STACH Short Story Contest #28: 199 words, 5 winners, 15SB prize pool!

in #contest6 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone, @kingst here with the announcement for the STACH Short Story Contest #28.

What is a Short Story.

A short story is a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel. It makes use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote. You can read it in less than 90 seconds.

Contest Rules:

•Write a Short Story based on the topic that will be given every week.
•Write an Original Short Story (Plagiarism will be flagged and reported).
•The Story must contain no more than 199 words.
•One entry per user.
•Story should be pasted in the comment section below, no links.
•Contestants are permitted to post their stories in an article on their blog, so they also get upvotes from the @stach trail.

Winners Selection.

Winners will be selected based on the topic, story plot, number of words and delivery as determined by the selected Judge. One word above 199, disqualifies the entry.

Contest Topic.

Write a 199 words story based on TALES FROM BEYOND.


FIVE winners will be selected for a share of the 15SBD. The story with the most interaction gets a 1SBD prize from @ejemai.
First Prize: ----------------------4SBD
Second Prize: ------------------3.5SBD
Third Prize: ---------------------3SBD
Fourth Prize: -------------------2.5SBD
Fifth Prize: ----------------------2SBD

Good luck guys!
Sharpen your writing skills and throw in some inspiring short stories. XO!


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STACH is supported by @Sndbox as a Sndcastle project.Stc.JPG

There are 3 pages

A Letter from Beyond

When Victor's mother died his father took care of his upbringing, he never lacked anything but for his father, a very authoritarian man, his son was a weeping and weak child. Victor did not receive affection and no matter how hard he tried, nothing was good enough for his father.

Victor grew up being a very lonely and sad young man, his studies were the most important thing for him and he always got excellent grades. When he came of age, he left the house and got a job so he could continue studying, got married and started a family but never saw his father ever again.

After many years Victor received a letter from his father, sad memories passed through his mind, he opened the letter and read it aloud "Dear son, when you read this letter I will have already died, I want to apologize because I did not know how to show you how much you mean to me. I never knew how to be a good father, I thought I did the best for you. Do not hold a grudge and never forget that I love you son".

Becca's mind floated through the emptiness of space. She peered through the finite world searching for any points of reference. She found nothing.
Total darkness. Total silence. Total peace.
There was not even the pull of gravity to tell her which way was up.
Her body was gone.
This must be death
Time seemed to be telescoping, stretching and compressing, as if it had no bearing in this place. She had lost track of how much time had passed.
Ten seconds? Ten minutes? Ten hours?
The memories that had billowed through the blackness of Becca's mind had come and gone. In their wake, a trail of red-hot sparks was swirling, along with the same eerie, distant whisper.
Don't think it... Don't say it... Don't think it
The chanting continued like the drone of voices in a medieval canticle.
It told of tales, she dared not say.
The endless void in which Becca hovered was suddenly filled by a blinding sun. Rays of white-hot light streamed across the blackness of space, burning into her mind.
The light was everywhere.
And water, splashed on her face.
She jolted up, brought back to consciousness by the chill water.

Chiamaka was woken up by the kisses of her boyfriend Ebuka. He was to resume college that day and promised her that while he is away, he will keep video-calling and never forget her. The first few months went by and his promise was still standing. When he invited her to his hostel, they had so much to say to each other and had sex all night long. The next morning they were greeted by a group of boys with 'BAD' written all over them. Ebuka went out to attend to them but before she could put on her clothes, she heard a gun shot. She rushed out and saw the love of her life lying in a pool of his blood. With tears in her eyes, she woke from her sleep and realized it was all a dream. She has been so in love with a complete stranger.

The Rosebush

Since Elisa had moved to the new house she always had the same dream at night, an old woman took her hand and took her to the garden pointing to a small corner of that huge land, the old woman smiled at her but she did not understand what she wanted to tell her.

One day, while cleaning the basement, Elisa found in a chest of an old piece of furniture what appeared to be a diary. When she opened it, there was a picture of a woman who, although younger, she recognized as the old lady she saw in her dreams.

In the diary the woman wrote how happy she was in that home with her beloved husband and that for their wedding anniversary he had planted a rose in the garden as a gift to her. When the war began her husband enlisted and died in battle, the rose bush was the most precious thing to her and a memory of her love. Elisa understood what the woman in her dreams wanted to say and planted a beautiful rosebush in her garden, never again having that dream.


It was like the sound of an owl or an owl, which made itself felt at nightfall and vanished with the first rays of the sun. Like a kind of song or whistle, which was heard close but at the same time far away. A sound that being so constant at dawn, became sinister and tense. It transmitted an adrenaline, which over time became fear. Nobody ever saw him, they could only hear and feel his presence. Some spoke of an evil spirit, of a soul that could not rest in peace, it was heard that it was a mischievous spirit, that scared people, but it was also said about a soul in pain, who was never baptized and indeed , I wandered without rest to get attention. Many theories, but one solution. My grandmother, the wisest and oldest of the neighborhood, took courage, the last time I heard the sound that issued the spirit, closed his eyes and while throwing holy water, recited this phrase: I baptize you as Juancito, in the name of the Father , of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. From that day, apparently, Juancito rest in peace. He never came back. END.

@gabrielaa @jesuscarrasquero Brothers read the story. Do you remember that time that our grandmother baptized Juancito?

Yes, like forgetting those days of fear, that we did not want to go to the patio of the house hehe!

Haha that good that you remember it sister
My story is based on our experience
And well try to tell it here.

Friend that sure was a troll :-)

LOL. Hopefully it is not :(

hahahaha we frightened and even having nightmares at night and our grandmother as if nothing was happening.

HAHAHA. Brother @jesuscarrasquero you are right. Those nights I could not sleep well. In those days I was shaking with fear but now it laughs me :D

Something similar happened to me, one day I heard noises around my house and I imagined strange things and when I realized it was a cat that made a sound nothing like theirs. Sometimes happens.

If sometimes happens but I assure you that this time it was not a human, nor to be alive, it was something from another world haha

"Juancito" cooll. Hahaha

Last night i had an amazing experience i would not be in haste to forget.
It was lizzie. She came paddling into the room and i could see her quite clearly in the dim room. I was wowed at her beautiful sculpture frame work. It was my first time of her seeing her after many months of much friendly and heart connecting talks over the phone. This was exactly what i looked forward to, seeing Lizzie.
I stared at her in awe, full of wonder and taking careful mental snap shots (notes) of every moves and every part of her to triggered my interest and passion. I stared at her as she stood there wreathed in smiles, stretching out her hands to me in warmth embrace. The warmth i felt at such moment was beyond feelings. "so that is finally happening, so this is her...this indeed a dream come true".
I had a wonderful sense of comfort and renewal of contact. We stood there holding hands and staring deep into each others eyes in complete silence. I should know earlier that we were living in different realities - this was indeed a tale from beyond. It was just a dream.

The Otis elevator climbing the south pillar of the Eiffel Tower was overflowing with people. Inside the cramped lift, an austere old man in white, gazed down at the boy beside him. "You look pale, you should have stayed on the ground."
"I'm fine..." he replied, making every effort to put his anxiety in check. "I'll get out on the next level." I can't breathe.
The man leaned closer. "I thought by now you would have gotten over this." He brushed the child's cheek affectionately.
The boy felt remorseful to let down his father, he could hardly make out the muttering in his ears. I can't breathe. I've got to get off this box!
Suddenly a staccato crack echoed overhead. The carriage jerked, swaying awkwardly to one side. Frayed cables began whipping around the carriage, thrashing like snakes.
Then the bottom dropped out.
The boy began falling for what seemed like eternity. The muttering in his ear became audible, telling tales of the dead.
You have been chosen. Yes you To liberate us
The whispers became deafening as he kept falling.
He landed on his bed. The mattress was soaked from his perspiration.
It was a dream! The meaning was elusive.

The part where he began falling really scared me

Really cool story, depicts the story;

"tales from beyond"

really weird story.

what role did the old man play in the story?

Eiffel Tower, Hmmmm. The set was in Paris, cool

I thought he would fall to his death

This was really good Veaky, but you didn't stick to the rules. 199 words max.

Haunted House

From a young age, he saw ghosts, who appeared to ask him to give a message to his loved ones. His parents never believed him and took him to a psychologist.

As he grew up Peter stopped seeing a ghost and his life went by normally until, he moved to an old house.

Without Peter knowing his new home had been the scene of one of the most horrendous crimes in the region. A whole family was killed by a satanic cult to invoke the devil.

At first Peter was happy in his new home, but as the days went by he would constantly wake up scared and shivering. The spirits of the dead cried out to find peace for their souls, and Peter was the only one who listened to them. Trapped their souls in the house by a demonic spell, Peter was the only one who could free them and break the spell.

Peter tired of not being able to sleep, he faced against his beliefs and accepted his "gift", he listened to the spirits and they guided him to fight against the demon and break the spell that had their souls trapped ...

The blows of life

Leti was a 19 year old girl, her parents died in an accident when she was 15 years old, since then she lived with her aunt Carmen who mistreated her brutally to the point of leaving her unconscious.

One afternoon Aunt Carmen sent Leti shopping to prepare dinner, while Leti walked down the sidewalk was pursued by a car slowly, Leti realized when she detubo and look at the car asking why you follow me? the car detubo in front of her and a man answered him because you are very beautiful and I see how that mistress mistreats you so I do not want you to suffer more and ask you to come with me away from her. When I saw that you went out alone I could not contain myself anymore and that's why I followed you. My name is Victor. I will not hurt you. You can trust me that you say my Leti.

Leti, very surprised, confused and scared, did not think about it and left with Victor, at 15 days she was a very happy lady because she had gotten rid of her aunt Carmen's monster. 6 months later Leti finds out that she is pregnant with Victor and does not know what to do, so she decides to go to a clinic and perform the abortion. At the moment almost to take out the fetus a thousand things happen to him by the mind and he decides not to do it and he regrets. When she arrives from the clinic Victor proposes her marriage, Leti very excited accepts and gives the news to Victor who would be dad within 4 months, the very excited looks at her with a big smile and tears in his eyes, he hugs her strongly from the emotion He has a heart attack and dies in his arms.

My Post


At night, while my deceased grandmother Elga Griscelma pulls my feet, I was watching scary Movie, everything was fine until the lamps started to twinkle, the TV went off, I was very upset but I did not let him know, I was very serene and I lit a candle, opened the living room window and sat down to read a book, shadows began to appear around, the windows were closed at one stroke, the candle light blew and there were no matches, I began to lose a little the calm. I lay back, since I had nothing to do; when I almost managed to catch the dream ... pulls the savannah, ready, the drop that spilled the glass, "no more" I said, I stood up in bed and said: "Grandma for God! I know you're upset about the time that Grandpa's room burned down with your things but I swear to God that I did not go, that was Gabriel! "After that I slept well. The next day I received the news that my brother woke up dead. Today ... it's a nice Friday night, I'm watching scary movie 2, and someone else pulls my feet.

Hello @stach this is my entry the contest #28
Luis, yuli, aura, yuri and maye, decided to go for a walk to the town of capatarida, a desolate little town, where the wind rose your face with warm sand of the sun. The little house of the great-grandmother of Luis, was of mud, still they conserved the plates, an old kitchen and spider webs everywhere, the windows and the door when opening towards a dark noise, arrived with the clarity of the day, excited because they would pass a different weekend, without thinking what they would see, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon we went to the town square to eat, they walked to get to know the town, they had a signatory, When they returned at midnight, only it was felt the sound of the wind and the sound of the waters of a river that passed behind the house, it occurred to us to look out but the river was dry and suddenly we saw a chicken with 7 chicks, but the chicken had three meter high and chicks two meters, the screams were so many, we ran without stopping that same night we left that site without collecting anything, but everything was recorded.

This happened in real life by @visabella

The boy stood in front of him with his wide pleading eyes and snot running down his chin. He tried to ignore the little bastard, but it was no use. He wouldn't budge until he'd make him go away.
The child started to loosen the collar of his faded blue shirt enough to reveal the purple marks on his neck. He took another swig of cold beer. There was no anger boiling in his chest, not anymore, yet he could feel the burning in his hands, trembling in remembered anticipation of the moment they'd grip the kid's delicate neck. 'Damned boy, he had no right to talk to me like that!'
His sweaty hands grabbed the air where the neck should've been and squeezed hard until the boy vanished as swiftly as he had appeared. He'll be back tomorrow. He always did.
The bartender noticed the old ex-con was at it again.
'Stop doing that, Hank, or I'll throw you out'.
'The kid, my boy was here again', Hank mumbled. A bitter cry swelled his chest. Twenty years gone and he still had to face the child every single day.
'Oh, go to hell, drunken fool.'
'I'm already there.'

Something Wants to Tell me a Story

I have actually nothing to write about, until I heard something from beyond.

It's more than something. I knew it's lurking somewhere in the dark, or maybe under my bed. Or no... I think it's everywhere.

The sound now made me feel something.

As it keeps getting my attention, by its strange music, It also creates an intimate relationship with me.

The more I listen, the more it gets louder and the more I care the more it's touching me.

I wish I could move, for this sound and feeling to become a sight. But the darkness is numbing. All I can see is shadows, and some lights casted from my ajar.

The sound turned to a feeling, but it feels like it turns out to be a place. And I'm in it. I feel like I'm in every corner of it. I can now smell it.

It smells like winter. It's stinky. It's sad. It's cold. And it's calling me.

It can't be! I was just inside it, but now it is already inside me.

It feels like fear, gloom and anger... Maybe something more.

What is it? It feels like it wants to tell me a story from beyond.

HELP me.

Hello, here's my entry. Hope you like it. Thank you.

The White Robe
I haven't seen osareme since the demise of her father so i decided to travel to Edo to see her, I got to Benin late in the evening and after the greetings and condolences i was fed and I went straight to bed to relax my tired muscles.
I was put in the first room with a window facing the nearby hotel with large energy saving bulb, sleep came faster than i expected but something woke me up after a while and it felt like i was in a strange land when I looked around.
I was still trying to figure out where i was when i saw what appeared to be a flying white robe close to the window and the light made It more intense. My mind thought it was seeing a ghost so I jerked up and let out a loud scream.
I attracted the whole house with my scream and when osareme's brother rushed into my room and switch on the light my eyes was still fixed on the window.
There was no ghost, it was just a jalamiah which the brother had ironed and hanged close to the window.

Cynthia and her friends went camping and just on their way back home their car broke down which got them stranded so they decided to camp there for the night. They followed a narrow path in search of woods to make fire to keep them warm. Shortly there was a loud cry from distance… Did You hear that? Cynthia asked feeling startled… The other girls laughed at her as they all assumed she was barely imagining things but immediately they heard another noise and this time it was much louder and this gave them goosebumps. They began to see bloody foot print along the path and as they went further they got to an alter where a girl covered in blood laid. Run cynthia screamed as the girls took to their heels but after running for hours they kept returning to their initial position, fear begin to grip the girls as they look around for a way out and that was when Anita one of the girls found a sign post that read “welcome to the land of no RETURN”. She had heard of this land in the tales from beyond but she never imagined finding herself there.

Alluring Tales From A Stranger

They say the universe watches over everyone; that everyone gets one warning from a calm gentle voice each time they turn to their doom. Some listen to this voice, others allow themselves to distracted by the allures of life.

Mary was with the man that promised her a large cut for her services. She was in the commercial bus that morning when a man in black suit beside her had asked for directions to Marina Square. Mary knew where Marina Square was; it was a far place from where they were. She told the man so.

A fellow passenger beside her who had overheard the conversation wondered aloud if the man would pay for any help provided. The man in black responded in a whisper that he was trying to deliver some money to a contact. He opened his briefcase slightly to reveal wads of dollar bills in it. Mary’s heart raced.

Mary was seated between the two men. She had suggested they chartered a taxi. Just then one pulled along. Mary gave the directions, the other passenger made the bargains and the man in black paid at once.

Mary’s family still waits for her.

source: google images

She comes at night, with the rustling leaves, the evil regarded chirping birds of the night, red heels and irregular footsteps tapping the cemented floors of every dormitory.
It was believed that she had sent her only daughter to a boarding school, she was beautiful and graceful but all that did not last.
She was raped and killed by young teenage boys. Her mother was bittered and angry, she swore to avenge her daughter, to watch every child in the dormitory terrified just as her daughter was. She sold her soul, used dark magic and was never seen again, those who claimed to have seen her, never fully did, they said she wore a hat and her lips painted red, her face dark underneath her hat.
Madam koikoi carries terrors of the night in her red fierceness, in the sound of her heels. So go on, ask them in the dormitories. Ask them of the red heeled night breeder of terror... Madam koikoi.

A policeman named Miguel patrolled through the streets of the Unare town, always in the night shifts has been presented strange situations and without explanation. One of the blocks of the town is near a river where this area is more unpopulated and dark. Miguel was assigned that area along with his patrol partner, when they were in that block where everything is wooded, the street difficult to travel, they remembered that they say there is a fright, and at midnight they both witnessed a strange appearance, a cold they invaded and saw a shadow on the river dock, they got out of the unit to inspect, it was dark, his partner took the left side while he went to where the shadow was, it was an old woman with her very white hair, Miguel I call and said: good evening, lady that is so dangerous so late, she did not answer, but when her face turned a fright that had no shape, Miguel suddenly scared his flashlight went out and gave him a tap so that He would react and the old woman was no longer there.



“Where am I? Who are they? The ones wailing and the ones giggling? How did they get here?” The questions kept oozing out - my voice cloaked in fear and fright.

Fire! Real fire! With people inside!
There were a galaxy of persons ravaging in the heat – without being actually consumed by its flame. And I saw more people thrown in, in their numbers – in splits of seconds.

There were also some strange beings that acted like the ill-starred lords of the ring – the slave masters of some sort. While the generality of the inhabitants of this fire province were wailing and grasping for help, their apparent slave masters seemed to be supervising their afflictions.

It became even scarier when the mass of creatures screeching in the firestorm began to beckon at me, as though to drag me in, in their bid and behest to have me dragged them out. Everybody was asking for something. Some were asking for everything. And nobody was asking for nothing. Desperation! That’s the perfect word.

Then I woke up screaming!
Was that just another dream?
Oh my God, the scenes were beyond this world!



Legend has it that one day I heard that voice that in the distance tormented me. It was the sweet voice of a man who told me that he always accompanied me. One day I decided to forget that sensation that overwhelmed me and did not let me have peace. If I listened to it, it distracted me with other things. I focused on my career, on my things to leave that behind but it did not stop bothering me. My boyfriend decided to go and stay to sleep with me, suddenly when we were in bed at midnight, I heard the same voice that told me to get up. I did him bravely and when I looked at the face of the man who smiled at me, I felt a peace that covered me. Then he asked me to change my way of being because it did not lead me to the success I had been expecting so much and he told me that he would protect me whenever he did not worry me. Then we said goodbye and went to sleep. The next day I put all their advice into practice and decided to improve by remembering those words that the entity from the beyond told me, because it identified with me correcting their mistakes and helping me to fulfill my dreams and goals.


One day when I was about 16 years old and I was with my family finishing dinner, everyone stayed in the dining room but I wanted to go upstairs to watch TV. When I was climbing the stairs I felt a huge and scratchy hand that pulled me from my ankle and made me fall. I screamed and everyone came, I was crying like crazy, my dad searched everywhere and there was nothing. We went up to the room and from the door you could see the street, in the corner I saw a young woman in a white coat and with long curly hair but you could not see her feet, it was as if she was floating. I screamed in terror, I did not know what was happening but my older sister ran, hugged me and told me that she had seen it too. I fell asleep crying. 12 years later I keep climbing the stairs of my house running ...


David returned to the village after three years of hustling in the city of Abuja to make a living. Being the first child of his widowed mum,he returned to ask questions from the mum as to why life has being too mean to him and his siblings.
His mum: My son, I am sad to see how bad life has being with you and your siblings.
Your grandfather was a wealthy man who had several possessions but in all his own possession, his wife was barren. They tried all they could do medically but all proved abortive. He was advised to see a native doctor and he yielded without much persuasion because of his desperation.

His mum pulsed and continued the story. The native doctor told your grandfather that he will have children but non will ever be wealthy in life.
David: What!
His mum: All your uncles and your late dad are all hard working but not seeing dividends for their hard work.
David: Mummy, thank you for that information because that poverty can not continue with me!. I can not be poor in life!.
He said that and left his mum for the city.

Word count: 196

Victoria, whom her parents and brothers affectionately call "Vicky", is a very beautiful and intelligent young woman, who since the age of three has distinguished herself by the gift of clairvoyance. Vicky sees, hears and listens to the spirits that appear to her, whether in dreams or awake.

On one occasion Vicky dreamed that she was in a desert, then she joined a group of people who lined up to get on a bus that would take them to another destination. Each of the people was passing and embarking on the transport and when he had to enter Vicky someone stopped and told him clearly: "You do not, give back because you do not touch yet."

Vicky deduced that all those people were going to happen flat and she did not have to be there, because it was not her time.

After this episode and as Vicky was growing up, she has always had premonitory dreams, almost always related to her family. So he dreamed when his father, grandmother, aunt, mother and brother died.


When I was around 6 or 7 years old, I had an imaginary friend like most kids that age would. We would do everything together. But, when I was 9, I moved and he said he could not come with me. But that another imaginary friend would be waiting for me and he would take care of me. He said that there was a box at the back of my closet I needed to take with me in order to get my new friend. I took the box and when I got to the new house I hid it so my parents wouldn't see it.

That night, I got up with a flashlight and went to my closet where I hid the box. I opened it to find a Ouija board. With it was a note that read "This is how you can get an imaginary friend for LIFE". It came with instructions so I began to use it. The next thing I knew, a red orb showed up in my room. It was floating around for minute then took shape. It took the form as my great grandfather who recently had passed. For a short time, I believed it was him. But..after a while, I began to realize that this was not my great grandpa. I guess that he could tell that I knew it wasn't who it said it was. So..that's when it began to physically abuse me. Every morning I would wake up with bruises and bite marks all over me.

My parents didn't know what to do so they called a friend of the family (who was a ghost hunter) to come out and see what was going on. While searching the hunters found the Ouija board that I had used. They attempted to burn it but that just made the spirit angry. The spirit then showed it's true form. It was a tall dark figure. It was slim and where it's face was supposed to be, was a swirling mist of darkness. We were able to rid the spirit of the house. But..just a few years ago (I think it was two years ago), Anna (the other admin) and I were on the phone when I say the spirit again. It attacked me. I couldn't breathe or speak or move for a good minute. Then it finally released me and I called out for my parents and they came running into my room. They saw the thing just before it disappeared into the darkness.

I have not had any other experiences with this thing and I hope not to.


The rule was 199 words max. this is over 400. Thanks for writing though.

One freezing night, my phone rang loudly. This sank my heart in deep fear of such incoming call by that hour of the night, It was 12:30am.

Reluctantly answering the call, It was my favorite aunt, Uchechi. In joy, I spoke with her for hours but she sounded strange while saying good night. In her words- "I will miss you but I will try visit every night", which sounded confusedly strange.

Uchechi danced with me
in a black gown
She was soo beautiful
but very sad.
I stood right in front of her
asking the reasons for her sadness.
Suddenly, she started screaming loudly lamenting on how she dosen't want to go.
I dragged her hands but it was pulled forcefully by a dark skinned hand


Ring! Ring!
My phone buzzes with my mother's call which woke me from such weird dream. Suddenly, all I could hear was alto, soprano and high pitched cries piercing through my ears. My mum sorrowfully said "aunt uchechi died yesternight at 12:15am".
My phone fell off from my hand while fidgeting,
How can the dead contact the living?
I became overwhelmed in fear.

Tales from Beyond

Sorrow, nothing but sorrow blankets the street the day the news broke out, the woman next to our house died while giving birth, doors were closed and heads bowed as mourners enter the house, why? why? The husband keep asking himself why him of all men, the trauma will later make him change the environment.

Not long after the family of the bride came demanding to know how this could have happened and they weren't notified, they sought for explanations beyond the physical not forgetting that every night the woman's spirit roams the house asking them to bring her baby to her for breastfeeding.
In one last resort her corpse was taken home to a necromancer and was asked of her what killed her, she asked them if they are ready to hear the tales from beyond and they nodded in affirmative, she began by telling them she was killed by one of the concubine of her husband. But she begged the family to forgive her husband and let peace reign for she loved her husband and want peace after death.

Word Count : 181

The seer Rosita.

Good and bad things happen every day, from an early age Rosita has that gift of communicating with the dead, her grandmother also did it, so one day the grandmother observed Rosita talking to a dead man whom she also observed carefully, with over the years. , the grandmother dies and Rosita already dominates that talent of seeing dead people that cause accidents or damages to living beings, her husband took everything at stake, when she said "tell your friend not to go" Something very ugly will happen to him, another day he told Manuel that I did not travel today because he is going to have an accident where he is going to die and they ignored him and they took it as a game, after a few hours they manage to see on the television a citizen identified as Manuel and who died instantly colliding with a tree, is when her husband takes seriously everything his wife says is true and once he trusts, Rosa always tells him what is observed on the roads.

The old house

In the town where my grandmother grew up, they scared a lot. She said that there were ghosts of people who buried their treasures because there were no banks. These ghosts appeared to the people of the town and negotiated with them, offering to tell them where their treasure was hidden in exchange for the soul of a loved one.

I thought that everything was a lie until I had to live in an old rented house since we did not have our own. I was about eleven years old, the nights in that house were horrible: there were loud footsteps on the ceiling and in the kitchen you could hear all the corotos moving and even falling off, we went out to see what was happening and we did not see anyone. Both my brothers and I covered ourselves from head to toe with fear. But the worst was experienced by my mother when a man with the face of a cat came out of a window that was ajar from the room; Later it was learned that in that old house lived a man who practiced witchcraft and transformed himself into various animals.

The co-worker of a very close aunt has a grandson, a 3-year-old baby named Richard, he has not slept for several weeks at night or day, he just cries as if he had a pain without being sick and when he stays asleep he wakes up exalted as if he were in a nightmare.
They have realized that the baby plays alone and it seems that someone was with him, he ruffles the toys.
When they go to the river he tells his grandparents to look at the girl who is bothering him, his grandparents do not see anyone and they say astonished. Richita! Here there is no girl, only us.
Her parents are already afraid and they take her to a very famous prayer room and they explain Richard's situation, she tells them that the baby is after him and she is female, apparently she falls in love with the child and they have to buy a pendant that will remind her prepare with a cross and garlic on the chest and not let anyone touch that pendant and at night pour holy water to drive away that fear that takes over innocent children and takes them because his soul is in pain since carelessly He lost his son.

In my miserable home, I always get bored so I'm going to play with Norman, my twin brother. We are inseparable; I always go where he goes, although my ridiculous parents scold me every time I do it, even when I say I'm with him. They always tell me that I have to learn to do things on my own. Lately, this has angered Norman a lot, so we have talked about it and he told me that I had to kill our parents so that they would not bother us anymore. As I know that Norman is always right, I did it, I murdered our annoying parents with a knife while they slept. Now I can go to play with Norman every time I want without them bothering me.
What angered me the most was that they always told me that it was time to overcome the death of my beloved little brother, Norman.

Tales from beyond

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From the kingdom called FAR FAR AWAY lived a wicked king Batiatus who murdered his wife in cold blood because she queried his orders.
She gave birth to a pretty girl called Diana.
This kingdom existed among the fairy kingdoms.

One day, the king had a fight with the fairies goddess called Poseidon and cut off her wings and enslaved it in a brass cage. Brass Was The goddess weakness.

True love kiss

Poseidon cursed Diana and said at the age of thirteen you will die and only a true love kiss within seven days will save you from death.
Diana grew up and became the fairy goddess best friend without knowing she was cursed by her already. She loved Poseidon as if she was her own mother.

Does true love kiss exist?

At thirteen Diana fainted and no kisses could raise her. Poseidon wept bitterly and smuggled herself into the palace and spoke gently I'm really sorry my angel,then she kissed her forehead and Diana rose up again and the king sought to kill Poseidon and got killed instead and they lived happily ever after.

The disaster

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My great-grandmother was a person who pampered and jealously looked after her children, it did not matter that they had a wife. One day, one of his children (the oldest) decided to get married. That bothered my great-grandmother, which provoked a strong argument, her son got into his truck and left the house. The next thing he knew, he lost his life in a car accident. He used to leave dinner every night before going to sleep at the table when he arrived. After dying, he never forgot that habit, until one day he forgot. That night loud knocks were heard in the kitchen as if they were destroying it, they listened while the plates broke and the cups broke. The chairs hit the walls and the doors of the cabinets threw them. Everyone in the house was terrified and nobody dared to go. Until finally one of his children came to the kitchen, and everything was as if nothing. Everything in its place. Since that day he no longer leaves dinner.

The Mysterious rocking chair

An ordinary day on the outskirts of a school, you would hear the sound of a rocking chair every day at 5 am. The noise was heard by the school cleaning staff, every May 09 disappeared the school cleaners, until one day the cleaners were scared and tired that 5 of his companions had gone and decided not to work for 4 years Consecutive on that day. The next year he decided to go to work that day and Claudia (The Cleaner on duty) was very frightened by the terrible news of going to work. Suddenly when they approach 5 am begins to hear the noise of the rocking chair, and comes a shadow in the shape of an old woman to take it slowly by the hair and try to carry it through a black hole formed on the wall and is there when Claudia wakes up in a different world to the real world and start listening to the lady because her life was like that. This story will continue



Castlerock Was The biggest city in kingslanden having the greatest walls anyone could ever imagine.
It was guided by over 3 millions soldiers with 500 thousand knights ever ready to protect the interior empire.
The city was known for the magical powers possessed by its citizens and thus the neighboring cities feared them greatly.
Every family had a reason to live as they were mostly farmers. No one could ever think of going to war against them because they had a renowned warrior Ahazarus as king.

Even the greatest sourcerers said not even the highest Devil can conquer this city.

  • Tragedy set in

In one of the greatest days of its adventure, Queen Danierous stormborn came to the city with her two dragons and out of fury and rage because they killed her family devoured the city before sunset and not even the sound of the smallest cricket was heared at that hour.

The dawn came to Castlerock in the early afternoon hours. It was the greatest menace an adored city of its kind could witness.

What a tale from beyond the walls of kingslanden

In the Andean Páramos of Mérida in Venezuela (Cordillera de Los Andes), there circulates a popular culture legend "La loca Luz Caraballo", taken in the ingenious literary work of Andrés Eloy Blanco, "la loca", rambunctiously on the roads, for the loss of their five children, two of them went after Simón Bolívar in the war of independence of Venezuela, until a moment that left their homes and did not return ... La Loca Luz Caraballo is seen wandering around the paramo merideño, in the cold and hazy nights, where only the sad woman is seen crying to her children ....

At midnight, the new pediatric service nurse goes through the main corridor of the 13th floor of an old hospital. It was her first night watch and she felt a little nervous about certain stories that she had heard from her older companions. Spirits of dead children were seen walking without their feet touching this floor. Appearances were common, especially at that time. Everything was fine until he was given medication and is when he visualizes a child coming towards her, in a robe, and driving a bicycle in the middle of the wide, semi-lit corridor. She ran away terrified and just in front of her companions, she fainted. Upon awakening, he learned that he had seen a child with cancer, who was allowed by doctors to take his bicycle in consideration of his delicate state of health.


Witches in the roof

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In the outside of the city there is a picturesque village, for many years ago they lacked electricity service, they only have one power plant.
That is lit from 7 to 10 at night, the person in charge of lighting it is a very punctual old man, and shouting I am going to turn off the plant all to their houses.
One night they turned off the plant and a group of people decided to stay outside to talk, the night was cool and there were many stars in the sky.
When you hear a noise, and you see huge shadows on the roof of a house, black, in the shape of a bird, people shouted are witches, are witches.
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People ran with fear, they stumbled and others looked for brooms to try to hit them, dogs barked.
They wanted to eat that from the roof, as they arrived mysteriously disappeared, every time the lord turned off the power plant at 10 o'clock at night, the witches appeared.
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The curse of the priest

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The curse of the priest. A long time ago strange events occurred, events in a remote town of the city, its inhabitants, that for the years of 1955 in that town, everything else, was a very devout people but one day, they discovered that the priest of his church, is having unseemly acts with one of the monáguillos, which produced, that the people, left framed by his side, his hands blindfolded, until they reach the found and beaten with sticks and stones through several streets of the town, the priest pedia clemency but the town did not have until martyrlo.
Already in his bed the death of the priest made a curse of the people saying, cursed this people for doing this to me, where my blood ran this people will disappear.
Over time this curse was fulfilled because the river was little by little entering the town and taking away the houses that were there, and it is very possible that a future not very far disappear completely.
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The "Above and beyond" is a place that is going on the border of a country far far away. Many years ago, and it is not known exactly how many, the "above and beyond" was very witty and dedicated themselves to entertain tourists that arrived to the place, mainly telling stories and experiences of those who crossed the borders of their country in search of a better future; they told stories of illusions, projects, tragedies, adventures among many others.

The storytelling began to make this activity a recognized profession, and over the years developed incredible abilities to tell stories. Were the best speakers with great techniques of oratory. Even began to form schools of storytelling. The fame of the tales of the "above and beyond" was gradually extended, and people of all parties and places came to listen to those picturesque and witty stories. Many entrepreneurs sought to generate books with the stories of the "Beyond," but the story didn't allow it, for the good of all this was to be able to tell the tales not to read them.

Today, all who cross the border do not cease to enjoy the exciting tales of the "above and beyond"

I'm anticipating this; best wishes to everyone that'll participate.

I am happy for this contest.

@stach thank God I found you guys..
Would try to see I participate in this one..

Definitely want to try this and join

During my first visit to Europe, an incident happened that I will never forget.

Events in the lead up to my arrival in Belgium should have warned me but I was too excited about the trip.

I remember as soon I checked into my hotel, I stumbled on a woman who occasionally stole a look at me. I felt like a masquerade at the market square. I didn't understand what her cursory looks were about.

On the third day, I woman walked up to me at the hotel lobby, and landed a dirty slap on my chin. I saw stars. In no time, the Police had arrived. The woman pointed at me and murmured some words in French to the officers. The discussion descended into a serious argument between them. Suddenly a female handcuffed her and led her to a waiting car.

When I asked what was going on the Police explained she was arrested for unlawful assault and for making the claims about me that were false, racist and as a matter of fact, were hearsays, unfounded biases about people of colour, and tales from the past.

This is my ticket
Darla was a high school student, She was very shy and withdrawn. The girls always made fun of her, one day in the hour of recess for badness the girls left her locked in the bathroom, when she managed to leave it was midnight and scared she ran to her house that when crossing the street she did not see a vehicle that was coming at full speed that the run over and the impact destroyed.
Eventually the matter was forgotten and everything went back to normal. Or almost.
One day, the girls who used to harass the girl were found terrified in the bathroom. They claimed to have seen her and be persecuted by Darla's broken body. The truth was that they never heard from those girls at school. Meanwhile, other people claimed to have seen the dead girl in the same way they had described.
More and more individuals claimed to have found her walking alone in the streets. It is said that she is a soul in pain that feels very lonely and has allowed herself to be dragged by resentment and revenge for the suffering she went through in life.

In one night on the road a car was driving calmly .. It was that of 11pm, when suddenly saw a child beckoning everything beaten and bloodied .. A very dark place, half a hill and near a ravine. Without thinking, the driver stopped and started shouting at the child that he would not run, that he was going to help him.
The child ignored him walked quickly towards a ravine and the chauffeur followed him already with fear through the darkness. The boy kept going down just turning to see if the driver was following him. When the driver got to the bottom, he saw a broken car and the body of a child nearby.
Later he saw the body of a woman still alive but unconscious immediately called the emergency service. The equipment arrived and they went to rescue the woman, unfortunately the child died at the moment of the accident .. When the driver returned to his car in the passenger seat was the ghost child the same one of the accident ..

  • He looked at him and smiled, and only told him.
  • "Thank you" and disappeared ...


When I was living in VENEZUELA, once I got very angry with my now ex. I left and went for a walk to a nearby town that had a kind of closed square on the highest part. I always went there to forget about everything, because there were never people there and the view was beautiful. On That day it was already night and you could’ve not see anything, but I did not know where else to go to mourn, so with the light of my cell phone I traveled all over the place until I reached the square. I snuggled up on a very old wooden bench and I cried until I fell asleep. Between dreams I heard the footsteps of someone entering the square, and I felt how he sat at my feet on the same bench and put his hand on my feet. Distressed I suddenly stopped to apologize for having slept there, but when I got up there was no one. I have never felt so much fear and so much peace at the same time. After telling the story to my friends, they told me that nobody went there for that same reason ...

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