
Oh boy here we go!
I choose you number 6!


Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 1.

Meowth uses payday!
Sbd scatters across the battlefield!

First reply with $payday to this comment wins .04 sbd!

Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.

You rolled a 2.

(GETTING LUCKY WITH 2's)@doctorcrypto gets ript'o new one by some flying SBD!

$payday for you....
Beaten by a 2. Shamefull!

Hey, atleast you were the lucky recipient of some $payday SBD!
Almost feels as good as...

Dig through prior battle posts, and maybe win some more? Maybe tell a friend?aov8qmKXdzXGg.gif

I need to read the rules again. I've won 2 and lost one. Do I continue? I haven't challenged anyone yet.

As far as i reckon it is one challenge/challenged per contestant... Only hinderance is you remembering to challenge everyone who hasnt challenged you.
Keep track of points!
I am at 4pts with two challenges underway, and a few more challenges to go!