My 2018 - My Hobby : Playing With Words And Numbers

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Since I was a kid, I love to read, writing, and drawing. This is what I used to tell to everybody, since I think that is the most “normal” things to do as a hobby. But, actually, what I like is playing words that I read and write, which then I try to somehow related it with numbers. Even when I draw, I always imagining all the color numbers, its algorithm, and so on. Well, maybe this is too absurd to do, but hey, this is my real hobby.

Hello Anomadsoul.jpg
Meaning: Hello @anomadsoul! I hope you like my hobby!!!

I have no idea when and why or how I get this hobby, I realized it when I was about 7 or years old. Everytime I saw numbers, then I try to read it in words, or vice versa. For example, when I read the word : “Hobby” then I will change it into “7142225” then into “7+14+2+2+25= 50”. After that, I will remember the word “Hobby” as number “50”. On the other way, for example, when I read number “7” then I will read it as “Heaven” for heavenly heaven on the 7th sky. Something like that.

This hobby really help me a lot to read and remember things very fast, and I can manage things that I want to remember and the things that I want to forget. My friends and family who knows about my hobby said that sometimes they feel like talking to robot or computer when they talk to me. I can remember a lot of things, even small things, since I change all the words with numbers and change all the numbers with words.

For some people, perhaps my hobby is really stressful, but for me, it is very relaxing and fun. I could spend all day long doing my hobby. I really love to change all my plans, dreams, and imagination into words and drawings, but, then I will always to make its algorithm first, to make sure I can do it properly. Sometimes I will make my own formulas, flow charts, logic first, and I really enjoy it. Not because I am good at it, most of the time I got troubles with my own formulas and numbers, but because it is fun for me.

Perhaps, that is one of the reasons why I like blockchain technology, crypto currency, and of course Steemit. For me, all are the application of the democratic algorithm which allow everybody to make their own decision. For my self, I read Steemit algorithm as “~", because when I play with all the algorithm and words in Steemit, which then became its program, I see all are divided by “zero” which makes everything is possible and unlimited. It is very natural that let everything happens happened, all have its own time. Ya, I know, this is just me, the way I make myself enjoying everything.

My hobby really helps me to teach my kids as well. I don’t like to see people studying math or language with so much problems which make them bored, since I don’t like it either. I want them to enjoy words and number the way I do, really fun and relaxing. For example, I write letters for them with number, so they will have fun to “translate it into words, so they can understand it, or I will say that “I will be back at 3 x 7 at night”, to make them think and count to understand that I will be back home at 21:00 or 9pm.

I have to admit that sometimes my hobby is quiet annoying as well, especially when I was too tired, lost my focus, and when I could not stop it. Once, my friend got upset with me when I count all the fishes that I cooked for dinner. She thought that I was too stingy until I have to count what we were about to eat. Well, I didn’t mean it, I am just use to it without any purpose, but she took it in a wrong way.

I had a fight with my ex-boyfriend as well because of my hobby. I was trying to manage all my books with the numbers that I had in mind. Of course it was totally different from what the librarian used to do, I arrange it according to my words and numbers. I read the title of those books, and tried to make story from those titles, which I already changed it with numbers before. For him my arrangement looks weird and untidy, but for me, that’s me, besides those are my books. Hmmm….

Anyway, sometimes we had fun together as well with words and numbers. We were sending letters in binary just to make us laugh. Actually I was trying to help him to get used to binary numbers which he need for his study. Something like the picture below:


I don’t make money from this hobby directly, but I use my hobby to teach and do my jobs. I am a teacher for writing, drawing, as well as politics, professional consultant for some companies and communities as well, do some researches, and have my own company. For me, my hobby helps me, not only to remember the things, but also to manage my jobs and to solve any kind of problems. Perhaps, other people already got stress by doing all the things at the same time, I don’t. I don’t have to force my brain working like crazy, it seems it already become a robot or computer just like my friend and family said.

The only thing that I have to do to control myself is to keep my feeling and my heart working. I need to balance my brain and keep my soul alive. Otherwise, I will be like Data on Startreck movie who really wants to understand how to feel. Writing and drawing works for me to balance it, though I still use my hobby with words and numbers to do it.
I don’t know what to say anymore about this hobby, and I don’t expect anybody would understand it as well. Yes, I know, this is weird but this me and myself. This is the first time I write about my hobby with words and numbers, not only to win the prize, but at least I write it.

Don’t look at me like I am a weirdo! Please!!!

This is my submission for CONTEST: My 2018 - This is my Hobby by @anomadsoul. If you want to join, please click this link:

Bandung, March 20th, 2018

Warm Regards,

Mariska Lubis


Permainan angka bagus untuk melatih perkembangan otak kita. Saya teringat dulu ada acara TV yang berjudul The Master, semacam acara magician (sulap) namun saya lupa penyulapnya siapa. Dalam acara itu diperlihatkan bagaimana permainan dengan kombinasi angka mampu membuka alam bawah sadar kita.

Sekian Mbak @mariska.lubis 😅
Salam hangat dari Lhokseumawe

ya sangat membantu, dan jika mau belajar serius maka akan juga sangat membantu untuk belajar apapun dengan lebih mudah.

Postingan yg bagus,,kk mariska untuk kedepan tolong dalam bahasa indonesia agar kami para pemula ini mudah memahami nya,,,hehehe

Salam dari aceh

ini karena ikutan kontes aja hahaha... maaf ya...

Oo begitu,,hehe saya kurang mengerti maklum baru kenal steemit,

Terimakasih kk mariska atas penjelasanya

Dulu wktu pelajaran matematika fara plg sering di jewer karena gak pernah nyatat.

ngapain dicatat? matematika itu dipahami saja kok hehehe....

gurunya suruh catat kak, siap tu di periksa.. heheheeee
jadi for me, sometimes matematika like a monster and nothing fun in it. mgkn karena cara bljrnya yg beda x ya.

gurunya aja dijewer balik, harusnya belajar matematika itu menyenangkan wkwkwkwk...

Fara kcepatan gede nya kak. Kalau skrg msh sekolah kan biar kk aja gurunya

Incredible hobby @mariska.lubis. Good luck always.

Terima kasih...

Ini kontes yang sangat bagus, semoga sukses acara nya ya kakak

amin, terima kasih.

Sama sama kakak

Matematika, gampang 😂😂😂

matematika asyik!

Wow..You are blessed with an excellent "brain system" (I dunno that term actually :p)

Your hobby is WOW. I guess nobody (especially for people who don't like counting numbers like me) but you thinks what you called "hobby" is a hobby. Great post kak.

Math is fun! Just play and have fun with math and you will love it!

I can't love math. I hate it..but I need to learn it..hiks :(

try to know and you will fall in love.

I am trying kk :)

An amazing hobby for me... Hope my little girls love read so much with their own way.. Thanks kk, menginspirasi cara mencintai "membaca".. 😍😍😍

yup... biar mereka lebih senang dan paham apa yang dibaca.

Mudah mudahan @mariska.lunis kontesnya menang.

Salam sukses selalu

amin, terima kasih...

Males guwa soal angka. Dulu waktu SD guwa kabur dari kelas kalau pelajaran Anka matematika.. tapi anda keren salam kenal ya.dari KOKAM

Kalau gua memang tempat kabur, kalau saya tempat buat belajar, sedangkan kalau Anda semoga tempat buat bersandar masa depan.

menyoe masalah angka-angka lon hana komen kak @mariska.lubis beh.. hahaa

#Jika-kurang-mengerti-di-translate-kakak-ya. :D

hana comment hana masalah, yang penting happy asoy geboy aja hahaha...


I think it's like math

Wah, sepertinya bisa dijadikan pedoman untuk main buntut, nih :D

boleh, kalau menang makan-makan kita hahaha...

Really, you're so unique person. 😅. I'm really bad in math, absolutely really bad in numbers. And, I just know there is a hobby like this. 😅

Just try it, it's fun!!!

Alaaa kak mariska ni laa. Krn kontes dah bahaza ingriss.. Dah punyeng la kak nii 😯😯😯. Doa dari kita kak semoga kak @mariska.lubis di kasih kemenangan oleh-Nya 😊🙏.

Salam untuk doa menang buat kak MARIKA 😊🙏

amin, terima kasih...

Sama-sama kak mariska.

O ia kak. Doain saja semoga bang @bahagia-arbi dan senior di aceh laeinnya akan segera di buat meet up di Samalanga kampung halamannya bang @abduhawab, insyaAllah jika jadi nanti datang ya kak 😊

wow... sukses ya acara di sana... semoga saja saya bisa hadir...

Matematik ka??angkat tangan😀

asal jangan angkat kedua kaki aja, nanti terjungkal hehehe...

Hehehe palingan nyungsep😀😀

Goodluck kakaku. Juaraaaa pokoknya :)

amin, terima kasih sayang.

Masama kaka sayang :)

Kalau saya yang tulis postingan seperti ini, pasti akan memakan waktu hingga 2 hari, hehe, hebat mbak mariska, semoga sukses ya mbak @mariska.lubis
Kami disini mendukung penuh, semangat

terima kasih....

sama-sama mbak

Waw, very awesome,,, i think not all of people have like ms @mariska.lubis have like that hobby and can do it. And i don't like playing about number, because my matematich is not so good. But i like very much about read a book anytime and anywere...

reading with math will give you a lot more to read... ;)

Thank you for Motivation ms @mariska.lubis... I will try it.

Sukses kontesnya, semoga juara, salam dari langsa

Terima kasih bang, salam dari kota dedek-dedek gemez... hahaha...

Uniqe hobbies and you have so many...I don't think I like number, but as a dyslexic with weakness on number and math (dyscalculia) I love the way you describe your uniqe hobby, especially with those numbers. I really want to be an expert in math but I don't think I can.

When I was senior high school I fell in love in math suddenly after hate them when junior high school because of annoying teacher, but it was too late. I left behind about math, I surrender in numbers...

dyslexic should learn math to help them solve the problems, to find the "shortest cut"... you can try to find a lot of method in youtube to help dyslexic to learn math... do not ever give up with numbers!

Really nice motivation, I'll try as you said. Thanks a lot. I hope I can meet you someday, Mbak @mariska.lubis


Wow.. Satu lagi hobby yang sangat jarang diketahui oleh steemian Indonesia tentang @mariska.lubis.. Keren tetehku ini..

Hahaha... besok-besok kita belajar naik pohon kelapa yuk, siapa tahu jadi hobi baru hahaha...

Matematika? Saya juga kak @mariska.lubis :))

asyik, ada teman...

Sepertinya ini perlu untuk dipelajari, terutama dalam cara belajar anak-anak.

Terima kasih atas idenya Mbak @mariska.lubis.

Semoga sehat selalu

cara mudah dan cepat tanpa membuat anak bosan belajar matematika... belajar logika dan menyelesaikan masalah... ;)

Wow, I can see how your hobby slowly becomes your habit. It makes you to be more imaginative and creative. My wife also, more or less, has her own method to do things. I enjoy it looking she does something the way she wants, I think it's funny.
Thanks for sharing kak @mariska.lubis

Wow. Permainan angka ya kak. Kadang dulu sempat buat permainan tentang angka kelahiran. Misalnya ditambahkan semua. Hasilnya kadang dipaksa mencocokan dengan angka cewek. Hahahahaha biar kesannya jodoh gitum

Wah repot ya kalau main sama angka dan kata.

Orang berantam karena kata dan angka. Kata tak sopan dan angka yang selalu dianggap kurang ya Mbak @mariska.lubis?

Salam kenal ya.

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Kapan harga SBD naik.. Mbak @mariska.lubis mohon informasi nya..Saleum @imranpase

Waduh kalau sudah main angka teringat di kampus....haha