How do you go about looking for accurate news sources?
Where is your favourite place on earth?
What do you do to reduce stress?
What does suffering mean to you?
Have you ever pondered the idea of enlightenment? If so, what does it mean to you?
What would it be like if everyone on earth was silent for a day?
Where are you from?
It's hard to be unhappy when we're grateful. What are you grateful for?
Which blockchain techs will still be around in 10 years?
Are we all oppressed?
Is slavery only in the mind?
What is true freedom and how can someone achieve it?
Is it wrong to depict God in an image?
What is more important than money?
Do men and women love the same way?
Is the moon hollow?
If there are beings on other planets, would the laws of physics and survival mean they are quite like animals on earth or could they be different?
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