanjung pandan city including the often questioned, why Datuk Ahmad or Tuk Mempawah become ngabehi in Belantu area and Why also Depati KA Rahad or Cakraninggrat ke-VIII choose to be buried in Water Labu near Kembiri?

During the third Cakraninggrat period (1696-1700), Belantu Region was also authorized by Depati KA Gending or Ki Ganding to Tuk Mempawah or Datuk Ahmad, an Islamic mubaliq. then in 1705, Datuk Ahmad was given the rank of Ngabehi as Ngabehi Suro Yudho. When he came from Malacca to return to Borneo, because of the storm, his boat took shelter in the Bay of Gembira Belitung and encountered the inhabitants of the land (at that time sea-dwellers already exist, called Sea Urine, the inhabitants of the land called Urang Darat).

Datuk Ahmad is impressed by the language of the inhabitants of the land that resembles the language of the Malay peninsula, but most of the population still adheres to the traditional religion of animism led by the dukon kampong (this custom is the authority given by Cakraninggrat II, Ki Mending or KA Abdullah).

Then he settled and taught Islam in the region. That is why Datuk Ahmad is given authority or authority by Depati Cakraningrat to III namely KA Gending to become ngabehi. And given the right to become ngabehi in the region until hereditary.

When KA Bustam became Depati Cakraninggrat to IV, Datuk Ahmad including a mubaliq which is favored by him because the teachings of Datuk Ahmad still tolerant with the teachings of local tradition, shamanic ritual events not so prohibited by Datuk Ahmad.

At that time, Islam brought by Pasai mubaliq tends to purify the true teachings of Islam (Islam from Java brought by Datuk Mayang Geresik or Ki Ronggo Yudho is not pure again when it was sent down to KA Abdullah or Ki Mending, then give freedom to the dukun to practice customary law and traditions
customs. The steps to convert the shamans were taken directly by the Crown Prince of KA Siasip who should have been the king but he refused and remained determined to be the Imamate of Islam).

KA Bustam, although already Islamic, is also the successor of his tradition of ramondanya (Ramonda KA Bustam, Ki Mending or KA Abdullah learned Islam from his grandfather Ki Ronggo Yudho or Datuk Mayang Geresik from East Java Ki Mending or Depati Cakraninggrat
to III, is the king who controls the system of government in kebatinan or mystic. That is why he gave authority to all shamans to carry out customary law system and traditions in each region mystically) Fanatism of KA Abdullah or KA Mending teaching so thickly decreases in KA Bustam. For this reason, his wife Gunawan Labu (according to folklore or urang Belitong urang is a derivative of a bunian or a Jin).

After KA Bustam became king replacing his brother KA Gending who died in 1700, in Pamanukan West Java (should be the son of the Ganding KAs who became the king of Siasip KA, but he prefers to be the Penghulu of Islam, Siasip KA learned in mubaliq that came from Samudra Pasai , KA Bustam did not like the mubaliq teachings from Samudra Pasai, then he expelled one of the Siasip KA teachers
Syehk Said Yassin.

Furthermore, killing Syehk Abubakar Abdullah or Datuk Gunong Tajam) In the oral story of the people, Syehk Abubakar Abdullah who holds Datuk Gunong Tajam or Tuk Pasai is a magician who has many famous pupil too, one of his students is Tuk Kundo. One of the reasons why the Mubaliq was murdered was that KA Bustam was considered shirk by the cleric for electrifying with a bunian woman or a genie.

After KA Bustam died, was succeeded by his son Abudin (1740-1755) but later he fell out with his brother KA Usman. And KA Usman asked for help with the Sultan of Palembang to mediate their problems, KA Abudin was held in Palembang and then married again with sultan daughter of Palembang. For these services, Usman KA must send tribute to the Sultan of Palembang every year. (Relationship between Depati Belitung and Sultan Palembang was opened in 1755. based on note: Batavia Handelsblad on Staatsblad Th.1879 No.45)

KA Usman or Cakraninggrat to VI, giving territorial authority to all the children of the Abudin railway or his niece; namely KA Rantie still settled in the Beam or Dendang. While KA Gunong Kurung is still sad to remember the rivalry Ramonda and pamandanya until he decided to meditate in dragon cave where datuk Mending Mapa bertapa (according to folklore, KA Gunong brackets is a half-genie who dripped from his grandmother Putong Gunong Pumpkin, he controlled and protected four mountains or enclosed four mountains: Labu Mountain, Guda Mountain, Pedas Mountain, and Mount Petebu).

Medium younger brother, Munti KA given a new land or territory in Lenggang Gantong and domiciled in Gunong Petebu (This family is famous as the Lord Gunong Petebu).

KA Usman stepped out of the Beam then established the upstream Cerucok town. Lowering the child is Hatam, KA Luso or KA ujud, Dan NA Busu (NA Busu then Married to KA Munti, son of KA Abudin) then the relationship kinship even more thickened.

When in the time of Hatam Depati Cakraninggrat to VII (1785-1815) in Cerucok, there was chaos with the influx of British minions Tengku Akil from Siak. KA Hatam killed by Tengku Akil (KA Rahad is believed to be a descendant of Jin's incarnation)
that is, he can only be killed if his head and body are separated from the body. This weakness is known tengku Akil. And KA Hatam is known by the nickname Depati dead tekerat head) On the incident, ananda KA Ancun who has become Panggawa (crown prince)
also killed. The survivors are KA Rahad, KA Saleh and some of their younger sisters. They were all brothers of three men and five women. KA Rahad and KA Saleh are still not so Panggawa (crown prince).

In the wounded state they were rescued Pamandanya KA luso (KA Luso already holds the leader in Gunong Petebu replaces the late KA Munti) in their escape being hunted by Tengku Akil people, hiding while in Tanjoeng Gunong (Later when he became Depati, ) and after quite safely he and his siblings live on Mount Petebu. (Later, in the reign of Rahad Rahr region though this far from the government area, it remains an inseparable region).

KA Luso (Commander of kris silver gilded) managed to repel Tengku Akil, then he took refuge with the Dutch in stuck. But the resistance in Bangka by Demang Lion Yuda from Bangka town and Selan Juragan managed to drive Tengku Akil.

After the Sultanate of Palembang fell to England in 1812 and then handed back by the British to the Netherlands on 20 February 1817. But the new Belitung occupied the Netherlands on October 21, 1821, it was with an intermediary Palembang troops who led by Sharif Mohammad to get rid of the pirates or Lanun reigned around the waters of the Belitong region, Once safely in 1822 landed Captain De la Motte with a hundred of his soldiers in Tanjoeng Goenoeng.

De la Motte got opposition from KA Rahad's army with his own cousin's warlord, KA Jalil until De la Motte fled to the hill of Tanjung Pendam with the help of the Chinese De la Motte built a fortress there with the help of the Chinese (People China who worked on tin mining at Hatam Depati and after Hatam's Train died The tin ditches were abandoned and the Chinese were allowed to open settlements on the banks of the Aik Seburik River, the Chinese settlement being a buffer between the Dutch and Depati so the Chinese could free to live in two domains) while Tanjoeng Goenoeng fortress can be controlled by Rahad KA and then Rahad Kad established his residence, and this is the beginning of Tanjung Pandan City opened by KA Rahad (former Tanjung Pandan Police Station).

Sharif Mohammad, who became the spearhead of the Dutch, was unable to subdue Rahad Train until in 1824, he and his troops returned quietly. Unable to defeat KA Rahad, in 1826 De la Motte was replaced by Assistent-Resident
Bierschel and back in guard by Syarif Mohamaad and his troops. The resistance ensued until Syarif Mohammad fled to Mentok but was secretly followed by the Lusoh Railway people, and Syarif Hasyim was killed in Mentok and in that same year Bierschel was summoned back to Mentok.

The Dutch were quite overwhelmed by the resistance of KA Rahad and his troops until later the Dutch appointed Syarif Hassim (Family of the Lingga King) to subdue Rahad, but Syarif Hassim was also killed and buried next to Tanjung Pandan prison. Then the Dutch raised Mas Agus Assik from Lepar Island but Mas Agus assik then could not stand also faced with KA Rahad and returned to Lepar Island.

In 1830, Belitong Island was surrendered by the Dutch to Syarif Hassan from Palembang, but in 1835 he fled and complained about the resistance of Depati KA Rahad to Resident Bangka in Mentok.

The Dutch then sent an expedition team to Belitong led by Colonel PC Riedel. Although the attitude of Colonel PC Riedel is rather soft and willing to invite KA Rahad to confer but KA Rahad still do not want to meet him.

P C Ridel also collect information from various parties both from the royal family also from the people. And in conclusion, the people still want K A Rahad to be depati and on that basis the Dutch through Resident Bangka, De Haase and Assistant Resident, Bierscehel, then crowned and admitted KA Rahad as Depati Cakraninggrat to VIII. On July 1, 1838.

With the appointment and recognition of KA Rahad as Depati then began a new round of Dutch tactics to find and mine tin in Belitung and secure all marine waters of Belitung from lanun threat, and this time also all the islands around Belitung in controlled by Depati KA Rahad.

That year also KA Rahad divided Belitung Region into six districts; Tanjung pandan, led by KA Saleh, Sijuk by Ngabehi Djinal, Buding by ngabehi Awang, Badau by
ngabehi Rachim, Belantu by Ngabehi Deraip, Lenggang by KA Lusoh. But the Lenggang and Tanjungpandan districts are united because they are held by the true descendants of the king.

Before KA Rahad died in 1854, he ordered to be buried in Gunung Labu where the origin of Putu Gunong Pumpkin. But then people like not knowing Gunong Pumpkin. People only know the place called Water Pumpkin. Now KA Rahad Tomb, is in Water Labu near Kembiri Village, Belantu Regions..