25 SBD WebGL Screen Capture Contest

in #contest7 years ago (edited)


  • 1 Grand Prize Winner of 5 SBD
  • 10 First Place Winners of 1 SBD
  • 100 Runner Up Winners of 0.1 SBD


  • Use screen capture or similar tool to take screenshot of a WebGL Chrome Experiment with Google and post: https://experiments.withgoogle.com/chrome?tag=WebGL
  • Do not include background elements in the image such as tabs, menus, bookmark bar, etc...
  • Do not include foreground elements like logos, game statistics and controllers. It should be just the graphic if possible.
  • No animated graphics or videos
  • Do not cut off a main graphic when not necessary
  • Leave one graphic in a direct reply to this post for each entry (maximum 5 per user).
  • You must leave a link to the overview page of the experiment that you took the screenshot from.
  • You must follow @money-dreamer to be eligible for the prize
  • You must resteem this post to be eligible for the prize
  • There is a maximum of 5 entries per account.
  • All entries must be received before curation of the post (7 days after this post was authored)

Entries are made by leaving a comment on this post with a link to the overview page and a screen capture of the WebGL experiment as demonstrated below. Use an application like the "Snipping Tool" in Microsoft Windows, then copy & paste the image into a direct reply to this post. You can easily search for WebGL experiments on the Google WebGL Experiments page. Scroll down and click on the categories tab to find more experiments and you can sort them also.

Here are some example searches:

Make sure you submit a graphic from the Chrome Experiments section when searching or browsing from the home page.

The winners will be decided based on:

  • Upvotes
  • Comments
  • Manual review
  • Peer evaluation
  • Automated analysis
  • Authenticity of account
  • Details - image must be centered, quality of graphic
  • Uniqueness - look at past contests and other entries; try to find an experiment that hasn't been listed already

Users that help review the images will receive upvotes. Comments and upvotes from users that help review the images will have heavy weight on the decision for who the final winners are. There will be a maximum of 111 winners but could be less if there are not enough entrants. Images must be suitable for general audiences. No profanity, violence, nudity, etc...

Send SBD/STEEM to my account to be a sponsor for this contest. Sponsors that send 1 SBD/STEEM or more will have their account mentioned on the weekly contest page. This contest was sponsored by @money-dreamer. Carefully read the rules and prizes each week because the contest may change.

Last Weeks Winners


1 Grand Prize Winner - 10 SBD



10 First Prize Winners – 1 SBD





















100 Runner Up Winners – 0.2 SBD

@widia @widia @widia @virtalch @travoved @topgeek @teggy @tech-mac @sweetscentof98 @sunnia @summer14 @styleit @styleit @sheloumith @sheloumith @scarletsnow @scarletsnow @sara-writes @pegyurme @pegyurme @peak.endrule @mrzurkon @mrzurkon @mahathiruddin @lundgreenman @laxmikadariya @kunani @kunani @kunani @kephawalks @kephawalks @kamesh @kamesh @kailukat @josephlacsamana @josephlacsamana @josephlacsamana @johnstone @johnstone @johnstone @johnstone @johnstone @johnarvee12 @johnarvee12 @jerome-morales @jerome-morales @jerome-morales @jerome-morales @jaguarcars @jaguarcars @jaguarcars @jaguarcars @izaid @izaid @izaid @ironshield @ilovekrys @hsqtech @hsqtech @hsqtech @himash21 @himash21 @himash21 @himash21 @geeyang15 @geeyang15 @geeyang15 @fooddadiph @fooddadiph @fooddadiph @evansbankx @dotapamore @dotapamore @csalupado @cryptohawk1 @cjsean @carloniere @carloniere @carloniere @bitpizza @bitpizza @bitpizza @bitpizza @bitfiend @belemo @armoniritmia @armoniritmia @armoniritmia @armoniritmia @amico @ailenepm @ailenepm @ailenepm @afzaal4 @afzaal4 @achmadkurniawan @aamirijaz @aamirijaz @aamirijaz @aamirijaz

Find the latest contest information at:


The code used to host this contest can be found here: https://github.com/AdamCox9/Steemit-Follow-Bot

There are 5 pages

@money-dreamer when will you choose the winner? we are waiting for the results

'A' is my favorite letter.

I have 2 'A's in my name, @afaal4 has three :D

Nice! Me too. Adam is my real name.

Oh nice! Hey Adam :)

mine too.. and ur contest is awsome it is my second time

The winners are posted up at http://steem.graphics/

Nothing was changed. @money-dreamer...

Sorry, an emergency came up but the winners will be posted shortly and the payouts distributed.

Thank you! We Appreciated you. God bless!

This weeks unofficial qualifiers are posted here:


Hello @money-dreamer Thank you, I just received 5 rewards x 0.2 of total 1 SBD. I loved this contest and I will definitely participate in this one. But there is one thing I want to mention before I post my entries.

I saw this post that you were resteeming recently which is here:
Would never mention it again, but since it seems that among 7785 of your followers I was the only one who publicly stayed in your favor I will put my original comment here again. As I want you to give your opinion about all this issue. Here in your blog page it should be easier for you to make it.

I will stay here for @money-dreamer .
You may not consider my opinion right or correct at all as I am less than a month here and numbers near my name are making it not in my favor.
But somehow it happened that I have been following both @themarkymark and @money-dreamer. And this post was something where I had to decide for myself whose side to take.
Again, I will stay here for @money-dreamer, as I just scanned his profile very quick and I don't see even 2 post per day recently.
For me - spamming means posting 50 pictures to Dmania per day and earning $0.00 - $0.01 from each. This seems to be really harmful for the content oriented users, though who knows what can happen with these posts in 3 years, maybe there will come meme fans and each post will eventually end in 1$ from each picture. Meaning this can eventually become great contribution to the whole platform if all meme fans will come register and stay here. The whole system will grow, so steem price increase and average user will earn more. Right?
What I want to say is as far as I can see from @money-dreamer 's transaction history, this guy sends 0.001 weekly to everyone who follows him. Well OK, what is wrong with it?
I think many of those who start now here on steemit having 0 balance, will be glad to earn at least 0.01 SBD in 10 weeks to spend it than back in services as @buildawhale or any other "upvote-bot" to simlpy have a chance for a slight promotion. Because without bot promotion you will never grow here nowadays. Your early posts and inquires and researches nobody will ever see as there are thousands and thousands of posts coming each hour, so yours with zero rating will be just lost among them in 30 minutes.
Maybe I am getting something wrong, but why flag someone if he sends HIS OWN money to his followers, this is his money and his decision, what damage it can cause to the platform I can't understand.
I am asking you one simple question: If I am rich and want to stimulate my followers why I should excuse for it and prove I am not a spammer?

I want to ask every participant of this wonderful contest will you go for @money-dreamer if someone blames him being a spammer just for the fact he is sending every week 0.001 SBD to everyone who follows him?

I agree with you as well @johnstone
Know this that after 7 days the reward ends so any post that only earns .01 at the 7 day period will never earn another SBD or Steempower.
I don't know who owns our content after that?
Have we all given the rights to our content to steemit inc.? Then if we try to use it agian we will get sued for copyright infringement? Does it tell us that in the crap ( Monkey Hoops) we have to click on to enter and participate?

Most of but not all the whales on steemit and their friends are the only ones allowed to abuse the reward pool.
If you as a minnow try to do it they will crush you like a grape.

If you confront that same group for anything they do, that is somewhat wrong most of them will attack you call you names and flag you into submission.
Many of them are nice as the typical worldly rich person. They say they want to help but their help is limited what they can profit from.

Here on steemit it is just like our world. "He who owns the GOLD (Steem) Rules"

Adjust accordingly.

I believe that you own any content you post here or on the Blockchain. I think by posting data and not deleting it before the curation period, then you are arguably giving others permission to show it. That would be interesting if other websites tried to display all the content on the Steem blockchain. I'm sure there would be content owners that are not happy and there would be reports made to the Search Engines stating ownership.

For my contest, I am assuming that the content creators retain ownership, but I can display them in the contest results here at Steemit.com and on the Steem blockchain and on the Steem.graphics website. I'm going to write up some official rules soon.

I agree with you, and did from the beginning. A similar thing happened to me from a vote bot. I made a post about it and they ruined my reputation, and stole from me and justified it because I confronted them for their thievery.

They have all the power we have none.

Too many punks behind the key board acting like they are men when they are just punks. In life they would just tuck their tail and go home, but here they hide behind fake names and hurt people. Some day they will hurt the wrong person and then they will be exposed and maybe even something very evil happens to them.
I even asked the one behind this issue If it was ok and how he would feel if it happened to him.
I was accused of choosing sides and told to upvote your spam if I like it. I was glad however that he didn't attack me with flag. I will say at least that didn't happen.

What sucks is I did like the guy before this happened, and now I feel sorry for him and us.

The love of Money is the root of all evil!

He is dealing with this because he decided to be a money changer. I think all money changers are evil and should be flown to Mars.

I myself have stopped using the vote bots I think they are cancer here.
If we all stop using them then they will have to find another way to steal from us.

If we retain ownership of our content then why do we only have 7 days to delete it? In my personal unprofessional opinion.... "Ownership signifies control"

Content will get curated after 7 days and it can no longer be edited.

I will stay as well. I just read the resteemed post and found it a bit confusing as to why flag someone who is just transferring 0.001 SBD. For someone who just hit 200 days on the platform, I would still be called a newbie. From what I have observed, to be successful on this platform you would need a good community to support you and your great content. Good content does not cut it anymore. It has to be great to get that big exposure to rake in the big bucks. This is where @money-dreamer comes in. The contests that he hosts and that little help he gives week after week just for being a follower let us little guys thrive. I do thank @money-dreamer for that.

@fooddadiph I Totally agreed with you. My congratulation to you, so now there are two of us already! I must admit that it takes real guts to publicly support the one who was unjustly blamed for nothing, by the big level user, not being afraid that this user will flag you one day for this. I just followed you in respect of this.

Yes, @money-dreamer is doing exactly what the others just promise to do. Meaning that he really support with such contests minnows, while others especially those who witness can't even give a small ammount of their huge upvotes to people commenting their posts. It's a shame for them.
Ok, Let's see if our company is going to be extended by at least one more brave person.

Will you be the third one?))

I am the third one... I will definitely support @money-dreamer and I highly recommend it for every new user.

@vaneaventuras I admire your courage, especially when I see you are a woman and mother. Followed you to show my respect to your action.
So there are three of us already and it is a win by itself.

Let's see if anyone else want to join our team and show his or her support to @money-dreamer.

You can't gain success only receiving things from others. Someday you will eventually come to the point when you understand there is even more pleasure to give something back. This is a good chance to try it.

So, who will be the forth one?))

I was already the fourth one a long time ago?

Yes, you are the fourth one!

So it turned out there are only four of us, and this number for me associates us with musketeers.

I will be d'Artagnan,
@fooddadiph will be Athos,
@vaneaventuras will be Aramis,
@iamstan will be Porthos.

One for all and all for one!

Try not to include background items like the black lines on the right side and bottom.

Like this:

Amazing SS friend..

The background is showing little try to make it perfect. You can see my 2nd post.

I like it!

thank you for appreciation. so exciting and im enjoying to participate☺. thank you so much @money-dreamer.


Thank you si, for the great contest. I am doing my 3rd post now

Thank you sir @money-dreame for this great contest. this is my 3rd post below

#1 My Winning Screenshot.

Indras Net


Travel around the world in 3D game about Google Maps.



This is my 5th Entry:
The Undone Paint: Faceless Woman




Thanks so much @money-dreamer for the SBD you sent me as one of the winners in the previous contest, I'm so grateful...

Yay, I got my 1 SBD. Thanks man :)

No: 5


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