Get Paid to Rant #9!
5SBD reward to the best rant! It's still $15 ya cheap bastards!
Thank you to @cnts for sponsoring the first 5 Rants. He helped launch this project.
The rants continue to get more epic! Congratulation to @jaichaifor winning last week's Rant! It was an epic post!
We understand what it's like when someone just pisses you off. When a pleb who is not a millionaire questions your Kred. We care that someone's raining on your special day or you just got dumped on by that shit coin.Have moss in your grass, or a bad hair day? Did your boss demand too much? Or did your kids wind you up? We all have those days. We all need to rant. So here is a place you can come and you can rant. A place where you will be rewarded by just getting it off your chest. Yes we will pay you to rant. And it’s really easy to join in. All you have to do is get it off your chest and rant in the comments below. We care. We give a fuck STEEM Dollars!
- You must really get it off your chest. Have a rant. Tell us what caused it and how you are feeling. Let it out…..GRRRRRRRR
- It can be about anything you feel the need to rant about
- You can only rant once in each weekly rant post
- You must up vote and resteem this post!
- NO rants about post performance on Steemit will be rewarded
Every quality rant will receive an upvote from @steemitbc. Everybody that takes part in this rant will also receive a share of 50% the SBD rewards This rant post is open until the payout time is up. Check in again next week for Get Paid to Rant #10.
Alright, lets see. Normally i just let things go, but for whatever reason, god like molecular fortitude and infinity wrapped up in dirt and mucus, i can not get those boogies undone from my finger tip. No amount of brute flick strength is getting one of these puppies loose. Whats even worse is when you know damn good and well that last flick didnt end in a transition of force into tradjectory, you KNOW it didnt leave your finger, but the boogery bastard is GONE! Only to turn up 20 mins later in your hair
😂😂😂 I sure know that feeling.
Lol. 😂😂😂😂
The current drop in the Bitcoin price and subsequent knock-on effect really pisses me off and not because the value of my portfolio is down or anything, because I hodl: because my smug coworkers, my smug family and smug friends are now all self righteous about "how they knew Bitcoin was a scam" and "how could it not go down, cryptocurrencies aren't real money"
It's annoying and highly ironic that many of these same people were calling me up just a few weeks ago and asking me questions about how they can invest, over the Christmas break everyone was impressed that I had the foresight to invest into cryptocurrency. Everyone wanted my help "getting into Bitcoin"
People are so close minded and brainwashed by the traditional banking system which clearly does not work, because people are in serious debt and debt keeps on growing.
People keep on spending money they don't have, banks are reckless with customer funds and get bailed out then they screw up, they keep printing more money because fiat is the biggest scam in history and we all sit there complacent participating in a corrupt economy.
Institutions like the Federal Reserve print more money, the US government keeps raising the debt ceiling, lenders are reverting back to their reckless ways that caused the 2009 financial crisis and yet, cryptocurrency is the scam?
Then cryptocurrencies come along like Bitcoin that give us the opportunity to change the paradigm, participate in a new economy that can't be controlled by a corrupt government institution that runs itself with impunity and people decry cryptocurrency as a scam and not real money because they can't go to McDonald's and fill their arteries with trans fats? Cryptocurrency is more real and democratic than fiat will ever be.
Then you have aunt Susan saying spiteful things at the family BBQ (knowing all too well you invested into Bitcoin) like, "Oh, I am so glad I didn't buy Bitcoin they're saying it's a scam on the TV" and then you have members of your family calling you up and saying, "Have you seen the news, Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are crashing, the bubble is bursting" YES I HAVE SEEN THE NEWS AND I AM NOT AN IDIOT, I DON'T PANIC SELL WHEN THE PRICE GOES DOWN 20%, HOW DO YOU THINK I MADE MONEY FROM CRYPTO IN THE FIRST PLACE?
Then you have the so called investors/hodlers/traders who are just a bunch of accidental millionaire kids who bought the right coin at the right time, panic selling because a country that already banned exchanges and ICOS(China) are desperately trying their best to destroy crypto said they'll try banning it even further.
Ultimately this is what the government and these corrupt financial institutions want people to think, they don't like the idea of a self governing currency that you can't print more of when things go bad or cook the books so if you get audited, everything looks like it's someone else's fault. And still after all of this, the tax department still expects me to pay tax on my cryptocurrency earnings, they won't acknowledge it as real, but they still expect their tax cut... what a joke.
very relatable :(
So so true. Everyone was enjoying the ride, but now, they have all turned to prophets.
The coins will go back up soon enough and I think it is just a waiting game until they do. I've got some coins but can't cash them out right now because they are lower than I bought them.
Somebody smashed into my car last week.
I literally went into the grocery store for 1 minute to buy a pizza.
When I came outside the driver side back door was completely smashed in. It looks like it was hit by a giant pickup truck.
I just bought this car.
The sad part is that I actually went to a different grocery store and saw this pizza for $5 but drove down the street to this grocery store in a worst part of town because I knew that the pizza was cheaper there. I just didn't think they would smash into the side of my car when I was inside the store for only one minute.
Something similar happend to me in a parking lot of the grocery store. This car was parked funny and i smashed into the side of it with my pickup truck while i was backing up. It didnt hurt my truck so i just left. Their drivers door was smashed tho
Hey man I'm curious about the Kryptonia vote you're getting. Do you get a vote just by joining the site?
Oh, idk. Do you know anything about it?
Just a little bit. I know that they are supporting Superior coin.
Yeah its hand in hand. Im still new to it but they have been awesome when it comes to helping people get started.
Bummer, dude. Will insurance help you out to get it fixed up?
Unfortunately not. It's going to cost me about a thousand dollars out of pocket and I can't afford that right now.
Don't forget to resteem.
Wow, that so unfortunate. I guess your anger is why you even went to that cheaper store.
CHINA!!!!!!! YOU HAVE ALL THE AI BUT WHY YOU DON'T ALLOW CRYPTO??? I can't enjoy certain benefits because I don't own a Chinese ID, yet I can't trade Crypto using chinese yuan as a foreigner. 😭
i can't. by the time I apply, they close application for new members
I made a post about this rant. This son of a bitch named Neo claims to be decentralized. Yet today I find out NEO is anything but decentralized!
Naturally I wanted to sell my NEO for maybe some $Trinity coins only to find out they are an "Offchain scaling scheme for NEO!" Sacrebleu!
Bon Dieu! What's next a Morpheus coin for Layer 3 tech on top of Trinity! Hmmm, that could get interesting.
Has anyone seen Peresphone?? Putain de dieu cette femme!
I wish to vent about my co worker who has been out on paternity leave. I love working with him and he is the best, but when his wife has their third child he left for 3 weeks. He has another week before he comes back. It's hard adopting to new people every other day. I have worked with him for 7-8 years.
Rants you say? I've got tons to the ever dearest telecommunication company here in our country. This will be a long rant so if you don't want to read then don't! I just want to rant here!!!!
December 16, 2017, 12:00 midnight was the day that our internet connection was cut off! Even if it was Saturday, I still need to go to our office and work my ass off. So I wasn't able to go to your oh so dear office!! Sunday is the only day that I'm free and good heavens, same to you as well! I waited Monday, Dec.18, 2017, I reported and you told me that I should wait because there's an on-going restoration. Okay, go! Restoration! Fine, and even got a text message that no internet in our area because of that RESTORATION. Fine again. A lineman of yours called me and said that they already fixed the problem, but what the heck, ours was excluded?!!! Common! I went back to your good office on Dec 21 and you gave me the same response.
Then, a typhoon came on Dec. 22, 2017, which resulted in an electricity cut off. Instead of Dec 22, that lineman went to our area Dec 24! My goodness!! There's no electricity already!! Dec. 26 was the day that the electricity post was fixed and I called that lineman right away but he pleads if he can go by tomorrow. I said yes. Calm down, girl! Be professional. So, I waited again and then was told that it is beyond their field of work and a cable man is needed. That lineman told me he will report it to your office and there's no need for me to report! The cable man will fix it by tomorrow. Okay fine! That's very convenient! Very much appreciated. I even texted him, Thank you so much, sir!
The next morning, I waited for that cable man to arrive yet it was already afternoon and no sign of cable man was detected. I went to your office again. Oh boy, I've had enough with this kind of service! Wow, you told me that we're not on the priority list because I just reported it today! GOODNESS!! IT'S MY THIRD TIME!!! PLUS THE REPORT FROM THE LINEMAN!!!
Then, I reported again on Dec 29 and told me to wait because there is only one cable man for the two provincial state. WOW! Is he a Superman? or Batman? Ironman, perhaps?!! Tell me! I need to meet him so I can have my autograph!!! A big telecommunication company with one cable man for two provincial states?!! Common! Don't make fun of me!! And even told me that I just have to wait. The cable man will arrive soon
On January 7, 2018, around 2 pm, sister called me that Internet is back and same goes with the phone's dial tone! Oh, yea! Then called me again, that I should pay because it was already disconnected! WOW man! The only thing that is fast on this tele-company is the paying of bills and the disconnection! They should have written that on their tarpaulin instead of the fast internet!!
So I went straight to the office to pay but face first again the customer service because I need rebates on this since we don't have internet for 22.5 days, from December 16-January 7!! But bull shark! You will just going to rebate from December 28 to January 7?? Are you making fun of me? I've been to your office reporting for this negative rating service for four times already!!!
My memory is crystal clear that I told you that the dates I went to this &%$#(%^ office!! Then what? What did I get? Rebates from December 18-24 then December 27 to January 7? Why? Why do I need to report always when in fact the system already texted us that there's an on-going restoration in our area!! YOU SUPPOSED TO HAVE A RECORD ON THAT!! then Dec 24 was the day that I declined the lineman to fix the box! WELL OF COURSE!!! HOW CAN HE CHECK IF THE CONNECTION IS BACK IF WE DON'T HAVE AN ELECTRICITY? Where do you think we would plug it? On the lineman's nose?!
Then I called on December 26!! The lineman should've relayed that but he didn't!! HE DID NOT!!! And even if he relayed it, it will not be considered because it is I who must report it? Wait! Am I your employee? Why should I report that the lineman was in our area? Am I his security guard? I have my own work too, aside from Steemit! OMYGOODNESS!
I was about to explode like a supernova! I want to throw some worth-to-be-collapse punch but I need to remain my composure so I cry instead!! DAMN EYES!!!!!
And then, it is the cashier who told me that the rebates will only reflect the next billing! WOW! GIRL FROM CUSTOMER SERVICE, you've really done your part!!
The company sucks! The management! The internet!! You could've treated your customer and have a more convenient service. You're only like this because there are no other telecommunications competing you! Well, there's one but sad to say, they have a data cap!! If that telecommunication from * insert name of the country here * will arrive in our country, GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!
And oh, I think the history will repeat again!! It's been two days already that we don't have an internet connection and no phone dial tone! JUST WOOW!!!!! WOOOW WOOOW WOOOOW!!!!!!
Always good to have a mobile phone with a hotspot for emergencies.
Don't forget to upvote & resteem!
Yes, I did that last month. My 9G data plan was consumed in just 2 weeks. Gone like the flash.
Oh, thanks for reminding me! Upvoted and resteemed!
Ouch, yes depending on what you do that data can get eaten up very quickly. Best of luck with everything and keep Steemingon!
Is this PLDT? Hahaha~ We have no internet too since Monday I think. The phone dial tone disappeared just today.
Okay now I'm f*cking pissed!!!!!!

I would say "I officially give up on ladies" but then again, I love boobs too much n I couldn't be gay to save my life. I had a crush on this girl, who am I kidding? It was more than a crush, I really liked her and I told her and this was what she had to say "Awwwwww Rhey, that's so cute, you know you're like a brother to me, let's just keep it that way" and I was like 👇
For weeks I was like this 👇
I couldn't freaking sleep well, I kept asking myself "Who placed a spell on me and how could I reverse it?" I would take out my anger on everyone, one time I snapped at the dishwasher for making noise,one time my bro asked if I was gon eat and I was like "If you ain't serving Sandra on that plate, then I ain't having it"
(yes I was really loosing it)
She had this friend that was suddenly nice to me, at first I thought she was doing it out of pity cauz her friend demolished my heart and destiny but I gave it a second thought Cauz she was really being nice n all. I started to like her n stuff and I eventually asked her out n she accepted. I started living a happy life but that demon spawn Sandra couldn't bare to see me happy ... She came at me all crazy n was like "You just had to date my friend didn't you? You just couldn't stay in the friend zone, n I was even considering giving you a chance. How could you be so inconsiderate and impatient..."
And I was there like
She continued... "Men truly are scum... If you loved me you would have put my happiness before yours, you would have asked yourself how I'd feel about you being in a relationship with my friend! Why are you just staring at me? Say something!"
I asked her "Are you done?" she nodded
Then I said "first of all, I feel like beating the shit outta my self with a feather pillow till I bleed, for not seeing you for the ugly individual that you are... Did Lucifer himself send you into this earth to me to make my life miserable? Well take a message for me, tell him it's gon be a cold day in hell before you get to me again"
And right before I walked out I asked her a question, and I want anyone reading this to answer it too. IF YOU APPLY FOR A JOB IN UBA BANK AND GET DECLINED WILL YOU NOT TRY AND APPLY IN FIRST BANK???
I don't have any disposable income atm to buy this epic dip. Knowing that BTC will be over $50k later this year and many alts will easily 10x it's painful to be on the sidelines!
If cryptos recover like that, STEEM/SBD should go up a ton too :)
So you wont be totally missing out. This drop seems like a good opportunity for more advanced coins to dethrone BTC.
Yah that's some reason to rant, but since you have some crypto already you'll still make some gain when it rises.
I'm having problem with women and I don't know how to deal with this. I'm not rich or successful, neither talented nor handsome. Some would say that I need to be who I am and confidently show it. That's so easy for them to say. They don't understand how hard it is just to be yourself when you get judged on every little things you do.
Every day, I keep getting girls looking at me like they never see anyone like me before, and when I tell them to take a picture, they get all shy and awkward. WTF? If you keep staring at something, take a picture so you can look at it later. Then the other day, I was in a hurry and accidentally bumped into two girls, one of them just randomly said "Shazam", and the other replied with "He's tall, too". Whatever the fuck that means. Finally, just yesterday, I just passingly said hi to some girl I barely knew, she put her hand on my deltoid muscle and squeezed hard. Before she said good bye, she punched me lightly in my upper stomach. The hell is this? I didn't ask for a physical checkup, especially when you're not even a doctor.
Well, you get the gist of it. I'm lost on what to do. It doesn't help that they keep sending me texts with a shit tons of emoji. Why can't you guys just text like normal people, using words? I can't understand red lips, winking face, heart eyes, or duck face heart. These things mean nothing to me. Worst of all, some even send me eggplant and hungry face emoji together. Damn girl, why are you trying to make me hungry as well? Just go get something to eat.
My girlfriend is furious whenever something like what I describe above happens. I'm seriously confused. I thought everything would be normal once I have a girlfriend but it only exacerbates the problem. I get even more incidents and texts and now I feel like I'm spiraling out of control.
I think I'm going to give up. Maybe this is God's way of telling me I'm too much of a troll and I don't deserve happiness.
Dont worry bro, it will slow down once you catch the herp
No way, I'm saving it until marriage. My mama told me be careful of who you love and be careful of what you do because the lie becomes the truth.
If a lie becomes the truth, was it ever a lie? Or is it realy truth if it wasnt always true?
Hmmm, I think this is a rant for a good reason. I was thinking it should make you feel better that ladies are attracted to you.
at least girls look at you :p
they dont look at me at all >.> plus my gf lives 22 hours of flight time away from me.. I see her like 3 weeks a year, but we skype almost daily.
That's rough, buddy. Hopefully one day you guys can sort your jobs/living situation out and get a place together.
At least for that 3 weeks, you make it count, yea?
yep, we try to do fun stuff :)
I've been bothered about it for a while.
A few weeks ago, our school invited three speakers to talk to us about STEM, as part of our STEM week. We're a prestigious all-girls school, and we consist of the top-scorers of a nation-wide test.
Two of the speakers were women- one worked in a STEM- related industry while the other was from UN Women.
The third was a man, a successful scientist.
What bothered me was that the two women spoke to us as if we were under motivated, meek girls who needed to be inspired to pursue careers in STEM and rise up against male domination.
The man was the only one who spoke to us like we could already do it, like we were already ready and all we needed was exposure.
Throughout the talks, everyone had their heads down.
We felt uncomfortable.
Because if anything, we were more elitist (not a good thing either) than submissive and uninspired. Most of my friends planned to go into STEM careers. I have a friend who reads her brother’s calculus, chemistry, and physics notes and textbooks for fun. She has never once thought that she wouldn't go into a STEM career.
The women made it seem like we were anything but ready, even though they were trying to inspire us. Their wording made it sound as if we were not in STEM because of gender inequality, not because we didn't want to be.
I'm a humanities person and I genuinely have a passion for literature. Yet, there are no activities that I am encouraged to attend.
During STEM weeks, students can sign up for workshops like coding and animated card-making, or building websites for a start-up. We can also visit Google’s office and NEWater plants.
There is nothing of this sort for the humanities.
The women made it seem like we were anything but ready, even though they were trying to inspire us. Their wording made it sound as if we were not in STEM because of gender inequality, not because we didn't want to be.
I'm a humanities person and I genuinely have a passion for literature. Yet, there are no activities that I am encouraged to attend.
During STEM weeks, students can sign up for workshops like coding and animated card-making, or building websites for a start-up. We can also visit Google’s office and NEWater plants.
There is nothing of this sort for the humanities.
Im going to pre-rant about a storm tomorrow.
I have to test a couple of software applications tomorrow (deadline noon). These are applications that arent made for Telecommuting (working from home). At home I would need 8 hours of testing, for what takes 1 hour at the office.
Last time we had a snowstorm and we were advised to work from home, basically everyone did and we had tons of issues ranging from getting kicked off the network to being down to 10kb/sec connections. I dont know what's worse, things not working, or things working tediously slow..
I cant start the test until 8am, which means I'd only have 4 hours to finish the testing, which in turn means I cant get the testing done from home..
Now there's been a public transport alert saying there will be a lot less trains. I expect this to turn into "there will be hail all over the place and you will show up at work cold and wet".
Now im on the subject of public transportation:
For my daily commute, I have to switch trains halfway through. There's a 2 minute gap in between getting to the station and making it onto the next train.
Train #1 leaves within 1 minute of getting to the station.
I usually check for delays/issues with the track before I get on the train.
2 weeks ago I got out of train #1 and noticed train #2 was nowhere to be found. I rechecked the app on my phone and they had updated the delays/maintenance section. Turns out train #2 was out of commission for the day due to track issues (and would still be out in the morning the next day).
Surprise! The detour would involve being on the train I came out of..
Hooray! The next train in that direction would leave in 1 hour.
More Hooray! The weather was cold and wet.
To top if off: 5 minutes before the train would leave they started offering free hot beverages. There was no way for me to get to the beverage place, get a drink and return in time to get on the train. Really didnt want to wait another hour :|
Wow, this is so horrible, from the delay, to the weather, that was really terrible.
I still feel quite lucky. Things could've ended up a lot worse. Really didnt want to be stuck at work til 8pm or something :p
Don't forget to resteem.
thanks for the reminder :)
so, update time:
This morning started out semi decent.
Only half the trains were driving, the ones that were driving were half length. This means my primary train would be at 250% capacity. Luckily many people must have stayed home, since there was plenty of space to stand (not empty enough to sit) comfortably.
About an hour after getting to work, trains stopped riding all together.. By now the wind in our area had stopped, but I can imagine the train tracks being covered in branches.
This lasted until about an hour ago (2 hours past work time).
I work at a company with 1000 employees at my location. There's this one guy who lives about 5km/3miles from my place. He's always by car. I was brave enough to ask him if I could come with and I had planned to walk the last part home.
Sadly he had an after-work meeting in a completely different direction.. Hoping it would get canceled due to many no-shows, I asked him to let me know if his plans changed.
Which he did :)
This morning it was super busy on the roads and most parking spots near the office were full, so he had to park 1.3km (0.8 miles) away from work.. that was quite the walk, at quite a high pace.. after about 5 minutes my legs started to give out, but I kept going for another 10. They still feel like theyre filled with lactic acid.
It was a long ride home. The regular 30 minutes took us about an hour and a half. On the very plus side, he dropped me off at home, so yay no extra walking ^_^
Omg I'm not sure if this rant will backfire on me one day, or not but I can't tell that person. Huhu. I can't tell because they might not continue with the transaction. I mean, come on... first they want the impossible done. This financial company that "find ways" apparently can't help them at all. They, let's call them my customers, asked me to help them deal with the financial company/bank and so they had me talk to several bank branches and even up to the government company BSP just to be told it can't happen at all. But they already knew that and wanted someone else to maybe do it for them. They wanted me to help them get a loan and I did my best but hey, you know what? My best isn't good enough at all! They just want what they want period! No other banks even if they have another bank. It feels really awful to be used by business people.
Next thing you know my company sends them an email and then they again saw a false ray of hope that their loan might get approved. This customer asked for my help again. Oh sure I helped them alright even though getting documents from them was like squeezing through a pin hole, then I get an email and find out they turned around and submitted the documents directly to someone I never heard of?! What was all my effort for?! They want me to help them but they go straight to submit documents without going through me who they asked help for?!? I mean, wtf?!
So of course I told this person that I won't be helping them anymore because hey, you treated me like you didn't need me at all and all my effort went to waste. (Let me call this person as Grrr.) So when I told Grrr abt it, this person was like, "Oh, okay, so you're not going to help us anymore?" Like duuuuh? What do you think? I can help you, it's part of my job but you're not letting me do my job!!! WTF.
And then they want the loan to get approved pronto?! They don't even submit all the required documents even after multiple times I reminded them about it. Okay sure they're busy but you're hurrying me up and asking me for help to get approved but then you don't submit documents, you don't follow the instructions and you submit any document directly behind my back?!? WHO EFFIN' DOES THAT!?! A BUNCH OF USERS THAT'S WHO!
So since I told them to deal with that person directly, I advised them to submit all the needed documents to that person because I couldn't get ahold of that bank rep initially so I told them to make sure all documents are complete because the loan will not even get processed without all the documents. And then Grrr tells me "oh they already got most of it so they should be able to." BUT THAT'S NOT THE FCKING PROCESS!!! I told this person that, no it's not going to be processed because they need complete documents for it to even be looked into for processing. ohmygoooood. EYEROLLS forever
This has been going on since early this month. And today... oh man. Today Grrr told me the required document still has not been submitted. On top of that we were supposed to meet today so Grrr can sign other documents needed for the approval of their loan but guess what, she said she's busy and asked to do it next week. WHY THE HELL DID YOU WANT TO GET APPROVED ASAP if you're BUSY and you DON'T EFFIN PRIORITIZE THIS SH*T?!
GHADZZZZ. Some people. After we're through, I ain't letting the same shizz happen again with someone else ya hear!?! I'm nearly done with you Grrr. Nearly. Just 2 more you mthrfckn users. Fck. I didn't get into this job to get steamrolled by people like you!
There is a book called Book of Fire and Fury to every member of Congress. Why you think Donald Trump should be impeached?
-The 45th should be impeached for many reasons. He wasn’t meant to be in office, it was stolen, he lies, cheats, is racial, terrifying adults and children, broke his oath of office, undermines the constitution. The people deserve better and want the house back. Not paying CHIP, hurting the veterans, disgracing America. The best interests are not in his heart. He cares for himself and himself only. Supports KKK members “good people”, emoluments, money laundering, sexual assault...shall I go on? Sorry to rant.. I don’t see one good thing.
Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
"Its really so funny! dunno where this world is turning to... How could someone like that have that kind of grades". Its just not possible..
Those were the words of my colleague when the result of a semenster were pasted...
But seriously what are we turning education in Nigeria to i dont understand how a professor will be having an affair with his student..and because of that increases her grades and then turn everybody in class to dullard by giving them underserved score...making the girl feel like champion..
But am very sure he is going to meet his doom very soon...some people are just so heartless....people that have been working and studying hard to get somthing, you just decide to make the look unserious and make one foolish girl a champion.
A very silly man...only God knows how he bacame a professor sef... A piece of shit.
@phenzzy, I am sure you are joking, but I can't upvote your post if it has a threat in it. If you could remove any mention of shooting someone and upvoting the main post I will give you your rant upvote. Cheers.
Done sire, and thanks for the correction. Be expecting the prize.
I came back From a fellowship in the university, under the rain, i was so wet and the cold was not helping. I was literally shivering it was so annoying. I must have been imagining how i will jump on my bed and sleep off a cold night. I came inside my room only to see my bed was so wet, i busted into tears, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhh.
The roof had been leaking, and NONE of my room mates helped out.
One thing is hurting me, why is everybody in Nigeria applying to become utopian moderator? Even people who aren't qualified are applying and they go to other people's post disapproving them, why?
When everybody applies as a moderator who will then contribute?
This is really goodfy but it's hurting my feelings
😁 My brother, the thing tire me 😂👍
I bin dey think say na only me..... It have well
I'm really hating myself for not following my guts when I felt like selling off my Bitcoin, now I have lost a huge amount. I'm not sure as well if I'm doing the right thing putting more money in it.
Maybe I'll study it more, but I get lazy from time to time. Hmmmm, I am not sure whether I just want instant gratification, but anyway, I'm supporting the crypto!!
Did you sell for more than you bought it for? If so, then you didn't lose anything. That's another way to think about it, anyway.
If I sold all my crypto today, even, I'd still be far ahead of what I paid.
I actually invested a bit late when the price is at $14k. Which means I really need to hodl for me not to lose anything.
But as long as I am not selling yet, it's still paper loss -- still a loss though. :(
Scenario: someone saying that Sechkies is a flop.
Like honestly, They debuted 1997, they came back 2016. They still have a loyal, amazing fandom in Korea. They also have a growing international fanbase. They are moving, growing, blooming.
Flops just stay there and vanish. Triggered.
One last rant. Sechskies is not a flop.
Those who are on top, don’t start at the top and they don’t stay there on TOP. They will fall sooner or later. Its upto them how to climb up again.
That is life people. If they are the best, someone better will come. (Or com’ back)
Hope i will win
Hurray! Thanks for the 5 SBD! :)