Leaked Transcript - Secret Meeting at an Undisclosed Location - Parody

The title is kinda self-explanatory... and is meant to both get people thinking while also tickling the strings of humour. Enjoy the read. :cP
One reason why it bombed: I labelled it as 'conspiracy' when it should have been labelled 'humour'. ^_^
Aaand my vote goes to @pathforger's post.
¿What can I say? I just like and enjoy humor. Specially clever humor sprinkled wit a good dose of mischievous wit, irony and sarcasm.
Because the truth be told... you will never find people more serious than those who makes humor. And definitely nobody else will talk to you about matters, topics, subjects and stuff so real & serious like those who always talks in humor key. :)
Thank you very kindly for the review @por500bolos, as well as your vote. :c)
It can sometimes be a bit of a balancing act - as I know that some persons simply get annoyed when I introduce any humour into that which I say - and likely the same is true of what I write.
I just figure that if one is going to take a bitter bite then it hurts not to down it with something sweet. :c)
Thanks again.
¡You have all this issue totally deciphered my friend! :)
And as for those who dare to get annoyed by the humor.
It is only by their perception that even when being in the middle of a garden full of beautiful butterflies fluttering around them, none of them ends up posing in their hands or specially on their heads ever. }:)
this was fun. I was wondering as I read if you believe in these kinds of heroines or not. I do agree that it's not quite as organized as all that , there is no way such competitive people could cooperate on such a deep level, I believe it's all about different factions vying for power over the masses through different strategies and not exposing each other because it would risk self exposure. Some of the terrible things are caused by oversight and profit over people, some are side effects of power struggles between large forces and some are outright intentional manipulative.
Thank you, @whatamidoing, not only for your up-vote and your comment, but also for orgnaizing this contest (which I can now feel comfortable saying since its over ^_^).
Heh... It is certainly reasonable to ask oneself if the author believes in thaw which s/he writes about. I like to think that an author of any integrity will discern in one's choice of topics and ingredients that one chooses for inclusion in one's writings.
As such I at least feel that the various elements mentioned bear some merit of consideration.
As for whether there is a global concerted effort to reduce the populations of the non-elite classes, such remains open to speculation. I'd ask Warrill about it but he is still royally ticked off at me for sharing info on 'Wilting Weed'. ;cP
Loved this one for the reason that it has so many conspiracy theories in it that in the end focus on one thing, population reduction. I come from a country that people are leaving and it is happening fast, we have a lot of space there if anybody feels like their corner is overpopulated.
I have heard the theories that there is a group of people trying to take over the world a lot of times, and it may be true is a sense. I most definitely believe that wars are organized to an extent, there are always reasons for going after another land (ahem, oil and resources).
The post is funny, but it is sad that the world of humans is actually facing so many problems, I do hope that we will be able to overcome all the negatives, though.
Thank you @lindahas, both for your vote and your great comment. :c)
Yes indeed I do believe that there is 'method to the madness'. ;c) It is one of those 'Emperor has no clothes' moments that I figured translated well into a post of this sort.
As for whether there does exist a group - I'd suggest that there does - but that the links between the members of the group in question are (for the most part) looser than imagined. One interesting corelation between recent wars and the interests of the self-proclaimed elite - is that many did not have a "central bank". I think only North Korea and Iran lack such as of this day.
The post was intended as a wake-up call to individuals upon multiple levels - both to question what they could perceive every day if their eyes were open to it, as well as how their life choices might make them more or less vulnerable to such a scenario.
Thank you again. :c)
Yeah, we, humans, need a wake up call! I think we are too self centered, don't get me wrong, I believe that we have to first take care of ourselves to help others, but there are people who just take and take and never look at the bigger picture. I love the people who are thinking of what they will leave behind for others, because those people tent to have wider views about the world as a whole.
Wow great writing. It read like a movie script which I really enjoyed. My only question/ suggestion is that if you had more posted of this story a link to that being included would be awesome. If you ever want to collaborate with me I can make some original artwork for a cool story like this.
Thank you, @emptyintentions, both fory our up-vote and your great comment. :c)
I was certainly aiming for a narrative script of sorts - though not specifically of the movie kind (kinda fits though ^_^).
I am not sure if I understand though. Are you suggesting that I link the post in the comment in question? If so then I did - right above the image. :c)
It seems that your article link takes us to your blog - but not to your post. Could you fix this? I'd like to see more of your art work (reserving comment for when I see the article). :cP
If, on the other hand, you're asking if there is a story that I drew inspiration from - I'd say that I took inspiration from various portrayals of villains (and supervillains) with a tendency of revealing their whole diabolical plots due to a special kind of vanity. :cP
So the script and backing story is an original - even if some things referenced are common mainstays of conspiracy theory (sometimes audiences are more amenable to new information if it makes them laugh).
It'll be cool to get into a collaboration. ^_^ Definitely open to the possibility!
Also - if you are interested - I am presently (taking my sweet time as I want to do this right) to write up an "immunization to suicide" post. Its less of a story and more of a personal address. /:c)
Thank you for letting me know that I will fix that link rite now. I was asking if you had wrote any more of your story, like if there was a prologue or part two I would love to see a link to it . Immunization to suicide? Very interesting idea, I can't wait to see it!
Oh it was typed out as a standalone comedy 'skit' (Monty Python's John Cleese-style).
I like to think that we are living the prologue - and there is certainly potential to take the escapades of the Premium BEERS beyond this one chuckle-inducer.
The other post is a work in progress. As you may understand it is a very sensitive subject and so may take a couple more days (juggling with other things in life) before published.
Woah, that'd be cool!
Yes it would. I can't count the hours lost to image search in my as-yet-not-published up-coming post. ^_^ I'm stubbornly not breaking it into portions. :cP