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RE: New Contest from @Xpilar 2/11-2017 "get free upvote"

in #contest7 years ago

Super Human Cloning as a Science Fiction Story

Doubling superhuman will no longer exist only in science fiction stories. While research in this field continues, there are pros and cons of coloring. Human cloning will allow duplication of individuals with great talent, genius, personality, or other exemplary qualities.

The reasons for human cloning considered above refer to specific individuals, usually parents, in the context of producing superior offspring. Another reason refers to the advantage for the wider community to be able to replicate the special individual - a Mozart, Einstein, Gandhi, or Schweitzer.

Genetic Determinism Many objects to this reason, as in the context of supporting or rejecting human cloning, or those who insist on the concept of genetic determinism, namely that the human genes that fully determine who they will become or who, and also determine what they will achieve. What makes Mozart, Einstein, Gandhi, and Schweitzer great individuals is due to the combination of their particular genetic influences, to the environment in which they live, as well as to the historical context in which they govern them.

Cloning them will produce individuals with the same genetic inheritance. Even core transfers can not produce genes that are 100% identical, although to examine moral issues, it can be assumed that they are identical. But not by cloning, or by any other means, will be able to replicate their living environment or the historical context in which they live, and their greatness flourishes.

Whether in general or with a particular individual, the degree to which their greatness depends, or what factors are most decisive still require further study. But we know that in all cases it depends on the interaction of genetic, environmental, and socio-historical factors. Therefore, human cloning will not be able to replicate the remarkable achievements we admire from individuals such as Mozart, Einstein, Gandhi, and Schweitzer.

If we make a firm separation between the extraordinary abilities of Mozart and an Einstein, and how they use their abilities in certain environments and the socio-historical context in which they live, it is a mistake to assume that human cloning will at least replicate their remarkable abilities, if not their achievement. Their ability, too, is the product of their genes and environments, not just genes, it is a mistake to think that cloning them will produce individuals of the same ability, even though they can show their abilities at different ways and times. In the case of Gandhi and Schweitzer, where their extraordinary greatness is in moral integrity and social commitment, we do not really understand how their moral character and greatness are produced by genes. Worrying None of the above conditions deny that the musical and intellectual abilities of Mozart and Einstein, or Gandhi and Schweitzer's moral integrity, are generated by their unique genetic inheritance.

Cloning them will produce individuals with special abilities, but we do not know how close their clones are to the capacity and attainment of the cloned great individuals. However, the hope of acquiring the special qualities of a great individual is a powerful reason for doing so. Examples of the above individuals are used because their greatness is widely appreciated and does not reap a great deal of controversy, but if we move from the above case we will encounter problems where the standard of excellence is used to select individuals cloned for the benefit of society or humanity.

This issue must be related to the important issues that will control the access and use of human cloning technology since those who control it will be in a position to impose the great individual standards to be cloned. This issue is worrying if a particular group, or if the government, controls the technology, and misuses it for their own sake.



Thanks buddy.


Thanks for sharing nice story!

Thanks for sharing such a nice story buddy!

Are you wellcome....

Nice story I think, thanks for sharing!

Are yoi wellcome

Thanks for sharing nice story!

Thank you for a good story of information @ saimdang

good job nice story

Very good