When you're new on SteemIt, it's important to learn new things every day. This challenge will motivate you to do so, and will help you on the road to success.

SteemIt's Steep learning Curve
As you've probably noticed, SteemIt isn't just another social platform. It has a very steep learning curve: finding out how things work on SteemIt is quite challenging. It requires a lot of time, dedication and patience to become familiar with the platform.
When you first start out, it's all a bit overwhelming: there are so many things to learn, so many different places to visit - it feels like it's a puzzle with way too many pieces. I know... I've been there.
It's no surprise so many people quit before they've even started...
A Lesson A Day...
The only way to survive the first couple of weeks on SteemIt is by forcing yourself to learn at least 1 new thing about the platform every day.
If you ever want to be successful on SteemIt, you simply can't sign up and start posting and commenting, because that will get you nowhere.
It's important to educate yourself, to learn how things are done here, to find out which actions will benefit you, and which won't.

In all honesty: on SteemIt, you're either learning or quitting, there is no in between.
The Challenge
This challenge is set up with multiple goals in mind:
- to motivate you to keep learning
- to give you a chance to practise your commenting skills
- to reward you for learning & for posting valuable comments
Basically you will get paid for learning new things about SteemIt.
This is a test case challenge that will run for 1 week (no worries, the prizes are real). If there are enough people who want to participate, this might become a weekly challenge in which you'll be asked to write a short post about the things you learned during that week.

Below, you 'll find 3 questions you will need to answer by posting a comment below.
- You need to answer all 3 questions to be eligible to win.
- You can send in only 1 entry.
- You can send in your entry the entire week - up until the post payout period closes.
- Take your time to write the answers in the comment section. After all, this is also an exercise in posting quality comments. Try to make your comment stand out, but remember to answer all 3 questions.
(If you need some advice on posting comments in general, I suggest you take a look at this article)
Feel free to motivate and reward other contestants by upvoting and/or commenting on their anwsers.

You've probably noticed I'm not a whale yet, so I can't go crazy with the rewards. Still, every valid answer will receive a basic upvote of $0.03.
This might be more if I think your comment is truely exceptional.
After filtering out all invalid comments, 2 winners will be chosen randomly by using the Steem Comment Picker. Each winner will receive 1/2 of the SBD that is paid out to me at the end of the week.
Upvoting or resteeming is not a requirement to enter the contest, still it is encouraged.After all, the more views and upvotes this post receives, the larger the prize pool will be.

1 - What did you learn about SteemIt today?
2 - Why did you think that was important to learn?
3 - What was your approach? What did you do to learn this?
That's it. If you're serious about SteemIt, you won't have any trouble answering these questions, I guess.
Grab this chance to earn some free SBD & stay tuned, because more contests will be following soon!!
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This contest is supported by #superbowlweekne & #newbieresteemday
contest templateThanks to @davemccoy for providing the
Image Source:
You can read the winner announcement here
Keep an eye out for the next contest by following me @simplymike
Thanks to everyone who participated! Remember, you're all winners!
Thanks for this activity!
I am under 18 years old, and so for me it is learning about crypto, blogging and Steemit specifically!
one thing that I learned on steemit today is about making candles with soy wax and about the strict temperatures you have to use to do it right.
This is the post https://steemit.com/candles/@mamajeani/candle-crafting-processing-with-soy
I think it was important to learn because it could be helpful if I want to make organic candles, and its always good to learn something new.
In order to learn this I went to @goldendawne's blog and looked for a post that she had resteemed because she is normally very good at finding interesting posts. I didn't practice it yet, because I haven't asked my mom if she has the ingredients. So it is just "book knowledge" at the moment.
Thanks so much!
I admire your ambition and drive at a tender 18 years old. I wish you every sucess!
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
It's nice to hear you've learned all that.
Unfortunately, the question was 'What did you learn about SteemIt?' I'm sure you've learned a couple of things about the platform. If not, you wouldn't have been able to find Goldendawne's post.
It shouldn't be hard to answer the 3 questions again, telling me what you learned about the SteemIt platform
Hi Mike Janssens!
Well, today i learn few things as a newbie that I've to work hard and consistently here. I've to upvote other's content as well to give them a motivation that your content is good, keep it up. I've to participate in contest's to grow. I've to support newbie's too if i got some important information about steemit and how to work on this platform.
According to my whole day research, the important thing to learn was about content. I searched and found that pictures contests and articles writing about crypto currencies are doing great. (Obviously, Crypto Currencies is a hot topic these days).
To get some success, I've to set a plan and that exactly i did today. I spend my whole day watching some high rank profiles and their daily work (how they write their articles with proper format etc). Because, we can get some strategy to work for longer period.
It looks like you're learning a whole lot. It's a very good strategy to watch how the big earners act, so you can model their success. Keep up the good work!
Thank you so much.
Your learning today sounded like it gave you a healthy jump along your Steemit learning curve! I wish you and all of us a continued journey of very exciting discoveries! Cheers!
bandwidth/up voting
formatting / block quotes
giving credit to those who information resources I used
This is my 3rd day on steemit. and had to learn not to up vote every comment that I received. Wanted to thank those who supported me. hard lesson to learn
formatting lord I sucked the 1st day. should have waited before I posted my intro.
I have so much to learn and looking forward to it
I don't measure success buy the amt of up votes I get but buy the amount that I contribute. I really like the people here and what they have to say
I think everyone has issues with bandwidth and voting power in the beginning.
Formatting your posts on SteemIt is not an easy job. After 4 months, I don't even know half of the possibilities there are.
I totally agree that SteemIt is a great community to be a part of.
Wishing you loads of success on your new journey!
Hi @simplymike. This is a wonderful game.
Bandwidth indeed is an issue for a lot of people who just start on SteemIt. Running out of it means that that you're cut from the platform.
Fortunately, it seems like @davemccoy is always there for anyone with questions. All thumbs up, @davemccoy
@leebaong, keep on learning and you'll keep on growing! :0)
Yes @simplymike. This is heartily noted. That's one of the reason as well why i love steemit. A lot of learnings are packed.
I am deeply appreciative for your post! I too am experiencing "exceeding bandwidth limits" difficulties! So much so, I created this ...
@davemccoy, any help you can offer will be hugely appreciated!
1 - What did you learn about SteemIt today?
I learned a lot of science today.
First: Plagiarism.
Second: Writing
third: community
fourth: Social relations
2 - Why do you think it is important to learn?
First: in Platonat bersteemit is the most disgusting thing when done. because in steemit we are encouraged to make things interesting in a way can be justified to the original.
Second: Writing, here I get the correct writing procedure. I have dared to write at length because learning to write in steemit.
third: community, steemit is not a social media that plays in groups, but by playing in groups or communities, we will quickly develop.
Fourth: in steemit we will interact with various people, various countries, tribes and others. so we will find relationships with each other.
3 - What is your approach? What are you doing to learn this?
first, learn with curators who already understand about steemit as a whole.
second, do not be shy to ask.
#business, prayer, tawakkal
It sounds like you're learning a lot! Keep up the good work.
Nothing is more true. I tend to forget that every once in a while, but you're right: it's better to ask than to not know
Apologies for being new, started in December, but here is what I have learned today, I discovered that WOW! yes there is bandwidth involved, and yes I ran out of it!
So now, I am very selective about what posts I do upvote, and I think as always as I have believed (being a content writer.) it is about quality and NOT quantity.
And in answer to the latter question I learnt from my mistakes. But if we don't make mistakes how will we learn.
Steemit is a learning curve, and I am glad I found your post so that maybe I can walk in your footsteps through the minefield.
Kind regards
Image Credit: Pixabay
You don't need to apologize for being new. As long as you're prepared to learn from your mistakes, you'll be growing.
It's indeed all about quality instead of quantity. I'm glad to see more and more people start realizing that
I have learned today here on steemit that sometimes, one has to take that brave step to interact more within the community by upvoting and engaging with relevant commentary.
I see this as an important first step in pursuit for success on steemit, as I never actually thought of doing this until today. It started this morning getting heavily involved interacting and the results where exceptional. I got a couple of whales to upvote my post which was a big plus for me, not so much in terms of monetary value but more of getting noticed by this whales.
Interacting in this manner only allowed me a much wider audience and gave me a chance to showcase what I have to offer to the community.
My approach was interacting more with posts, that I considered had value for the community. So, I upvoted, resteemed and try to add a relevant commentary where I could.
One great tip, is to make sure that you read the post content fully first, in order to post a comment that can be seen as relevant and in which case has a higher chance of being upvoted by the author or other users.
Also in my experience today, not all authors will agree with you, which is expected. There maybe many reasons why they may disagree with you, but respect that as well, but try to be clear and concise with your commentary always.
It was a good and rewarding experience today and I encourage minnows to do the same at least for a day and see how it turns out for you as well.
I think you just gave me the idea for my next contest :0)
Interaction is indeed one of the important keys here on SteemIt.
If you can make an insightful and valuable comment (which you can only do when you read the entire post), it is appreciated by the author. It may not result in an upvote on your comment, but if you are consistent, people will remember...
And that's how you can achieve that other people will notice you.
There's nothing wrong with posting a comment that is a little controversial, like saying that you disagree with the author. As long as you can provide valid arguments that explain why you disagree, such a comment might end up as a very interesting conversation from which both parties will learn, as wel as get to know each other.
Have you thought about using the things you mention in this comment to create an article to post on your blog? I think it's important that the knowledge you acquired is shared, so newcomers can learn from it directly. It would be a shame to let this information be just a part of this comment stream. The things you say are too valuable for that. I suggest you make a post out of it, so it will reach more people, and it can help others who are still learning the ropes around here.
Making posts telling others about the important things you're learning along the way, has 2 big benefits:
Every lesson that is passed on will make SteemIt a better place!
Thank you @simplymike, I could have given you more in uvpote, but todays activity kind of drained my VP, just to show appreciation. 😁
I totally agree with you that interaction is key.
Yes, good advice, I will surely write a post to share what I have learned today to help others.
Keep up the great work your doing, let's make steemit a great place for all. Followed you.
I know all about it. Ever since I started this contesg and promised to give everyone an upvote I haven’t been able to upvote the comments i liked, not inside this comment thread, not outside...
But maybe that has been a good thing, because I’ve learned that most people (including me) find a good comment, without an upvote, equally or even more valuable than just an upvote. :0)
Well, Steemit is really a great platform, helping everyone to build their confidence and enhance their talents. Personally, I am that man who doesn't know how to express through words. But as I go along, continued my journey, I have just figured out, day to day, how to exactly write what I feel. I can say It's a milestone learning these things, because not all, has the ability to do this.
It important to me, not just in steeming but even in my everyday lives. Some situations may allow me to express in writing all my thoughts. And now, I also have just recognized that I have this passion for writing. :)
I don't have really specific approach about it, but I have just write blogs and have done it with fun. I have just enjoy it, and later did I know that I am improving in the way I write and express my thoughts.
And by the way, Thank you @simplymike for giving us the opportunities to share our thought. What a great privilege for us. More Power!
It’s so nice to hear a story like yours. SteemIt has a way of supporting people to discover new things about theirselves.
Keep writing! Keep having fun!
Thank you @simplemike for this privilege og sharing our experiences and thoughts here in steemit. ;)
First of all, thank you for running such a fantastic leaning blog.. it is going to help everyone here specially the newcomers like me. I am trying to understand how steemit work and how a few people are earning too much with their posts and other few (I am in this category) are still trying to understand. The thing that I learned today through various posts is:
It’s necessary to post quality content otherwise people may not be able to follow you. If you just post anything without looking at the quality post then you are not doing good to anyone.
It was important to learn this thing otherwise low quality content will not do anything good for anyone and you will never get noticed resulting in more frustration
To learn this, I have spent a lot of time looking at different posts from lot of users and analyses how few people are doing wonders be posting a few posts in a day or two, at the other side few people go unnoticed even after posting multiple posts in a few hours.
Again, I thank you for creating such a valuable post...it’s going to be a learning log for all.
Keep it up...upvoted and followed you...cheers
Quality is indeed the standard here on SteemIt.
Don't let those few crappy posts that make money fool you.
The people who make good money with their posts are the ones that have been putting in a lot of time and hard work by creating original, quality content. They've earned the respect of the community, and the only way to achieve that is by being consistent and being original.
You're better off posting 1 quality article every 2 or 3 days, than when you post 3 low-quality, copy/paste posts a day. Sometimes it takes me hours to write a single article. And then I'm jealous of the few that are making money by simply copy/pasting a Youtube video, which takes about 5 minutes to do.
But I know that in the long run, those people won't earn any respect from the community, so it is unlikely that they'll be able to keep it up. My approach may be slower, and less rewarding in the beginning, but it will take me further in the long run.
So it's indeed important to stay true to yourself and put in the effort to create quality content.
That's already a very important lesson you've learned! Way to go!!!! 👍
Answer 1: Don't comment on other posts just for the sake of commenting and up-votes.
Answer 2: Being Stay in the community for long-term.
Answer 3: To be honest, I did mistakes initially by simply commenting on other posts to grab up-votes. It would not work out. My mistakes helped me learn this.
And my good wishes for this kind of contest @simplymike, Eager to read others answers.
Thanks for your honesty. I do believe that most people who just comment for the sake of commenting do this because they don't know better, and they will learn eventually.
It's a good thing to learn from the mistakes you make. Keep up the good work!
Appreciation is the greatest reward. I feel this all the times when people appreciate good works. Good day @simplymike
good answer @letyouread... I like it... Its honest.
Great Morning ! Honour to receive such words. Thanks much @davemccoy
you're welcome @letyouread, its the best way to be here (honest) ;)
Nice to meet you too :)
I learned that bandwidth usage is calculated over the course of 24 hours. So even if you don't use Steemit at night, if you used it a lot the day before, you may still not have bandwidth the next morning.
It was important to know that whatever I do today will cost me tomorrow in terms of how long I have to wait to post.
I (obviously) wasn't able to ask on Steemit, so I went to a Steemit-related Discord server I'm a part of and asked there. The people were helpful and friendly. They even did some digging to give me more complete answers.
If your SP is still low, bandwidth can cause troubles indeed. I bought in, and as a result I never experienced any bandwidth issues, so I wasn't aware of the fact that the bandwidth usage is ccalculated over the course of 24 hours. So, I've learned something again today. Thanks!
P.S.: Smart thinking to head over to Discord to get some help
1 - What did you learn about SteemIt today?
Entry by @isteemithard Today I learned that the "Devs" or Steemit Developers fixed the Mentions function, for weeks it has been down. Mentions are posts or comments made by other users that contain your username. They can be found by using the Steemit More Info Extension or Steemistry here is an example of mine http://steemistry.com/steemit-mentions-tool/?mention=@isteemithard
2 - Why did you think that was important to learn?
It is very important for me to learn because until I discovered they fixed it I felt bad I have been unable to engage posts that have been kind enough to mention me. Also sometimes it can be important to see the content and context I am being mentioned. Like being announced as a #contest or #challenge winner or guest judge. https://steemit.com/photobombchallenge/@isteemithard/being-judge-was-fun-here-are-the-winners-of-photobomb-challenge-5 I noticed it still wasn't working but know that it requires more bandwidth and information because it does a full backlog. So then I checked Steemistry by going to the site and entering my username like this http://steemistry.com/steemit-mentions-tool/?mention=@isteemithard there I saw that the mentions was working again and was able to see that I was mentioned on another users post here https://steemit.com/steemsilvergold/@o07life/raffle-winner-steemit-silver-round-610-of-1500 although I was not the winner it was great to know the outcome.
3 - What was your approach? What did you do to learn this?
My approach was to start by clicking the mentions tab on the top of my blog
That concludes my entry if anyone would like to have some other useful links for steemit check my post here https://steemit.com/steemit/@isteemithard/great-link-tools-for-steemit-info
Wow, thanks. I wasn't even aware of the fact that 'Mentions' didn't work. I always forget to check it.
I didn't know about the site either. I've entered a whole new world... :-)
awesome glad to help the last link has some great others as well
Hi @simplymike. This is awesome game for a newbie like me.
1 - What did you learn about SteemIt today?
What I learned about STEEMIT today is the community. We share ideas through time. That makes other people think who we are and what we could do more by explicit thoughts of knowledge, beliefs, wisdom and faith in different religion or nationality. Information give us connection to each all of us and that was really we strive for. Even how small or big it is. We appreciate it.
2 - Why did you think that was important to learn?
The most important to learn is to value each information we share each other. No matter how small it is. Because people love of what they are doing and should respect. I know we feel the same when someone for the first time commenting your blog/post or just one vote or just some person follows you. You see! You appreciate it and someone appreciate on what you share. We just keep it up.
3 - What was your approach? What did you do to learn this?
My approach is I need to be socially active. Reading blog/topics, commenting about their post and most of all be patience because everything will be into the road. I've seen some post/blog about their lifestyle , things they need or just for fun that entertains people. Thats what I love..
Seems you’re already getting the picture! Nice!
Your sense of engagement is admirable.
Keep it up!
It was a very important topic to learn about as if the error keeps popping up you are figuratively paralysed and cannot add value to the Steemit Community
to the rescue!he set me on the path to bandwidth freedom by telling me about steemd.com@davemccoy . I was so frustrated I ended up bringing it up with @davemccoy and
If your SP is still low, it's important that you learn as much about bandwidth usage as you can, to avoid running out of it. I've found some good tips in this post.
Maybe it's a good thing that this happened since it seems you've learned a lot from it.
Keep up that attitude and remember to try to learn new things every day. Things will become easier eventually :0)
Congrats to the early game-makers.. .Here's a little boost! (more coming)
@danielsaori @simplymike @ilovepoorpeople
24 seconds ago Transfer 0.267 SBD to minnowhelper https://steemit.com/superbowlweekne/@ilovepoorpeople/meet-and-greet-and-win-a-contest-for-super-bowl-week-newbie-edition 1 minute ago Transfer 0.267 SBD to minnowhelper https://steemit.com/contest/@simplymike/free-sbd-what-did-you-learn-about-steemit-today 3 minutes ago Transfer 0.267 SBD to minnowhelper https://steemit.com/steemitcommentchallenge/@danielsaori/steemit-comment-challenge-16-usd25sbd-giveaway-comment-like-a-champ-grow-your-blog-like-a-champ
Thank you so much
you are welcome.. thank you for supporting the effort by hosting a game. One day you will be able to help others by just telling your story.
I’ll be pay it forward for sure.
I have no doubt! I'm excited for us all a year from now, I think we will be able to look back and see some awesome connections we made.
And thank you for the steemvote. that was very nice :) ...
It was the least I could do ;0)
I feel very lucky to be able to follow this challenge, regardless of win or not, I will still answer that question. Because of what? here I absorb a lot of knowledge.
first question,
What did you learn about SteemIt today?
today there are some things I learned, such as how the reputation in steemit goes, and how our account work fast to big. and the correct use of taq.
second question
Why did you think that was important to learn?
this is one of the most important things to be known by beginners like me. to attract interests of other steemians, our reputation must be great, because if the number (25) is still next to the name, people will be lazy to comment and vote even though the post is very classy. then, if our post is good, then the correct taq is needed so that we post the right target. if this is not learned then ultimately we will not be big and quickly think to stop from steemit,
the third question
What was your approach? What do you do to learn this?
I know steemit is not from the community, I know steemit from social media, and it is very difficult for me, I have to learn self-taught, do not know where to ask, I study, I want to stop from steemit. but every time I open the steemit it appears someone like you who cares beginners, my spirits grow again. I should be able to. then I read all the articles related to things to do beginners, I am in a way to make a reputation up.
it does not take long, I try to comment on the posts of people who support beginners, when my comments replied and divote, my spirits back increased, yesterday I post a photo, then I use taq "kr", how surprised me when I visited several accounts from korea , they remind me and teach me to use the correct taq, I just know that taq kr is used only in korea and korean language.
that's some of the things I do, and I'm sure the future will be much more science that I get.
thank you for posting @davemccoy , so I know of this challenge.and thank you for @simplymike having made this challenge, good luck with all of us
Those were some important things you learned, indeed.
It's not easy to be a 'small fish' on SteemIt, but it's good to see that you're on your way up.
I know what it feels like to get demotivated: I think about quitting SteemIt at least once every day.
But then there is that strong community, working hard to help people to grow on the platform.
Try to keep up the spirit and go for it, because to me it looks like you're on the right track. As long as you keep on learning at least one new thing every day, you're doing good, and you're working on your way to success.
yes, beginners need support, support from people like you, feel cared for and considered part of big family. I am sure you will also be great, thanks to the kindness of your heart. we beginners do not see if you will vote our comments or posts, the reply alone is more than enough. if coupled with upvote, then our smile will be wider.
success for you @simplymike , thanks for everything
Today I learned that most steemians are awesome and want to foster a rich community.
Backstory: My brother and I are doing some posts of our trip to Vietnam and we need some music for the videos. I asked a few people if we could use their music because it would be cool to have all steemian original music.
I didn't hear back from anyone for a couple days and I thought maybe I crossed the line asking folks to let me use their music.
But today I heard from everyone and they all felt honored and were really enthusiastic about it. :)!!!
This is important to learn because it just goes to show that you will never know unless you ask.
This goes for newbies here as well. Almost everyone on here will try to help you out even if its a simple newb question.
In fact, If anyone has a question you can ask me on the Steemit Newbie Resteem Initiative Discord server: https://discord.gg/xcekaZU
Keep being cool Steemit!
A very important lesson you've learned. I must admit I tend to forget this sometimes. There's nothing wrong with asking. the worst that can happen is that people say 'no'.
I'm totally impressed by the Discord channel. It's very useful and comforting to know that there is a place to go whenever you have questions. SteemIt is not always very user-friendly when it comes to searching for answers. Thanks for this contribution to the community!
A creative approach, I must say :0)
Keep up the good work!
Thanks. Now I just need to get my head around what to do with some of this information.
Very straight-to-the-point answers :0)
Unfortunately, it is true that a lot of content remains unnoticed. IF you want to get noticed, you need to know what your followers want to read. Is not always an easy job.
1 - What did you learn about SteemIt today?
That Steem and SBD are almost at parity which means they are pretty much worth the same so we need to pay attention. If the value of SBD value drops below the value of Steem we need to change our Rewards choice, on our posts, from the default (50/50) to Power Up 100%.
2 - Why did you think that was important to learn?
If we do this we will be getting maximum value from our posts.
3 - What was your approach? What did you do to learn this?
I follow a few people who write about crypto in general in a manner that I can understand (at least some of it) and not end up feeling overwhelmed.
I've just started trying to educate myself about crypto. I've been here 6 weeks so I thought it was time.
Learning about the possibility of needing to change our reward choices was triggered by a post I read this morning. It wasn't in the post but I remembered reading about this somewhere else so I went and checked.
Since writing this comment I was told that this isn't necessarily true
Read more here: Should I Set My Rewards To 100% Power Up
So now I feel I'm in over my head again which just goes to show we really do have to keep learning here.
Don't worry about that. I've been working with crypto for more than a year (only very basic stuff) and whenever I read those kinds of posts I also feel like I'm in way over my head. It's almost like my brain stops working every time I'm trying to figure out about Steem and SBD.
I trust in the community. When something like that happens, there will be plenty of people to lay out the possibilities for us.
But don't let that keep you from learning. Keep on reading and use the examples given to do your own math and test things out. You'll soon get the hang of it, I'm sure.
Thanks for the encouragement @simplymike. That was the conclusion I came to in the end. If we need to switch the community will all be talking about it so I'm not going to miss it. 😊
The numbers are a funny thing. It's like part of me wants to know and understand and my brain just says "nope. I'm not going there" 😁
Same here 😉
Iagree with you completely @gillianpearce! As I was reading your comment, I was like Ah, that makes sense! Then I continued to read and I was like, No, I guess it doesnt! LOL I want to understand it all so bad but like you, my brain says HAHA! One day at a time, one day at a time! :D
Yep, one day at a time is the only way to go @smylie2005. I thought I'd got the SBD to Steem powering up thing handled but today I'm in a total fog about it again. No doubt the light bulb will go back on at some point!
Not even 24 hours later, we see the price of SBD drop below the price of Steem... I'm looking for information on how to deal with this. Please drop me a note if you come across valuable information. You can find me on Discord with the username @simplymike#5957
Will do. My name on Discord is the same as here. I haven't seen anyone saying anything about powering up yet.
I need the numbers that are behind your name to send you a friend request on Discord.
I already sent you a message there. Can't you see it?
1 - What did you learn about SteemIt today?
I learned that I was not the only person who finds steemit challenging and difficult, I am one of the people who gave up early knowing that I was in early, I had a chance to earn a fortune since then, but my lack of dedication was the reason I am far back in the rabbit race.
2 - Why did you think that was important to learn?
I see plenty of people who managed to make a decent income from being active on dedicated on Steemit. I have a low income and my family struggles economically since a decade, a little effort on steemit would be a major lifting hand for us. A road has been opened for me that I was not able to walk through like a lion. I crawled through it... doesn't that separate lions from other animals??
3 - What was your approach? What did you do to learn this?
My approach is to focus more on projects and new road path that could support our situation. Understanding how the system works is a good start and that Is something I understand quite enough. Not having a decent starting capital to build my way up, I should integrate with what is already growing up and swim next to the whales!!
All I need is a whale to tag me alone please :)
The fact that you gave up the first time just means you weren't ready for the commitment at that point in your life. And if you weren't ready but did go through with it, it wouldn't have been a success anyway.
You first had to become the person you are now in order to be able to use SteemIt to grow. Time will tell if it's the right time for you.
Being a Steemian indeed requires a lot of dedication, time and effort. It's not just a matter of 'wanting' to put in these things, but more about being able to, and being ready to do it.
To become successful on Steemit, you first have to go through personal growth, because once you're on here, you'll have to deal with feelings like frustration and failure. You've got to grow and find believe in yourself before you can turn SteemIt into a success.
So don't beat yourself up about leaving the first time. See your comeback as prove for the fact that you've grown as a person that is now ready to cope with all the difficulties SteemIt will present you. Actually, you should congratulate yourself, because most people don't grow at all in their lives, they don't improve. But you.. you did!
1 - What did you learn about SteemIt today?
I learned that there are many ways to earn steem dollars
2 - Why did you think that was important to learn?
I think most of the new people here want to make some money
3 - What was your approach? What did you do to learn this?
I think that in my case as a musician I should record a video and upload it in any of the available contests
Maybe I am wrong, but after all, I am new, to err is of humans, and who hasn't crawled before he/she has learned to walk?
Trial and error, that's the only way to find out things. If you don't try, you'll never know. If you try and fail, you learn that's not the way to go. We can't move forward and become better at what we do without making mistakes. Try everything you think that would work and don't feel bad if it doesn't. It's just another step on the road to success.
If I may give you a tip: please do not focus on the money too much at first. The first couple of months aren't about the money because as a beginner, it's hard to earn even a couple of cents. You'd better focus on your music and how SteemIt will give you the opportunity to share it with the world.
You'll learn a lot of things along the way, and you'll be improving your skills - things that will eventually lead to earnings.
The bigger part of the people that come here and focus on the money, end up being al frustrated and demotivated because they're only earning a couple of cents with their posts.
Simply enjoy making your music - it will reflect in your post, and people will notice - and try out loads of things to get it noticed. Make a video, enter contests (with your music, but also to show people the person behind the musician), maybe host your own contest. * I'm just thinking out loud here, but you could for example post an instrumental song, or one with only the first strophe, and ask people to find their own lyrics*
So instead of focusing on making money:
1 - let people know who you are - you're more than only a musician
2 - be creative in finding ways to get out your music and be noticed
3 - Try, and if you fail, get up again and try something new
4 - In case you're not earning a lot in the beginning, don't get demotivated. Even the big guys started out earning almost nothing from their posts. Be persistent, and believe in yourself!
5 - If you're creating something, don't think of the money, simply enjoy what you're doing.
Whatever the SteemIt ads have promised you, forget all of it. To make it here, it requires hard work, dedication and persistence.
1.What did you learn about steemit today?
Bandwidth issue is experienced by most newbies on steemit. Today i learnt the consequences of letting your bandwidth run low you can no longer upvote, post or comment on anyone's post . and the only way out of these is to power up or wait a few days for the bandwidth to get full again.
2.Why do you think that was important to learn
Well considering the consequences i mentioned earlier i think its important to learn because bandwidth issues can isolate us from steemit especially for most people who cannot afford to power up. They might be suspended for days without being able to do anything on the platform. This can make some people to be discouraged.
3.What was your approach? what did you do to learn these?
I had bandwidth issues some days ago and i was really scared at first because i didn't what it means . when i could finally start posting again. I had a conversation with my friend who has stayed longer on steemit about bandwidth and he told me everything about it
It's indeed something many newcomers struggle with.
You can find some great tips on how to save your bandwidth in this post
I can imagine it feels awful if you're shut out because you've exceeded your bandwidth limit.
In case it happens again, remember you can always use the different Discord Channels to contact people or to stay in touch.
Thank you
Very excited to participate in this opportunity and thank @davemccoy for a second time today for the significant role he has assumed to help new Steemians on this platform!
The Minnow Support Project! When I read their Problem Statement, I commented earlier, it described me perfectly! I offered to be their “Poster Child” if one was needed! I learned MSP is dedicated to helping and supporting newbies. Their guidelines seemed “non-techie friendly”! I feel less alone now that I see new opportunities for participation and engagement!
Despite my excitement and passion, “the learning curve on Steemit is remarkably difficult,” as the MSP’s Problem Statement states! I desperately need info and guidance and my research today has given me tangible tools to start!
My approach has been to “JDI” … Just Do it … by tackling Game #2 (of 12 games on @davemccoy's “Quick List of Games”. It was found in his article “Attention Attention: Free Money GUARANTEED! (If you have a Reputation Score under 45 you have 12 Ways to get FREE money)”. For this article and the “Quick List of Games”, feel free to check my blog @kismet2018 as I resteemed it!
Today was a good day! I feel more directed and less scattered as I tackle this amazing platform this week!
Deeply appreciative of this and other such "helping" initiatives!
SteemIt indeed has a very steep learning curve. That's one of the reasons so many people give up before they've even started. I've been here for over 4 months, and even I am still struggling pretty often.
Fortunately, SteemIt's community spirit is very strong. There are loads of people or communities who are more than willing to help out and support newcomers.
When I go through my first posts, I can see how lost I felt in the beginning. There's so much to learn, so much one should pay attention to that it's often very overwhelming. It's a struggle to make it through the first couple of weeks. And after that, the entire SteemIt Experience is still as overwhelming as it was in the beginning, but by that time you've probably found some people who can help you get through.
Engagement is the key, and from what I read in your post, you've already nailed that one!
That's a good start because you know what: you don't become successful on your own. It's connecting with other people, finding communities that can support you and that you can support that will eventually lead to learning how to grow as a Steemian.
Keep up the good work!
Thank you for your lengthy and thoughtful response!
This is my firtst day on SteemIt. And I posted already two posts.
I love your post cuz I think that you are looking at the matter from a true viewpoint for fresh and renew yourself.
Have a good day,thanks for your post. :)
welcome to steemit... I saw your first 2 posts on your blog and think you are going to do really well. @simplymike is a good one for you to follow too, she's great!
Thank you @davemccoy again :) I hope I won't disappoint you guys :)
Don't worry about that... Continue to engage us and get to know others and you will learn fast and make good connections. Like I said above, @simplymike is here to help you so she is giving you advice (below) that is good advice! Replying and responding to each other is the fastest way to stay noticed! Making friends with people that will help is invaluable as you navigate through this incredibly complicated maze!
Now you've got a little experience, maybe you can answer the 3 contest question, so you'll make a chance on winning a prize.Welcome to SteemIt, @holistik! I've visited your blog and I've noticed you've been very busy :0) Keep up the good work.
The 3 questions:
1 - What did you learn about SteemIt today?
2 - Why did you think that was important to learn?
3 - What was your approach? What did you do to learn this?
Hi again,
Really good questions :) and thank you.
I am at the beginnig, I have to learn more..
Thanks! :0)
With every vote you make, your voting power goes down indeed.
So you've got to really think about which post you're going to give an upvote. You can only upvote the best ones, because it's recommended to keep your voting power between 80 and 100 (see your voting power at https://steemworld.org)
nice nudge ;) good job to you too :D
i learned today that it doesn't matter how good your posts and content is but it matters if some big whalle is following or upvote you. You can bust your ass off with writing, paying for proofreading and retouching photos and you will get 3cents when on the other side some chic will show a pic of her new purse and boom 200$ for brilliant post.
It is important for self-esteem, because it can effect on your writing. It is crucial to understand, it is not because of your writing or your photos, which may be better than most of the other photos up here. It is just that you don't have a whale who would upvote you and expose on trending list.
My approach is that I will keep posting and continue my work, but for a loooong time that is not possible. I am praying for whales and some alghorytms will be presented when 1.0 will be relased. Beacuse that is a big problem and it could effect on Steemit. Now there is one Hajein and then will be in every category 10 of them and that is it. All others will swim far away and write bad content. Why bad? BEacuse if you don't get reward you don't work good. Simple
What you're saying is partially true. To make good money from your posts, you need to get the attention of some big players. But that's only going to happen if you write quality content.
You can use Discord and Steemit chat to get to know more people (including whales)
Your post-boost will be coming but it fell below $0.05 to $0.04 SBD... So I will search for bots that will give us a decent upvote for that tomorrow. I wanted to let you all know that it was coming. Just not tonight since I'm tired and I didn't think anyone would mind! lol ;)
You’re already doing so much..
I was already wondering if you were like Superman, being around, full power 24/7 ;0)
Enjoy your rest. Take a day off, maybe. We’re here for the long run, remember?!
2.It's annoying when I can't comment and upvote, and I have to wait a long time to charge my voting power
3.I read some posts about it, learned about the apps that I can check my voting power
Nice! Knowing about how to use your voting power is important.
Keep on learning something new every day!
Because steemit is like a pool of information from brilliant and passionate people, its an honor to witness knowledge, talents and skills that can open up your inner passion too.
For me the most valuable thing here is the learning that you acquire upon reading/watching from different people. They can inspire you in the ways you can inspire other people too . I hope Iam inspiring others maybe not now, sooner :) thank you for giving us opportunity to express what we have learned :)Hi @simplymike, today i learned that if you focus hard on learning here, payout is just the bonus.
Well said. I completely agree: SteemIt is not just about the money. You get the chance to learn so many things and meet so many people...
I really like your perpective.
Thanks @simplymike :) i really appreciate it :)
The Steem value is volatile, just like any other cryptocurrency. When its value decreases, so do your rewards. The markets are on a downtrend, so all crypto' are losing value. But don't let that affect your motivation. Who knows, maybe the price of Steem will be going up soon again, and then your rewards will go up with it.
Hi @simplymike
Good morning and thank you for having this kind of contest, I can relate to your post about beginners. When I started I feel like blinded because there are lots of things to learn and I don't know where should I start and what would be the next step as beginner. Here are the things that I learn or that I should have to continue my steemit journey
1 Coaches - all successful people has a coach, so I learn to look for coaches who will guide me what to do. Thank God I found some coaches.
2 Community - after having a coaches, I learn to connect to lots of community that could support me and teach me aside from my mentor.
3 Contest - most of us if not all of us are good in blogging but for me I know I need to learn a lot in blogging but for me to gain momentum I started joining contest, through contest I could see more people that could help me.
4 Commitment for Improvement - No one could stop me in doing steemit except to myself. When I started learning, I 100% commit myself in steemit because myself is my only enemy or ally for improvement.
That are the 4C's I learn that I must have. Btw, I also learn about the Steemit Badges. When I saw it it makes me excited because I thought in steemit there is no goals, what will be will be principles but when I saw comment of @steemitboard in one of my post that I completed some task I feel promoted that time so I try to search more about badges. I created a post about it and share it to other people especially to those who are new in steemit. Here is the link -> https://steemit.com/untalented/@joeysison/what-is-steemit-badge-and-what-level-are-you-now
Thank you @simplymike for this chance.
You sound like you're very committed. It's important to get as many connections as you can get in the community, so I think you're on the right track!
It's nice to see that you're sharing what you've learned by creating a post about it. Passing on the knowledge, that's what it's all about :0)
Keep on Steeming, my friend
Thank you for this activity! Hopefully I'm not late for this, I just found out this awesome #newbieresteemday today.
1 - What did you learn about SteemIt today?
I learn about steemit bandwidth today, my steemit account is 1 month old but I just active last week. I started to post a lot and comment a lot as well to the point I hit the error message saying I dont have enought bandwidth to post?! So google up and found out some tips and tick to "save" bandwidth.
2 - Why did you think that was important to learn?
It is important for me because number of post is directly affect my payout. In order to increase my number of post I need to have more bandwidth to do so. In order to have more bandwidth I need to learn how to get more bandwidth, how to "save" bandwith, and how bandwidth generate over time, and so on.
3 - What was your approach? What did you do to learn this?
I google it and found out steemd.com is one of the approaches. So I use it to check my current bandwidth, I will check my bandwith before I post.
I learned from this contest that many new Steemians experience bandwidth problems. There are several ways you can try to save bandwidth. You can read all about it in this post
Very useful post there! Thank you @simplymike
I learned if you keep trying hard enough to do the "right thing" eventually you can get noticed here on steemit. I was delegated 280 SP from an experienced steemian so I could now use the slider to help out many more people with my upvotes. Because of people like you @simplymike, #newbieresteemday initiative has received some attention from some of the "big guys" out there. Its a very good start considering today is just our 17th day.
The reason I think its important is twofold:
a) it will help me to directly leverage our ability to reward newbies in the games and contests like this. Which means help from others will just mean even more newbies we can serve.
b) it serves as a model and template to others to learn what is possible. 2 weeks ago I didn't even know such things were possible, and now I can prove that we can all earn some attention if we focus hard and are sincere.
In this case, I had been tagged in a post by @goldendawne in a post of @abh12345 and I asked about the #stewardsofgondor program because I respected both Dawne and the message of the post. So I asked about it and was told where I could find the info. I kept the info on my computer for about 3 or 4 days because I couldn't get to it, but I did want to know about it. I finally watched the video and took the time to thank @abh12345 for participating in such a cool program where he and others delegate their SP for several reasons (all of which are altruistic and meant to promote the platform to grow).
I didn't intend to receive anything, I was just searching to learn how and why they do these things (I'm only 40 days here). After a few conversations, I invited him to look at the things that are happening at the #newbieresteemday tag and he actually looked. He was so impressed with @beeyou's write up that he delegated me the SP to help keep us going strong.
So while all these things are true as to what "I" did, I would say that I am just one part of a much bigger team. If Dawne hadn't tagged me, and beeyou didn't write the article, none of this would've happened. Further, if the other members of our movement hadn't participated, then I don't think Dawne would even know about us and certainly beeyou wouldn't have written about us. So in reality, I just did some small things, the big things are being done by the beautiful teamwork of everyone that is behind our mission.
This is my entry.
Very good contest @simplymike... I knew you would do a good one and I'm happy you did it. Soon this will be a regular feature showing what you can do, and it will help to build your base of followers and fans like me!
It's strange how life has its ways, isn't it?
You're definitely sailing a good course, there's no doubt about that. You're inspiring a lot of people, I think even more than you realize. You've got some very nice things going on. You can give credit to the bigger team, but you should not underestimate the part you're playing in that team.
I've always been kind of a loner online, minding my own business. But the things I see here on SteemIt, the initiatives people are setting up to help the small guys, to fight the spam, .. it's like its contagious :0)
The first couple of weeks, I talked to no one, but I can see how I'm getting more caught up in the community spirit every day. If I stay here any longer, I'm going to turn into a community-person after all - lol.
On SteemIt it's not only about having the good ideas, nor just about being creative or rich, nor about having the right connections or the level of determination, it's a combination of all those things - together with a lot of hard work, of course - that makes that someone grows on SteemIt.
I really appreciate your support these last few weeks - too often I get intimidated by all those fancy, top-notch articles and initiatives I see all over SteemIt and I start suffering from writer's block. It's nice to know that there are people out there who take the time to give you a pat on the back every once in a while. Thanks for that.
I have been following your blog lately and I appreciate the words you say here. I completely understand your point about the concept of minding your own business and how this place encourages "community". I love that aspect of how this works.
I think you are doing great and I see the thought and care that you put into your posts. I also see the other aspects of what you are focused on (like the bots). I can tell that you are thinking hard, and that shows that your care about doing well! I like that :)
I have a friend invite outstanding to you on discord... If you ever want me to discuss any aspect of what you are doing, then just accept it and say "hi".... I particularly would want to discuss your strategy with you, so that you maximize your power and improve at the fastest rate possible. I have some ideas that I think might help you.
Keep up the good work and I'm so glad to see you do your first game. It is a good one and will lead to many many more!
Thank you for the kind words and thank you also being a good teammate to me. And also thank you for the pat to my back, its always nice to receive one! :)
Hey first of all I want to thank you for the opportunity, and wishing one day to see you as a whale!
1 - What did you learn about SteemIt today?
Learnt what is DPOS system , and steem uses that system !
2 - Why did you think that was important to learn?
Learnt it because we are part of blockchain so had to know how the system works based on which algorithms , and which are those.
3 - What was your approach? What did you do to learn this?
I took a part in a competition to write a post about DPOS which I had fun by learning and also writing an article, since article is in different language I cannot suggest you to go and read it.
Wow! You have high ambitions. I've never even heard of DPOS... Now you've got me all curious, so I'm going to look it up later.
Do I understand correctly that you didn't know anything about it when you joined the contest and learned everything while writing your article?
Nice work!
Congratulations, Your Post Has Been Added To The Steemit Worldmap!
Author link: http://steemitworldmap.com?author=simplymikePost link: http://steemitworldmap.com?post=free-sbd-what-did-you-learn-about-steemit-today
Want to have your post on the map too?
This post has received a 27.45 % upvote from @sleeplesswhale thanks to: @simplymike.
This isn't my entry, I will do that later as my day gets going more... But I like it... Great job @simplymike!!! I think you figured it out quite nicely and this is a tremendous way to get people to participate and teach them something at the same time!!! Perfect!
It was because of your template that I finally could get my thoughts together and organize my ideas to make a post out of it.
These question were asked from an educational point of view (I’ve always been a teacher, so I love educating people), although it’s already pretty wide, ‘cos I think everone, including people with a higher reputation, should still be learning new things every day. Next stop is to find a way to reach an even broader audience. Educating newcomers is a good thing to do, but it’s not really filling the prize pool... :0)
hahaha yes that is a fact... helping them is important, but yes they aren't going ramp you at all... I agree about going up, I believe you can do that by finding followers from the authors of the posts you like. I have a strategy of "follow first" which means that I will follow first anyone of a person I respect. My feeling is that if Iike him/her, then his own followers might be like me. Surprisingly about 1 in 5 follow me back. It renders my personal feed useless, but I'll take that trade off every day.
Just an idea... always here to help my friend!
send 0.05 STEEM Or SBD to get resteem your post to my 1,203+ Active followers.Your post has been resteemed @simplymike
Many times, who can stay in dedication and endurance, they will succeed.
I agree with @davemccoy. To enter the contest, all you need to do is answer the three questions that are asked in the post. When you edit your comment and answer all three, you wil get $0.03 from me and $0.05 from Dave, wchich makes $0.08, just for answering 3 easy questions. If you do so, you’ll have a valid comment, and you’ll be in the running to win 1/2 of the SBD that this post will generate. You could at least give it a try... :0)
I am not the judge here @polashsen.. but I will upvote you $0.05 if you answer the 3 questions that @simplymike ask? If you are interested in editing your answer I will stop by tomorrow ;)
For more information, click here!!!!
Send minimum 0.100 SBD to bid for votes.
This post has received a 19.90% upvote from
Do you know, you can also earn daily passive income simply by delegating10SP, 100SP, 500SP, 1000SP or Another amount. (10 SP minimum) your Steem Power to @minnowhelper by clicking following links:
Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 9.02% vote... I was summoned by @simplymike! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh
This post has received a 0.17 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @vallurivikram.
Your publication has been successfully shared, with more than 2538 Steemit users thank you for participating in the last edition of free reestem.
If you find my project useful, donate a vote to my comment@simplymike
introduction post
Check out the great posts I already resteemed.Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck! The resteem was paid by @bharatcool The @resteembot's Get more from @resteembot with the #resteembotsentme initiative
very good game... I will try to play but I am way behind with my lifting. I hope to get to it by Saturday! Very clever way to engage though =)
I am the "Tag-Lifter" and you have been resteemed because you tagged your post #newbieresteemday
Come Join Us!!! (Newbie Resteem Initiative)You have been resteemed as part of #newbieresteemday ... I made today my #newbieresteemday, and invite you and others to do the same. To learn more:
Day 2 post boost for your players!!!
1 minute ago Transfer 0.074 SBD to whalebuilder https://steemit.com/steemitcommentchallenge/@danielsaori/steemit-comment-challenge-16-usd25sbd-giveaway-comment-like-a-champ-grow-your-blog-like-a-champ 3 minutes ago Transfer 0.074 SBD to seakraken https://steemit.com/superbowlweekne/@ilovepoorpeople/meet-and-greet-and-win-a-contest-for-super-bowl-week-newbie-edition 4 minutes ago Transfer 0.074 SBD to seakraken https://steemit.com/contest/@simplymike/free-sbd-what-did-you-learn-about-steemit-today 6 minutes ago Transfer 0.074 SBD to seakraken https://steemit.com/writing/@sinlg/the-never-ending-story-2 7 minutes ago Transfer 0.074 SBD to seakraken https://steemit.com/contest/@iexplore/a-contest-for-super-bowl-week-newbie-edition-lets-talk-football 7 minutes ago Transfer 0.074 SBD to seakraken https://steemit.com/contest/@jorlauski/crypto-cage-match-7-friday-night-fights 8 minutes ago Transfer 0.074 SBD to seakraken https://steemit.com/superbowlweekne/@leebaong/what-does-your-name-describe-a-contest-for-super-bowl-week-newbie-edition 9 minutes ago Transfer 0.074 SBD to seakraken https://steemit.com/superbowlweekne/@themanwithnoname/steembasicincome-giveaway-a-super-bowl-week-newbie-edition-contest 10 minutes ago Transfer 0.074 SBD to seakraken https://steemit.com/norway/@funcontest/contest-win-all-sbd-from-this-post 12 minutes ago Transfer 0.074 SBD to seakraken https://steemit.com/contest/@ossyjay/best-feeling-on-steemit-as-a-newbie-challenge-tell-your-story-2-sbd-50-of-post-s-payout 13 minutes ago Transfer 0.074 SBD to seakraken https://steemit.com/contest/@beeyou/free-2018-super-bowl-lii-block-pool-contest-payout-usd1-sbd-plus-50-sbd-earnings 14 minutes ago Transfer 0.074 SBD to seakraken https://steemit.com/contest/@royaleagle/weekly-redfish-meetup-and-sbd-giveaway
WoW! Cool! Thanks qgqin for the support!
anytime @simplymike... the higher my update posts go, the more I give back to the game makers (100% of sbd spent ahead of time to help everyone). ;)
Release the Kraken! You got a 1.55% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @davemccoy!
This post has received a 4.30 % upvote from @kittybot thanks to: @davemccoy.