Hi poets, first of all, I have to apologize for not dropping weekly assignment earlier, I just had to take a break after the challenge...
The challenge no doubt has been fulfilling. In the course of the challenge, I had the opportunity to read great poems from talented poets. I must say, I really enjoyed myself and this has made me esteem poetry very high.
As I usually say, poetry is the language of the soul and a food to the mind.
To @d-pend who organized this amazing contest and other participants who made it to the end, I really appreciate your effort, doggedness and tenacity in churning out great piece everyday .
Tales of the BeginningCumanaFor the last week of the contest, I was assigned @mrbreeziewrites and @marlyncabrera. I commented on @mrbreeziewrites ' and @marlyncabrera 's
My weekly find is Cumana by @marlyncabrera.