You have made it to the heart of the castle and finally after all this, it's time to face the boss man!
An Old Wizard of great power stands before you, but he does not immediately attack, he seems to be doing something sneaky......
.....he is summoning a very powerful spell.
The complete butt head has cast a Freeze spell on our IBT bot @schopenhauer Wt??
If only archer roach was here to interrupt with a quick arrow, but alas he is kicking back and reading the The Unofficial IBT Book of Universal Records and the slacker will be too late to join the battle.
... Before you can react a second spell has been cast.
The madness has taken hold and the confusion spell has you in it's grips, you are compelled to attack each other and only the strongest of you will survive... to flee with what riches you can grab on the way out :)
Special rules for the boss round.
- There are no items allowed
- The basic attack is not allowed (!sendanarrow, !mightystab and !magiczap) are all not allowed
- No pick pocketing is allow (!picksomepockets) is not allowed
- There is no special field effect
Game Instructions for the boss round
Quick Summary of attack Commands per class are:
Archer attack: !sendabunchofarrows
Warrior attack: !mightyslash
Wizard attack:!magicblast
IF the experimental IBT bot is unable to free himself from the Freeze Spell: if the commands above don't work, feel free to roll a simple 6 sided dice against each other
Simple dice attack method: @rollthedice
Rules of engagement are and Boss Round points:
You must reply below with a challenge, for example:
"Ï challenge Slotherin Wizard (Cryptonik), time for your end!! - sorry I'm under some crazy mind control"
Followed be an attack command (for your class) for example:
" !sendabunchofarrows" OR @rollthedice if the command fails and your willing to play with standard dice only.
The bot will activate and the results will be shown.
The player challenged may respond with a single accept reply, for example:
"Your doge arrows will not work on me, I'm a doge wizard"
Followed be an attack command (for your class) for example:
"!magicblast" OR @rollthedice
Interpreted results of the fight:
- Which ever player scored the largest hit wins and receives two boss round points.
- Should the battle result in a tie, both players receive one boss round point each
- Should you lose you receive a 0 and may not fight that player again.
- Should any player miss it counts as a 0
Special note: A player does not have to accept a challenge, the attack may simply be ignored and no points will be awarded to anyone. You may only challenge another player once. If for some reason two players challenge each other at the same time, you may only fight against each other if it came down to it, I would go with which reply was entered first.
Any player who enroled in IBT#4 may play in the Boss Round; they did not need to be successful in all Stages up to this point for a shot at the big prizes.
The top 3 players, with the most boss round points will be awarded the serious Steem prizes.
@Doughtaker our most excellent field judge will drop by to confirm if you won the fight or not?
Remember: This is a work in progress and you are supporting the work by playing and providing in the field testing :)
I have decided to cap the prize pool for the grand prize at 30 Steem; all other steem made for the grand prize will be rolled over to IBT#5. If there are concerns with this decision, feel free to reply to me in a post (if there is a protest I will release all Steem raised, but the protest must be within 1 day of this posting).
I will be posting a feedback post as per usual....Please your ideas and suggestions for improvement are needed again my apology for the game interrupts.
HAve a great time!
Special thanks to @spaceginger for his artistic skills with the Interactive Battle Tournament Image above Other images were captured from the abandonware game dragonwars. Bot images are original and created by LordRoach and are used with full permission.
Shouldn't the person challenged accept and then initiate the dice roll? Otherwise the challenger is at a huge disadvantage. The person challenged will accept the challenge if the roll is low and decline if the roll is high. What do you guys think?
For example if I am challenged and my opponent rolls a 6. I won't accept because the best I can do is tie and I have a 5/6 chance of losing.
Hmm... you do have a point. The current procedure is based on the PvP rules in the last IBT where an attacker (the player issuing a challenge) had to declare an item to go after from the defender's inventory, and if successful the attacker would loot that item. A couple of clauses making it more risky to issue a challenge had to be added to prevent probable spam from players who had no inventory (and originally, nothing to lose) repeatedly attacking those with items.
On the other hand, as the defender, you could stall and wait to see how the standings unfold. Suppose it's 5 minutes until post payout (the end of the tournament) and you're in a tie for 1st place, with one pending battle from an opponent near the bottom of the standings who has attacked you with that 6. In this case, you would want to accept that challenge because you have that 1/6 chance of winning the tournament outright should you tie.
Furthermore, I'm not sure that there exists a ruleset that would be 100% abuse-proof. I'm not going to say how right now, but I do know of a way that I could easily put challengers/attackers at an equal, if not bigger disadvantage under your proposal.
I'm going to defer to @lordnigel on this one and let him have the final say on this.
Notes/thoughts below - is this inline with the general principal of rules posted so far?
-not sure it improves over "Shouldn't the person challenged accept and then initiate the dice roll?". I think this is probably best suggestion...
but in typical IBT fashion, the proposal i put is possibly more inline with the rules posted to date.
For the moment, I'll accept either method, until our resident field judge responds :)
I think it's a great point and yeah I struggled to think of something that would be simple enough that people all understand how to play yet fair enough no one at disadvantage.
The only suggestion I can see to improve (without radical change), would be to say as you don't have to accept the challenge you may instead do a totally fresh reply and state " I counter challenge" and roll. It's then even & up to each defender to choose to accept and defend roll or not, against either if this makes sense.
We can't have spam going off though, so if you have challenged or counter-challenged a player once, you may not do so again. Remembering no one needs to accept, one would think eventually people will as they keep score of their points and others and eventually need to take risk and win to get some points. The clear benefit here, is to basically challenge as many people as you can...what do you think @doughtaker - you have much better vision of possibilities and permutations then I, should this do the trick and still be inline with the general principals I indicated at start (not too radical a change?) and if so I'll update it in the post rules above.
This is exactly why I think we should just keep things as they are. Because if people try to stall long enough, they should realize that they eventually have to take that risk or get left behind on the leaderboard. None of the proposals so far change the dynamic that someone could potentially be at a huge advantage or disadvantage, and makes more work for us and a higher chance that we mess up somewhere while tallying the results.
If you want me to rule on this, I say that there's no point in changing the rule right now, as some challenges have already been resolved. So we'll just keep things as they are. In the offseason I'll take a closer look and see if I can devise a better system.
That sounds good. I didn't necessarily expect changes immediately.
🚩 🚩 🚩 UPDATE: April 4, 08:09 P NZT, @schopenhauer is back up 🚩 🚩 🚩
The Freeze Spell has worn off!
You gather your inner energy and produce a lightning bolt:
The lightning produced by your magic hands would have been great....if your enemy were an ant. The foe laughs at the pathetic spark emitted from your bony fingers and takes you down with a swift counterstrike. You lose a life and your Wizard street-cred!
(RandoHealer has healed this post because you have been randomly selected from the whitelist. Lucky!)
Team Rocket Challenges you!
"Cacturne use Mega Kick!"
Prepare for trouble @sanctus !
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 2.
I accept!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
Ouch, not exactly huge dice rolls, but looks like Team rocket won this match-up; 2 boss points to team rocket.
"Phew- I thoughts weez wuz gonnerz!"
good fight!
@kristyglas I challenge you! Prepare to have your pajamas cut to ribbons by Serra Angels' sword Oblivion!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
I accept!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
2 points to Gendlin (@kristyglas).
...but I think your launch of early attacks has really helped the competition to continue. I'd like to offera trophy for courage! please reply here within 7 days with your bitshares account to receive.
"P'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo..."
Source: KDE/AIC
Chick Norris wants more dead Gobbos. Seeing two Gobbos nearby, Chick Norris quickly beats the crap out of them (but leaves them still conscious), breaks their limbs and rolls each one up into its own "ball". Chick Norris bounces one balled-up Gobbo on the ground towards the nearest competitor, then takes the second Gobbo and hurls it towards that competitor's head, which happened to be Team Rocket (@stayyoung).
Team Rocket... Chick Norris has challenged you to a game of Gobball! The rules are simple. Take that balled-up Gobbo next to you, and throw it at this @gobbo flying in the air towards you!
When the Gobbos collide, one (or both) will die...
the winner of this game shall be the one whose Gobbo survived!
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 5.
Meowth throws an @gobbo
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 6.
Looks like Meowth's proficiency with yarn balls transferred over to gobbo balls...
Haha Gobboballs everywhere; 2 points to the rocket team!.
"P'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo..."
(Translation: Mmmm.... what kind of power does that old wizard have to make Gobbo brains taste like bread?)
Source: KDE/AIC
Chick Norris wants more of this "food", so that means he needs more dead Gobbos. Seeing two Gobbos nearby, Chick Norris quickly beats the crap out of them (but leaves them still conscious), breaks their limbs and rolls each one up into its own "ball". Chick Norris bounces one balled-up Gobbo on the ground towards the nearest competitor, then takes the second Gobbo and hurls it towards that competitor's head, which happened to be Pickles (@bengy).
Pickles... Chick Norris has challenged you to a game of Gobball! The rules are simple. Take that balled-up Gobbo next to you, and throw it at this @gobbo flying in the air towards you!
When the Gobbos collide, one (or both) will die...
the winner of this game shall be the one whose Gobbo survived!
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 3.
Pickles picks up his Gobball and hurls it into the air!
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 5.
Gobball win! This page is starting to take ages to load!
Hehe it's a gobbo snow ball match!
eck Surely this is gonna break IBT records (maybe even Steemit records) most number of replies and gobbo's thrown!
2 boss points for Bengy
Or break gobbo...
"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"Ok @yura81 Team Rocket says
I challenge Johan!! @sanctus My days of low dice rolls are over! give me two boss points please. @rollthedice
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
I accept! @doctorcrypto
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
Eck..another 2 for the good Dr (, worse luck on that one; must have slipped on a banana peel, just as fight started hehe).
Johan Challenges Slotherin Wizard @cryptonik !
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
I accept! Prepare for total annihilation! @rollthedice
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
Well...this is awkward
hehe's a draw that's 1 boss round point each :)
You know the motto, Team Rocket challenges you @doctorcrypto
Oh boy here we go!
I choose you number 6!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
Meowth uses payday!
Sbd scatters across the battlefield!
First reply with $payday to this comment wins .04 sbd!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 2.
(GETTING LUCKY WITH 2's)@doctorcrypto gets ript'o new one by some flying SBD!
$payday for you....
Beaten by a 2. Shamefull!
Hey, atleast you were the lucky recipient of some $payday SBD!
Almost feels as good as...
Dig through prior battle posts, and maybe win some more? Maybe tell a friend?
I need to read the rules again. I've won 2 and lost one. Do I continue? I haven't challenged anyone yet.
Shimazu Toyohisa Challenges Slotherin Wizard @cryptonik
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
Can I accept multiple challenges @doughtaker? Because I sure as hell will! Prepare for destruction Shimazu Toyohisa! @rollthedice
Yes. If you are facing multiple challengers at once, you get to choose which ones you want to defend against, and in what order.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
Sweet! a draw..1 boss point for you each :)
@doctorcrypto I challenge you to a duel to avenge the poor dragon you hurt!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
At least it's not a 0... :P
Hehe Optimism, I love it!
I accept!!!! Come on dice!!!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
Woohoo! I'm on a hot streak!!!
Another 2 points for the resident DR!
ok @doctorcrypto! har harrrrrr -ye had me waitin' for ye today!!!! at the PYPT pub. I paid for 2 rums fer our date - and ye stood me up??? arghhhhhh lucky that the rum didn't go to waste - but hell hath no fury!!!!!!!!!!! (hehehe just kidding - but you should come next time)
but .... a duel!!!!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 2.
pfffft. typical. must be male dice. they all stick together!
Haha!!! I accept!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
wooowee! Just barely!
Sorry :( I thought the show was later.
hehehehe its ok!!! i just am sad that you missed out on the LOOT! hehe there's always next time!
and did you seriously just kill me?!?!?!?!?!!
WHERE is the justice in the world!!!!!
HE stood ME up! HE's supposed to die!!!!!
Haha oh man, your in the poop!
@Doctorcrypto, what have I told you about neglecting IBT players, then killing them on the battle field..
All i can say is..... i cannot WAIT for next IBT game. Vengeance will be miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
(unless of course both @doctorcrypto AND @lordnigel play my Treasure Hunt next week. hehehehe yep. he dragged you into it @lordnigel)
Sounds good to me :)
hehe slightly overcome by fear of disappointing the dreemsteem, based on conflict with the good doctor
hahahahaha i'm really not such a tiger. your IBT just brings out the fire in me - all this battle and slashing.... LOL
i'm quite a kitten in real life ;)
Angel Food suddenly hears a painful ringing as he seen the Old Wizard. Angel Food wants to attach the Old Wizard, but feels an uncontrollable urge to challenge @stayyoung
Team Rocket accepts!
"Good thing the boss lent us this pokemon!"
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
Arcanine uses fireblast!
"Aww nice ki... Oooh that looks hot!" says Angel Food.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
@dreemsteem I challenge you! I hope that smelly pirate hooker you entered is ready to atone for her sins!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
I'm going to have to fire this dice bot right away. These rolls are horrendous....
Are you wondering why the Dice of Destiny has smite thee?????
It's because sir..... I may be a pirate... but I am also....a LADY!!!! LOL the dicebot has frowned upon your shameful words to the gentler gender!!!
I'll roll the dice... but i think I'm already dead because the cruel-hearted @doctorcrypto first put a knife deep into my bosom when he left me standing at the bar (yep - pretty much never gonna live that one down). and second - twisted the knife when his roll was higher than mine.
but ill roll again??? @lordnigel - no idea what happens when i am challenged from the grave.... i'll let you sort it out! hahha
Jeezuz! I was an hour late.
My times were mixed up... I thought the show was later.
an hour late. an hour of me.... pining and crying.... wondering if maybe a hurricane had taken hold of yer ship.
wondering if some blackguard had run ye through with his sword.
wondering if ye be passed out drunk in the gutter somewhere while a ne'er do well did take advantage of ye!
but no. just lost track of the time!!!!!!!!
(LOLOLOLOL how long shall i make ye pay???)
It was a long day.
Sorry I missed it.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
Nice 2 boss points to dreemsteem.
In this IBT you can't die (just make no boss points if lose), can fight all players once only though.
Arghh! Now I sound like a pirate after getting stabbed!
Actually almost 1for1... But rolling snake eyes does suck!
@stayyoung I challenge you! Team rocket prepare to meet your doom! Serra Angel swings Oblivion...
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
Very well, Team Rocket accepts!...
(A summon from a planeswalker is kinda like a pokemon)
"Cacturne use Pin Missile!"
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
"Did that flying/fairy type....
just block all those pin missiles?!?!"
Nice another draw 1 boss point each :)
Malakai throws his bow. With a crazed look in his eye he starts throwing Gobbos everywhere.
This one is headed for you Angel Food
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 2.
Angel Food pauses for a moment to enjoy the spectacle of gobbo carnage provided by @lokii
The smell of gobbo remains is horrendous. Angel Food gags...
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 1.
2 points to Malakai (@lokii).
As Angel Food gaggs, one of @lokii's gobbos bounces on the ground in front of Angel Food, and bounces up directly into Angel Food's genitalia.
The Old Wizard is laughing historically as his overlapping, hypnotic face leaves Angel Food's consciousness. Angel Food smiles as Death releases him from the Old Wizard's spell.
Observers only see a frozen Angel Food eventually fall over as the wind picks up.
Angel Food, under the influence of the Old Wizard's spell attacks @dreemsteem...
may need to use gobbo as workaround, see above
Suddenly a small creature appears with a confused expression on his face. Angel Food's little creature looks harmless when compared to the dragon he summoned earlier.
The small creature's face turns to agony as it busts into flames and begins to levitate. Angel Food launches the burning creature at @dreemsteem...
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 5.
ok so i think i'm understanding... (i was away from steemit for a bit and now coming back to wade through replies hahahah)
ok so here is my "roll" then right @steemseph - and shees i need to beat a 5!!!! ughhhh
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 5.
ho ho!!!!!! now what @lordnigel I blocked @steemsteph's attack against me with the same roll.
do we toss a gobbo again?
Angel Food, under the influence of the Old Wizard's spell attacks @doughtaker...
And apparently "rollthedice" is under the influence of the Old Wizard's Freeze spell... try to roll again in a few hours.
I noticed gobbo works, so people could try this (...running out of bots)
Gobbo is a 6 sided dice :) @gobbo
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 6.
Seeing the carnage playing out, @doughtaker decides it would be wise to call in a distraction! The hypnotized Angel Food shows very little caution and coincidentally summons a similar creature... as a projectile. Angel Food looking more and more like a broken puppet fighting its puppet masters, levitates one of the small green creatures, ignites the creature and launches it at @doughtaker
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 3.
If @lordnigels roll counts for @doughtakers roll, Angel Food is toast. I will except either one.
I challenge @canadianrenegade for more shitz and giggles :)
Time to attack:
OMG! What are you doing? You go to draw three arrows but forget to put your belt on and your pants fall down. You drop your bow to protect your Tralala and are forced to run from the battle field. As you flee, flashing everyone with your bare buttcheeks, the foe gently inserts a knife in your back lose a life! Please bring your belt next time!
Arghhh!!! well at least our bot buddy is back if anyone wants to try! hehe :)
Apparently Roach thought that he won the initial encounter with Serra Angel but he only hit wing feathers.
You draw your sword and perform a powerful overhead swing:
Fortunately you make contact and do significant damage with a hit of 8 points. Well played!
Roaches trousers fall to the ground. Is this some sort of perverted come on?
Serra doesn't wait to find out what Roach intends to do next. A swift backhand with her wing knocks him unconscious.
haha ...ouch!
Angel Food suddenly hears a painful ringing as he sees the Old Wizard. Angel Food wants to attack the Old Wizard, but suddenly turns around with deadly glowing eyes aimed at @cryptonik who has also succumbed to the Old Wizard's spell...
Let me show you some magic! @rollthedice
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
Angel Food is frightened and frustrated as he powerlessly experiences a new companion engage him in deadly battle.
Angel Food remembers the pause he created while thinking of a donut and...
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 5.
2 points to Angel Food (@steemseph).
Angel Food could not hear his own screem. He could only hear the manic rejuvenated cackling of The Old Wizard who was thoroughly enjoy the depth of his treachery.The thought of a donut only seemed to make his sociopathically hypnotized body more frantic, efficient, and eventually deadly to @cryptonik
Angel Food Wins
Angel Food's eyes can see, but he see his body doing this he does not like. There are some things his eyes cannot unsee.
The Old Wizard is laughing as Angel Food, begins to attack @doctorcrypto...
This is my last chance.. I'm down to my last life.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
Angel Food is currently incapable of remorse. The Old Wizard's spell has hypnotized him so deeply he wonders if his body would even react to a donut. He only wants a donut.
Angel Food notices his rampage pause for a brief moment. It was if the thought of a donut had briefly paused the Old Wizard's spell. Maybe if he just concentrated...
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
2 points to Angel Food (@steemseph).
Third 6 in a row!
The Angel Food stuck inside of his own rampaging body is horrified by the end of the battle. Dental records could not help @doctorcrypto's comrades identify him.
Angel Food wins.
🚩 🚩 🚩 NOTICE 🚩 🚩 🚩
March 30, 7:42 pm UTC -- @rollthedice is up.
Angel Food suddenly hears a painful ringing as he seen the Old Wizard. Angel Food wants to attach the Old Wizard, but feels an uncontrollable urge.
Angel Food runs to the bathroom to find @lordnigel!!! Succumbing to the Old Wizard's spell, Angel Food loses all grace and attacks @lordnigel.
Haha unfortunately any attack for me doesn't count towards boss points, but I'll accept for shits and giggles :)
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
Angel Food can see @lordnigel speaking to him, but he doesn't see his body reacting to @lordnigel. Angel Food only sees the horrid grin of the Old Wizard overlaying his rampage.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
here I come!!!!As a hypno wizard I challenge you @steemseph
May need to use gobbo as workaround, see command above
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 1.
lol !!! rip me ;(
Haha oh man gobs throw stinks,
this spell has created crazy town!
Angel Food's unusual broken puppet movement stops for a moment and another small green creature appears. Again, the ugly green creature has a confused look on his face. Once again the expression quickly turns to agony as the creature burst into flames and levitates. Angle Food launches it at @masterswatch this time.
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 2.
Arrrgh, chaos what the hell is going on! Who is still alive?
@steemseph, you are the closest. Pickles challenges you!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
Angel Food and his hypnotized self turn to find more victims, but he stumbles over something he should normally consider cute...
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
I challenge @cryptonik a friendly duel for fun :D
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
2 points to Gendlin (@kristyglas).
Gendlin is on a challenge spree!I challenge @steemseph!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
Suddenly the tormented Angel Food locked inside the hypnotized berserker feels something wonderfully familiar. The overlay image of the Old Wizard seems disrupted for a moment and the Old Wizard looks surprised and pleasure.
Most of Angel Food's left side is ravaged and barely distinguishable through the flames. @kristyglas The hypnotized Gendlin and the puppet master Old Wizard are pleased.
Angel Food is comforted by this familiar deadly sensation that seemed long forgotten since succumbing to the control of The Old Wizard. This Angel Food fighting inside sees a sign of hope.
Sensing a possible end to the Old Wizard's treacherous spell controlling him, Angel Food concentrates on a donut again. His eyes experience his manic Angel Food's eyes turn to face the direction of the attack and...
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 2.
2 points to Gendlin (@kristyglas).
Angel Food's return attack is almost useless and severely diminished by the damage created by Gendlin's mighty attack.
Angel Food can no longer see the Old Wizard's face in his head. Angel Food feels whole again as pain and death overtake his experience. In death, he is relieved of the Old Wizard's spell.
Prepare for a meaty spell casted your way @doughtaker, I challenge you! @rollthedice
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
Yeah, you heard me!
Lol! My momma can roll a higher number then that...hehe
I've finally caught up on tracking who succeeded on their first attempts in the prior stages, and now I have a spare moment. Of course I'll accept this challenge.
I'll try to compile all the boss round points sometime tomorrow and get some kind of update posted.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
Tie -- 1 point each to Chick Norris (@doughtaker) and Slotherin Wizard (@cryptonik).
Lol it's been a row of ties for me so far!
Awesome stuff mate!
@lordnigel I challenge you! That crappy bow wielded by Roach will most likely break in his hand! Good luck hitting a flying target.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
Haha Archer roach isn't officially in this per post description due to fact I can't win steem, but for the heck of it (win doesn't count), eat arrow scum!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
Haha was the exact example you were talking about...easy win for me :)
Apparently when Serra Angel was spawned her luck attribute was severely lacking. Out of 8 rolls in this boss round only 1 has been over a 3.....
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 4.
Shimazu Toyohisa Challenges @doctorcrypto
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 5.
This is going to be a hard one to beat.
blows on the dice
Comon dice... Daddy needs a new pair of alchemy gloves!
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 6.
WooHoo!! That gobbo isn't so bad after all.
2 points to Salty Yellow Wizard (@doctorcrypto).
@doughtaker I challenge you! Chick Norris stands no chance against the mighty Serra Angel!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
Let's do this. @rollthedice
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
Well over a decade ago, Chick Norris found this mob of scumbags...
... and in a matter of seconds, turned them all (and the ground they were standing on) into this...
Source for all images: KDE/AIC
Serra Angel had no chance against the ranged superiority of Chick Norris.
"Piyo yo yooooooooooo!"
2 points to Chick Norris (@doughtaker).
This has been a rough campaign for Angel.....
@cryptonik I challenge you! Serra Angel could use a nice sloth skin cape to go with her battle gear.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 3.
Not on my watch you don't! @rollthedice
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 2.
Haha! I actually won a battle! Take that Slotherin!
2 points to Serra Angel (@canadianrenegade).
@doctorcrypto I challenge you! There is still a stench coming from Salty Yellow Wizard. He may have sharted a little. Serra Angel holds her breath as she moves in for the kill!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
Can we lose 3 times? is that how this is working? I've already lost one fight, so not sure if I go again or not.
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
2 points to Serra Angel (@canadianrenegade).
Doh! I'm down to one heart.
There are no life limits or hearts in the boss round. Challenge and/or answer the challenge of as many opponents as you wish.
I don't think the hearts matter this round it's just about haw many battles you win so you should be good to keep battling! Thanks for accepting a high risk battle!
As per doughtakers comment, you cannot die in this round - just keep fighting in hope to get most boss points.
@ravenruis I challenge you! Prepare to be cleaved from head to gizzard Lady :P
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 2.
Angel Food eats a donut and observes the chaos. "I think they are afraid of me." he mumbles while checking to see if his wand is still sticking out of his ass.
Still unsure why everyone is fighting, he carelessly shouts, "Has anyone seen the toilet?"
Angel Food suddenly hears a painful ringing as he sees the Old Wizard. Angel Food wants to attach the Old Wizard, but feels an uncontrollable urge... challenges @canadianrenegade
Angel Food cares not and releases his misguided fury...@canadianrenegade is still unaware of the looming danger. (Sometimes is better at showing mentiones.)
Angel Food Cake is getting overconfident if he thinks he has a chance against Serra Angel. Challenge accepted!
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 6.
Serra Angel takes a huge bite out of the potential delicious, yet manically malicious Angel Food.
The internal conflict seems to stop and awkward puppet master body language has disappeared. For a moment Angel Food feels whole again. Ringing gets louder with the return of the Old Wizard's spell.
A smile disappears from Angel Food's face as Serra Angel @canadianrenegade approaches...
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 6.
Tie -- 1 point each to Angel Food (@steemseph) and Serra Angel (@canadianrenegade).
Angel Food summons a nasty green creature and the air is instantly foul smelling to the beautiful Serra Angel.
The ringing inside Angel Food's head has stopped.
The Old Wizard is gone?Great foresight and training serve @canadianrenegade Serra Angel well as the stinky green creature turns to a ball of fire. Angel Food launches the levitating fire ball. Serra Angel simply moves aside. It streaks past and damages part of the castle The Old Wizard is standing near.
What? Impossible! Indeed Angel Food is powerful after all...
The Old Wizard's spell seemed to now create a slow motion type state in which Angel Food could only watch his own body as it challenged @sancatus. Simultaneously, Angel Food could see a hypnotic overlapping image of the Old Wizard's fiendish grin.
@sancatus seems to be unaware of the looming Angel Food threatening him. Angel Food attacks like a broken puppet...
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.
The manic Angel Food now looks extremely distracted and reaches for his own head after releasing the unexpected attack on @sancatus.
There is also a battle indside Angle Foods head.
Dear @lordnigel, are you on discord? Please find me, I think I sent you a request, but I'm not sure. I want your approval on a post I'm creating for Monday. It's about IBT. 😁
Yep, that's me - accepted.
Hey, cool - any posts on IBT are most welcome - If you look back at some previous IBT posts you will find some discussions around objectives/aims etc...the short version - it's always been an aim to have lotsa people contribute in different ways, and in return if IBT can help other people with their own ventures (im down for that as well). Go for it :)
That's very cool of you. I'm sure lots of good will come from this. Thanks for being generous and trusting.
Thanks mate on behalf of the players and those who contribute, I'd love to see IBT keep going and growing, its allot of fun (there is allot of effort going in - people like @cryptonik, @doughtaker are standouts, but many other contributors as well).
Angel Food, under the influence of the Old Wizard's spell attacks @yura81...
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 3.
UPDATE - Looks like the bots are all down now...guessing the outage of Steemit this morning disrupted. Play is on hold for bit. Trying to contact @aussieninja for a reboot
Please feel free to use @gobbo as a possible workaround
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 4.
@bengy Let's do this!!
If the bots are working. If not we can resume at a more beneficial time.
Truest Regards,
I'm ready! When the bots are...
I haven't been able to get hold of @aussieninja
Try throwing a gobbo at each other (by summoning the Gobbo)The Gobbo who wins, wins the match for the summoner :)
Hopefully with Easter over @cryptonik has some success.
Lol, elegant solution!
Eat my @gobbo!
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 6.
What is this necromancy!
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 3.
Way to go.....
Super Salty
Mumbles: "Sons of no good s@$$p4n+5....stupid gobbo and his dumb blue lioncloth."
Feeling a little bit of remorse for... No no no no remorse! Kill them all!
Hahaha oh man, Gobbo is talent..
love to hate him, that's what I do!
2 boss points to Bengy
I challenge the Bengy (even though my challenge doesn't count for boss points this is just for fun).
Raaaaarrghhh!! I throw my gobbo at you..@gobbo
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 2.
This was the First one Bengy, the others (please ignore them) spawned due to editing the post.
Man, this comment section is utter chaos!
Yeah spewin!...fingers crossed back to normal tomorrow..
..Haha nice win throwing the Gobster at me though.
Ha ha, having slaughtered the Dungeon Master, Pickles searches for more heroes to kill!
Arrrgh, I pick up @gobbo and toss him back at @lordnigel!
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 6.
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 4.
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 3.
Malakai, moving as if possessed, empties his quiver. All arrows within arms reach he readies his first shot. First is headed for the A** Gas King.
I challenge you @doctorcrypto
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 4.
Jeezuz!!! Is this thing over yet?!?!
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 4.
A Tie goes to???
Hahaha oh man!...this has been nutz..hey the main bot is back though :)
"P'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo..."
(Translation: Mmmm.... what kind of power does that old wizard have to make Gobbo brains taste like bread?)
Source: KDE/AIC
Chick Norris wants more of this "food", so that means he needs more dead Gobbos. Seeing two Gobbos nearby, Chick Norris quickly beats the crap out of them (but leaves them still conscious), breaks their limbs and rolls each one up into its own "ball". Chick Norris bounces one balled-up Gobbo on the ground towards the nearest competitor, then takes the second Gobbo and hurls it towards that competitor's head, which happened to be Salty Yellow Wizard (@doctorcrypto).
Salty Yellow Wizard... Chick Norris has challenged you to a game of Gobball! The rules are simple. Take that balled-up Gobbo next to you, and throw it at this @gobbo flying in the air towards you!
When the Gobbos collide, one (or both) will die...
the winner of this game shall be the one whose Gobbo survived!
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 6.
"P'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo p'yo..."
Source: KDE/AIC
Chick Norris wants more dead Gobbos. Seeing two Gobbos nearby, Chick Norris quickly beats the crap out of them (but leaves them still conscious), breaks their limbs and rolls each one up into its own "ball". Chick Norris bounces one balled-up Gobbo on the ground towards the nearest competitor, then takes the second Gobbo and hurls it towards that competitor's head, which happened to be Captain Dreemsteem (@dreemsteem).
Captain Dreemsteem... Chick Norris has challenged you to a game of Gobball! The rules are simple. Take that balled-up Gobbo next to you, and throw it at this @gobbo flying in the air towards you!
When the Gobbos collide, one (or both) will die...
the winner of this game shall be the one whose Gobbo survived!
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 1.
oops hahhaha my screen moved and i replied to the wrong comment (hahahahaha)
Capt'n Dreemsteem picks up the slimy ball of limbs.... rotten thing smells like eggs! I can't wait to fling this away from me!!!
Gobbo makes his best attack.
He laughs like a jerk.
The sneaky git hits for a 2.
The two gobbos collide in mid-air and drop to the ground. Upon closer inspection, Captain Dreemsteem's gobbo is in bad shape but still breathing. Chick Norris's gobbo had its skull crushed, and is dead.
2 points to Captain Dreemsteem (@dreemsteem).
@rollthedice is back up....haha but throwing gobbo at each other seems just as fun :)
Shake shake shake, you roll the 6-sided die.
You rolled a 1.