in #contest7 years ago

Round 2 Winner announced and a chance for you to join in and win this round!

Here is the progression that this contest follows.

ROUND 1 = PHOTO – Take a photo to enter – COMPLETED

ROUND 2 = ART – Use winning photo from Round 1 to make a piece of art - COMPLETED

ROUND 3 = MEME – Use winning art from Round 2 to make a meme - BEGINS NOW!

ROUND 4 = POETRY – Use winning meme from Round 3 to make a poem.

ROUND 5 = SONG – Use winning poem from Round 4 to make an original song.


In Round 1, @longsilver won the photo contest with the help of @fishyculture and a cow!

It was his winning photo that provided the inspiration for the artwork in Round 2. There were so many entries last round to choose from, but in the end I had to choose just one winner.



This winning artwork from @japhofin8or will be the base for the MEME contest in Round 3. Interestingly enough, it was the fifth entry from @japhofin8or. I let to let people enter as many entries as they want, which helps them not limit themselves and inspires additional creativity. Good thing he didn't stop at four entries!

Congratulations @japhofin8or!


For Round 3 of the Wild & Strange Contest, all you have to do to enter is make a meme out of the winning artwork created by @japhofin8or and reply to this post with your meme.


  • Create an original meme using the winning artwork from Round 2.
  • Enter original work and provide your entry in a reply to this post.
  • You can still make a post out of your entry, but your post does not count as an entry, only your reply.
  • Keep everything kid-friendly and G rated.
  • You must enter by midnight next Thurday (CST) in order for your entry to be considered valid.
  • By entering, you are giving me full permission to use your entry however I wish.
  • The winner will receive $50 worth of SBD or STEEM.

I'm looking forward to seeing what you can come up with!

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with steemit.com

GIF provided by @orelmely


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Thank You so much @papa-pepper for the win! I'm glad I didn't stop at 4 also! I see some great meme's being created already on the picture. Good Luck to everybody who submits. Thanks again.

Thanks for the great picture: lots of room for creativity!

Every homesteader/off gridder should have one!

I really don't understand. Please can anyone explain?

You take this photo

And then add some funny words to it to make a meme. You can probably find some examples of what memes are here https://steemit.com/trending/meme if you are not sure.

Thank you @papa-pepper. I now understand

see my comment below sir

Heres my entry #1 to your contest @papa-pepper ! I also did a post on it , if you get a chance to check it out , thanks ! Heres the Link :


The cash cow slurps up ice and becomes a Kool Kow!


Thanks again! @fishyculture and I have gotten more laughs out of this post than you can imagine!

Congratulations @fishyculture and @longsilver! Bessie the battle cow! Love how this pic went so far! I enjoyed taking the original photo for you. :)I'm glad everyone is having so much fun with it! You look marvelous darlings

Letting the STEEM go buy, There is water on the ground...

My wife IS beautiful, isn't she?

I get it, @builderofcastles!

@lildebbiecakes I would hope so, one of the best known TH songs.

Here are my entries, incorporating every character in the pic!

Sad Reakts Onli

meme papa pepper #1.jpg

Hustle Cow

meme papa pepper #2.jpg

Feeding The Right Cow

meme papa pepper #3.jpg


Biodegradable frisbees? That's a good one! Upvoted!

One More


That there is a genuine bovine limousine!




I want to join it

Then make a meme out of this:

Great post i like it

Puns galore22d2tl.jpg

Do the memes have to be steem related and how do you post pictures in the replies?

Pictures in a reply are easy. Just use the same technique you use for a regular post on your own blog:

(1) EITHER copy-paste your meme image (works for some, but not for me) into your comment

(2) OR upload your meme image to a site like postimg.org and copy the resulting image link into your comment on this post (not my comment)

True, there is a Steem logo in the picture, but you can feel free to either reinterpret it (which is what I did) or just ignore it. There are plenty of other elements to make jokes about (the people, their clothes, the animals, the grass). Use your imagination!

thankyou very much.

You're welcome. Have good time creating!

Entry #1Meme Creator_1515090544952.jpg

This one's better.

thanks friend

My entry to the contest:


There aren't many things left that we are allowed to laugh at anymore: I love your hillbilly approach.

Thank-you. I was wondering if the Beverly Hillbillies are too old for people to even know about. I watched it regularly on TV as a child.

Episode 2 is clearer:

Episode 1 is also available on YouTube (1.5 million views):

I checked Google and found Season 1, Episode 1 of the Beverly Hillbillies! Thanks for the nostalgia :-)

Yep... thems the Beverly Hillbillies all right! I'm amazed to find almost anything can be found on Google.

This is my first entry to your contest @papa-pepper


PARENTING TIP OF THE DAY:- if it is cold for you, it is cold for your child.

Other parenting tip ;-)
if it is cold for you, remember that your older kids might have a higher metabolic rate than you. Don't always force them to bundle up.

I like it , good post 🌹🌸

Take this one .... hahahah


So cool, men!...I´m in :D

Haha! Glad I did not have to pick, this one is an excellent choice though!

Entry #2Meme Creator_1515090991340.jpg

@papa-pepper, here is my entry for the round 3 meme contest

This is gonna select the best multi talented steemian.This is awesome.You are so creative to think and plan a competition like this.Excellent work

This is good! I love this I must say

Hey @papa-pepper this was fun! Here is my entry!


Great job @japhofin8or hahah , I loved your entry Congratulations ! a well deserved win !! upped and resteemed @papa-pepper ! Been very busy but will try to make a meme from this awesome photo , and a post entry ! Good luck everyone !👍👍👍✌👌

Awesome!!! This competition is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice 1!!!

Inept Time-Traveling Secret Agents:

I prefer to create an interesting backstory for my meme (I hope nobody minds).

(1) The man imagines that their disguises (quite inappropriate for walking around in the snow) make them inconspicuous
(2) The woman, who mistakes the Steemit logo for a Schutzstaffel flag (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schutzstaffel), imagines they are standing next to a Nazi cow (??) in Germany.

They have no idea that their "perfect" time machine has landed them in 2017. They should stick around and buy up Steem before the spectacular price rise in 2018 makes it much less affordable!

Schutzstaffel flag

Thank again, @papa-pepper, for a chance to have fun making own memes while admiring and learning from other people's creativity.


Thanks papa pepper for a bit of fun.


Coat of Arms

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