in #contest7 years ago (edited)


The world of cryptocurrencies is in constant development, at present there are many people who manage this type of economy. Technology is advancing and so human beings are on par, that's why thinking about a type of virtual money is not uncommon, it is rather common, of course, that does not lead to the fact that it is a perfect economy, if it is an alternative, and a good idea for investors or ordinary people who want to do it, but even the financial world of cryptocurrencies has many challenges to face in order to make the management experience even better and thus expand the horizons of the application. of this digital economy.


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Cryptocurrencies and assets, challenges and problems along the way

In the world that is lived today many people talk about assets and cryptocurrencies, in fact for many it is a job and its fixed income, because it is basically working in a digital stock market. But there are still many challenges to be faced and many problems to be solved, these are the same ones that make the adoption of cryptocurrencies not so massive and globalized even if it is in a high percentage but this statistic could be greatly improved.
Among the most worrying problems that the world of cryptocurrencies has stuck in is price volatility. The cryptocurrencies are digital assets, are like a cloud that is in financial movement thanks to the use of the same users, ie there is no physical asset that ensures the value of such currency, this leads to the fact that prices are changing very quickly, therefore it is not profitable to work with this in the common life of a merchant, because if he used cryptocurrencies he would have to face the fact of possible losses because there is no stipulated fixed value of it, that is why even the In general, trade is not sure with the use of your type of assets.

In this world of digital money there is an unwritten principle that all, or most people assume, and this is the Greshams' Law of Money, because it expresses the fact that a person spends first the least valuable asset by waiting for the one with more value generates more profits, this happens in the world of cryptocurrencies, because of volatility but it leads to an accumulation that is not good for the market.
On the other hand, the fact that currencies are not backed by physical assets makes them unreliable, but that also has a challenge to face, the high price that must be paid for maintaining them. Security is another important point that worries investors, limited resources, barriers to entry, among many others are the problems to be faced.

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Kinesis , a revolutionary change

What is Kinesis ? It is a decentralized cryptocurrency platform based on physical assets, such as gold and silver, thus providing a better service to users, expanding the trade with cryptocurrencies and digital assets.

The Kinesis Monetary System is specifically designed to overcome these drawbacks through the development of a universally adopted, decentralized, asset-backed monetary system. A monetary system that is efficient, secure, fair, and incentivizes commercial exchange.


Vision: TheKinesis system is based on advancing one step further, in evolving the world of cryptocurrencies, trade and assets, as it provides a secure, decentralized and updated platform that will revolutionize the investment and business system that is known today.

Mission: The mission of Kinesis is to offer a useful monetary system that eliminates the principle of spending an asset of less value before the more valuable, waiting for the latter to generate even more profits, but in reality generating an accumulation. With Kinesis is expected to encourage the use of the most valuable assets to generate mobility in the market and therefore an improvement in it.

The Kinesis monetary system is quite attractive for anyone because it presents a safer and more suitable system for handling cryptocurrencies, so it is worth noting that the main axis of all is the fact of working with physical assets, these being gold and silver , in this way gives greater stability to the currency with which you work.

Fundamental bases of Kinesis:

Security: Thanks to blockchain technology and data storage, Kinesis has high security standards, which will always be well seen and attractive to users.

Efficiency: The efficiency of Kinesis lies in the alliance with the blockchain network Stellar, since it allows more than 3000 transactions per second.

Reward: In order to improve the behavior of cryptocurrencies and avoid the stagnation of higher value currencies, Kinesis has a system of passive and active incentives for all its participants for the use of currencies.

The fundamental pillars of Kinesis are responsible for providing the best experience for its users and guaranteeing a quality service, in addition to improving the mobility of cryptocurrencies

The primary elements of Kinesis

Gold and silver: The main Kinesis currencies are supported 1:1 with silver and gold, these physical assets give a level of security and stability to the currency whose value was assigned, it is important to mention that the value of the bullion of the chosen currency is completely from the person who acquired it.

Yield: It is based on a perpetual return, so that your income is not based on debt but on economic movements.

Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Technology: Kinesis is committed to creating a system enhanced by physical assets anchored to their currencies.
The purpose of Kinesis is to support cryptocurrencies with the use of physical assets that support them, that is why it makes it a more attractive system for users because they feel more secure in working with them. This would take the cryptocurrency market to the real world, to a daily use.


Among the fields that Kinesis can attract are:

  1. Cryptocurrency Markets
  2. Gold & Silver Markets
  3. Fiat Currency Markets
  4. Investment Asset Markets

Although the world of cryptocurrencies is quite advanced there are several challenges to face, several problems that must be faced. These problems generate discomfort and are the same that promote a stagnation in the world of the digital economy. Kinesis offers solutions to the problems that the digital economy faces today, thus creating a revolution for the idea of the use of cryptocurrencies in day to day as well as the effect of anchoring them to physical assets.

Cryptocurrency Market Problems: The main problem of traders to work with cryptocurrencies is the fact of the volatility of the currencies because, since these are not supported do not have a fixed value for reference, therefore the fact of working commercially with them exposes the seller to a possible lost. For its part Kinesisoffers an economy based on physical assets, gold and silver, which will give a stable value to the currency with which you work.

Fiat Currency Market Problems: Fiduciary money is not a profitable way of saving, banks generate currency devaluation as well as money and they do not contribute the interest due, so Kinesis presents a way of saving foreign currency backed by assets and without resorting to fiat money.

Asset-backed Currency Problems: People who handle cryptocurrencies have adopted the Gresham's Law of Money "bad money drives out good" as they are carried away by the values of the currencies of the moment because in this way their experience leads them to spend the currency of lesser value to continue saving the one with the highest value and thus waiting for the latter to generate even more profits, this generates a stagnation in the movements of the digital economy. Kinesis contributes its idea of using physical assets such as silver and gold to stabilize the value of the currency, besides that on the other hand it presents a system of incentives for economic movements and in this way activate the cryptocurrency system.
It is important to note that another problem that would be solved with the use of kinesis would be security, there are many active fraud files with the use of precious metals, to avoid any inconvenience Kinesis utilizes the multi-layered third-party audit in order to provide a greater layer of security.

Bullion Market Problems: The labor market with precious metals is archaic and outdated, in fact up to manual and outdated, that can lead to several problems. For its part Kinesis in alloy with ABX (explained in this article), provides a more updated system, offering a serial number and a bar number to streamline the system. It is important to mention that the market system is isolated, Kinesis in its iterfaz seeks to interconnect all markets, making it a more complete and updated platform.


Why does Kinesis inherently have less volatility?

One of the most important problems when working with cryptocurrencies is the fact that the volatility of prices in the market, that is why there are not many traders risk managing their market with this type of currency that can represent a loss money, since questions at the time of the sale of the product has a value and 5 minutes later already has a completely different, this generates a repudiation to give way to a new digital economy. For its part, Kinesis presents a revolutionary system for this volatility, since being anchored to physical assets such as gold and silver, it is safer to work with its currency, as well as giving stability to the referential value of the currency in question. backed by something real that has a specified real value.


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ABX and Kinesis, are oneself

THE ALLOCATED BULLION EXCHANGE (ABX) is the premier gold exchange, enabling traders to use their regulated platform to buy and sell precious metals since 2013.

Kinesis and ABX have allied in the most intelligent way to provide the greatest security and confidence to their clients, in order to give a quality and very innovative system in the management of precious metals as physical assets, in the cryptocurrency industry .

How will the know-how from ABX translate into a successful execution for Kinesis?

The associations strengthen a business, and more if it is cryptocurrencies. The strategy of joining Kinesis with ABX gives users greater security of handling their currencies, in addition to allowing Kinesis to have an updated precious metal handling system since with ABX it handles a seal and serial for an efficient management of the physical assets.


What is the benefit of using Kinesis over OTC alternatives?

Over-the-counter (OTC), is the system used worldwide by many companies for the handling of precious metals, this system is completely manual, problematic, tedious, inefficient and expensive. For this reason the global market needs to take a step into the future, in this way Kinesis in alloy with ABX opens the door to the future with the use of physical assets of precious metals, with a bar number and serial that facilitates the process completely in the market, thus being a much more efficient process.

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Kinesis system

Kinesis works like a clock, with its main gears that lead the user to have a safe and up-to-date experience of working with cryptocurrencies, it has a user interface with the necessary resources to provide the best of the digital economy world.


Kinesis Currency Exchange (KCX): This is the first gear, because it is about where the coin is created and concentrated within Kinesis, it works as a wholesale market and with the help of BX it interconnects with all the stores.

Kinesis Blockchain Network (KBN): This is the blockchain system on which the Kinesis coin system is based, in this way the chain of blocks can be sold, bought, spent and others, the Kinesiscryptocurrencies, it is worth noting that the KBN is committed to a system of incentives to promote the speed of money.

Kinesis Blockchain Exchange (KBE): The KBE works as a digital currency exchange aimed to guarantee the depth of the monetary liquidity of Kinesis

Kinesis Financial Network (KFN): As if it were not enough Kinesis has its own debit card, making everything more real, this is the function of KFN, a digital banking that grants a bank account with a credit card to its users, which is accepted wherever it works, visa or master card, making the user's savings available in real time.


An established mobile banking system with a digital currency wallet where Kinesis currencies can be used for savings or payments, remittances and money movement. This facility also has a Mastercard & Visa debit card and accompanying companion card providing the ability to use Kinesis as a payment currency across the world.

Source, Blueprint

Kinesis Commercial Centre (KCC): It fulfills the function of payment of services, allows users and merchants to manage their money for payments of goods and services through Kinesis.


Kinesis Currency ecosystem.

Kinesis knows what it wants the best performance for its customers, that's why I create an alliance with Stellar, together they allow the highest speed of assets through the blockchain network and several benefits for the users of Kinesis coins.

First of all, the economic ecosystem of Kinesis has two main currencies endorsed by gold and silver respectively, these currencies are the guarantors of a stable price since they are not simply normal cryptocurrencies but are anchored to a real physical asset.

Gold Currency (KAU):

Description: 1 fine gram gold contract and token, consisting of gold cast bars of minimum fineness of 995, and bearing a serial number and identifying stamp of a refiner as per ABX Quality Assurance Framework, table of Approved Refiner List.

Silver Currency (KAG):

Description: 10 grams silver contract and token, consisting of silver cast bars of a minimum fineness of 999, and bearing an identifying stamp of a refiner as per ABX Quality Assurance Framework, table of Approved Refiner List.

Kinesis Wholesale

Gold Wholesale Currency (KWG)

Description: 1 fine kilogram gold contract and token, consisting of gold cast bars of minimum fineness
of 9999, and bearing a serial number and identifying stamp of a refiner as per ABX Quality Assurance Framework, table of Approved Refiner List.

Silver Wholesale Contract (KWS)

Description: 1,000 troy ounces of silver contract and token, consisting of silver cast bars of minimum fineness of 999, and identifying stamp of a refiner as per ABX Quality Assurance Framework, table of Approved Refiner List.

Source, whitepaper page 10

What are the benefits of having a currency backed 1:1 by gold or silver?

Currently the use of cryptocurrencies is very common, but this brings many doubts regarding its implementation and security, anyone wants to know where their savings go, whatever the presentation they are in, for their part Kinesis study all the problems that arise in the current world of cryptocurrencies, this resulted in several solutions that they implement and one of the best answers is the implementation of physical assets, in this case gold and silver. This brings many benefits for the users, the commerce and the cryptocurrency system in general, since it provides greater security, because the savings are backed by something real, on the other hand it stabilizes prices, for that reason for the commerce it is very useful if implementation, because having non-volatile prices can carry out purchases with cryptocurrencies and in this way generate even more mobility in the system, it is a win win from any angle.

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Multifaceted yield system

The yield is taken into account for a constant mobility of the assets, so that Kinesis has a protocol for your system to work like a clock. Kinesis in its eagerness to improve the use of cryptocurrencies, has developed a multifaceted performance system to attract both retail and institutional capital. The incentive system helps to increase the speed of mobility of the currencies, breaks from this, with the principle that people use only the least valuable coins to wait for the other more valued generate more profits, because With the financial incentives offered to users, the mobility of the currency is difficult to reject. Users are rewarded based on the mobility of money and the speed of it

The yield system has several points that make it work perfectly and thus the mobility of the currencies is guaranteed by the protocol of attractive financial incentives.

Minter yield: It is designed to attract capital, to put the financial system more in motion as the incentive to use the currency in any way is maximized. This market is based on rewarding users who "mint" the primary kinesis coin to use it in a secondary market in a way that increases the yield of the currencies.


Holder Yield: In this stage, it is about adopting an activity similar to what is the saving in a bank, since it is a passive incentive. It is the enjoyment of the economic activity of the currencies.


Affiliate Yield: At this point of the gear is to attract more participants, so users are encouraged by each referred participant to attract the system.


Depositors Yield: For this stage a performance is applied to the initial deposit of the user, the incentive for it is directly proportional to the size of the deposit that was made to the Kinesis wallet, also the higher the speed of the Kinesis coins acquired initially, the higher the performance.


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Kinesis to everyone.

The digital economy is not only for a very select group illustrated in the subject, it is for anyone, it does not matter if it is a common person or a company, they can make use of cryptocurrencies, to be a fixed job. Although it is worth noting that there are several challenges to face in order for the adoption of cryptocurrencies to be more globalized, as many still do not feel confident of the security of currencies that do not have real assets or of the fact that there are very volatile prices in the system of cryptocurrency, that is why Kinesiscame to revolutionize the adoption of cryptocurrencies in a real and common market, for any individual or for trade.

How does Kinesis.Money open the bullion market to regular users?

Kinesis is an innovative and very attractive alternative for both traders and regular users as it is a secure platform with coins guaranteed by real physical assets such as gold and silver, while offering huge benefits for regular individuals such as having a debit card to make the experience even more real since you can move the savings from anywhere, which leads to the gain of incentives for the mobility of the Kinesis currency. Needless to say, it is a system that helps everyone and is useful in any case. The fact of saving in gold generates a step to the present, taking advantage of the support of precious metals and the value they generate, is similar to investing in a property for example, but easier since you can have it within reach of a debit card and an online banking, this is the future of cryptocurrencies.

The application of kinesis covers a large number of fields, then some use cases.

Use case 1.

Sweet home Inc. is a real estate company which wants to take a step further, feels that the fiduciary money no longer generates the profits due, they are accustomed to obtain asset gains as are their houses so they think that with the money can happen the same, on the other hand they want to update their financial system a bit. In a meeting the businessmen took to the Kinesis table, after doing an exhaustive investigation on the platform and what they offered they knew that it was the best option because not only they would generate profits but they could use it as a means of payment for their employees, for their banking operations and any other necessary financial system.

Use case 2.

The government of a nation with a bad economy looks for measures to improve the situation meets to find solutions, in the work table there are many proposals and each one of them is investigated, the end one calls more attention and goes through the filters, This is KINESIS. The proposal of the Kinesis project was made to start as soon as possible, because it would generate more income to the nation and people would be encouraged to use this cryptocurrency, it would avoid a collection of income tax and in addition to take the economy out of the In the future, the government would gain more popularity.

Use case 3.

Sam is a seller of precious metals but currently does not see as many profits as expected, begins to investigate how to expand their field of sale and a colleague tells him about Kinesis, in this way enters the platform and is delighted therefore offers to kinesis its gold and silver, this generates a new income, to know such incentives for currency movement begins to move more and more them and their income is even wider, happy now tells more people about their discovery.

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The token.

Kinesis has its currency system, in this case they have two main scenarios.

a) The Initial Token Offering (ITO) of the Kinesis Velocity Token (KVT); an ERC20 compatible utility token. KVTs are the capital raising vehicle to support the global Kinesis Monetary System. Holders of KVTs collectively earn a percentage of transaction fees from various business units within the Kinesis Monetary System.

b) The Initial Coin Offering (ICO) of the first Kinesis Currency Suite of products; each backed 1: 1 by direct, allocated precious metals. The first Kinesis cryptocurrencies: KAU (gold-backed coin) and KAG (silver-backed coin) are based on the Kinesis Blockchain Network (a fork of the Stellar Network).

Source, whitepaper page 5

Token information


Token allocation


Kinesis velocity token.

This is a useful token that obtains a portion of the transaction fees, "KVT holders receive a proportional participation of 20% of all transaction fees associated with all Kinesis coins and an additional incentive of 20% of all Commissions of the Kinesis Shopping Center ( KCC). "


Spend allocation


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Learn more about the subject with MY VIDEO

Check this for an intro of Kinesis monetary system

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Meet the team responsible for everything




Road Map


KVT & ICO Release schedule


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The world is advancing more and more and therefore the world of cryptocurrencies, so that more and more solutions are born for the challenges that this world or its users must face. The cryptocurrencies are a whole planet of possibilities because they could be converted into a fixed income. On the other hand it is possible that they are adopted for a daily trade, but that does not happen because of price volatility. For that reason there is a new release called Kinesis this platform comes to improve the system since its currencies are based on physical assets such as silver and gold, this generates a monetary stability therefore it is useful for the common trade, on the other hand also provides security to its users and is the best option to increase the mobility of cryptocurrencies and avoid stagnation or the use of less valuable, as they have an incentive protocol for currency uses, without excuses it would remain constant. movement by the fact of owning a bank in line with your own debit card, the future is here, getting closer to leave behind the fiduciary money and adopt the cryptocurrencies.

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More Information & Resources:

Kinesis.Money Website
Kinesis.Money WhitePaper
Kinesis.Money OnePager
Kinesis.Money YouTube
Kinesis.Money Telegram
Kinesis.Money Linkedin
Kinesis.Money Github
Kinesis.Money Steemit
Kinesis.Money Bitcointalk
Kinesis.Money Medium
Kinesis.Money Twitter

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