There are a lot of contests and competitions happening on Steemit. I rarely take part, but I do love these fun contests that help the really talented people stand out. With my recent decision to seek out a new profile photo for Steemit, I realized that I can simply HIRE one of the amazing talents here to do draw it for me.
Welcome to the most self-indulgent and narcissistic contest on Steemit! Draw me a new avatar, and get paid in SBD!
Me? Self absorbed? Nah...
The avatar I choose will receive 5 SBD, second favorite will get 2 SBD, and 1 SBD will be reserved for the funniest entry.
How to participate?
- Draw me an avatar! Full character, if possible, not just a face. Ask me in the comments if you have questions.
- Post it in a reply or create a post for it and be sure to link to it in a comment to this post.
- You will get an upvote on your entry (can't promise a percentage, but one will be given)
- In 7 days from today, I will post my selection and send the prizes to the winners.
How do I draw a techslut!?
Well, there are plenty of pictures of me on my Facebook profile. Like, copious amount of them. Or, just try and sketch a Steemian with pink hair, glasses, a cup of coffee and a mobile phone. That's me. :)
Share with anyone you think would be interested!
Well!... Here we go!

You just never stop impressing me, @beekart . <3
I need that yoo1900 voting power :O that it will transform into a fully rendered almost 3d/pixar style character :O haha
Ha! Well, I can't just summon whales! Goats at best!
This is so good!
Boah! Great!
This is what called - high level!
Hi everyone , this is my entry for this contest ,hope you like it :-)
Ilana hope you like it too ,
Can't breathe now. OMG.
Its so nice feeling when i see that you like it
Isn't it fun?! I think I might be hooked on challenges/contests :)
I would be, but I'd have to find more creative topics than, well, me!!!
Ha ha, you could do contests/challenges about you doing various things, like you under the sea or you as a mermaid all sorts :)
Hmm... I am going to be serializing a book on steemit so might have a challenge for people to draw the characters for it as they imagine them. That might work better. I am not THAT narcissistic. Almost, but not quite. :)
Hello and Happy new year for everyone!! here is my entry:
(pd: i have the full resolution img's and the psd. file)
Wow, you're amazing @ferjart . I'm I'm in love with your art <3
Okay, THIS is... WOW! Thank you!!! Upvotes all around! :)
He he i'm glad you like it :D
I love it. And you got yourself a new follower, too. <3
OH Thanks for the support, I am grateful :)
Here is my entry.

I see I didn't pay attention and it is not a full body, but I did use a unicorn. That's because I saw you were wearing a unicorn shirt and I wanted to do it in my style. I almost always have an animal, real or imagined, in my artwork so I HAD to do you with a unicorn. Also I wanted to make it more a general person not look exactly like you, I hope that was also ok. Enjoy and here is the link to the post
Dear Voting Power,
I am sorry for today.
But seriously now - WOW. Picking one just got really hard. Wow.
Whew! This picture came out a little dark, but if you like it, I can re-photograph it and up the colors! Hope you can find the avatar you're looking for. :)
That's amazing! Blown away yet again. Wow. So much talent on steemit!
"fuck it. I'm finishing this."sooooo @techslut I realise I'm too late, but I really liked where it was going and I was already almost finished when I realised you'd posted the winners already that I was like:
So here is the steemit post:
and here is what it looks like:

I admit, I went a tad overboard and it became more of an Illustration than an avatar drawing LOL
but I got really into it! especially the dragon! I don't draw dragons often.. and then I couldn't help myseeelf! It just kinda... happened. XD hahaha
sooo I guess now you have "an original Jill" for your collection XP
And to think I said I'd never do shit for free anymore.. sigh. ah well. what can you do if you fall in love with it while drawing? I wasn't just gonna abandon it.
hope you enjoy ;)
I am in love with it. Had it been here yesterday, you would have gotten that 5 SBD. So no shit for free - the least I can do is give a chubby upvote. And this also totally merits a FOURTH challenge winner. :)
this was fun! :*
OMG yes!!! My ass is huuuugeeeee!!! :D
Do you have the source file?
:D I had to guess it, but I guessed that you have a magnificent ass :D
Of course I do! How can I email it to you?
ibrudo at the gmails.
And I can only WISH my ass was that spectacular. :D
:D :D :D :D
I do not know if I am late or not, but here is my entry.
Not late and damn impressive!!!
Thank you!
You could use this for the Mistress account.
That's a pretty great idea. I might just do that.
Pulled a late night to get this done, it was fun and I got super distracted with it XD
I hope you like it, I realise that you wanted an avatar but couldn't help but add the unicorn.
ok, wow. I love this one.
Enough so you won't give me a stern look when I blow a ton of money on prizes for this challenge? :P
Yes. I believe artists should be paid for their work.
here's my entry! :)
here is my entry ( updated post )

I think this is already late but I will still post it for @techslut
Wow amazing.
The image won't load and the link is broken! :cries:
Please fix?
Omg!! I'm sorry for that, i'll try to fix it
Since the competition is so fierce.. :D
I gave it another pass! Hope you like it!
Fun contest! Here is my entry:
That's cute! I hate drawing hands too... :P
Also, why green shirt? You're not the first to think of green, which is actually one of my least favorite colors.
Well... I just thought green goes well with pink... Nothing more than that. It can be changed :D
Yes hands and feet are not my favourites.
Assumed as much. I think it clashes and opt for blues and purples. And pinks.
I can do faces rather well, but not hands.
Ha, ha I had purple for a while and changed. I love purple:)
Here's my entry @techslut
Woohoo made it in time!
Post here:
Princess Leia style! :)
Here is my entry...
My entry! Hope you like it 😊
Hello guys this is my entry hope you like it miss @techslut
Great work, but... why so sad-looking?
What can you say about it
No, hahahah she's smiling or maybe the coffee is hot. Hahaha just kidding ;) thanks miss @techslut hoping there will be another art contest from you. I can't do digital right now cuz my PC was broken so i did it on traditional art.
Hi, this is my entry

An entry, read more about it here
Ha! Pretty damn precise!
חחח אחלה
של gif!
I participated too!
I used only 8 colors, and canvas size of 64x64.
Upscaled to 128x128
Upscaled to 256x256
My post
Hi, guys! Here is my entry for this contest. I will be very happy if you check out my post. I hope you like it :)
Yehey, she liked it :) im very happy @techslut
Here, something quick and a bit sloppy :P
If you like it, I can fix it.
Am I ghost?! Starry-eyed boxing ghost. Well, it's interesting! :D
Lol! You're not a ghost, I just suck at making legs... well, I suck in general, but I like to try occasionally :P
Hello, this is my drawing for the contest, I have done it by hand using colored pencils, a black marker and a pencil for drawing 3H. I hope you like it. Greetings.
Hey here is mine entry
My entry.... Hand drawing
woot I am a Simpsons character! :D
Omg yesss! I love drawing people!! This'll be fun to do tomorrow
gotta sleep tho its 3am here, CANT WAIT!!!
Me neither!!! But yes. Sleep is important. The contest has 7 days to go so no worries.
What should the document size be @techslut? I do a lot of work in illustrator cs6.
The bigger the better, but at least big enough for a clear profile photo. AI means vector drawing. Yes please!
I'll probably be done in another day or so @techslut. ( º﹃º )
:bounces with excitement:
I should have listed a smile along with the coffee and mobile...
i will make you an avatar like mine! just working on it!!!
Awesome! Expecting it. :)
Is there anything like iconography, theme or favorite thing you'd want to incorporate into it?
There's so much! I write, I love cats, unicorns, dragons and anything pink. I am a technology journalist with a love of innovation and gadgets (hence the name). I like scifi and fantasy, RPGs and boardgames. People also say that I tend to get excited about stuff in a cute way.
Pick whichever traits you like - it's up to your artistic inspiration.
Must say - I am having SO MUCH FUN with all the amazing artists contributing to this contest, that I can say for a fact that the itty bitty prize pool in this post will be at least doubled when it's time to pick the winners. But don't tell anyone. It's a secret. ;)
Well I can draw a pretty decent unicorn XD and pink colour palettes owwwwww, so much to go on this is gunna be fun!
:bounces with excitement:
Here you are, hot off the press
Indeed. I look very pressed here. Possibly with a steamroller.
I also draw an avatar

Here is my entry Ilana Hope you like it

Hi Here is my entry! it's ready to use! in PNG Format
try to equip it....
My Post Link
This is my entry

I look angry! Thank you for your entry. :)
Nice one @techslut I am loving this.. here's my entry..
Wow. Precise! :P
heheh G fanks ;)

Artistic AF.
Hello,Here's my entry link,hope you like it
Here's my 3D entry link too,i tought it would be good idea
i know i will win!!! here is my OBRA
My Masterpiece
Wow!!! My favorite I will soon post my entry and I will try to make it relate with you though I am not a skill artist I am just a beginner but still I will try my best to draw the best..:)
Let's just have fun! :)
good, i like
Great idea! Oh, sorry, that I'm not an artist).
thank you :-)
Happy New Year Comrade.
nice pieces ..
you are very beautiful tonight.