The Questions Contest #37 | Who is your most admired scientist? | Reply and win SBD & Smartcash!

in #contest7 years ago

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3. The contest runs Monday to Friday. Every day a new question will be on discussion which I hope you enjoy replying.

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My most admired scientists is benjamin franklin.


Building upon Franklin's work, many other scientists studied electricity and began to understand more about how it works. For example, in 1879, Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb and our world has been brighter ever since! But was
Benjamin Franklin really the first person to discover electricity? Electricity is a form of energy and it occurs in nature, so it was not “invented.” As to who discovered it, many misconceptions abound. Some give credit to Benjamin Franklin for discovering electricity, but his experiments only helped establish the connection between lightning and electricity, nothing more.

You got a 10% upvote from @oceansbot courtesy of @drayhazz! Earn 85% Daily Payout by Delegating SP to oceansbot.Send 0.01 SBD to @oceansbot and get Upvotes from 35+ Bots. Bids open Every 14 minutes.

Could you please name the 35plus bot because am confused.

There are no upvotes given. I called the bot out on it yesterday, and in response they first posted they gave me a 1% upvote. I told them they were not very smart as I could see on they had not, as well as on Steemnow. Their response was to change their post to say a 10% upvote was given. Yet once again, there was no upvote. You can see here that nothing was provided for this post here.

This person is just running a scam, albeit for a small sliver of SD.

The history behind the electricity is really interesting! Even the greeks like Thales knew something was going on there :) Thanks for joining the contest!

Thanks for the daily contest.

Bro I love this

Thanks bro

nice image

Benjamin Franklin is indeed a great inventor

Ben is a great scientist. Lovely post

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Nikola Tesla is my most admired scientists, I love the Serbian born scientist because of his immense knowledge in different fields of science and technology.
Nikola Tesla was born in1856 He could speak 8 languages, recite a whole book completely just with one reading, make a device just by seeing it once and not writing down anything. A funny fact about him was that he was a celibate his whole life.

Tesla had developed almost everything by himself and did not expose any of it which later was invented by other scientists in his time. Tesla had generated ac current before Edison knew about charges. Markoni who got Nobel prize for inventing radio used all the ideas of Tesla. X-rays by Roentgen, RADAR by Watson-watt were all devised by Nikola Tesla.
There was almost nothing that Tesla did not do. First hydro electricity plant in Niagara falls, experiments with cryogenic engineering, transistors, radio wave recorder from outer space were all built by Tesla. Remote control, neon lightening, modern electric motor, earthquake machine are finest inventions from Tesla. He was a true genius

I voted him also and i think this is a good point, kudos to you

Yeah he is truly a genius @harris2017

A genius truly. But he knew all this and didn't tell anyone? That's just bad

He is a superb scientist, nice choice

Yes .. Is a nice

As a physicist I can't agree less.

Yes .. And for everyone

And absolute genius! History did not treat him well but his legacy is enormous. Thanks for joining!

Kudos to you i love the comment


Nice one @harris2017

Thanks for your comment

He really is a genius,but knowledge not shared our utilized to better others is a waste. Don't you think so?

But still is a number on scientist

Nice choice

He's done a Number of things .

Yes.. In fact we can say his the best

Good post

Thanks for your comment youre great

Great scientist!

As an electrical engineer, my most admired scientist is THOMAS EDISON who invented electricity in 1879 after trying and failing for about 999 times, but wasn't tired of trying, until he succeeded (on his 1000th time of trying) in inventing the electricity we all enjoy today!

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image credit

@bloggersheavens has just supported you, help us do morw by upvoti ng this comment. For the record, thomas edison is a nice chouce keep steeming on bloggersheavens

Thanks for your choice!

I'm grateful for the opportunity sir. Thank you

Let there be light

And there was light. Loving!

I do not agree with all the answers that I saw here. I think that the best scientist is Leonardo da Vinci. He was ahead of time for 500 years.

He came up with a helicopter, a diving suit, a parachute, a hang-glider, a bicycle, a car prototype, a machine gun and much more. In addition, I consider him one of the best artists.

I agree. Leonardo da Vinci was the best scientist in his day and remains to this day.

I like Galileo, but I agree that Leonard is a genius.

I totally agree

He was veeery ahead of his times! Thanks for joining!

I had to think a bit about this one. And I can't provide you with a singular scientist to be honest. Here is why:

Have you ever thought about all the foodstuffs we consume and realized that there once had to be someone who tried it for the first time?

Imagine how many poor bastards must've died eating that mushroom of which we now know it's toxic. Or that brave soul that licked the frog before anyone else had the guts to try it!

Can you see what I'm getting at?
We don't know the names of those people. I'm not sure if it's right to call them scientists per se, but they sure had the experimental drive it takes to be one!

Brilliant. It's true; I too have often wondered who was the first person to eat pepper.

Then I realized that the more interesting question is who was the first person to eat pepper twice.

I like your answer, and I agree.
When I peel an onion, I always think of the first person that ever tried it. He must have been damn hungry if he would still eat it after crying his eyes out while peeling it...

Exactly! :)

haha yes, I thought many times about that as well...specially with mushrooms as I love collecting them in the forest, but you need to be sure what you take hehe. Thanks for joining and your homage to the unknown scientist ;)

I stumbled upon your competition and was intrigued. It was a fun exercise to think about your question. I'm not sure if scientist is the right word. Maybe proto-scientists or pseudo-scientists. I do however think of them as unsung heroes, even if we'll never know if their actions were made out of curiosity, desperation or because they were wise or fools. Probably all of the above in some form or manner. :)

My most admired scientist is the great Stephen Hawking (RIP). He for the first time set out a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.
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An amazing human being. thanks for joining!

He's not a world famous scientist or someone who contributed a great deal to humanity but I will never forget my high school science teacher Mr Doyle.

Even now many years on the only reason I can remember how to wire a plug is because of his method for remembering. He was a pretty crazy American from Buffalo. He had a saying "Blue y'all is Neutral! And Brown is Live because if you touch it, then that is what colour your pants will be! Then the remaining one is Earth".

Never forgot that lesson and it has came in handy many times in my life.

That's nice :) Good teachers will always be the ones that make great scientist in the future !


Richard Feynman is by far my most admired scientist. He was a physicist that not only contributed greatly to his field but he was so irreverent about it too. He was a talented lockpicker and an inveterate prankster who never allowed being a dignified adult to make him boring.

More than that, he was a brilliant teacher, truly able to break down deep and complex concepts for others to understand.

More than that however is that he was a true skeptic, a critical thinker who never allowed what he wanted to be true to get in the way of learning the real truth.

My most admired scientist is Alber Einstein for developing the theory of relativity, which is now one of the two pillars of modern physics.
He wrote many books which includes
The World as I See It (1934)
Ideas and Opinions (1954)
Relativity: The Special and the General Theory
Out of My Later Years
Autobiographical notes
These books sometimes makes you understand some aspects of life.

Favorite quotes from Albert Einstein:

  1. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  2. Imagination is more important than knowledge.

  3. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.


A great man indeed.! I can say, He's the backbone for modern physics

Yes Mr Einstein was missing in the list!! Thanks for joining!

My most admired scientist is Charles Darwin who demonstrated that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors through the process he called natural selection.

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Another amazing scientist! imagine how he would feel exporing the unknown world and discovering hundreds of never seen species, just amazing. Thanks!

Thank you Boss. I'm grateful

I think the best scientist is Michael faraday
It was by his research on the magnetic field around a conductor carrying a direct current that Faraday established the basis for the concept of the electromagnetic field in physics. Faraday also established that magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was an underlying relationship between the two phenomena. He similarly discovered the principles of electromagnetic induction and diamagnetism, and the laws of electrolysis. His inventions of electromagnetic rotary devices formed the foundation of electric motor technology, and it was largely due to his efforts that electricity became practical for use in technology.
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You are right @elixbaba without faraday there wouldn't have been hope for electricity and as we all know without electricity tecnology is almost useless

You are right bro

Great choice! A lot of you guys are into electricity here :) Thanks for joining!

Thanks bro

Enrico Fermi! His understanding of quantum physics was extra ordinary. I am lucky to be a "great grand student" of Fermi. Enrico Fermi taught Ugo Feno, who taught my Prof. Giancarlo Strinati, and luckily some of Fermi's wisdom has been passed down through his students.

The reason I say Fermi is because his studies of a Fermi gas (cloud of electrons), will effectivley lead to our understanding of super conductors. We have made some but they must be kept very cold, we want to make them work at room temperature.

If we achieve this we will have computing power beyond our wildest dreams, transmission of electric world wide without any loss of energy, unprecedented internet speeds, mobile devices better than any computer you have seen..... The list goes on!

This will all be thanks to the deep understanding that Fermi brought with him.

There are 100's of scientists you could mention to be honest but I think this work will lead us to an age of technology so advanced it will change humanity and civilisation.

Cool. I voted Steve Jobs, but I think this is a good reason also.

Bravo @physics.benjamin. Enrico Fermi was Italiano, so I agree with you :-)

In Rome there is a amazing museum that shows research of Fermi, If you can you must go someday :-)

I didn't know the stuies of Mr. Fermi, it's always great to know more! Hopefully we can achieve (and we will) his theories. Grazzie!!

I'm glad I was able to teach you something new.

You may like an article I wrote, which you can find on my blog, its about the coldest place in the universe, which is a Bose-Einstein condensate, it relates to what i mentioned. In the sense that by using electrons instead of atoms it's possible to study the effects of super conductors.

Link is here if you're interested :)

@bubina92 I wish I had the chance to meet Fermi. If I remember correctly my Prof. may have met his wife in her later years. The wealth of knowledge my Prof. that basically came from Fermi was incredible, he is italian also i'm sure you can tell.

@beautyinscience Steve Jobs made a very big contribution to the world of computing. Without him my argument would have little weight.

I admire the man that invented


Nicéphore Niépce

Good choice! The father of photography with Mr Daguerre. Thanks!

Yea thanks for organising something like this. I look forward to the day you will ask for the most admired philosopher.😊

It's Louis Pasteur that I admired of all the scientist, because he saves more lives with his genius idea on how to cure rabies, anthrax and other infectious diseases. Our lives is more important than any material things, so I'm glad that he invented those medicines that saves people until now.

Save life, save earth...

Good choice, he indeed saved maaany people's life :) Thanks for joining!

My admired scientist is Isacc Newton, founder of gravity theory.

A great inventor in difficult times of history! thanks

The greatest scientist in the world is Nikola Tesla — Serbian and American inventor, physicist, electrical engineer, known for his achievements in the field of alternating current, magnetism and electrical engineering.

My favorite is Albert Einstein. Although I have not understood fully his theory of relativity, I'm intrigued with our discussions back at school how Einstein's theory relates to the existence of other dimensions and time traveling.

Charles Darwin : known for his Theory of evolution

Nikola tesla ...... Ome of the greatest minded scientist in the world.


Rosalind Franklin , a scientist whose work led to the discovery of the double helical structure of DNA. Unfortunately, she did not get the Nobel Prize for it.

Well, prices are not the most important thing in life but what we do :) Thanks for your reply!

My favorite and most admired Scientist is Charles Babbage, perhaps if not because of this English Mechanical Engineer maybe I won’t be doing #steemit right now.

He was considered as the “father of computer”, invented the first mechanical computer in in the 19th century.


I didn't know him! How great is to know new things every day!! Thanks for sharing and thanks to mr Babbage to set the basics so we can have this nice contest today :)

Yes indeed he is the roots of all activities we are doing over the internet.

I also learned a lot of things from your contest entrants, this is a brilliant idea!

More power and more sensible contests to come!

Image Credit
Name of Scientist: Momofuku Ando
Known for: Inventor of Instant Noodles
Born day: March 5,1910
Died: January 5, 2007(aged 96)

Momofuku did a great job that everyone, even infants now benefit from because it's a fast food and soft(its requires little or no grinding)and for the fact I love noodles, I say kudos to him!
Dried Instant Noodles

Haha, I practically live of noodles sometimes.

Hihihihi, Guess what I ate yesternight?...Noodles!...haha

Ohh he saved many dinners with this :) Thanks for joining!

My most admired scientist is Issac Newton

Do you have and use tv, electric fan, aircon, refrigerator and etc. in your house? Well you must show your gratitude to Nikola Tesla, for you can't use those appliances without electricity.

I admire him and I'm thankful to him for electricity nowadays is very important to the people. That feeling when we can't survive a
few hours brownout. And we all know that all of the things that we use in our house are operated by electricity .

Here is some of his inventions:
•alternating current
•remote control
•electric motor
•and Wireless Communications and Limitless Free Energy

Steve Jobs! What a true GENIUS!

Well he was more an entrepreneur I guess than a scientist, but thanks for your reply ;)

Enrico Fermi per me! :-)

My favorite scientist is:

Humberto Fernández Moran, was a doctor and recognized Venezuelan scientist in the field of physical and biological sciences. He received the Vovain Prize for his invention in 1967, the diamond-tipped scalpel, and the founder of the Venezuelan Institute of Neurology and Brain Research (IVNIC), a forerunner of the current Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC) and one of the scientists who contributed more to the development of the NASA project in the Apolo.3 program

For me is Michael Faraday is behind the principle of electricity, you guys are using today.

I’m not really into science, but I’d say Stephen Hawkings (R.I.P.), and then especially for the human side of it: the strength he has shown, living with ALS for 55 years. Making such great contributions to science in a physical state most people would not be prepared to live with... He was hell of a strong man!

This post goes in memoriam of Stephen Hawking, my most admired scientist and an example of personal growth in great adversity. RIP Mr. Hawking.

R.I.P stephen hawkings😩

Congratulations to winners of Question32:
@drayhazz: 1.17 SBD
@iconnelly: 0.67 SBD
@yura81: 1 Smartcash

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This post has received a 2.43 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @thepassenger.

@passenger can it be fictional?

You got a 2.04% upvote from @luckyvotes courtesy of @thepassenger!

My most admired scientist is Jose P. Rizal he named some species that can be found here in the Philippines. An acclaimed optalmologist in his days here Asia. Apart from that he is also a novelist and authored two novels that are the blue print of Philippines' liberty.

Tesla (real lfe)
Charles Xavier (comics)