in #contest7 years ago (edited)

Stage Two

The battle with the crazy pirate dude is over, so you casually make your way into the sleepy little village.

Having had no sleep yourself, you head to the local tavern where you have booked a room.

Unfortunately, a bunch of bandits have raided the tavern and stolen the soft fluffy bath robes with hoods that normally come complimentary with the rooms.

Fortunately you have run into them on their way out!

You can't help but notice one bandit is wearing a particularly special bath robe that still has it's tags on it, it says Purchased from Mazzle's pay in Steem Online shop

You can't let this evil crime go unpunished - you paid allot for the room and those robes are very cozy!


What the?...These dressy robes seem to be magical. The power of the robes mean you require a massive attack score of 5 to win this Stage (You must score a hit of 5 or more to win this Stage).

Special field info for this Stage (check for your class): Those robes are such great quality and magical have Steem emblems on the back, making them super magic resistant: 

Warrior: Player has no change

Wizard: Player to remove 1 point from your hit point score

Archer: Player has no change

Game Instructions

You need to self manage your character, you have 3 life points (3 attempts) to defeat the foe:

-Here is a heart image that you can use to show your current life count

 - It is hoped in a future IBT this process can be automated, but for now it is a manual DIY process.

Find Detailed Bot instructions here 

Quick Summary of attack Commands per class are:

Archer attack: !sendanarrow or !sendabunchofarrows 

Warrior attack: !mightystab or !mightyslash

Wizard attack:!magiczap or !magicblast

You need to calculate if you won the fight or not? If you won in the first attempt, you will win Steem! and you just need to keep an eye on the campaign map to see when the next stage is ready and you can move on. 

If you didn't you lose a life and may try again or just wait for the next Stage - it's totally up to you :)

To calculate your true damage you need to add/remove from the bot provided hit points number any positive/negative effects from any items you currently have or any other special field effects listed

Remember: This is a work in progress and you are supporting the work by playing and providing in the field testing :)

HAve a great time!

Special thanks to @spaceginger  for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above Other images were captured from the abandonware game a bards tale. Bot images are original and created by LordRoach and are used with full permission. 100% of Steem raised will be split evenly and given to those who win in the first attack.


Slotherin Wizard enter the battle with 3 life points ❤️❤️❤️
I think it's time these bathrobes get folded back to where they belong!


Bamm! Obtained item 3: Clock! +1 to players hit!


Equipped with the clock of time, the wizard decides to summon a powerful lightning!


You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening:
What the actual flying duck? You produce a lightening so powerful it turns into a dragon - The mother of all lightening spells! - You unleash it at your enemy with full force and watch as your foe gets annihilated with a 12 point hit!!! Youre Wizard, Harry...Wait no, you said you are Tom? Gasp

Gendlin is in love! This was the most magnificent spell he has seen! A fluffing dragon! Beautiful, so magnificent!

-1 (wizard) +1 (clock) +12 (roll) = 12 pts Vs. 5 pts (foe)

Proceeds to stage 3 with 3 life points ❤️❤️❤️

Piece of cake, back into the wardrobe you go! :^D


These monks have obviously never witnessed the chaos a gerbil like creature can cause in a robe.


Ugh...Obtained item 10: Gem! -3 to players hit!



You draw your sword and perform a powerful swing:
The sword slips out your hand hits a rock. Ha! A rookie mistake....but the battlefield does not forgive. The enemy leaps towards you with two big steps and sinks his sword into your chest. Without any mercy he watches you slowly sink to the ground as you exhale your last breath. You lose a life point.

These monks have gem encrusted underpants...


@lordnigel I can't remember, so the items carry from the previous round?

Nope no items carry over. Each Stage is independant! Your stuck with a -3 for this stage , but you have two more attempts if you like? Even if you lose all your lives you can play the next stage and start with all 3 life points again...This IBT is about having fun and we are getting lots of data from the bots/activities :)

Johan enters the Tavern.



Yikes! Obtained item 7: Aid! +1 points to enemy hit!



You draw your sword and perform a powerful overhead swing:
Whaaaaaat? INCREDIBLE! You run up to the enemy and deliver a blow that makes the earth shudder and the sound impact is heard even in the villages far beyond the Horizon. Are you Achilles? You enemy is destroyed by the monstrous blow the delivers a hit of 12 points. Songs of Glory will praise your name and Legends will tell the story of this battle.

Score needed: 5+1

Rolled 12 with mighty slash.

The wizard is now a bloody heap laying on the floor. Johan slips on the bloody robe, goes to his room and watches some Netflix.

haha awesome finish!

For sheer brute strength and clear taste in quality clothes, you have won a trophy token, please reply with your bitshares account within 7 days to receive.

Haha every warrior deserves a break :D

Pirates and magical bandits? How could this day get any worse.... Devi just wants a rest and some real opponents!



Oops...Obtained item 8: Shell! -1 to players hit!


Well the day just got worse...


Time to attack:
Odins Beard Shakens! You load a bunch of arrows in that deady bow-rifle of yours, take an almost too long aim and release in a swift move. All 3 arrows hit target and you do a large amount of damage, its a hit of 10 points. We can almost hear you mumble too easy...

Oh my gosh, I thought I would lose that!

Devi smirks, another flawless victory! (10-1=9, 9>5)

Angel Food reflects upon a previous pickpocket attempt.
PickPocketing is kinda fun, but when sleep, nice robes, and private bathrooms are at risk, one must, "go for the throat" as they say.

Angel Food takes another deep breath similar to the one comrades witnessed earlier and...


You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening:
The lightening produced by your magic hands would have been great....if your enemy were an ant. The foe laughs at the pathetic spark emitted from your boney fingers and takes you down with a swift counter. You loose a life and your Wizard steet cred!

medic? I'm done. Zero hears I think.

Hey mate - I'm currently allowing play on under the rules I posted in enrolment and previous development posts - Each player gets 3 life points per Stage! this is because the stages are gonna get more and more difficult and I want everyone to have a shot at the big Steem at the end..You have 2 life points left :)

Right, got it. Thanks for your patience.


You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening:
You barely maintain control of the powerful blast, but clip the enemy for a large hit of 8 points. Nice try, maybe next time.

After shaking off the might retaliation, angel food returns another blast...
as time begins to slow down angel food food potion from the previous battle and contemplate it's influence.
The dust settles and Angel Food and enemy robe robbers appeared to be standing face-to-face once more.
Angel Food blinks once to check for signs of movement. Angel Food blinks a second time to confirm his own status...
Seems fine enemy was a 5 and sustained a +6 from Angel Food.

"This is a nice robe." says Angel Food.


In this IBT, pickpocketed items do not carry over from one stage to the next. So that potion from stage 1 wore off. On this stage, there is a class rule that gives wizards a -1 modifier to their rolls on this stage. The correct resolution of this roll was: 8 - 1 (wizard) = 7. So you performed better than you originally thought.

In future stages, please make sure that you account for all stage modifiers and that you only apply item modifiers from items that you acquired or activated on the current stage.



!picksomepockets - steal an item from the foe!
!sendanarrow - Shoot a single arrow (Archer Class)
!sendabunchofarrows - Send a bunch of arrows (Archer Class)
!magiczap - Perform a fireball attack (Wizard Class)
!magicblast - Perform a Lightening attack (Wizard Class)
!mightystab - Perform a stab attack (Warrior Class)
!mightyslash - Perform a Sword Slash attack (Warrior Class)
!listofcommands - Show Manual of available commands.

Hipno wizard goes into battle with his remaining 3 life points❤️❤️❤️
I think they better return the bathrobes now (1).gif



Look at that! Obtained item 5: Grub! +2 to players hit!



You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening:
The lightening strike hits true, and you do significate damage with a hit of 10! Also 10 points for Gryffindor!

yes another victory
10+2-1=11 and I only needed 5 great stuff!

You have been working on those spells haven't you! Well done!

"Piyopiyopiyo piyopiyo piyo!"

Source: KDE/AIC

Back into battle for Chick Norris... he has 3 life points.


Yikes! Obtained item 7: Aid! +1 points to enemy hit!



You draw your sword and perform a quick swing...
LOL, you missed! The enemy is ready to counter and cleans off your head like a warm slice of butter. You lose a life, you fool. I think you need a little more practice stable boy!

2 life points left for this stage, need a 6 (5 base + 1 aid) to win...


You draw your sword and perform a quick swing...
LOL, you missed! The enemy is ready to counter and cleans off your head like a warm slice of butter. You lose a life, you fool. I think you need a little more practice stable boy!

Gendlin does not tolerate thieves!!! They are going to pay... pun intended.
Also this is a nice opportunity to test his new, possibly very dangerous spell. Heheheheee :D


You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening:
You barely maintain control of the powerful blast, but clip the enemy for a large hit of 8 points. Nice try, maybe next time.

-1 (wizard) +8 (roll) = 7 pts Vs. 5 pts (foe)

Gendlin slightly tripped in his slippers while casting the spell. Luckily no innocents were hurt. All is great! The spell may need a little tweaking tho.

James can't deal with not being the best dressed in the vicinity...
Angry, he does a twirl, and commands
"Cacnea, Pin Missle!"


Time to attack:
What a show off you are!! Your hands move swiftly, your stance is impeccable, you are cooler than a bucket of ice on a sunny afternoon. All 3 arrows hit home and your foe crumbles at the mighty 12 point hit you just dealed.

Cacnea's pin missle hits..
A critical hit!
And wait what's happening?
Defeating a whole group of fancy robe wearers in one move must be alot of XP...

Haha love it! Well done, Cacnea even evolved right there on the battlefield!

Salty Yellow Wizard

I've heard rumors of these terrycloth bandits! Seeing them in real life just makes me extra salty. As a purveyor of fine robed garments, there is only one option... Attack!!


Ugh...Obtained item 10: Gem! -3 to players hit!



You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening:
Unfortunately you were standing in a puddle of water and electricute yourself..Lol you are the worst magician ever and you should feel bad. I mean cmon, a puddle?! You lose a life, you big goof.

Yikes!!!! Salty levels are rising!!!

Bunny Fluff has 3 life points Bad bandits think Bunny fluff is a fluffy towel and try to steal him. But Bunny Fluff is a mighty wizard and will show the bad bandits they can't mess with Fluff power.



You tune in deeply to your inner chackras and summon a lightening
The lightening is out of control and hits some innocient civillians that happen to be walking by. A mob of peasants gathers around and shoves that naughty wand up your A..And you are a dead magician now. You loose a life, Harry.

oh no, maybe my fluff power is too powerful, even for me. Not giving up though!


You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening:
The lightening strike hits true, and you do significate damage with a hit of 10! Also 10 points for Gryffindor!


He Man is unimpressed by clowns in robes, even if they purchased them from @mazzle's shop.


You draw and swing your sword:
It almost slipped out of your (rather weak) hand. You manage a small cut and damage the enemy with an (awkward) hit of 2 points. Step up your game, son!


Time to Attack:
All these years, all the practice, all the sweat and pain have been leading up to this.....moment of perfection. You lean back, let the calm become one with you and seem to rest....then you swiftly swing your and perform a legendary drangonslayer combo. Your moves are so fast, the enemy does not see you coming...and so powerful, you deliver a devastating hit of 6 points. Teach us your ways, Senpai.

that's better

Helps when you aim, nicely played! :)

Raktan the Orc Archer

Raktan the Orc Archer can't believe what he is seeing. Who would stoop so low as to steal a persons robe!?
"Sirs! If you do not remove those robes, I will be forced to shoot! Sirs?....."
Raktan the orc sends a bunch of arrows at the robed bandits.


Time to attack:
Odins Beard Shakens! You load a bunch of arrows in that deady bow-rifle of yours, take an almost too long aim and release in a swift move. All 3 arrows hit target and you do a large amount of damage, its a hit of 10 points. We can almost hear you mumble too easy...

Raktan rolls a 10 and beats the required 5.

Raktan begins fussing over his crossbow and shakes his head as he sees how bloody the robes have gotten.
"Why would these miscreants do such a thing! I hope none of my bolts were bent in the exchange..."

It's the care you take with your weapon that leads to victory!


Serra Angel has no need for sleep or a soiled robe but she will not tolerate thievery. She performs a sweeping shield bash pushing all the bandits back and off balance and attacks with Oblivion!


You draw your sword and perform a powerful overhead swing:
Whaaaaaat? INCREDIBLE! You run up to the enemy and deliver a blow that makes the earth shudder and the sound of impact is heard even in the villages far beyond the horizon. Are you Achilles? You enemy is destroyed by the monstrous blow that delivers a hit of 12 points. Songs of Glory will praise your name and Legends will tell the story of this battle.

Need 5 hit for 12. 3 life points remaining!

Behold the fearsome power of Oblivion! The bandits die quickly, with broken hearts. The last thing they see is the beautiful Serra Angel standing over them while they bleed out.

Crickey, what a display of power!

Lady P, who still has 3 lives, is decidedly miffed at those who would dare be so uncouth as to steal that which is not theirs, and even worse is abusing the magical power of such artifacts as those robes appear to be. She readies herself for dishing out fair retribution.


Time to attack:
Mr. Hood - Its a Head shot! Your shot is so perfect, if anyone saw, theyd know you are one bad dawg when equipped with a bow, you pierce the enemy for a hit of 6 points!

I tip my hat to that one


NinjaCat picks some pockets before kicking those robes back into the cupboard!

Current status : U5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpg U5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpg U5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpg

Current Equipment : Grub (+2 to hit).


Blimey! Obtained item 4: Bomb! -3 points to enemy hit!


Alright... so I guess that means I just need a score of 2 to beat these dudes... which I already have from the Grub... so I guess until I roll a negative number I am sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.


You draw and swing your sword:
The years of practice with a wooden knifey boi are not lost on you! Eager for your first blood you strike well and the enemy takes damage, with a hit of 4 points. Senpai, notice me!

image source


Need shower


Oops! Obtained item 12: Key! +2 points to enemy hit!



You gather your inner energy and produce a lightning bolt:
The lightning produced by your magic hands would have been great....if your enemy were an ant. The foe laughs at the pathetic spark emitted from your bony fingers and takes you down with a swift counterstrike. You lose a life and your Wizard street-cred!

Badluck, you still have 2 life points; keep trying if you like or just move on to the next stage :). It doesn't matter if you jumped first few stages as playing isn't compulsory, but is more fun to play them in order (you can't go backwards and play though as will confuse people)....Will need to ask our field judge @doughtaker what he thinks if people did that? hmmn

In this edition of the IBT, order doesn't really matter from stages 1-6 because lives and inventories are reset for each new stage. If there were to be carryovers, or a point standings system based on success (as measured by fewest attempts to pass each stage), or PvP, then following the stages in order would be mandatory and it would be necessary for each player to declare whenever they are leaving a stage.

Japanese warrior are entering the battle with 3 life points


You draw your sword slowly but determinedly and try to attack from the back:
Wow, you little sneak! You took the enemy off-guard and totally sliced that shit up! You land a hit of 10 points, you ninja!

Very nice cleave!


Bamm! Obtained item 3: Clock! +1 to players hit!



You draw your sword slowly but determinedly and try to attack from the back:
Wow, you little sneak! You took the enemy off-guard and totally sliced that shit up! You land a hit of 10 points, you ninja!

ZOOL the cruel the call me now - soon i will be ready to cleave the world!!!!

Haha Zool is back..hangover is healed :)

Life ❤️❤️❤️

Sir SpeaksAlot is stunned by the brazen behavior of these hooligans and decides to attempt to put a stop to these Shenanigans.

"Stop this now... Those robes do not belong to you... I payed good money to for these, and I demand that I get my moneys worth."

The group of robe thieving Jawa's stop in their tracks... Turned to face the Peacock.

"Who made you the boss of us? Bugger off you bird."

Then they turned around to make their escape.

"Stop... In the name of goodness and my comfort."

The little people turned around, mumbled to each other with their beady little red eyes . Each one pulled out a knife and began to charge the bird.

"Oh crap... they called my bluff."

Sir SpeaksAlot in desperation pulled back six arrows, one for each of the little fellas with one to spare.

stage 2.png

Love this picture!

Yeah I couldn't resist, when I saw the bunch of arrows command. The problem was waiting to use it :)


Time to attack:
OMG! What are you doing? You go to draw three arrows but forget to put your belt on and your pants fall down. You drop your bow to protect your Tralala and are forced to run from the battle field. As you flee, flashing everyone with your bare buttcheeks, the foe gently inserts a knife in your back lose a life! Please bring your belt next time!

Life: ❤️❤️

Sir SpeakAlot was wounded by the knife attack but confused by his retreat. For his Birdhood was tucked neatly away amongst his neither feathers.

"What am I a mere man Running away as thought me peen will be on display? I will show these little monsters who is boss."

In an act of utter nonsense, Sir SpeaksAlot Pulled out a batch of blue face paint and rubbed it across his already blue face. He then pulled back six more arrows, this time determined to vanquish his foes.

stage 2.1.png


Time to attack:
Odins Beard Shakes! You load a bunch of arrows in that deady bow-rifle of yours, take an almost-too-long aim and release them in a swift move. All 3 arrows hit target and you do a large amount of damage - its a hit of 10 points. We can almost hear you mumble too easy...

The remaining two Jawas begin to panic but alas it was to late for their unfortunate souls, for as soon as they were upon Sir SpeaksAlot he had pulled out his little sword and in a swift move beheaded the two remaining assailants.

"Oh crap..."

Sir SpeaksAlot looked around for witnesses. He did not detect a soul, so he breathed easy for a minute.

"Oh don't worry."

Sir SpeaksAlot spun around, to look square into the eyes of the blonde Pirate from the docks.

"Yeah they were total @##holes too. I totally flagged the bunch of them. They deserved this, don't worry bro, your secrets safe with me."

Then he snuck off to the shadows.

Sir SpeaksAlot attempted to retrieve one of the robes, but it was soaked with blood.

"Well @#$%, that's what I get for trying to save a bit of coin. Let's hope the hot tub is working."

No one steals the cozy robes! Infuriated, Injoker casted all of his spells against the thief for stealing the robes.


D-oh! Obtained item 9: Boots! -1 to players hit!


There goes my good start! :( Injoker faces the robe thief with a mighty EMP blast!


You gather your inner energy and produce a lightning bolt:
The lightning produced by your magic hands would have been great....if your enemy were an ant. The foe laughs at the pathetic spark emitted from your bony fingers and takes you down with a swift counterstrike. You lose a life and your Wizard street-cred!

D-oh! Life:

Finally we're going for sleep.. The local tavern sounds like a decent place to rest my bones. As i walk towards it, i bump into some people with some people wearing soft fluffy bath robes with hoods . They look the same as those advertised by the tavern as to be complimentary with the room . I can't help but notice that one bandit is wearing a particularly special bath robe that still has it's tags on it, saying Purchased from Mazzle's pay in Steem Online shop. Mm i think they are bandits and just have raided the tavern and stolen those items. Luckily i'm in the right place at the right time. I can't let this evil crime go unpunished! Oh wait a minute, these dressy robes seem to be magical. The power of the robes seem to require a massive attack from me in order to defeat them.. I'll try and see whether they have something i can borrow from them that might help me increase my attack strength.


Sorry we are having some bot trouble for the Easter weekend, please see the Stage Six post for info and alternatives.

Looks like the Gods are against me .. I have 3 life points and i'm ready for attack!


Tired from the last fight poopy the wizard tries to pick some pockets to get a little advantage.


Oops! Obtained item 12: Key! +2 points to enemy hit!


Well, that didn't work out... Poopy tries to do a magic blast!


You summon up your inner energy and produce a lightening:
You barely maintain control of the powerful blast, but clip the enemy for a large hit of 8 points. Nice try, maybe next time.

Poopy blasts the raiders away. Don't mess with poopy if he's angry! Life points left: Heart.jpgHeart.jpgHeart.jpg

Its time to kick some....


You draw and swing with your sword:
You hit like a small child and the attack is easiely reflected. You fool! Underestimating your foe is no way to victory! The enemy bursts out laughing. Gobbo observed the scene unfold, well hiden in a nearby bush. He rushes over to finish you off @gobbo

Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.

The sneaky git hits for a 6.


You draw your sword and perform a quick swing...
LOL, you missed! The enemy is ready to counter and slices off your head like a hot knife through butter. You lose a life, you fool. I think you need a little more practice stable-boy!


Ok, I don't know why @schopenhauer didn't roll here... try issuing the command in response to its reply that your first mighty slash on Gobbo failed. (Or, you can skip this battle and move on to stage 3 since you are now out of the running for the stage prize.)


You draw and swing your sword:
It almost slipped out of your (rather weak) hand. You manage a small cut and damage the enemy with an (awkward) hit of 2 points. Step up your game, son!

Ok...just following your battle now, so you got killed by Gobbo here and down to 2 life points


You draw and swing your sword:
It almost slipped out of your (rather weak) hand. You manage a small cut and damage the enemy with an (awkward) hit of 2 points. Step up your game, son!

Fear my wrath for I am Psyche Deloun! Only I posses the true essence of wizardry and you shall suffer for your disgraceful insolence!



You gather your inner energy and produce a lightning:
The lightening strike hits true, and you do significate damage with a hit of 10! Also 10 points for Gryffindor!

A nice display! note lives reset each stage

Well done psychedelic Wizard :P

Malakai jumps from shadow to shadow, approaching the fuzzy robed bandits unnoticed. Using sleight of hand he checks all their pockets for something to aid in their defeat.


Life points
U5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpeg U5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpeg U5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpeg


Bamm! Obtained item 3: Clock! +1 to players hit!


Not wanting to damage any of those robes, Malakai dives indont of the job and looses his arrows into the center of each hood.


DQmNmKUP6VgdfQemc8JHvTHA3J74X58HkkGYT2wkYVtocsT.jpeg Clock, +1 to players hit.

Life points
U5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpeg U5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpeg U5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpeg


You load your bow with 3 arrows and shoot:
Pathetic! The string breaks and you trip over, and land on your own arrow like a total noob - you lose a life

Life points
U5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpeg U5dqq8c5XLcS2KqeVFuSonwfdyrHF9k_1680x8400.jpeg

Roach the archer steps up for the battle once again, he decides to aim for the head! in an effort not to wreck the fine cloth.

I currently have 3 life points the last moment instead of shooting he checks for goodies


Oops! Obtained item 12: Key! +2 points to enemy hit!

Key.jpg this is gonna be tough


Time to attack:
Odins Beard Shakens! You load a bunch of arrows in that deady bow-rifle of yours, take an almost too long aim and release in a swift move. All 3 arrows hit target and you do a large amount of damage, its a hit of 10 points. We can almost hear you mumble too easy...

Mahaha Super sweet skills!

Yeah! so to win I needed a 5
..but the enemy had a bonus of a +2 (due to Key!) item
Meaning i need to hit for 7
..I'm an archer so no special effect

I hit for 10 - WooHoo!!! down with the bandit turds.


Look at that! Obtained item 5: Grub! +2 to players hit!


Hey mate - when ready, just play on from here - Pick an attack and go for it it :)

Brutal hangover - ZOOL is after some neurofen


Now choose your attack type and go for it ;)