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RE: The Deadpost Initiative - Week 2 - Share your most undervalued work (SBD prize)

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

This read less like a post and more like an academic expose'. The formatting is downright impeccable - and appears strongly referenced.

Also, while the subject matter is morbid - the bits of information themselves - and how perspective can take the subject of death through a startling contrast of meaning beyond the simple existence of a dead person in the portrayal - makes this very worthy of consideration as a 'dead post' in more than one sense. :c)

I also agree with @playfulfoodie that it was deserving of much more attention - and I feel that one factor might have been peoples' reluctance to approach death upon any medium.

Pretty sure that "Death, Drugs and Death Metal" doesn't have the same ring to it as the more famous phrase. ;c)

Well-written @holoz0r.


Thank you. This text was actually an adaptation and major reworking of one of the chapters of my thesis. There was about 40% of the content rewritten, for the post; in order for it work on a standalone basis.

This was also written in my very, very, early days on Steemit, and since then, I have significantly 'dumbed down' my content as it appears that this sort of material doesn't travel well due to the complex subject matter, complex expression and language, and the fact that you need to be willing to focus to read the content.

I appreciate you taking the time to provide your feedback, @pathforger!

This seems unfortunate, due to the limited scope of payout we are incentivized to lower the academic quality of the documentation we are sealing into the blockchain.

Definitely something to think about for hardfork 99 (or earlier!).

I agree with @ecoinstant that this is unfortunate.

Not that I haven't found myself tempted to shift my own behaviors also (otherwise, for example, I'd skip the image searches at the end of each article written).

The steemit model is far, far from ideal - but even if it doesn't improve upon it people will one day look back upon it and call it an intriguing fossil that fits in the evolution of the medium.

This is one of the limitations of the current format of steemit. I would like to see better organization than just tags. People have been talking about communities for a while but it's hard to imagine what they will be like. It'd be cool to have an academic database on steem and some good payout on the better posts. It's not really my thing but it's one of those things that steemit make work and I do think there are people who would enjoy it.

Limitations have been faced in many forms in the past. those who faced them either adapted, persisted or fell.

Steemit is at such a juncture in several respects - and while there are some developments occuring, it persists on remaining static at its core. It may prevail. It may not. Time will tell. :c)

Agreed that a database over and above the oresent data layer would be beneficial - if done right. A good suggestion.