Hello Fellow Steemians,
Here is my submission (two colour variants) to the contest:
My Post: Curie Logo Design Contest - Curie Heart
Here you can find a detailed description of how I came up with the shape, colour and font. Hope you guys enjoy it, I sure did! 💚
heh... it just struck me that the red one might be seen as a downvote kinda arrow?!
but that's unmistakeably not the case on the green version... totally love the green version!!

That's true, although hopefully the fact that it makes a little heart keeps it positive. :P That being said, I also like the green since it represents Radium and the radiation green, which fits in well with (Marie and Pierre) curie. :D
I agree with @fraenk
But the effect looks good, maybe just flip it? ;-)

up-up positive!
I actually thought about swapping it, but then it lost the heart which was important to the representation of curie I feel, "sharing the love" and all that. Also, if you read the post about the design, I described it as a 3D upvote arrow that "fell over" or in essence it is pointing out of the screen towards the user.
That being said, and apart from losing the heart shape, it does look pretty cool flipped. I might add a flipped version of the icon if there is a need, I would however miss the heart shape a bit. 😋 So thank you for the input @fraenk and @overdye, I really appreciate it!
ooooooh and make it green
but now it doesn't really look like a heart anymore though... but damn that's cool, too
Love that Logo! Great work @skippyza! :)
Thank you @w0olf :D Appreciate it.
Sweet logos! Each one has a great feel to it :)
Thanks @niko3d, I couldn't decide myself, hence the two colour options. :P
my googly eyes are loving THIS one!
Thank you, maybe all this logo needs to really shine is some googlyeyes. ;P
heh... well, a wise man once said: "everything is better with #GooglyEyes"
Really awesome logo!
Thank you @warrkin, much appreciated. :D