SBI CONTEST. Introduce Me To Someone I really Should Know...SBI Rewards Offered To Some Of My Favourite Comments.

in #contest6 years ago

Come out, come out wherever you are...


I have spent the day looking in all the dark blockchain corners, hidey-holes and recesses that I have previously missed with the sole intent of meeting some cool new Steemians with whom I have never crossed paths. I am gonna spend a few days doing exactly this so that I have some new names to keep an eye on in 2019 and new friends are always welcome, right? I met a few new peeps and I was hardly issued with any restraining orders...I thought 3 was a fairly decent result.

So epic Steemian friends...I have a challenge for you.

I want you to use my shiny, freshly polished empty comments section to leave the name of somebody that I should already know because they are so fricken awesometastical. I am looking for those special people who just make the platform better by being here.

  • The encouragers. - Those who always help and encourage others to be all that they can be.
  • The organisers. - Those people who just get stuff done...the type who use 24 hours each day in a way the rest of us envy.
  • The creators. - I don't care what they create, but if they are great at it...I wanna know who they are.
  • The superstars. - I don't mean those with a massive profile or wallet...The people who are just epic and don't know any other way.
  • The hearts of the platform. - Those peeps who simply care about others and wear their heart on their sleeve profile❤️
  • The greatest curators. - Those who take the time to give feedback and always promote others before themselves.
  • The contest behemoths. - Those who offer rewards to help others grow.
  • The devs. - What these guys and gals do is way more than beyond me. But they create the frontends, Dapps and sites we all begin to take for granted.

There are many more categories, you know what they are and you may know the people within them that we all need to hear about.


These people deserve a shout-out, right? At a time when many are flocking to the exits or grabbing the life-vests I say we take a little time to recognise the champions of the blockchain...Those people who know that a solid community doesn't simply die because those at the top got a little confused about where we are heading right now.

As the title of the post says I want to know these people...I am going to be investing in Steem very soon because I wholeheartedly believe we have something unique here. I believe that the fabulous people of this stellar community will steer it to brighter shores over the coming years. but I also want other people to become aware of who these wonderful people are so that they can engage in the very best places and sub-communities on the blockchain.

You see I believe that when we engage in the parts of the blockchain that are bustling, vibrant and turbo-charged we gain a real sense of just how much is actually happening on the platform...But heed this warning...As other, new people arrive it is our duty to help these people find a place where they can feel they belong too! This is the only way we will grow this community at the rate we must to ensure longevity, vibrancy and reignite that spark of electricity that many have lost in the great FUDpression of 2018.


I don't demand upvotes, resteems or any of that jazz but I would love it if you could tell others about this contest as I want to be able to shed some light on the people who contribute to making this community what it is. Feel free to tag a friend in the comments section to drag them over here to tell us about someone epic

So let me start the ball rolling with a few names you may or may not know.

In the curation category I simply adore @poeticsnake you may know her from the yougotsnekked curation initiative. What you may not know is that within her Discord community there are other ways to promote your own and the posts of others too. Interested? You should be the community is all heart. ❤️

For pure enthusiasm and funtasticness I am gonna drop the name of Ms @carrieallen here. She is manic, fun and infectious (trying so hard not to make an obvious joke right now!!!) she will certainly make your blockchain journey more fun 💃

In the witness category I gotta mention @c0ff33a for the simple reason he is a down to earth, purely lovely guy, this is what we need if we have any chance of making ourselves heard through the witness channels. A more approachable dude you will struggle to find. He actively engages, upvotes and takes part in Discord shows too where you can hear his dulcet tones.

@danielsaori too must receive a mention, he too, is a hugely approachable witness. But the real reason he appears is because he runs a comment contest regularly to encourage engagement on the platform...That is a win, right? It is also one of the things we need most of all. You may be interested to know that the prize for his contest comes in the form of a delegation and also some Steem or huh? check it out today!

I cannot leave the topic of commenting and engagement without mentioning the curation and engagement league (Yup it is an actual thing) Check out the profile of Asher AKA @abh12345 and you will understand just how much engagement truly happens on this platform! Check Ash's blog to register as a league member (as simple as dropping a comment) and check your stats to see where you fall in the rankings.

I am not gonna tag a million people I just wanted to start the ball rolling with a few names, you may or may not know them, but IMO they are well worth getting to know for the reasons stated and many more besides and like the title says i believe you should know them as they are epic!

Too much? Souce

Finally I am gonna share the name of somebody I met just today in my quest to find some brand new Steemians. @jasonbu is a cool guy I came across today, the reason it, and he is significant is that I met him via a scenario I have noticed many times before. He had a contest running that was hugely under-entered the prize was SBI units and 10SBD...It was hugely under-entered but the people who could have profited from that whilst growing their accounts from scratch were probably off somewhere bemoaning the fact that it is so hard to get a 10 cent upvote and grow when you are new here.

As usual I have already gone on for way too long.


So I shall draw proceedings to a close. I am gonna make this one of those new-fangled contest dealios to try and grab a few extra people in to highlight some awesome steemians in my usually quiet comment-section. I am gonna give at least 3 SBI units/shares to contributors. If by some miracle my post payout grows more than they usually do I will throw in some more SBI unit prizes. if you are unfamiliar with SBI which is Steem Basic Income go Here to their steemit blog to find out why you should be receiving free upvotes for ever and ever 💥

Yes dear reader, That's right, forever.


I shall send the SBI shortly after the end of the post (or at random times before if I work out how to get some FIAT onto the blockchain haha) I have always been a HODL and powerup kinda guy to date, but I gotta work this stuff out so I can invest at the turn of the year...Like I said I am here for the long-haul. Come what may

Please, please pleeeeeease (let me know if I start to sound desperate!) take the time to drop a comment nominating a cool Steemian we should all get to know. Have a magnificent start middle and end to 2019 in preparation for an even more epic 2020. I am happy to know so many cool people here and I look forward to meeting many, many more as we move forward...Have a stunningly magnificent New year peoplezzz 💃 🕺

Together we are just better.



Epic fricken awesometastical is synonimus of @nuthman blog!👍😉 that's your man to follow😃🇺🇸

Looks interesting. Following with a smile on my face. 😎


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Hey, I know that guy!

Ahahah the world is small😁🌎

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Wonderful to hear that you are synonymous with awesometastical my friend, that sounds like someone that I absolutely should get to know.

Looking forward to connecting with you...In-fact I guess I kinda already did just that 😀

As I am in full-on stalking mode, right now, can I take this opportunity to say that your Christmas seemed extra special this year and kinda touched my heart. I'm happy that you were able to spend it with such a cool dude! Maan don't spend too much time worrying about those traits that we all have to some degree or another, they are all part of the big hotch-potch of stuff that binds us together, some might even call them the things that make us special.

Hope you have many such re-connections in the coming years, you both look super-cool together, sorry if I am "trademark over familiar" but love and joy is what makes up much of the juice of life and should be celebrated whenever it appears.

Have a magnificent 2019 man. I hope it is stunning 🙂

Thankyou so much for the epic suggestion...Which would suggest that I should follow you for having super-human, recommending skills and of course @nuthman otherwise this whole exercise would have been pointless, right?

I am so very grateful to you for stopping by, it is greatly appreciated. Have a wonderful 2019 I hope it sees you ever surrounded by an abundance of health, wealth and happiness.😀

Ahahah LOLLZ😂 Happy 2019 to you too!!!😃🎉 thanks for the follow!😁

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I want to introduce you to @dreemsteem. She falls into several of the categories you listed including encourager, organizer, creator and full of heart.

Two of her accomplishments are ...

  • @welcomewagon - a Steem account that helps new users navigate their early days in our community
  • @spunkeemonkee - a Steem-powered treasure hunt with the goal of helping kids focus on the treasures of life.

Great Steem member! Great person! Great friend!

Thank you so much @sumatranate! You have been AWESOME to know (and our mutual love of SBI is so fun!!!! hehehehe) I'm about to post some of our latest updates with Spunkee Monkee and it is getting SOOOOO exciting! I am just bouncing off the walls with all the things that are coming up for Spunkee Monkee this coming year!

and the members of @welcomewagon continue to impress me every single day! The projects that they're coming up with - their initiative - their drive and their generosity!!!! and their WILLINGNESS to make a real impact on this platform for the good!

oh man.. i'm just so proud!!!! Thanks for giving us a nod :) and thank you for seeing me as a great steem member, person, and friend! I see you as the same!!!

(and publicly sharing my pride of Welcome Wagon to all the members!!!!)

I LOVE YOU ALL and am SO proud of our family!!!!
@bluefinstudios, @saffisara, @eveningart, @shadowspub, @ethandsmith, @penderis, @c0ff33a, @enginewitty, @zen-art, @awakentolife, @snook, @scuzzy, @ravijojla, @xcountytravelers, @anutu, @maquemali, @twodorks, @silversaver888, @youhavewings, @juliamulcahy, @monchhichi23, @andysantics48, @rhethypo, @priyanarc, @blind-spot, @artemisnorth, @audreybits, @calumam, @tamala, @crazybgadventure, @darrenfj,@lifesacircus, @dezziq, @foladavid, @mimismartypants, @victoryholyo, @ydraz, @sarcastic.taco, @jenniferbailey, @curtross, @oneofsteem, @earthkind and @kennynekken

❤️, Monkee Capt'n Dreemie (aka @dreemsteem) 😃

Happy New Year, @spunkeemonkee!

Thank you @silversaver888 <3 happy new year to you too sis!!! :)

I love you too, Capt'n!!!❤🤗😊 Happy new year....🎊🎊🎉


hi honey bunny!!! hehehehe happy new year to you too :) love you!


Happy New Year, fam!

Happy new Year darling <3

Hmmm I know so many of the above names well...Tis a wonder indeed that we have not crossed paths much more before today! I recall brief interactions when I first arrived and regret not getting to know you more...But that is the joy of living in a universe that exists on a linear timeline, right?

To know that the future unfolds before us and there is usually time to rectify past mistakes or errors in judgement. This is exactly what I intend to do in 2019, my time management will likely still be shoddy at best but I look forward to connecting with such a thoroughly committed Steemian who genuinely has community at heart ❤️

Thankyou for all that you do for this platform that I utterly believe is still in it's absolute infancy and has more potential than we can probably even wrap our puny human minds around right now.

I have intended for quite some time to learn far more about the @welcomewagon initiative and community and I see no better time than right now...

May your 2019 be one that sees you surrounded by an epic force-field of health, wealth and happiness. Here's to a magnificent year.😀

Fabulous recommendation of @dreemsteem ...I have a confession...The Dreemy one has been recommended to me by several people of whom I have a lot of respect...Thankyou ever so much for the timely reminder to make a little time to learn more and maybe make a wonderful new friend in to the bargain.

Actually make that 2 new friends...How could I possibly not learn more about that wonderful @sumatranate too?

I believe the blockchain is home to a lot of friends we just haven't met yet,but that's fabulous, right? There are so many amazing friendships just waiting for us to uncover them...We are like smile-archaelogists 🙂

Thankyou so much for taking the time to stop-by and add a little happiness and joy to my comment section! It is more than appreciated.

May you have a 2019 that is unsurpassed by all the years that have gone before, wishing you health, wealth and happiness the whole year through 🙂

Well... I have a little blush going on right now :)

I'd be happy to meet your acquaintance @stevenwood! Definitely drop by my blog and say hi!

and whoever has been recommending me to you... I'd love to exceed their expectations! Tell me how I can help!

and i agree - friends we haven't met yet! and sometimes - even better! Family that we're waiting to be introduced to! hehehe

smile-archaeologists.... well i gotta say - you'll pulling me right in! hahaha

@sumatranate is a special one - for sure, and you won't be sorry when you get to know him as well :)

Happy New Year to you!!! :)

Glad that I could pass along the friendly reminder. It is so true that there are many wonderful people that we all are just waiting to meet on the Steem blockchain. And I am glad that your post helped us cross paths as well.

Thanks for the well wishes for 2019. I wish you the best as well.


Hi Steven; check out @phoenixwren who's been here about one year but a unique and active person who runs a contest or two, having their 'cat' pick the winner.

My wonderful friend, a recommendation from you is one that is received gratefully.

I look forward immensely to learning more about @phoenixwren the self confessed mad catter that sounds both fun and promising already! 😀

Have a stunning year Brother. Look forward to seeing your growth and development from close quarters 🙂

Thanks for the mention, @averageoutsider! :)

I would recommend you get to know @ecoinstant, and his wife @ecoinstante. They are super kind, and definitely fall under the "encouragers" category, as well as fun DTube creators!

Wonderful to meet an awesome recommender and recommendee ((I realise I may just be making words up again...It happens))

Thankyou so much for taking the time to let me know about some cool people and putting them firmly on my radar...Although such activity, would suggest that you too are one of the aforementioned cool peeps, right? Whoo-Hoo I got me a triple whammy 😀

I love it so much when people take the time to stop-by and engage, join the discussion/narrative it is far more than appreciated.

May 2019 see you surrounded by an abundance of health, wealth and happiness from start to finish and may it only be surpassed by an even better 2020. Great to meet you. People often find me a little too full of happy, optimistic sickening sentiment so I included some funny lyrics below that I stumbled across in some crazy corner of the blockchain 😁

You are not my boo
Stop with the catcalls
Or I’ll kick your balls
Some men are creeps

Making up words is a literary tradition. All the best people do it! From William Shakespeare to Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes). :) I still use the word "transmogrified."

And yeah, hmm, a weird corner of the blockchain you wandered into there ...hee hee. :D

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Interestingly, already on my follow list. 😎

For a better understanding of what's going on under the hood on Steemit you might bookmark

Oh now this is a supercool resource I was unaware of...Thankyou ever so much for stopping by and sharing it, it is more than appreciated 🙂

I sometimes wonder just how much is available to us on the blockchain that we are almost in touching distance of, but as yet have not stumbled across.

May 2019 be a year that sees much of what you would wish for come to fruition I hope it is a truly amazing year for you that sees you surrounded at every turn with health, wealth and the all-important happiness 😀

If you like cannamodels, the @GirlsofGreen are a nice follow.

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to nominate wonderful Steemians it is massively appreciated @sativazeee.

May your 2019 be an amazing ride that sees you knocking down your goals and dreams one by one and achieving much. May you always be surrounded by health, wealth and happiness 😀

In solidarity...

Legalization is not decriminalization!!! maple-leaf_1f341.png

truth! we want decrim!!

I would like to nominate @cubapl for his enormous effort in providing quality articles in #techno and #technofriday and his original series called Raving Foxes, focused on the most important names in electronic music. if you are looking for something new in music, this guy is here for you.

obviously as a girlfriend, I am supporting him since the beginning and also I had some effort in few articles. I am curious if you will be able to spot at least one :)

Oh nice! I love that vibe of working together...The best journey's are ones shared together by special people, right?

I am epicly happy to have been made aware of the both of you. Thankyou for taking the time 😀

May you both have a mega 2019 filled with health, wealth and happiness ((and bangin' tunes of-course 😀 ))

If you like/need a laugh blanchy is a good bet and shepz1, apart from posting really interesting stuff, is also a really good guy who does a lot of paying it forward.

Oh hell yeah! who doesn't need more laughs in life? I reckon the world in general would benefit from exactly this!

Thankyou ever so much for taking the time to stop-by and introduce some cool characters I am vaguely aware of, but will become better acquainted with...Oh and that third cool-character who made the recommendation too 😀

Have a stunning 2019 that sees you reach many of your goals, hopes, dreams and ambitions whilst surrounded by health, wealth and happiness 🙂

If you are interested in photography you may be interested to visit @angel35mm's blog

For some great tunes visit @thetroublenotes' blog.

Those are two that seem worth a mention.

Thankyou ever so much for stopping by again to make me aware of some awesome Steemians and of-course marking your self out in exactly that same category in the process! It is massively appreciated.

I hope your 2019 is an utterly amazing ride that sees you achieve much of what you would hope. May you always be surrounded by health, wealth and happiness oh and fabulous people that is always a massive bonus, right? 😀

Thank you for your well wishing! ✌

You should get to know @steemmatt. He cares about the entire community including plankton. He's the type of person who upvotes back. He also attended Steemfest this year. For a while he was running a daily reps challenge for fitness. That's how I first got to know him.

Hey my friend, thanks ever so much for taking time to help out in my quest for epic Steemians it is always a pleasure to see you stopby!

I will take the time to learn about @steemmatt I am always happy to meet FAB new people on the blockchain.

Take great care Mike, have an epic 2019 full of everything you would wish for! 😀