Free Money "Feels Like Wednesday" Weekly InspiroBot Contest #1

in #contest7 years ago


Hello Steemos,

In order to keep the Lovewave Machine running smoothly, blasting lovewaves omnidirectionally across the multiverse, I'm gonna give away money $$$.

ALL OF THE SBD. Yes you can win it all. If we can blow this contest up then the weekly winner can buy tacos and drugs with the winnings. That is my vision.

So wtf is the contest?

It's simple. Enter Inspirobot...


It's a bot that runs on Ethereum and creates wonderfully surreal image macros. It's Magick.

Here are a few examples...


aXm4429xjU (1).jpg


So here are the rules :

  1. Generate your own inspirational image here inspirobot

  2. Pick the spiciest one you like and drop it like it's hot in the comments (One entry per user). Need image hosting? works perfect.

  3. Vote on this post. Lets build the prize pool as big as we can. The winner takes all.

  4. Vote on the comment/image that you like best. You can vote more than once and yeah you can vote on yourself. I don't mind although it is a little gauche.

  5. Profit. Boom that's it, the winner will be chosen by amount of votes cast not the total payout.

So that's it, easy peasy. I look forward to sending you money.



You peel my banana baby!


Let me be the first ;)



Wth is this thing(inspirobot)? hahah

Great discovery. Found some great quotes, but I relate with this.


As per the cosmic nihilism talk from last night


Could have used a little more pink in this post :)

Shabba nice work , If I hake this hangover will get on it